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Dragon Planet: A Shifter Alien BBW Romance (Dragons of Theros Book 1) by Rhea Walker (10)





When I open my eyes she is still asleep, lying there on our treasure as if she were a dragon herself. My body is sore all over, my mind a bit foggy, and I feel drained in a way that is very unusual. It must be the result of my claim over her, the bite at her neck, transferring my fiery spirit into her veins. I’ve never experienced this before as I have never mated with another. But the sensations are not all bad. There is something else there in my mind now—I can almost feel another presence, and I hope with everything I am that it means what I think it means.

I smile, gently stroking her hair as I huddle in close. I can already feel her temperature rising, and her cheeks flush red from the changes going on inside her body. My heart swells with pride, knowing she is my blood mate now, tied to me body, mind, and spirit. There still hangs one question of course: the question of whether or not we will be able to share each other’s thoughts as two dragon mates do. I would trade everything I possess to be able to share my stories with her, and to learn about her past.

I’ll try not to worry. She will be awake soon, and we’ll know then for sure.

I watch her sleeping, lost in her beauty, thinking about the sounds she made as we mated. Never have I heard anything like it. Her cries of pleasure. The little whimpers from her throat as my tongue caressed the space between her thighs. It was truly special to share that experience with her. I hope I’m able to bring her pleasure for ages to come.

My mind is awash in thoughts when I hear her stomach rumble. Suddenly I remember the gozzle outside, and the fact that Rin must be starving. I got completely caught up in my hunger for her, and forgot that she hasn’t eaten recently. Slowly I rise, careful not to disturb her, and I go to prepare her meal.





The scent of something savory and delicious wafts through the tunnels of the cave. It brings a smile to my face. The scent reminds me of barbeques in my back yard growing up and long lazy weekends spent with my friends and family. It’s not until I open my eyes that I remember where I am. Beneath my head the treasure sparkles—more intensely now, as if the gold and jewels burn from within. I sift the coins through my fingers, mesmerized by the glint and glitter. Why does it all look so different? Then the memories return to me: the waterfalls and flying over the valley. Targon spreading me open and the feeling of his tongue between my thighs. My heart flutters as I remember him mounting me, and then I recall the bite.

My hand flies to my neck as I check for blood.

“What the hell was that, anyway?” I say, my eyebrows furling together. I’m having a really hard time understanding Targon. One second he is caring and gentle, treating me as if the entire planet revolves around my well-being, and then the next he is thrashing around like a maniac or biting me on the neck. He’s supposed to be a dragon—not a freaking vampire! I raise myself up and look around the room, searching for Targon, but he’s gone.

I look around for my pants, then realize we left them at the lake. There’s not a stitch of clothing on me, and the nearest Ross is at least a couple light years away. I slap my leg in frustration. In the heat of the moment we’d flown off without gathering my things. Left that spear behind too. But there are plenty of other spears around here. Just no other clothing. It’s freezing cold on this mountaintop, and now that Targon has left my side... actually, it’s sort of strange, but despite the fact that I’m completely naked, I don’t feel cold at all.

I rub my arms and they actually feel pretty warm. Maybe Targon put a cover up over the entrance or something. My stomach grumbles. The aroma drifting through the cave is too enticing to ignore any longer. I follow my nose out of the treasure room and as I come around a corner into the main room I see Targon roasting a leg over an open flame. It crackles and pops as grease drips down into the flames. I lick my lips. My mouth waters. I’ve always enjoyed some meat every now and again: an all-beef hamburger or some roasted turkey on the holidays. But my craving for a big juicy bite of that leg surpasses anything I’ve felt before.

Targon looks up as soon as I enter the room. I try to cover myself, feeling super aware of my nakedness despite the fact that he’s seen it all very up close and personal. I step back behind the cave wall and peek at him from around the corner, blushing as I do.

My stomach groans. “That smells really good,” I say, meaning to sound cheery, but just not feeling it. I’m a little on edge because of what’s happened, not sure if it’s safe to let my guard down again. After all, nobody likes being bitten—not without warning at least. I’m fine with some kink, but full on teeth-penetrating-skin is a little more than I signed up for. Those fangs of his are sharp like daggers. It’s twice now that I’ve let down my guard around him, and twice that I’ve woken up with an uneasy feeling hanging over me. It’s not that I think he’s doing it intentionally, it’s just… I don’t know. As these thoughts race through my head he stands, and his eyes look into mine.

An aching sensation shoots through my head and my thoughts become muddied. I rub my forehead and for a brief instant I can hear his thoughts. Not like he’s talking to me, but more like a story told with images. I see dragons of different colors and strange lands unlike any I’ve seen so far. The dragons are imprisoned, subdued, their minds warped by metal collars. There’s a temple like the one I escaped from, fire and ashes flood my vision. A shriek escapes my lips as disgusting grey beings pop into my mind. They look evil and somehow I know they are aliens from another planet. I’m completely caught off guard, not sure what to make of it, and on the verge of tears.

But then I hear him clearly in my head.

Rin, are you alright?

I stare at his lips, my eyes searching for movement. But there is none. It crosses my mind that after everything that’s happened, I may be on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown.

I have prepared food for you, he continues. I know you’re hungry.

I’m having a really hard time comprehending exactly what’s going on here. I put my hand over my chest, trying to steady my breathing. My chest is so warm, and when I look out toward the entrance to the cave I see that it is snowing, but I feel no chill at all. The unmistakable sensation of panic-onset is flooding my head with horrible thoughts.

“What’s happening to me?” I say, my voice quivering. I hold onto the wall for support as Targon rushes over and takes me into his arms. I curl up on myself, my head spinning with so many questions. Targon walks to the fireside and sets me down on some furs he’s gathered. He strokes my hair with his hand and then cuts me a piece of meat.

Don’t be afraid, my treasured one, I hear him say, you are mine now. I will take care of all your needs. He holds the meat out to me, but I’m reluctant to take it. Despite my hunger pangs I’m hesitant to take anything from him right now. I want answers, and I want them immediately. He responds before I even say a word.

We have bonded as blood mates. I placed my mark upon you last night as we enjoyed each other’s bodies. You have nothing to fear.

“Blood mates,” I repeat, my voice rising with shock. He senses the displeasure in my voice. Somehow I understand this intuitively, as if I were able to see into his mind.

We are able to share our thoughts, my Rin, he continues.

“And what if that’s not what I want?” I say, turning toward him and practically yelling in his face. “And mates? I don’t even—” This is seriously the weirdest thing that’s happened to me so far on this planet. I like Targon and all, but I don’t know about this ‘mates’ business. And sharing thoughts! Are you kidding me? I won’t even share a straw with friends, let alone my inner most feelings.

Targon watches me intently, taking a piece of meat into his hands and biting down. He looks confused by my reaction. In his mind I can sense him going over the events of the last few days. Misunderstandings, presumptions, hope. There’s a lot going on in there. But there’s also much sadness, and despite my anger toward him right now, I can’t help but feel empathy toward him.

Is this not what you want? he says, the voice in my mind forlorn almost.

I’m short of words. How do I even respond to that question? A few times I open my mouth to speak, but I stop myself. “I don’t know what I want right now, Targon.” I exhale, trying to control my emotions. I’m mad and sad and scared all at the same time, but because I can sense his thoughts I know that he never meant to take advantage of me, or to harm me in any way. Still, I need time to gather my thoughts, to clear my mind and figure out where to go from here. I can’t do that with a dragon in my head.

You wish for me to leave you?

“I want you to give me some space to think,” I say. “This is a lot for a girl to handle all at once. What I need right now is one voice per head.” The tone of my voice comes across as cruel and I instantly regret it, but I know it needed to be said.

Targon stands and strokes my hair one last time. We only share thoughts when we are near each other. I will give you as much time as you need.

He walks to the entrance of the cave and shifts into dragon form. His great leathery wings extend and a moment later he is airborne. The moons are full tonight, their glow shining through the entrance to the cave. He flies out, turning back to look at me one last time, and then he disappears into the night sky.




My belly is full and the sun is shining when I open my eyes. I stretch my arms and legs, wishing this damned planet had a Starbucks. That would be a welcome relief and a little reminder of home. But no such luck. I’m curled up on the furs, and in front of me there are glowing embers where the fire once burned. The skewered leg of meat still hangs over the extinguished fire. I must have drifted off to sleep soon after Targon left, because I don’t remember much else about the night. Mostly I sat and thought about the events of the past few days—the girls, Targon, the scary images that played in his mind. The fact that we were sharing our thoughts. That’s one I’m going to need some time to wrap my head around.

Even though I asked him to leave, I can’t help wondering where he is. He told me we only share thoughts when we are close to one another, and the fact that I can’t hear him must mean he is respecting my wishes. That’s well enough. I’m a little afraid to be stranded up here on this mountain by myself, but right now it’s better than the alternative, so I make due.

I get up and out of habit look around for my clothing, then I remember leaving it on the shore. It’s so frustrating. I guess I better get used to walking around naked then. It’s not just about the clothes, but just wanting to feel a little normalcy in my life. But when I walk to the cave entrance and peer out into the morning sunlight, I see that someone has left a small bundle on the landing. It’s my shirt and pants. And they’re clean—well, as clean as they can get without some serious professional laundry services. There are a few stains, but the smells are gone and the fabric feels soft when I hold it against my body. I smile, thankful for this little mercy, and then I get dressed.

The rest of the day I spend sitting on the landing, thinking about everything that’s happened since Egypt. I make sure to look out toward the horizon, searching for that red-rocked outcropping that the helicopter crashed onto. The trouble is I can’t see very far from where I am. My view is of the backside of a mountain chain, stretching off as far as I can see. It’s disheartening, but maybe if I explore a little, I’ll be able to see more. I do have spears up here after all, and as long as I don’t go into the jungle…

But I may not be able to avoid it. I have to get back to the girls—that’s my number one priority. I’ve already been gone too long, and I’m worried about them. I mean, I’m sure Alex can figure out a way to get by. She seems pretty mechanically savvy and has a cool head on her shoulders. Jess is smart, too, and very observant.

Part of me worries about Susan though. Even before things went wrong she was already butting heads with the others. She’s one tough chick, though. I’m sure she’d give one of those tribal guys a run for their money if they tried any shit with her. I just hope they’re all getting along.

It’s Tina and Becky I worry about the most. I don’t think Tina has ever been away from home in her life, and she’s pretty skittish from what I’ve observed. A sweet girl, but adjusting to life here might be too much for her. And I’m especially worried about Becky. God I hope nothing happened to her when I was taken. The fact I didn’t see her at the temple is a good sign she got away. But bad thoughts keep rushing through my mind: what if she got lost? What if the tribesmen hurt her—killed her even? I shudder and rub my temples. I don’t want to think about that anymore.

The important thing is for me to stay positive and get back to them anyway I can.

I have more of the meat for dinner that evening, and as soon as the sun goes down I go to sleep. My body is worn out. Despite my worries sleep comes easier than it ever has. My mind keeps drifting between the girls and Targon. I toss and turn on the furs for a while, but soon I’m off to sleep. I have strange dreams that night, as if I am down in the jungle hunting, and then flying over the volcano. When I wake up there’s another leg of meat at the entrance to the cave, and a small stack of furs.

What to do about Targon? It’s only been a day or so since he left and already I miss him. I think about the way it feels to sleep with his body curled around mine. And the way he took care of me that first night, treating my wounds and making me the tea. I know deep down he is one of the good guys, and I also know that if it wasn’t for him I would be dead right now. I’m starting to feel like maybe I’ve been too harsh with him. After all, we come from two completely alien cultures, we’re barely able to communicate with each other, and we didn’t meet under the most ideal of circumstances.

I never really even gave him a chance to explain himself. That’s the least I can do after all he’s done for me. And he’s done a lot. The only reason I feel safe here is because I know he is out there somewhere. The food and clothing are evidence enough of that. And I know in my heart he would never leave me if there was a chance I would be harmed. Even if I ordered him too.

But the whole idea of sharing thoughts? It makes me uncomfortable, but it’s also the only way I am going to be able to speak with him. There’s no way he can learn to speak English within the next few days, and I need his help getting to the girls. It sounds so selfish when I put it that way. I do want to be around him, and I do care for him. He’s so handsome and strong. And he’s not entirely at fault for what has happened between us. I’d wanted to have sex with him, and if he misread my signals and thought I wanted to be claimed, then I can’t help but think part of that is my fault too.

Now that I’ve had a chance to gather my thoughts, I just wish he would show up so we can talk. But the rest of the day passes, and I try my best to stay up waiting for him, but instead I fall asleep.




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