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Dragon's Wish: A SciFi Alien Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book 13) by Miranda Martin (11)



The vision infuses both of us with a sense of urgency that we convey to Errol and Kate right away.

"A vision?" Errol repeats, frowning. "You are certain?"

"Yes," Melchior says firmly.

"We both experienced it," I add. "And there was a definite sense that we're short on time. That it's imperative we take the ore back to the city as soon as possible."

"I believe you." Kate rubs my arm, looking over at Errol. "How soon can we leave? And will we be able to take some of the vanadium with us or will that be a problem?"

Errol shakes his head.

"I do not think Jackson will be resistant to the idea, not when the end result may very well be exactly what they need here as well. If we can find a way for the ore to work with the meteorite glass..."

"We could solve the problem with the shields," I finish, nodding. "If we can buy enough time to run the experiments we need," I add.

Even if this is the solution we've all been praying to find, it'll take some time to find a way to make it work.

"Yes," Errol agrees. "Unfortunately, we cannot leave quite yet. We need to be here if the invaders decide to attack again during the night. And traveling during the day is much safer in any case."

"Yes," Melchior murmurs. "That is true. I think it is best we speak with Jackson at dawn then, so as not to waste any time."

On that we can all agree.

Melchior and I head back to the neighboring building and bunk down for the night, forced to wait. I worry that I'm going to have trouble sleeping, but when Melchior pulls me into his arms snugly, it doesn't take long for the figurative lights to go out. That hasn't failed to relax me into sleep yet.

We're ready to go at dawn, as per the plan.

Jackson is already awake, his bloodshot eyes showing the accumulation of sleepless nights.

The stress of the situation would get to anyone. I don't envy him the responsibility of leadership here.

"You need the red ore?" he asks. "What did you call it?"

" Vanadium," Melchior repeats. "And yes—we believe it may be the solution to the shields we are looking for."

"If we can take some of it back to the city with us, we might be able to figure out a way to ensure the shields are actually reliable," I throw in. He needs to see how this would be beneficial to their settlement as well.

Jackson nods, his expression thoughtful. I know he must be considering the merits of just handing the stuff over. The only leverage they have is the mines here. Then again, if they don't get proper shields and the invaders keep attacking, there may not be a settlement that needs protection in the future. Leverage isn't all that important if you're in the position of trying to ensure your survival.

"All right," he agrees. "We have a bunch of it stored in one of the more damaged buildings. You can take what you can carry—I'll have some of the guys help you." He gestures for us to follow him.

He leads us through the settlement and towards the edge in the back. Most everyone is still asleep this early, but there are a couple of men up and guarding the building he leads us to. Seems like a good precaution, considering the timing of the attack. If the invaders want the ore, I think it's safe to assume we don't want them to have it.

The miners look over at us when Jackson tells them we're going to be taking some of the ore. I can't tell what they think of it from their expressions, but neither of them argues when Jackson asks them to help.

"I'll go bring the rover over," Kate announces. "Doesn't make much sense to carry it all the way over to the front if I can just drive it back here."

She hurries away to do that while Jackson and the two men open the door leading inside. The place is filled with the ore, heaps of shining dark red, almost black chunks, the light glinting off it in a lavender shift. When we step in, the air feels like it has almost a charge to it.

"Careful," Jackson warns. "We already—"

A cry of pain interrupts him. Melchior and Errol immediately turn at the sound, their lochabers at the ready. But there is no threat to fight. One of the miners is on the floor, moaning. The other hurries over, admonishing him.

"You have to use cloth, you idiot!" he hisses, kneeling down next to him to check him over.

"Is he okay?" Jackson demands.

"I'm okay," the man answers for himself, slowly sitting up. "My mistake," he adds, holding his head.

Jackson shakes his own head, sighing.

"The ore can give off electricity," he explains. "Enough to give you a good jolt. After a couple people were randomly shocked by the stuff, I instituted a rule—everyone is supposed to have a cloth barrier between their hands and the ore."

Jeez. "Seems like a smart precaution," I murmur.

"I have some empty boxes from the last shipment of supplies that you can use to carry it out," Jackson offers.

"Thank you. We shall need them," Errol murmurs, watching the shocked miner get back to his feet. He's a little wobbly, but seems like he's shaking it off okay. Note to self—do not touch the stuff directly.

When Kate arrives with the rover, we all start to pack the ore into the boxes, using the crude mitts they've devised to get the job done. We're actually able to stack quite a few of the full boxes in the back of the rover, which is good. I don't know how much we'll need, but better we have too much than not enough. By the time Errol and Melchior take out the last of the boxes we're able to fit in the vehicle, some of the other miners are up and watching us load up. I overhear a few snippets of conversation nearby.

"...might be able to help with the shields..."

"...I sure would sleep better with some protection..."

"...I hope they're not just robbing us blind..."

Huh. Good with some suspicion mixed in. The best we could hope for, really.

"Thank you for your help," Jackson offers when we're ready to climb into the rover. "And I hope the ore is helpful."

"We'll let you know when we figure out how to use it," I say, climbing in. "It's going to be our priority when we get back."

He nods, stepping back out of the way. "Have a safe journey."

We thank him for the well wishes, and then Kate slowly eases the rover forward through the settlement, careful to give people ample time to move out of the way.

Within minutes, we're out of the settlement and in the open desert once more. I look back at the boxes piled high behind us. They're covered in a thick tarp for extra protection.

"I really hope this ore is the answer we're looking for," I say, turning back around. "The shields are obviously the top priority. But if we can figure out how to make them work with the vanadium, maybe we can also use the ore as a power source for the old tech in the city."

"Yes," Errol agrees from beside Kate. "That possibility has crossed my mind as well. We will begin testing as soon as we can."

I nod, smiling at Melchior when he reaches over to take my hand. I squeeze it tightly, hope blooming in my chest.

"I am so up for some cool new tech," Kate says, grinning as she maneuvers deftly around some stray rocks. "Maybe we can figure out some air conditioning or something!"

I laugh. "That would be a game changer," I admit. "I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed."

Melchior smiles at me, and the hope melds with a warm feeling of happiness. For once, everything actually feels pretty damn perfect. I cover Melchior's hand with my free one, marveling at the fact that I can feel this way on Tajss of all places. I would never have predicted it.

There was a time, not all that long ago, when I thought all hope was lost. That we'd be stuck in that tunnel underground with Annabel for the rest of our sad lives. And, more recently, that Melchior only wanted to be friends. That I'd be stuck perpetually pining after the unattainable.

Now, I'm not only living in a proper city, we might actually get the old tech there running properly! And I have someone who seems to want to be with me, someone who makes me feel sappy when I think of him. I so didn't expect to find myself here. I feel almost giddy with hope, despite all of the problems we're currently facing.

Of course, that's exactly when Tajss decides it's the perfect time to throw another wrench in the works. I should know better now than to entertain any optimism!

It starts with a slight rocking of the rover, one that I dismiss, attributing it to driving over rocks.

Then the rocking intensifies, and we actually start to skid sideways. Yeah, rocks can't do that.

"Shit!" Kate mutters through gritted teeth, trying to get control of the rover once more. “What the hell is that? An earthquake?”

"Zemlja," Melchior says grimly.

"Yes. Stop the vehicle, Kate," Errol barks.

My stomach drops. Zemlja. Not good news.

I jerk in my seat when the sand in front of us bursts open in a spattering spray that hits the windshield hard. The thing that shoots out is something out of a nightmare. Thick and segmented, it looks like a giant earthworm with scales, the fleshy color oddly disgusting. Unfortunately, the end isn't closed off like an earthworm. The head curves down and the mouth opens some yards away, though it's still close enough, thank you very much.

My eye goes straight to the teeth revealed by that gaping mouth, concentric rings of sharp white fangs that go all the way down into its gullet. As if that isn't enough, it spits something at us that doesn't quite reach the rover. I don't know what that liquid is, but when it hits the sand, it smokes and sizzles. Acid spit? Like it already isn't monster enough!?

"Stay in the rover!" Melchior orders as both he and Errol fling their doors open.

Copy that. I have no desire to go out there.

"Shit, that thing is huge," Kate mutters while we watch Errol and Melchior approach from opposite sides, lochabers ready in hand.

"Yeah," I breathe, clenching my hands as Melchior gets closer.

I don't want him that close to the thing, but I also have a feeling we won't be getting away without confronting it. I hold my breath as I watch Melchior twirl his lochaber like it weighs nothing, when I know for a fact it's difficult for me to even hold, it's so damn heavy. He walks in front of the zemlja, still twirling his weapon like he doesn't have a care in the world.

What's he doing?

I gasp when the thing lunges at him, cobra quick, my hands reaching forward to grip the seats. But Melchior darts to the side, avoiding the acid spit and the sharp teeth.

Errol takes advantage of the distraction to stab at the thing with his lochaber, aiming for a spot just under its neck. It jerks to the side, blood spraying as it turns to Errol, focused on him now. Melchior takes the opportunity to stab it just under the first wound on the opposite side. It pulls back, lunging once more, but Melchior isn't there again. Working in tandem, Errol and Melchior continue to chip away at it, avoiding lunges and acid almost like they've choreographed the moves. I might have even enjoyed the show if the stakes weren't literally life and death. Instead, I lean forward, flinching every time the thing lunges, every time it spits acid.

"Shit," Kate breathes when Melchior executes a particularly complicated maneuver, sliding under the thing mid-lunge and flipping over to slice at its base.

Well, what we can see anyway. I have no idea how much more of it is under the sand. Isn't that just creepy?

That last slicing wound seems to be the limit for the zemlja. Jerking back, it doesn't lunge again or try to attack with its killer saliva. Instead, it closes its mouth and pulls back into the ground, back through the hole it tunneled to get out to the surface, almost as though it was yanked back in.

Errol and Melchior immediately run back to the rover.

"Go!" Errol shouts before he jumps in. "Before it decides to return!"

Melchior slides in just as Kate floors the accelerator and the rover leaps forward, swerving around the hole.

I tense, looking down at the dark, gaping hole, hoping the thing doesn't decide to pop back out at exactly that moment...

It doesn't. I let out a sigh of relief, sliding over to hug Melchior close. He hugs me back as he catches his breath, kissing the top of my head.

"That was too much excitement," I whisper.

He tightens his hold.

"We are not far from the city now," he reassures me. "I doubt we will encounter more trouble."

I glare up at him.

"You're not supposed to say that," I admonish him. "That's how you jinx us!"

"Jinx?" he repeats, confused.

Kate chuckles. "She means that's how you invite trouble," she explains.

"Ah." His face clears and he smiles. "Then I shall say perhaps the worst is in front of us."

That has me snorting in laughter and Kate cackling in response. Errol shakes his head, grinning as well. The tension well and truly broken, I finally relax a little.

Melchior actually turns out to be right. We reach the city without another incident, but that doesn't mean we can relax.

We have urgent business, so as soon as we stop the rover inside, we rush over to Rosalind's office.

She sees us right away, though I know she's busy with everything she's responsible for here in the city.

I bet Jackson would crumple under the kind of pressure Rosalind is always under, but she looks as serene as always, her dark hair smoothed back in a ponytail, her beautiful face set in calm lines.

Visidion stands behind her, his dark green eyes watchful. Rosalind's mate doesn't play. I know if he perceives any kind of threat towards her, he'll deal with it swiftly and harshly. As a Tribe Commander in his own right, the match is one of equals. I've always admired that.

"You have news?" she asks when we stream into her office.

"Yes," Kate confirms. "The mining settlement was under attack, but the settlers were able to push the invaders back into a retreat with Zmaj help."

"Though they may yet attack again," Errol warns.

Visidion frowns.

"Perhaps it might have been better for you to stay and there a reason you hurried back?"

"Yes," I interject. "The miners found a new kind of ore called vanadium. It might be why the invaders decided to attack them now. Have you heard of it?"

Visidion nods slowly.

"An ore that has...electrical properties if I recall correctly..." His eyes light up with comprehension. "You believe it could help with the shields?"

"Perhaps," Melchior confirms.

"And perhaps it could also help us bring the rest of the old tech here in the city back online," I add, unable to hold back my excitement. "If this stuff works, the sky could be the limit."

"The sky, huh?" Rosalind repeats, a smile flirting with her lips.

"Addison is correct. We wanted to speak with you immediately because..." Melchior glances over at me. "Addison and I shared a vision last night. One that we believe conveyed the message that we needed to return to the city with the ore. There was a sense of urgency in it we could not deny."

Rosalind and Visidion share a glance I can't decipher.

"We want clearance to get to work on the ore immediately," I say into the pause. "Vision or no, it only makes sense to get to try to figure out if this stuff can help us."

Visidion nods and Rosalind turns back to us.

"True." Her eyes linger on me and Melchior, her sharp gaze missing nothing. "You have the clearance. Clean up, eat something, and get to work as soon as you can."

"Yes, ma'am," I murmur.

Excitement beats through my veins as the meeting ends and we leave her office. This is going to be the breakthrough we needed.

It has to be.