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Dreams of Change (Branches of Emrys Book 2) by Brandy L Rivers (6)

Chapter 5



In the last twelve hours, Bran had spent more time with Evangeline than he ever had, and it was all in dreams. If only reality were so kind. But no, she was stuck in New York dealing with family shit that made no sense to him.

So, Bran got ready for work, as the sheriff of Silvertail Ridge, then drove over to the home he grew up in.

His sister Savon opened the door before he could knock. “Morning, Bran. What’s going on with you?”

He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Hoping Nate’s not too busy to chat. Hopefully, he can tell me something about Evangeline’s family that will ease this feeling that something horrible is coming.”

“For Evangeline?” Savon asked.

He nodded. “Yeah. Apparently, her father has no qualms using her against his enemies. The whole dream thing. And she doesn’t feel like part of her family because they’re still witches.”

Savon’s eyes went so wide they nearly rolled out of her head. “She lost her magic when she was changed?”

He nodded.

“Nate?” she called as she walked back to the kitchen. “Hurry up, babe. Bran needs some help. I got nothing.”

Bran chuckled. “Yeah, but you can help me figure out what to do. After I tell you both what I know. Which admittedly, isn’t nearly enough.”

Savon pulled down a couple mugs and held one up. “Staying for coffee?”

“Sure, I have enough time before I need to be at work.”

Nate came down, buttoning his shirt, fresh from the shower. “Find out what’s going on with Evangeline?”

“Yeah. Seems her sister is in some kind of danger, thanks to some excavation up in the mountains out near where her family lives. I only know she’s in New York State. Not where, or anything useful.”

“What kind of ruins?”

Bran lifted a shoulder. “I don’t have a damned clue. Something magical.”

“Well, shit,” Savon muttered. “Wonder if Tremaine would know anything.”

The mage who helped Savon when her evil ex-lover came back for her, and the problem with the Wolfssengen Pendant. Tremaine was intense. Strange power emanated from him. However, Savon thought the world of the guy. And he seemed to have knowledge about everything.

Tremaine and the neither of the mages who came with him wanted the necklace that could break bonds, and be used in a ritual to destroy the world.

“Can’t hurt to ask him,” Bran admitted.

“What did her dad want?” Nate asked.

“For her to stop a werelynx from messing with her twin. The twin you never mentioned. She thinks there’s more.”

“I’m friends with Evangeline. Her family wants nothing to do with werewolves. And she isn’t terribly forthcoming with information about her past.”

“But you knew of her sister, right? And that her father was an asshole?”

“Sure, but I don’t gossip. It was her story to tell.”

“Fair enough.” Bran explained everything Evangeline had told him. There wasn’t much more. Something swirled around his brain, but he couldn’t place exactly what he was worried about.

Nate tapped the counter. “Unfortunately, I don’t know what to tell you, other than maybe you should go out there.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“Hell no, and you better call me if you need us.”

“I will. I need to get my shifts covered before I can take off.”

“Do what you need to. And then, if Evangeline tells you she’s coming home tonight, take some time off to seal your bond.”

Bran grinned. “She spent most of the night in my dreams.”

Nate held up his hands. “That’s plenty of information, thanks.”

“Shit, not like that. It was nice. I finally had a chance to get to know her.”

Savon smirked. “I knew you two would get there.”

“Hopefully soon. It’s killing me to know Evangeline wants this too. Maybe we should have just fucked in my old room that night.”

“Too much info, dude.” Nate glanced at his watch. “I need to get in. I have surgeries all day.” He gave Savon a kiss and squeezed Bran’s shoulder before heading out the door.

“So, what do you think?” Savon asked.

“About?” Bran prompted.

“About what you’re going to do regarding Evangeline.”

“Wait for her call, then go find her if need be.”

“Don’t let her slip away. The sooner you go, the better. Nothing good can come from her hanging out at some ruins that are draining her sister.”

Bran stilled. “What are you thinking?”

“Fae ruins? Draining a witch? There are stories of Fae who feed off magic. That some go into slumbers that last hundreds of years, and it takes magic to bring them back.”

“What?” Bran asked.

She shook her head. “Just sounds like it could be. I’ll call Tremaine. He should have a better idea than I do.”

“Thanks.” Sighing, he started for the door. “I need to get to work. Call if he gets back to you with any information.”

“I will.”


* * * *


Evangeline knocked on her sister’s door around noon. Her father answered with a strain on his face. “She’s resting. I gave her a healing tonic, but they do less and less.”

Once again, she considered changing Genevieve, herself. However, werecat bonds were different. They only mated with other werecats, and if Neil was her guy, it made sense to let him do it. They could run together. And she’d never have to worry about another mate as long as he lived.

That was the one thing she missed about Jasper. Running through the woods, hunting. She’d given over to her beast early, but she had been twenty when she had been turned.

“Can I see her?”

“Sure, but, Evangeline, I need you to come with me today. Out to the site.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “You might offer some insight.”

“What makes you think I’d know anything about the ruins?”

His brow pinched. “Who told you they were ruins?”

“Genevieve. At least that’s what it sounded like. She didn’t give me all the details, but that’s the conclusion I drew.”

“You’re intelligent, and you see connections where others don’t. I always turn to you because you’ve gleaned a lot of information over the years from various dreams.”

Some of it was fantasy but never mind that. Evangeline wanted to see this site for herself.

“Where do I need to meet you?” she asked.

“I’ll be downstairs when you’re done.”

She nodded. “Very well.” She stepped past her father, who shut the door on his way out.

Evangeline walked back to Genevieve’s room and found her curled on her side. “You went to the site recently, didn’t you?”

She nodded. A coughing fit started, blood splattering on the handkerchief.

Evangeline sat on the edge of the bed and took her sister’s hand. “Do you love Neil?”

She nodded.

“And you want to live?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Whatever is happening to you at those ruins will kill you. You have a chance to live, but only if you let go of your magic and let Neil change you.”

“Not you?” Tears filled Genevieve’s eyes.

“Not me. If you love Neil, and you want to be mated to him, you should be a werelynx. Besides, don’t you like cats?”

Tears welled up. “Daddy will disown me.”

“Who cares about Dad? You two could move out to Silvertail with me. You might like it.”

“What am I supposed to do there?” she whined.

Evangeline lay down beside her sister and looked into her eyes. “Live a new life with the man you love. Make friends. Explore. Do something crazy. It doesn’t matter. Just don’t stay here.”

She blinked. “Can’t even get out of bed, and Dad made it so Neil can’t come here.”

Evangeline nodded. “We can work around that. Tell me you’ll stay in my place until Neil can come for you.”

“I can’t make it there,” she muttered.

“I’ll carry you,” Evangeline offered.

“You won’t tell Dad?”

“Never. And I hope you let Neil change you and take you away.”

She nodded. “If I live. May be too late to find a cure.”

Evangeline filled her lungs and expelled the air. “I hope it’s not because I miss my sister.” She stood, scooped Genie into her arms, and carried her back to her place. She set her up on the couch and wrapped her in a blanket. Then she dialed Neil.

He answered immediately. “Afternoon, Evangeline.”

She didn’t waste time on pleasantries. “Come to my condo. Come straight in. Genevieve is waiting for you.”

“I’ll be there. How long do we have?”

“Don’t know, but take her from here. Far from here.”

“Will do.” He hung up.

Evangeline pressed a kiss to Genevieve’s head. “Love you, Genie.”

“Love you too.”

On her way out the door, Evangeline broke a vial and smeared the contents across the door. She’d brought plenty of potions to evaporate spells. She smeared the contents across her door to break any magic her father or any of his coven may have cast, before leaving.