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DRIVE by Jacob Chance (28)

Chapter Twenty-Seven


My tight lungs burn as I power through mile seven on the treadmill. I usually don’t run at a speed this high, but today I need the painful distraction. It’s been three days since Carter broke up with me. Seventy-two hours since I’ve set eyes on her, but it seems like a year. Stepping off the treadmill, I gasp for air and grab the small towel slung over the machine. Quickly mopping the sweat from my face and head, I drop the towel to the matted floor. Picking up my bottle, I squirt water into my mouth and sigh with relief as it soothes my parched throat.

My gaze wanders around the busy atmosphere of Collins’ Fight Club. Being here makes me feel better than I have since Sunday morning when I last saw Carter. This place has become a second home for me and my training partners are like an extended family.

Dropping my water bottle to the floor, I grab a kettlebell and begin a ninety second series of high pull swings. My shoulders and arms are screaming when the time is up. I take a fifteen second rest before starting in on ninety seconds of burpee sprawls. Up next comes medicine ball slams that I do with a twenty-five-pound ball and at a maddening pace. Grabbing my water bottle, I shoot some into my mouth and try to slow my breathing. Throwing the bottle down on the floor, I drop to the mats for some rotational mountain climbers.

“Nick, can I talk to you in my office, please,” Jimmy, my trainer asks. His serious tone lets me know that whatever he wants to talk about can’t be good.

Shit. Does he know that Carter and I have been dating?

“Sure,” I say rising to my feet. Bending over, I drop forward, placing my hands on my knees and try to catch my breath.

“Now,” he orders as he walks away.

Damn. He’s pissed about something. Swallowing over the lump in my throat, I pick up my towel and water bottle from the floor before heading toward his office. My heart thunders ominously with each step I take.

“Close the door.” He’s seated behind his desk, hands steepled under his chin. “Sit down.”

Sinking into the hard chair on the other side of his desk, I wipe the perspiration from my face one more time.

“What’s going on with you today?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can tell that something’s on your mind. What’s wrong?”

Huh? Is this for real or am I being punked? Jimmy is not the type to get in touch with his feelings and ask if you’re okay. “Nothing’s wrong,” my answer is deceptively calm.

“Nick, I’m not dumb. I know about you and Carter.”

“You do?” Fuck me.

“Come on, kid. I know everything.” He smirks, arrogantly.

“Everything?” I question, skeptically.

“I saw the way you looked at Carter the night of Reagan and Noah’s engagement party. You were smitten immediately, and I knew you’d be good for her. You’re dependable, hardworking and loyal.” He ticks off each trait one at a time.

“Gee Jimmy, I thought you’d never notice,” I chuckle.

His expression remains neutral as he ignores my reply. “Joseph was an asshole. I never liked him and his soft hands. What kind of man has softer hands than a woman?”

“A pussy?”

“Exactly and one that I don’t want my daughter marrying.”

“Let me get this straight, you’re okay with Carter dating me?”

“Okay with it?” He pokes his chest with a finger. “I’m the one who cancelled her hotel room, so she’d have to stay with you.” He grins, proudly.

“You sly dog. I assumed that was a legitimate mess up on the hotel’s part. I never imagined you were tugging on the strings like some crazy puppet master. Or should I call you cupid?” I bark out a laugh.

“Hey.” He shrugs his broad shoulders. “I only did what I thought was necessary and I haven’t seen my daughter this happy in a long time. Hell, I’ve never seen her this happy.”

“Have you seen her the past few days?”

“No, why?” His forehead creases with frown lines.

“She broke up with me on Sunday. I haven’t seen or heard from her since.”

“What are you going to do to get her back?” His tone turns gruff.

“I’m not sure yet, but I’m not giving up on her. I love her too much,” I explain, baring my soul.

“There’s a charity function this coming Saturday night and you’re going to be there.”

“I am?” My eyebrows raise.

“Yep, you are. Reagan and Noah are bringing Carter. That will give you an opportunity to talk to her and convince her that you’re the guy she needs.” He lowers his hands to his desk, leaning on his muscular forearms. “Don’t let me down, Nick.”

“No sir, I won’t.” Rising from the chair, I reach across the desk and shake Jimmy’s hand. For the first time all week, I feel hopeful I can get her back.