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Echo (Archer's Creek Book 1) by Gemma Weir (25)


My heart pounds, and my ears buzz, white noise consuming me.

I hear his voice, his words, and everything stops.

“I love you,” he says.

Do I deny the way I feel? This might not be forever, but right now, in this moment, it’s perfect. And really, how many truly perfect moments do we get?

This could all blow up in my face tomorrow, but I don’t have to lie to myself now. If I only get to keep this feeling for a fleeting moment, then it’ll be worth all the heartache I have to suffer for it.

So I fall and let fate catch me; after all, that fickle bitch obviously has plans for us.

“I love you, too.”

We fall asleep entwined together, and hours later, light floods through the windows, warming the room. My eyes drift open and reality overtakes my surreal dreamland. I’m unsure of the time, but its feels early. The world’s silent except for the sound of the birds serenading the dawn. The reassuring thud of Echo’s heart beats beneath my head, and his heavy arms are wrapped around me. Happiness and contentment wash over me. Smiling to myself, I burrow deeper into Echo’s chest, closing my eyes and allowing sleep to drag me under again.

Gentle kisses pepper my neck and cool air wafts over my skin, urging me to open my eyes. “I love you,” Echo whispers.

I wasn’t looking for him. I came here to escape the monotony of my real life. Instead, I got something I had no idea I even needed.


I feel his fingers drawing patterns on my skin, willing me to wake up. I’m happy. I’ve been stumbling through life from one day to the next, just trying to make the best of things.

But then something or someone will come along and shatter the illusion, making you realise that simply making the best of things is not the best you could be doing with your life. Sometimes you’ll be lucky enough to find someone who makes the highs higher and lows easier, and that’s what I’ve found.

I open my eyes and stare at the man who has me ruminating on all the great questions in life. In our bubble, in his home, in his bed is the happiest I’ve been in my adult life, and I want to hold fast to this feeling for as long as I can. “I love you,” I say.

His eyes light up at my words. “I love you too, sugar.”

Echo claims my mouth, his kiss saying a thousand different things. His lips are possessive and loving, dominant and gentle, claiming me again and again with every touch. And I bask in it, matching his intensity kiss for kiss. An instant later, we go from loving to desperate.

My phone alarm beeps, shattering the intensity, and we both groan in frustration. “Echo, I’ve got to get ready for work,” I say.

He rolls on top of me, his arms resting on either side of my head, and he pouts. “Don’t go today.”

I laugh. “I have to go. Now let me up please.”

His eyes glint playfully, his teeth scraping and nibbling at my nipples. The bite of pain sends a jolt of pleasure through me, and I close my eyes briefly, basking in the sensation. Forcing them open, I push against his chest. “Echo, I need to shower, I’m walking like John Wayne, and I smell like sex.”

A growl comes from deep in his chest, and his lips claim mine possessively. “I want you to smell like me, that way everyone’ll know your mine,” he says.

I turn away from his dangerous mouth and giggle. “Yeah, or I’ll just make everyone horny and thinking about sex.”

Dramatically, he pushes off me and flops onto his back, his hands covering his face. “Fuck, sugar, now I don’t want you anywhere near any of them drunken idiots.” He hauls me off the bed and carries me straight into the bathroom, placing me on the counter while he turns to run the shower.

I watch him move. Completely naked, his muscles ripple and contract as he reaches for the dials and starts the shower. His toned shoulders begin a path down his spine to his toned arse. Tight, firm, and round, he’s so perfect I refuse to look away. “Like what you see, Livvy?”

Caught, I look up, giggling, and nod. “I do, your arse is perfect.”

His chuckle is deep and so incredibly sexy that I shudder. Shaking his head, he reaches for me, pulling me off the counter and slapping my arse before guiding me into the shower. He follows me in and watches me as I stand under the deluge of water, rubbing shampoo into my hair and cleaning my skin. I turn around and drop my head back so the hot water can wash the suds from my hair.

Hands wrap around my waist. “Now you’re nice and clean, let’s dirty you up a bit,” he growls into my ear. I turn my head, and our lips meet in a hard kiss. His hand slides down my body to stroke my clit.

“Ahhhh,” I moan. My knees buckle, and I put my hands out to brace against the cool tile.

“That’s it, sugar, bend right over and keep those hands on the wall,” he growls. His kisses move down my neck, and with one hand resting on my shoulder, he uses the other to guide his cock deep inside of me.

“Oh, God,” I cry.

Echo pulls back his hips and plunges forward, hitting the bundle of nerves deep inside me. Hard and fast, his movements are frantic and race us both towards completion. Pressure builds from my pussy, flowing outwards through my body.

“God, I’m so close. Oh God, I’m going to come.” I shiver, the intensity of my coming orgasm pulsing through me.

“Together, Livvy, let me hear you,” he snarls, roughly ploughing into my pussy; two, three thrusts, and we come together, shuddering and moaning in unison.

Echo pulls out, turning to lift me into his arms and carry me into the bedroom. Dressing quickly, I fight the need to go to him and lose myself again. Instead, he reaches for my hand and leads me to the kitchen. I’m lifted onto the granite counter, and he heads to the fridge, pulling out two bottles of water and handing one to me.

My eyes fall to the brand new oven, still covered in the plastic wrap. “Are you ever planning on using this cooker?” I ask. I jump down from the counter and run my hand across the oven, my mouth watering at the thought of the breakfast we could cook.

Echo smiles. “Feel free. I don’t have a fucking clue how you even turn the damn thing on. The saleswoman told me it was the best available, so I bought it, but I eat at the club, so I’ve never had any use for it.”

I laugh excitedly and rip at the plastic, freeing the oven and searching for the switch to heat it up. “Do you have any food?” I ask.

Sheepishly, he shakes his head. “Fuck, sugar, I don’t keep anything here. But we can go get some groceries and anything else we need later.”

I nod, then grab my bag and head towards Echo’s bike. His loud whistle stops me. “Can you drive?” he asks. Surprised, I raise my eyebrows.

“Erm, yeah, of course I can drive.”

Echo smiles indulgently and lifts his hand, a set of car keys dangle from his finger. “You wanna take the truck?”

My eyes widen in shock, and I stutter, “Wha-what? Me drive?” He nods. Squealing, I run to him and grab the keys from his outstretched finger, holding them to my chest. “Seriously, I get to drive the truck?”

He nods, a huge smile stretched across his face. I launch myself at him, jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly. “Oh my God, thank you. This is so cool. I love this truck,” I shout excitedly. His lips claim mine, hungrily devouring me. Finally prying me from his neck, he opens the truck door and lifts me in.

“I’ll follow you. I’ve got to work this afternoon,” he says.

Window down, wind blowing through my hair, and music blaring, I drive the short distance to Strikers. The truck’s amazing, and my face is covered in a huge grin as I pull up outside the bar. Echo stops his bike next to the truck and opens the door for me. I jump at him, and he catches me. Giggling, I wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him playfully. “You like the truck, sugar?” he asks.

I smile broadly and cradle his cheeks in my hands. “I love the truck, and I love you.”