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Etienne: Romance with BITE (League of Guardians Book 2) by V.A. Dold (4)

Chapter Four



His irises were the most astonishing color she’d ever seen. Such a pale blue, they looked almost white with streaks of silver. Framed by thick, black lashes, they seemed to glow as if they were illuminated from within, and if she wasn’t mistaken, the color shifted and swirled.

Willa couldn’t decide which she liked better, his lips or his eyes.


His voice was soft, pitched low, a warm caress that brushed across her skin, promising all sorts of enjoyable things. She smiled and swayed a little closer.

“Willa,” he said more firmly.

She blinked rapidly to focus her fuzzy gaze. Then she frowned. “What?”

“Are you all right? You are acting strangely.”

She closed the small gap between them and placed her free hand over his heart. “I’m perfect.” She brushed her fingertips across his brow and smiled at him again. “Your eyes are beautiful.”

Willa knew Etienne had a powerful aura, or energy, whatever you wanted to call it. The instant they met, she’d felt it. But now that she was staring into his eyes, the power coming off of him was tremendous. And somehow the act of gazing into those gorgeous silver orbs had forged an unbreakable bond between her and this man.

She glanced away so she could think. Gazing directly into his eyes fogged her brain. She should be hightailing it away from Etienne. Whatever was happening wasn’t natural. Not at all. Yet, the connection didn’t frighten her. Why?

She raised her eyes again and caught his searing, albeit hypnotic, gaze. She slid her palm from his chest to squeeze his hand and grinned when a tentative smile hovered at the edges of his perfect lips. Etie was indescribably masculine with the glasses on. Without them, he was beyond words.

He raised her hand to his lips like a gallant suitor from days gone by. Her heart pounded at the sensation of his warm lips on her flesh. It was all she could do not to jump him.

“You are not frightened by my eyes?”

“No! Not so much frightened, but there is something... it’s hard to describe. The color is extraordinary.”

“Thank you.”

“Was that a blush? It was! You’re blushing.”

“Perhaps. I am not accustomed to compliments.”

“Are you kidding me? That’s hard to believe. You’re a very handsome man.”

Etienne scowled. “Oh, I am propositioned relentlessly, but I rarely receive such a heartfelt compliment. Definitely not one that was not followed up by the suggestion of lewd sexual acts.”

Willa reached up and cupped his cheek. “I’m sorry, Etie, that’s awful. It’s never okay to treat another like a piece of meat.”

He nodded and covered her hand with his own as if he relished the contact.

The instant his palm curved over the back of her hand, heat and little sparks sizzled along her arm, across her breasts, and straight to her core. It seemed as though their strange connection grew stronger each time they touched. She pulled herself together and tucked that thought away for a later date. She would ask her witchy friends about it and see if they could explain things. Until then, she planned on enjoying her very odd evening with the suit-wearing hottie.

Willa tipped her head, studying his eyes again. “I’ve never seen such a stunning shade of blue. It’s so light, it looks silver.”

“Actually, my eyes are silver. It is a family thing. My father had eyes this color as well.”


“In my family, the firstborn son always has silver eyes.”

Her brows pulled together. “I’ve never heard of anything like that. I wonder why.”

“It is a royal vampire characteristic to mark the next in line for the throne.”

“Vampire? Now you’re just messing with me because of that stupid tour.”

His face fell as if she’d hurt him. “Do you believe I would tell you an untruth?”

“I didn’t mean to imply you’re a liar. Let’s just say I have a very healthy degree of doubt.”

Grinning, he bent and kissed her throat, scraping his fangs across the tender flesh. Her heart skipped a beat or two. She was certain of it. His hair fell forward to brush along her cheek and shoulder. Her knees went weak, and she felt a little faint.

“Hmmm, a healthy degree of doubt,” he repeated, his voice going dark and sensual again. Then he nipped her lobe and whispered in her ear. “I shall endeavor to make a believer out of you.”

When he raised his head, Willa blinked several times and then smiled brightly as he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm.

“Do your best, Mr. Delacour.”

He grinned back. “You remembered my last name.”

His voice gave her goose bumps, and she swore his fingers brushed intimately over her skin. “I remember everything about you. At least the little I know so far.” Suddenly her back pocket started to sing Barry White’s “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Baby.” She held up a finger and pulled her phone out. “Hold that thought.”


“Hey, girl. The nonvampire tour is finally over, and we’re at the Cat’s Meow on Bourbon Street. The bar’s crowded, but we managed to pull a couple tables together. Hurry up, before you miss out on all the fun.”

“We’re only a few blocks away. See you in a few minutes.”

“See you.”

She ended the call and grinned up at Etie. “How do you feel about karaoke?”

He raised a brow. “Why?”

“Our next stop is the Cat’s Meow.” Then she held out her palm. “I like being able to see your eyes. Why don’t you let me put those glasses in my purse for now?”

After only a short pause, he handed them over. “I feel rather naked without them, but for you, anything.”

“I appreciate that. Come on, they’re holding seats for us.”



Richie turned in his chair as the acrid smell of fear and sudden shifting of the bar patrons caught his attention. Men and women scrambled to move out of the flow of foot traffic. He watched to see what the commotion was about. A woman gasped and scurried to the opposite end of the room. Someone or something was headed his way, and the humans were reacting to it.

As if Moses stood in the center of the room with his staff raised, the sea of humanity divided. Several groups rushed to find an alternative exit as their flight response drove them to flee.

Etienne filled the doorway emanating dark, dangerous energy. Six feet, four inches of muscle that seemed to ripple even as he stood still. Richie frowned. Etienne’s obsessively neat ponytail was glaringly absent. The vampire king’s coal black hair that ran halfway down his back hung loose around his shoulders. His mouth fell open. Holy hell! He has his freaky eyes out there flapping in the breeze for all to see. Where were his glasses? Had Hell frozen over?

Richie’s brows pulled together as he watched his friends cross the room. Etienne kept his hand on the small of Billie’s back, scowling at any male who dared to glance her direction. What was going on? That vampire never, ever, touched anyone and especially not in public. He looked back and forth between the two trying to suss out the strange behavior.

Hmmm. Even more interesting was that Billie didn’t seem to notice his possessive manner. If she had, she would be kicking his ass right now. At least the Billie he knew would. Come to think of it, he’d never actually seen her on a date with a man. So, who knew how she behaved on a date.

Whoa! What? On a date? Etienne and Billie? Richie rubbed his hands together. This he had to see. He glanced around to see if there was a popcorn machine. He needed salty snacks for the show. Badass Billie was going to eat him alive.

Richie grinned when Etienne cocked a brow and gave him a questioning look as he helped Billie with her chair.

Curiosity killing the cat and all that, he leaned toward Et. “What are you playing at with Billie?”

Etienne raised both eyebrows this time. No one, not even Isaac, the shifter king, or Lilli, the faerie queen, dared to question him or his motivations. “That is none of your concern, wolf.”

Richie narrowed his eyes and growled, a low rumble in his chest. “Fine. But if you hurt her, vampire king or not, I’ll kick your ass.”

“Agreed. If I were to do such a heinous thing, I would take your punishment without retaliation. I would deserve nothing short of death for such a crime. Now, what have you done, pup? From your gleeful expression when we entered you are up to mischief.”

Richie grinned, the tension between them forgotten. “I set the girls up to sing. Wait until their names are called. This is going to be great.” He laughed and held his camera at the ready.

Etienne sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. Then he glanced from Richie to the women seated around the table, laughing and poking fun at the drunken singers, and back again. “I am not sure I want to know the details. Though you must assure me that you have not entangled me in a situation I shall later regret.”

Richie waved his hand through the air. “Naw, they’re good sports.” They were going to die when he posted the video online.

Etienne gave him a skeptical look. “Also, you should know, she now prefers to be referred to as Willa.”

“Since when?”

Et glanced at his watch. “An hour ago.”

Richie bunched up his chin in thought. “Willa… I like it.”

“Billie, Karen, Teresa, and Helen. You’re up,” the DJ called out as he scanned the crowd for a group of women who might fit the names.

Chairs creaked and scraped on the floor as the four ladies stood and turned to glare at him. Unrepentant as always, he winked and shooed them toward the stage. Their frowns and scowls were priceless. He had set them up to first sing “We are Family,” by Sister Sledge and followed that up with “It’s Raining Men,” by the Weather Girls.

Several minutes later, the girls flopped into their seats, laughing so hard they struggled to breathe.

“Bravo, ladies. You were most entertaining,” Etienne said as Willa plopped into the vacant seat next to him.

“Thanks, Etie,” she managed, between bursts of laughter.

Richie stared at Etienne for a moment and busted out laughing. “Etie? How precious.”

Etienne leaned in close and hissed into Richie’s ear. “Refer to me in such a manner again, and I will remove your arms. Only one person on this planet is allowed to address me by that name, and that person is not you.”

Richie raised his hands in surrender but continued to laugh.

They were on their second drink when Etienne raised one finger to the DJ.

Immediately the DJ’s assistant hustled to the table.

Without a word, Etienne passed the man a folded piece of paper and then sipped his drink as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired.

“What was that?” Richie asked as he watched the DJ read the note and search for something on his laptop. DJs stopped using records years ago, now everything was digital and they used a computer to play the music.

“Yeah. What are you up to?” Willa asked.

Et simply sipped his drink again without responding.

Having found what he’d been searching for, the DJ grabbed the cordless microphone and addressed the room. “Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.” Once the crowd quieted, he continued. “I have a special treat for you tonight. Etienne Delacour is going to sing.”

Richie’s mouth fell open.

All the ladies turned to look at him.

Willa smiled brightly and slapped him on the back. “Break a leg, Etie.” She didn’t notice the strange looks she got from a variety of people in the bar. Her eyes were on the sexiest man she’d ever met. She couldn’t help but admire his scrumptious backside as he made his way to the stage.

His confident, sensuous gait made her mouth water. There was no doubt in her mind that man was incredible between the sheets. It was no wonder every woman stopped talking and held her breath as he passed by. Who wouldn’t? Their heads turned to follow his progress as if compelled by his magnetic, albeit dangerous, aura. Her Etie was all sensuality and bad boy vibes without trying. Her Etie? When had he become hers?

Etienne casually removed his jacket and handed it off to the assistant. He glanced at Willa, cocked a half smile and popped the collar of his dress shirt.

Holy Smoke! Etie was hiding a seriously hot body under that boring suit coat. The man was totally ripped. And his little butt just begged for a thorough groping. Maybe a little biting, too.

Several women at tables near the stage rushed forward and tried to touch him. Etienne took a step back and scowled.

She cocked her head and frowned. How interesting. An undeniable dark and dangerous energy wafted off Etie in waves. He was intimidating, no question about it. It was as if he was warning everyone to keep their distance and hands to themselves. She had no doubt he would react badly if anyone tried to grab his backside or any other part of his person.

As a matter of fact, they had better heed his warning if they wanted to keep all of their fingers attached. Yet he enjoyed, even welcomed, her touch. Very interesting. A shiver of excitement rushed through her body. Perhaps she hadn’t been too far off the mark referring to him as hers.

With a regal nod to the DJ, Etienne took the microphone.

Every woman in the room squealed as Etie began to croon, “Love me tender, Love me sweet...” He disregarded the women in the bar. His eyes were for her alone. He didn’t shake his hips like Elvis to hold the audience’s attention. He didn’t need such theatrics. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something about Etie was innately enthralling.

He held her gaze throughout the song, and as he sang the last few words, the room erupted. Willa let rip a loud whistle of appreciation and yelled, “Encore, encore!”

Etie’s eyes glittered with pleasure. With a nod and wink to her, he whispered to the DJ. Everyone instantly identified the song. Richie would have sworn the Beatles walked into the room based on the screams and wild behavior of the women.

“Wise men say…” Etienne continued to sing as he held out his hand for Willa to join him.

Without hesitation, she gleefully rushed to the stage and sang background.

The entire bar erupted again as they finished and exited the platform.

Richie gaped at them as they took their seats. “I’ve never seen anything like that at the Cat’s Meow.”

“That is because they have never heard my Willa sing.”

Willa shook her head, her eyes dancing with happiness. “I’m pretty sure it was all for you, honey pie.”

The night wound down. It was time to stumble home and fall into bed. Teresa turned to Willa and hugged her close. “I’m going to miss you. Promise me that you’ll visit often, and I’ll do the same.”

Willa hugged her back. “I’m going to miss you, too. I’ll be at the wedding for sure, but after that, I can only promise to try to visit. You know what college is like, and grad school is worse.”

Teresa sniffled. “I know, but a girl can hope.” Then the bride to be turned to Richie, “Don’t forget, you promised you would come to my wedding.”

“I’ll be there, sweetie. You can count on it.”

Etienne placed his palm on the small of Willa’s back and kept it there as they exited onto Bourbon Street. “It is late and unsafe for young women to walk alone. Please allow me to escort you home.”

“Normally, I would say it isn’t necessary because I live with the other girls, but I just moved into my own place, so yes, I would appreciate that. The only thing is, I live way out in the Garden District, and that’s too far to walk.”

“That is not a problem. I will drive you home.”

“You have a car in the Quarter?”

“Yes. I keep one at my home off of Governor Nicholls Street. Give me a moment.” He pulled out his phone and sent a text message. “It will be here in a minute.”

Willa’s brows popped. “What? Do you have a driver or something?”

Etienne chuckled. “No. One of my friends is bringing her to us. It would be better if we walked around the corner to wait. Darius will meet us on Saint Peter Street.”


“Yes. Ellen. You will see.”

Suddenly the growl of a powerful muscle car caught her attention. “You have got to be shitting me! Is that the car from Supernatural?”

“Not the one from the show, but the same make and model. A black 1967 Chevrolet Impala four door. Next to classic cartoons, Supernatural is the best show on television.”

Willa laughed softly as Etienne held the passenger door for her. “You’re a strange but interesting man, Etie.”

“I shall take that as a compliment.” He gave Darius a nod as he stepped around to the driver’s door and slid behind the wheel. For such a tall man, he moved with fluidity and grace. Give her snacks and a soda and Willa could happily watch him walk back and forth for hours.

Etienne clipped his seatbelt and stilled. The instant they were closed inside together, Willa’s feminine scent became concentrated in the confined space. Her warm womanly fragrance was so thick in the air, he could taste it on his tongue. He felt his fangs lengthen in anticipation but forced them to recede again.

He needed to get her home and out of his car before he did something she wasn’t ready for. After hours of her smooth southern drawl, of her tongue wetting her lips, he was tested to his limit.

The moment he stopped in front of the converted mansion where she lived, he jumped from the car and sucked in a cleansing breath to clear his head. Then he tidied his jacket and opened her door.

He walked her to her apartment and waited for Willa to unlock it and enter. He was a gentleman, and as such, wouldn’t leave until she was safely inside.

When she glanced up at him and bit her lower lip, he was almost undone.

“Thank you, for a fantastic evening. I had a really great time.”

“I did, as well. And I would love to see you again.”

Before he lost the will to leave, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her good night. A moan ripped from his throat at the feel of her. His arms tightened in protest of his brain’s demand that he release her and beg his leave. Then goddess help him, her tongue caressed his, tempting him, seducing him. Every fiber of his body flared and demanded he take her.

Willa curled her fingers around the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. That was when he realized his hands had lowered to cup her delectable backside and he tore his mouth from hers. “Good night, Willa. Sleep well. I will call on you tomorrow evening at seven if that meets with your approval.”

She blinked at him, her eyes glazed and unfocused. “Ah. Oh, ah… okay.”

Etienne reached around her and opened the door. “Go inside and lock the door behind you. You live in a safe neighborhood, but one can never be too careful.” Then he stepped back two paces and bowed slightly. “Until tomorrow, beautiful Willa.”

Impulsively, Willa pulled the curtains back to catch one last glimpse of Etienne. She blinked and then shook her head to clear it. How had he gotten all the way to his car when she had only just closed the door? She must have blacked out for a second. Damn! His kisses were stronger than tequila shots.

Shadow, her large black cat, butted his head against her leg. She glanced down at the oversized furball. “Hello, handsome. Did you miss me?”

The cat meowed and went back to rubbing his body against her legs.

Willa looked out her window again. There was no sign of Etie. None. Not even taillights disappearing down the street. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Her sixth sense told her he was still out there. Either her weird gift had gone haywire, or he really was out there in the darkness. But why? Why would he drive away only to come back and watch her apartment? She frowned at the darkness and carefully extricated her feet from Shadow’s serpentine pacing around her ankles.

She touched her fingertips to her lips and smiled. Every time Etie’s unique silver eyes stared at her mouth, she couldn’t help but lick her lips and wait for his restraint to break. She giggled as she relived the last minutes with him.

The moment his lips brushed against hers, she had sucked his tongue into her mouth. He’d taken control and kissed her like he seemed to do everything. He gave the kiss his full attention. She was sure he had meant to be proper and chaste. Instead, it had been decadent and hot. The kiss had been exhilarating and oh so passionate.

Even though they had remained fully clothed, she felt thoroughly loved. Every cell in her body had reacted in a way she’d never responded to a man. His clean, spicy scent had filled her nose and weakened her knees.

She wanted—no needed more, and she was determined to get just that. Right then and there, she decided she would have that man naked and begging for mercy within the week. That man made her warm all over and achy in places she hadn’t noticed in years. Since he was the cause of the lingering fire, he was responsible for dousing the flames. At least, that was how she saw it.

Sighing, she let the curtain fall back into place, but she swore as the fabric swayed, she caught a glimpse of gleaming silver eyes. Stupid imagination was playing tricks on her, that was all. Determined to ignore her pinging Spidey-sense, she scooped Shadow into her arms. “Oof. Boy, you need to lose a few pounds.”

Shadow rubbed his furry cheek against the side of her head and ignored the comment.



Having parked on the next block over, Etienne flashed back to Willa’s. He couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet. Watching as interior lights flashed on and off, he followed her through the apartment until she stopped moving and the window toward the back of her apartment glowed a soft yellow. That must be her bedroom.

About ten minutes later, that light went out as well. Etienne watched a little longer, then forced himself to head back to his car. He couldn’t skulk around her place all night. Someone would call the police, and how would he explain that to her? No, it was better to behave like a sane person and go home. Regardless of how insane she made him feel.

“Good night, my beautiful Willa.” He blew a kiss at her window and silently walked away.



Fourteen hours to the minute after talking with Dmitri, Ivan slid into the backseat of his second’s car. He folded his hands casually in his lap, maintaining the illusion of a well-camouflaged predator. Though he appeared relaxed, he was alert and ready to take on any threat.

He waited until his luggage was loaded into the trunk and the car was underway before speaking. “Update?”

“After speaking with you, I followed him and the woman. I was shocked speechless when he came close to taking her in a public coffee shop. But it was when he sang love songs to the woman that I knew he meant to claim her.”

Ivan rubbed his chin. “Interesting. Do you know if she has seen his eyes?”

“She has.”

“That makes things more difficult, but not impossible. Call the men and have the most loyal join us. Then, purchase the darkest sunglasses you can find to hide my eyes.”

“Consider it done.”

With that, all conversation ceased. Ivan had plans to make and a twin to destroy.




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