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Exposed: A Bad Boy Contemporary Romance by Lisa Lace (66)



Life with Nate was everything I dreamed it would be and more. I was deliriously happy with him, and with Harriet, too. She was such a sweet little girl, and when I asked her if I could live with her and Daddy, she gave me her blessing as only a four-year-old can—by screaming in delight and starting to talk about all the things we would do together.

Those things happened. Life was sweet and simple. Walks in the park, feeding the ducks, going to the movies. There was nothing to spoil the most perfect life apart from the worry I felt every time Nate was on shift, which disappeared the second he walked through the door, and I got to leap into his arms.

In time, Victor’s case went to trial, and he was sentenced to nineteen years for attempted murder and arson. He was well and truly out of our lives, and I soon forgot all about him. I was too happy to carry painful memories of him anymore. I was too busy making wonderful new ones.

I’d been living with Nate and Harriet for about eighteen months. One Saturday, as had become our little tradition, we went to feed the ducks. It was winter, and there was fresh snow on the ground. The brown drakes with their white-tipped wings left webbed footprints where they waddled. Harriet was running ahead to build snowmen and trying to catch Nate with snowballs when he wasn’t looking. It was a fun morning.

The sun was bright, the snow was fresh, the laughter was easy. Everything was right with the world.

I watched Harriet picking up different sticks for her snowman’s arms with a contented smile on my face. When I turned away, I felt my breath catch in my throat, and I let out the most joyful cry of surprise.

Nate was on one knee, right there in the snow. He was grinning ear-to-ear, and in his palm was a little velvet box with an engagement ring.

“Jenna, before I met you, I didn’t even realize that life was passing me by. You bring so much to my life. Your smile. Your laughter. Your love. You make me happy, Jenna, and I can’t imagine life without you. Will you marry me?”

I screamed. I think I cried. I know I threw myself into Nate’s arms, and screamed, “Yes! Yes!”

One more dream come true.

* * *

We got married in the spring. I wore the most beautiful wedding dress with lace embellishments and a long, glittering veil. I’d felt radiant as I walked down the aisle, and overwhelmed with happiness when I first spotted Nate waiting for me to say “I do.”

After we’d said our vows, my sister Charlotte congratulated me with a hug. She was at the wedding with her husband and my niece and nephew, and so were my parents. Everyone was there.

After she’d hugged me, Charlotte held me at arm’s length and looked me up and down. She smiled. “I thought you said four months on the phone?”

“I am!”

“Are you sure? You can hardly tell!”

I was sure. I was pregnant with Nate’s child, and it was only five months until we would welcome a sister for Harriet into the world. She couldn’t wait.

I was on top of the world for the whole wedding, but it was the first dance that really made it hit home just how lucky I was. As Nate wrapped his arm around my waist, looking more handsome than ever in his black suit, and when he looked deeply into my eyes and smiled, I felt myself swoon. I was marrying the man who took my breath away.

“I love you, Nate.”

He just held me tighter. His eyes said it all.

It only seemed fitting that a fire engine took us to the airport for our honeymoon. Two weeks in Paris, and then back to Brayford, where we would live out our own happily ever after.

At last, I had escaped from all the ghosts of my past and was free to live life to its fullest. No more looking over my shoulder. No more holding back. All my dreams were in reach; some had already come true.

I held Nate’s hand as we drove away and watched Brayford fly past. Here I was, with the man I loved, in the town that had set me free, ready to live out my fairytale ending. I looked up at him, drinking in the sight of my new husband. He turned to me. When our eyes met, Nate broke into a smile and leaned in to kiss me.

My heart fluttered and then soared until I felt lightheaded with joy. I was free.