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Exposed: Book 2 MAC Security Series by Abigail Davies (5)

On Tuesday morning, I went with Luke to take Eli to preschool, smiling the whole way there at how Eli was acting. Now that we were out of the apartment and away from Max, I could see the difference in Eli.

He was thriving both at home and at preschool, he was so much more open to talking to people and actually playing, like a child should, instead of always being on guard. It wasn’t until he was out of that environment that I noticed how much it had affected him.

He loved the simple things; spending time with Ty and Luke, just being a boy and running through the woods. Sometimes I looked at him and regretted not leaving Max sooner then I’d think, if I would’ve left him sooner, I wouldn’t have found Ty.

Eli wasn’t the only one who had changed for the better.

It wasn’t the big things, like worrying if I had money for food or waiting for the next time Max would hit me. It was the small things that made me smile; Eli’s excitement to come home and tell everyone what he had done at preschool, what he had made or a new person that he had met.

Knowing that when he woke up, he wouldn’t have to see me with yet another bruise.

The best part was knowing what waited for me at home and not having that sinking feeling as I heard the door open. That was one of the things that I loved most; knowing what was coming, what to expect.

Walking out of the preschool, I jumped back into the car and looked over at Luke. His eyes flicked over to me as he was talking on the radio.

“Got it, Boss.” He nodded and let the button go, reversing out of the lot.

“Everything okay?” I asked, leaning back in my seat.

“Serena’s on the move. Boss wants me to drop you back at the compound and then check it out.”

Wait, what? Why did I have to go back to the compound? I couldn’t help but think that he was hiding something if he didn’t want me to know what Serena was up to.

“Nope,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m coming with you.”

“Thought you would.” He smirked. “You’ll have to tell boss though.”

Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my work phone and sent him a text.



I’m going with Luke. See you later.

I smiled, pushing my phone back in my pocket and ignoring the buzz of an incoming message. I turned the car radio up, singing along to the song that played on the radio.

He wouldn’t cut me out of this, I was as much a part of this company as anyone else was. Which meant that I’d be doing the same work that they did. I loved that Ty wanted to protect me but he couldn’t protect me from everything.

We pulled up at Daley’s mansion and I furrowed my brows turning to Luke. “I thought we were checking Serena out, not Daley?”

“We are,” he replied. “She went inside an hour ago and hasn’t come out since.”

“So we’re going to follow her when she comes out?”


After twenty minutes, I pulled my pad out and started to draw some doodles. This was the worst thing about watching and waiting, it was boring. After a few car games, ten pages of doodles and sixty minutes, the gates finally opened.

She drove through the gates in her bright red sports car with the top down. I nearly snorted with how obnoxious she looked, people like her didn’t deserve to drive cars like that. They should be driven in the way they were meant to be, not used to show everyone that you thought you were better than them.

“Let’s see where she’s stayin’.” Luke rubbed his hands together, started the car and went in the direction that she had gone.

We followed her all through town, watching as she would check herself out in the mirror at every opportunity she could get and completely unaware of her surroundings.

“Thought so,” he said as we came to a stop opposite the most expensive hotel in a fifty-mile radius.

“What?” I frowned, writing the name of the hotel down. I really needed to start carrying my camera around with me. If these things were going to come up without any prior planning, I had to be prepared. I didn’t even have my belt or vest on.

“She wouldn’t stay in anything other than luxury, she always was a money grabbing bitch.”

My brows flew to my hairline at the venom in his voice. “Whoa!” I held my hands up. “What’s with all the hating?”

Not that I wasn’t thinking the same thing but I didn’t expect that to come out of Luke’s mouth.

“After what she did to Ty? You telling me you don’t feel the same?” He raised a brow at me and pulled back out onto the road.

“What did she do to Ty?” I knew that she’d done something but what it was, I had no idea.

“I’m not surprised that he hasn’t told you everything,” he said, stopping at a red light. “What she did nearly broke him.”

I gulped, not wanting to comment. I wanted nothing more than to beg Luke to tell me what else had happened but I wanted to hear it from Ty, not anyone else.

“Do we not need to follow her? What if she goes back out?” I asked, deciding to change the subject so that I wasn’t tempted to ask him what had happened.



“Now we know where she’s staying, Evan can infiltrate the hotel system and we can put a tracker on her car.”

“Ah, I see.”

I stayed silent the rest of the drive back to the compound. Thoughts going around and around in my head. The one positive thing was, I wasn’t thinking of Max. At least not until I thought that.

I jumped out of Luke’s SUV when we arrived back at the compound and walked swiftly into the warehouse. They were all waiting for us, sat at the meeting table. So I walked around to my chair next to Ty and sat down.

“Anything?” Ty asked, not looking at me.

“Yeah, she’s staying at LACEY’S.”

Kitty snorted. “Typical.”

“Evan, get into their system. I want to know everything. When she comes and goes, everyone she talks to and even when she fuckin’ eats.”

“On it,” he replied, already typing away on his laptop.

I pulled my notepad and pen closer, about to write the date when Ty said, “Kay.” I looked up to him, finding his eyes. “Office.”

He pushed up out of his chair and stormed off, leaving me wondering what was up with him. I looked at the rest of the guys, each of them wearing a smirk. They obviously knowing something that I didn’t.

“This is gonna be good.” Evan rubbed his hands together, leaning back in his seat.

“What?” I mumbled. “What did I do?” Pointing to my chest, I looked at all of them in confusion.

“You’ll find out.” Kitty winked.

Pushing out of my chair, I pulled my t-shirt down and adjusted my hair. Why was I in trouble? I hadn’t done anything wrong. Had I?

My legs felt like jelly as I walked to the office. Gripping my hands in front of me, I cleared my throat when I got to the door. “Ty-”

“Close the door,” he said. Sat behind his desk, he looked furious. He didn’t look up at me, keeping his eyes fixated on a spot on his desk.

I closed the door and walked over to the desk, sitting opposite him in the same chair that I sat in all those months ago for my interview.

“You ignored me,” he gritted out.


“No.” He sliced his hand through the air, his eyes coming up to meet mine. “You don’t do that. Ever.”

I scanned his face, feeling my own blood boiling. Was this why he wasn’t happy, because I had gone with Luke?

“You cut me off!” I swear, stood and threw my hands up in the air. “You told Luke to bring me back to the compound.”

“Because I don’t want you having to follow her.” He blew out a breath, shaking his head at me.

I shoved my hands onto my hips and squinted my eyes at him. “Am I still a part of this company? Not just in the office but out on surveillance jobs as well?” I said, stepping forward and leaning my hands on the desk.

“Yeah,” Ty murmured.

“Then it’s my job,” I said softly, pointing at my chest, not giving him the chance to speak. “You can’t pick and choose what cases or people suit you.” I raised a brow and waited for him to say something, when he didn’t, I pushed up off the desk and walked away. “I’ll follow who I damn well like,” I said when I pulled the door open.

“Kay?” Ty said when I stepped out of the door.

“What?” I said, spinning back around to him.

“I love it when you get like that.” He smirked.

“Like what?” I huffed.

“Like that.” He pointed to the chair and winked.

“You’re insufferable.” I rolled my eyes and slammed the door behind me, his laughter following me out.

I smiled at the sound.

He loved it when I stood up for myself? That was something I never thought I’d do, let alone hear someone appraise me for it.

I woke up early the next day and went for a run around the compound. I was determined to get as fit as I could, I wanted to show them all that I could do what they did. That way, there would never be a time that they could say I couldn’t go on a job. But with Serena back in the picture, it made it even more important. I didn’t trust her, there was something about her that didn’t seem right. She set off my alarm bells and I couldn’t stop seeing the look that she’d had in her eyes.

I’d tried to bring it up with Ty a couple of times, but each time he’d shoot me down. Luke though, seemed to be on the same wavelength as me, maybe talking to him about it would assure me I wasn’t just being jealous.

I didn’t know what to do because every time I would bring her name up, no one would listen. At least, that’s what it felt like.

When I finished my run, I stood in the middle of the compound and stretched out, watching the sky as it lit up from the rising sun. No matter where you stood on the compound, the view was always breath-taking. As a little girl, I had always imagined living in the middle of the woods, this wasn’t quite what I imagined but it was close.

Walking back to the house, I headed straight for my room and stripped off my clothes, turned the shower on and stepped inside, letting the cold water spray over me. I’d slept in Ty’s room last night but I always came back to my room to shower because my clothes were still in here. Ty had mentioned moving them into his room but I didn’t know how I felt about that. I wasn’t quite ready.

I may be ready at some stage but not just yet.

I braided my hair to the side and shoved my jeans, MAC security t-shirt and combat boots on. Then I grabbed my belt, vest and the bag I had packed last night.

After yesterday, I told myself that I would be prepared for any situation, I wouldn’t be caught out again. I’d packed my camera, a few snacks, and a notepad and pen. Always be prepared was my new motto, especially when it came to this job.

I woke Eli up, got him ready for preschool and was giving him breakfast by the time Ty came into the kitchen.

“Mornin’.” He walked past Eli, ruffling his hair, reminding me that he was due a haircut, and met me at the kitchen counter.

“Morning.” I smiled, taking a sip of my coffee.

“Where were you earlier this morning?” he asked, checking the coffee pot.

“Went for a run.” I shrugged.

“What? Why didn’t you wake me up?” He pulled a cup down from the cupboard, my eyes tracked the sliver of skin that showed as his t-shirt to lifted slightly.

I felt a blush rising up my cheeks. Looking away, I cleared my throat and said, “needed time to think, and it surprisingly helped.”

“Yeah?” He leaned against the counter opposite me, and smirked. “How long did you run for?”

“I don’t know.” I walked over to Eli and picked up his empty bowl, and checked his cup for juice.

“Really?” he asked, skeptical.

“I didn’t time myself.” I did but I wasn’t telling him how long I had run for.

He chuckled, probably already knowing that I only managed ten minutes before I felt like I was going to die. Full on, couldn’t breathe with my hands on knees, dying.

“Time to go, sweetie. Go and get your shoes,” I said, turning back to Eli.

“Okay, mama.” He jumped down but stopped at the door and looked back at us. “Is Uncle Luke taking me today?”

“Yeah, sweetie. Me and Luke today.”

He smiled wide, nodding, and pushed through the door just as Ty was picking up my bag.

“What’s this?” he asked with a raised brow.

“My camera.” I walked over to him and picked up my belt, clipping it around my waist.

“You don’t need all of this just to take Eli.”

“I need to be prepared, you don’t go off the compound without being suited up. Why should I be any different?” Picking up my vest, I put my arms through it. Sure, I may only have been taking Eli to preschool but if I was prepared for anything, then I wouldn’t be caught out.


“Ty,” I mocked.

“You-” The ringing of his cell stopped what he was about to say. Huffing, he pulled it out and answered, “Yeah?”

I leaned back and waited for him to finish his call. He listened to whoever was on the line, nodding and not saying anything.

“Yeah, tomorrow.” Pocketing his phone, he moved closer to me, his eyes taking me all in.

“You look hot in all of that.”

“No, I’m fine.” I waved my hand in the air.

He threw his head back and laughed. A deep throaty sound, his face completely relaxed.

“No,” he said, trying to catch his breath. “I meant, you look h-o-t. You know, sexy.”

“Ahhh.” I looked away, heat rising in my cheeks as he watched me.

“I love it when you blush.” He reached up and swiped a piece of hair off my face, tucking it behind my ear.

I didn’t, I hated blushing. He always made my body go haywire when he was around. I felt like I had no control over it.


“I…I’ve gotta go,” I stammered.

“Uh huh.” He leaned forward, pressing his lips against mine in a quick, gentle kiss. “I’ll be out when you get back.”

“Okay.” I cleared my throat. I loved how he always did that. He wouldn’t go off the compound without telling me.

Picking up my camera, I walked to the door and turned back to him asking, “I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah.” He winked. “Oh and sweetheart?”


“Good thinking on always being prepared, you never know what could happen.” His face turned serious, something concealed in the shadows of his eyes.

Swallowing, I nodded and pushed through the door.

I walked through the living room and watched out of the window as and Eli got into the car. They’d become my whole world in such a short amount of time, and I constantly feared that they would be taken from me. I couldn’t cope with any more losses.

That’s why I had a tracker put on both of them. Eli had one in his school bag, one in the sole of his shoes and one sown into his coat. Kay’s was in the sole of her boots and in her vest. It wasn’t that I wanted to control them or make sure I knew where they were, it was for their own safety.

If anything ever happened, I knew that I could always find them.

Grabbing my own belt, I clipped it on and picked up my vest. Today I was watching Daley and Serena. Evan had found out that they had a business meeting at the hotel she was staying at, but we didn’t know what room it was being held in so Evan had hacked into the whole system.

“Boss?” I lifted my head as Evan came through the front door, tablet in hand.

“Yeah?” I said, picking my keys up.

“I’ve set it all up. Whichever one they have it in, if you click on the little icon, it will make it full screen.” He pointed at the tablet, tapping the screen to show me.

“Got it,” I said, taking the tablet from him and walking out the door.

“You need to be within a mile radius to pick up the signal,” he continued, following me out and shutting the door behind him.

“Okay.” Walking over to my truck, I pressed the button on my key fob, all the lights flashing. “Meeting, when I get back,” I told him.

“Sure,” he said, waiting until I was in the car.

“Keep digging.”

“On Daley?”

“Both of them,” I ground out. “I told you yesterday, we’re working this case as if we don’t know them personally.”

“Boss, I still don’t think Serena would do this. Not after…”

“I know but opinions mean nothing, I want facts.” I stared at him, letting him know with my eyes that it wasn’t a subject that he had any say on.

Slamming my door, I started the car and drove out of the compound. I didn’t want to think that she had anything to do with kidnapping those girls but I had to look at it objectively.

My mind was whirling with the possible outcomes from this business meeting. I couldn’t discover if they were working together or alone; if they were working together, then I was certain they would discuss it.

Pulling up far enough away from the hotel to not look suspicious, but still close enough so I could get a signal, I pulled out my headphones and plugged them into the tablet.

The meeting was meant to be at nine and it was already a quarter to. Settling back, I waited and watched the camera at the front of the hotel on the tablet.

For fifteen minutes, all I saw were two people leaving, and one of those tiny dogs try to attack the doorman.

Dead on nine, Daley arrived in his Bentley. His driver opened his door and he stepped out, looking around him discreetly. That was one of the first signs, he wouldn’t be scanning the area if he wasn’t worried about something, or someone.

I watched him go into the hotel and walk down the corridor to one of the suites.

‘Gold Suite’. Figured. I shouldn’t have expected anything less.

When he sat down at the table, I pressed the icon so that it would fill the whole screen. He sat down and pulled his cell out, tapping away on the screen for several minutes until Serena came waltzing in, followed by a couple of men. Big, tall, beefy men, all dressed in black combat gear.

My brows raised at that. Why were they with her? They stood at the door and nodded to Daley. Were they there with him, or her? I couldn’t work it out.

“Good morning.” She smiled at Daley, taking a seat opposite him. Her movements slow and measured. She’d always been like that, always aware of her body and how to have the greatest effect on people. Mainly men, that was something that I realized after I had left her.

I sat and listened but all they talked about was the charity and the new building that they had drawn plans up for. By all accounts, it was a normal business meeting, and by the time Serena left the room, I didn’t know anything more than I already did when I had arrived.

The only thing that I was sure about, was that they weren’t working together. They would have mentioned something surely? Even if it was a small detail. That meant that it was either Daley or Serena.

The two men exited the room after Serena and I was about to swipe off the screen to see where they went when Daley’s phone rang.

“Yo.” I snorted at his greeting, he was an obnoxious piece of shit.

“Yeah, is the next shipment ready to be picked up?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

Whatever they said on the other end, he didn’t like it, because his face started to go red and his hands clenched into a fist at his side.

“Tomorrow night, I mean it. Don’t let this one get away,” he growled down the phone. “I want it taken straight to my safe place. No stops in between.”

He pulled the phone away from his face and tapped the screen before shoving it into his pants. He closed his eyes, composing himself, then did the button on his suit jacket up and opened his eyes.

You’d have never known he had just lost his cool if you saw him then. Pulling the door open, he walked out of the room as if nothing had happened.

Pressing the screen to take me back to the icons, I watched him walk back through the hotel, the henchmen followed him and he gave them a slight nod as he got into the waiting Bentley. Looked like they were there for him after all.

It seemed there was more to Daley that what we had originally thought.




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