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Exposed (Dare to Dream Book 3) by Jennifer Kittredge (3)




Chapter Three






I hate the sight of Mason Tanner. Even looking at him puts the fear of God into me. Something tells me he won’t stop until he finds out the truth. I can’t afford for that to happen. No one can know why I was in the park and what happened. I need to play it off as a random mugging, a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I really don’t remember much,” I say and hope I sound convincing.

“Was there more than one attacker?” he asks.

“I…I think so.” I decide not to lie about this because I have a feeling Mr. Tanner will know the truth by my bruises.

“How many?” he asks, his jaw tight.

“Two. One from behind and one in front.”

“Can you tell me what exactly happened once you were in that tunnel.”

And here goes the lying. “I went out for run because of a current situation in my life. I needed to clear my head. If you don’t much read the tabloids, my brother can fill you in.”

Ryan let’s out a harumph, clearly pissed off at Nathanial.

“I didn’t think much of running through the tunnel as I was on auto pilot. A man walked toward me from the other end and my skin prickled when I saw he was dressed all in black. I stopped running because I felt a sudden rush of fear course through my body. As he got closer to me, I stepped back. I saw him nod, and that’s when I was yanked back by my pony tail.”

“Son of a bitch,” Ryan says under his breath.

“Go on,” Mason urges gently.

“I struggled to get out of his grip.” I feel the tears welling in my eyes as I recall the attack. “That’s when the man in front of me got close. He punched me, and I felt a shooting pain go through my cheek. I…I struggled and tried to scream but the man behind me covered my mouth. The other man punched me again and all I remember is my legs collapsing beneath me. The next thing I know, I wake up here. How long have I been here?” I shiver, unable to control the trembling.

“Three days,” Ryan answers.

“Three days! You mean I’ve been unconscious for three days?”

“With a little help, Mel. Your body was traumatized. You needed rest and to heal.”

“Ms. Morgan, were you carrying anything with you? Did they take anything?” Mason eyes me quizzically.

“No. I didn’t have anything on me,” I lie and hope he doesn’t have some sixth sense where he can see right through me.

“Nothing at all? Not even your phone?” He stares at me in silence, waiting.

My eyes flash with recollection and I pause for a long moment without responding.

“Maybe she’s had enough for now,” Ryan suggests.

“No, I’m fine,” I manage finally. “I want to get this over with so I can be done.”

I turn my attention back to Mason. I really do not like this guy. He’s already a royal pain in my ass.

“I actually had my apple watch on,” I say, which isn’t a lie. “Wasn’t it on me when they found me?” I ask innocently.

Mason turns to look at Ryan, his eyebrow lifting in a questioning way.

“I haven’t heard anything about it. Maybe the detectives have it.”

“Perhaps,” Mason replies while he rubs the stubble on his chin. A sudden urge to smack him bubbles up within me. I don’t know what he’s thinking, and I don’t like it. I have a feeling he’ll be more trouble for me than good.

“I’m tired. I’d like to rest.”

“Let’s let her rest.” Ryan motions to Mason, “coffee?”

“Sure,” he says and follows him out the door.

I’m fucked, is all I can think. I have to find a way to get rid of him. He makes me uneasy because he seems like the type of guy who won’t quit until he gets to the bottom of this. Fear knots inside me. I can’t have anyone find out what really happened. This nightmare is over. I paid the ransom, and they’ll leave me alone. Isn’t that how blackmail works? You do as they ask and they leave you alone? A quick and disturbing thought runs through my mind. What if this is only the beginning?






I don’t let on that I know she’s lying. I’m not stupid. I’ve been around far too long to not know when a woman lies. Hell, I lived with the best of the best for a while and even then, I could see right through her. I’m not sure why it didn’t stop me from marrying her, but that’s an entirely different story that I don’t want to dig into.

I sip my coffee and watch Ryan pace back and forth as he speaks to his wife. He’s a nice enough guy and I know he’s worried sick about his sister. I know how he feels. I am fiercely protective of my little brother. I would have killed my father before I let him lay a hand on him. Good thing I didn’t have to. I shake my head to distance myself from the memories that try to seep in. I won’t go there right now. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I have a feeling I know who it is.

“What’s up?” I answer and don’t even bother to say hello.

“How is she?”

“She’ll be okay.”

“Did she tell you what happened?”

“She did, except I don’t believe her.”

“I don’t either. Melinda plays it too safe to run in Central Park at that hour,” Sam says.

“From what you and her brother tell me, I would agree. Now, I have to get to the bottom of what happened.”

“Whatever it takes, Mason. You have unlimited resources at your disposal. Melinda is like a sister to me, so whatever it takes to figure this out and make sure she’s safe.”

“Understood. I guess that means I’m in this godforsaken city for a while.”

Sam chuckles. “The change will be good for you, my friend. You were turning into an old man, set in his ways. Think of it as an adventure.”

“I don’t know who’s worse, you or Gabe,” I huff.

“Gabe is much worse,” he responds, a laugh still in his voice. “He’s sick of you using his home as a boarding house, so this was his way of getting you out.”

“Fuck off.”

“Ah, yes, the proverbial fuck off Gabe told me about. It seems your vocabulary has taken a nose dive since you went all P.I. on us.”

I roll my eyes and clench my jaw because I know they’re both right. I’ve slipped into the P.I. world comfortably, easily leaving the stiffness of practicing law.

“Make sure she doesn’t get hurt again, Mase.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this covered. Give my love to that gorgeous wife of yours. I’m still not sure how you managed to get her to marry you.” I laugh, amused by my own reply.

“Neither do I, my friend. I’m merely glad she did,” he responds in all seriousness.

I smile at the thought of my friend, the most notorious bachelor in the Tampa Bay area, having finally found the love of his life. The changes in him have been remarkable. Love looks good on him.

“I’ll be in touch,” I say before I push the end button on my phone.

“What’s the plan of attack?” Ryan asks before I can even put my phone in my pocket.

“First things first, I want to see how she answers the detectives’ questions. They’ll be in tomorrow morning. Then I want to head to her office to check things out there to see if I can find any indication of why she was in that park so late.”

“Something doesn’t sit right with me. I know my little sister. She’s careful and cautious. She doesn’t do anything without thinking it through very carefully. Listen, I have to head back home tomorrow or the next day. I need to get back to the restaurant for one of the biggest events of the season. Can you handle this for about a week without me?”

“No problem.” I nod my head.

“You’ll keep her safe?”

“You have my word.”






The detectives are coming in this morning, Ryan’s leaving, and I get to go home later this afternoon. There’s a lot going on. After a thorough examination, the doctor gave me the okay under strict orders to not overdo it and no work for a few weeks until I heal. Not that anyone would want me for a shoot right now with the way I look. I’m a hot mess. I stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom and study my reflection. The swelling is subsiding, but I look terrible. My body is so sore from the beating and my arm is still in the sling. I need a shower but now isn’t the time. I’ll have wait until I get home so Em can help me. Being one-handed will make things a little more difficult for me.

“Ms. Morgan?” The door to my room opens slowly.

“Come in,” I respond and brace myself for the interrogation.

I jump when I step out of the bathroom and see Mason seated in the corner chair. I eye him warily, not happy that he’s here.

“Ms. Morgan, I’m Detective Hudson and this is my partner Detective Reynolds.”

“Hi,” I say flatly and don’t even bother to hide my annoyance.

“I understand your frustration, Ms. Morgan, but we do have a job to do.”

“I apologize. I simply don’t feel my best, as you can clearly see.” My laugh is sarcastic. I can feel Mason watching me and it puts me even further on edge.

“We’ll be out of your way as soon as we can. Can you tell me what you remember from that night, Ms. Morgan?”

I crawl back into my hospital bed and pull the covers over my lap.

“Honestly, not very much. I went for a run, and the next thing I know I wake up in a hospital.”

“When you approached the tunnel, did you see anyone or anything that would have given you pause?”

“I had my headphones on and was really focused on running. When I got to the middle of the tunnel, a man approached me from the other end. He wore all black.” Fear grips my chest, but I refuse to let the detectives see it. I stick my chin out to steady myself.

“Go on.”

“He approached and I felt someone pull me back by my pony tail. The man in front of me approached and punched me in the face. I don’t remember anything after that.” Tears betray me as they fill my eyes. I do everything in my power to not let them spill over.

“Would you be able to tell us the height of the assailant who hit you? Eye color? Race? Anything?”

“He was taller than me. I do remember that.”

I see Mason lean forward in his chair.

“How tall are you Ms. Morgan?”

“I’m five feet ten.”

“Would you say the assailant was six foot?”

“Yes, that seems about right.”

“Eye color?”

“Green. I remember he had piercing green eyes. Other than that, I don’t have anything else for you.”

I see Mason’s eyebrow raise out of the corner of my eye. I want to turn and tell him to shove it, but I bite my tongue and keep my focus on the detectives.

“If you think of anything else, Ms. Morgan, please give us a call.” He slides his card onto the tray next to my bed.

“I will. Thank you for your time, detectives. Oh, wait, do you happen to have my apple watch?”

They look at each other and both of them shake their heads.

“Were you wearing it that night Ms. Morgan?”

“Yes. I thought maybe you had it.”

“It’s not something we’d have. Perhaps the hospital removed it when you came in through emergency?”

“I’ll ask.” I smile innocently as they retreat through the door.

I turn my head rapidly toward Mason and snap at him, “What?”

“Did those memories just come to you or were they something you purposely omitted?”

I glare at him and pause before I respond. “They just came to me,” I lie.

“This will work a lot better if you don’t lie to me, Ms. Morgan. I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me here. So we need to tolerate one another. If you’re honest, I can be out of your hair a lot quicker.”

“There’s no reason for you to be here.”

“Well, our mutual friend Sam seems to think there is, so I’m here until we know you’re safe and get to the bottom of this. And don’t for one second think that I don’t know you’re lying.”

“I’m not lying,” I say defiantly and my gaze bores into him.

“You’re a terrible liar,” he says.

I open my mouth to respond but am interrupted by Ryan.

“Did everything go okay?”

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

“Yes. Routine questions. I didn’t have much to give them.” My answer is short, and I know Ryan will notice.

“I’m leaving in a few hours.”

“I know. I’ll miss you.”

“You’ll have Mason here to keep you company,” he replies innocently. I bristle and grimace at the thought.


“You’ll be fine, Mel. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

“There’s nothing to get to the bottom of. I was mugged in Central Park. That’s it. I don’t understand why you feel I need some sort of bodyguard.” I glare at Mason as the words tumble from my mouth.

“Well, if that’s the case, there’s nothing to worry about. But Mason’s here to make sure you stay safe and see what he can find. We hope to find the assholes who did this to you.”

Mason’s still in the corner and watching us both. God, I can’t stand the sight of him. I wish he would go back to where he came from.






Sam’s on my shit list. This ‘job’ he’s requiring me to fulfill is more trouble than it’s worth. Not only am I completely out of my element in this godforsaken city, I have to deal with the pain in the ass Melinda Morgan. She’s an entitled bitch in my personal opinion. She might be one of the most beautiful women in the country—hell, the world—but her beauty only goes so deep. Her attitude blows, which makes her anything but beautiful. This can’t be over soon enough.

Melinda will be discharged within the hour and I have the responsibility to take her home. Ryan left earlier, her niece is in school, and her best friend is holding down the fort at their office, so that left me.

“Ready to go?” I ask as I enter the room.

She turns toward me, glares, and continues to pack her bag. Even with her swollen eyes, her disdain for me is evident.

“So, is that a yes?”

“I don’t want you here,” she snaps as she zips her bag.

“Well, that makes two of us, sweetheart.”

“Then go away. I don’t need protection. I can handle myself. I’ve done it for years.” She twirls a piece of her long dark hair between two fingers.

“I have orders.”

“Well, fuck your orders. I have orders for you to. Get the hell out,” she insists, her voice shrill as she makes her demand.

I move toward her and struggle to control my anger because now, she’s pissed me off. Inches from her face, I glare into her eyes as she juts out her chin in defiance.

“Let’s get one thing straight, Ms. Morgan. As much as neither of us want this, we’re stuck together until Sam calls this damn thing off. Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you ran in the park all alone in the middle of the night. Both you and I know there’s more to your story than you let on, and I’ll find out what it is so I can get the hell out of here.”

I see the flicker of fear in her eyes as the words roll off my tongue. It’s there momentarily as I watch her struggle to find her composure.

“Fuck you.” She articulates each word for emphasis.

“You wish,” I say as I stride out the door into the hallway.

God damn, that woman is a hellcat. I need to get to the bottom of this so I can get the hell away from her and go home.

Melinda’s driver waits for us at an entrance used only for employees of the hospital. Apparently, a swarm of reporters are out front to snap the first pictures of Ms. Morgan beat up. They’re like piranha, waiting to devour her.

“Melinda, are you okay?” asks the older gentleman as he opens the back door for her to climb in.

“Hi, Harry. Yes, I’ll be fine.” Her voice sounds heavy with emotion. “This is Mason Tanner, my new bodyguard, apparently.” Her sarcasm isn’t lost on me.

“Mr. Tanner, nice to meet you,” Harry says as he holds his hand out for me to shake.

“Mason. Please. It’s nice to meet you as well, Harry.”

“Hop on in. I’ve made arrangements with Pete to get you in the rear of the building. The front, as you can imagine, is full of reporters waiting to snap the first picture of you.”

I climb in beside Melinda. Her face is turned to look out the window.

“Do you want to share what happened?” Harry asks from the driver’s seat. His eyes make contact with Melinda’s in the rearview mirror.

“I was mugged in Central Park,” she answers and her gaze turns back to the window.

“Truth,” Harry says.

Melinda’s eyes widen as she makes contact with Harry’s again.

“That is the truth, Harry. I don’t understand why no one believes me.”

“Because it’s out of character for you, Melinda. Both you and I know it.”

“I needed to clear my head and wasn’t thinking properly. I went out for a run because I was suffocating in my apartment. Pictures of my fiancée with another women tends to make one irrational and even crazy, you know?”

Harry eyes her warily before he nods and turns his attention back to the road.

“He was never good enough for you,” he says, his voice thick with emotion.

“Well, it’s wonderful that everyone else realized that but me. You know what they say—Melinda Morgan, unlucky in love. I’m sure the paparazzi are having a field day uncovering all his indiscretions.”

I knew she had just ended things with her fiancée. Ryan had mentioned it in passing but I didn’t realize the asshole had cheated on her. There’s nothing I hate more than men who treat women like shit. I turned to look at her, but her attention was focused out the window and she was completely lost in her own thoughts.






It’s so frustrating to know everyone else saw through Nathanial except me. How did I miss it? Why do I keep missing it?

“Ms. Morgan, we’re here. Pete said everything’s clear to get you into the building quickly.”

I snap out of my pity party to focus on entering the building unnoticed.

“I’ll get out first in case anyone’s around,” Mason says, his voice firm. I simply nod my head in response. I’m too emotionally drained to argue with him at the moment.

“Harry, why don’t you stay inside the car with Melinda?”

I watch him as he moves from the car and into the back of my apartment building. Pete’s there with the door slightly open. They exchange a few words before Mason returns to the vehicle.

“We’re all clear,” he says as he reaches for my hand to help me out. Tiny shocks of electricity jolt through my body as I make contact with his hand. I draw away quickly but not before he makes eye contact with me as if he felt the same.

“I don’t bite,” he says, his voice softer than usual.

Um…he actually might, especially after what I felt.

I reach for his hand again and brace for the jolt. It comes as I expected. Mason helps me out and into the back door to where Pete is. I watch as he gives Harry some orders.

“Lead the way,” he says as he steps inside.

“Right this way, Ms. Morgan.” We follow Pete to the staff elevator. He thought it would be safer for me and I agree.

“How are you?” Pete asks. “I’ve been worried. Emily has kept me updated on your prognosis.”

“You’re too kind, Pete. Other than my physical ailments, I’m okay and I’m healing every day. I’m happy to be home.” I lie with a straight face because my emotional ailments far outweigh what I face physically. I feel fragile, something I’ve never felt before, and I don’t like it.

“I’m glad you’re healing, Ms. Morgan. If there’s anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

“I definitely will. Thank you.”

I step out of the elevator and Mason follows with my bag.

“I don’t have my key.” I panic as I pause outside my front door.

Mason jangles my keys in front of me. “I’ve got you covered,” he says before he steps in front of me to open the door. He glides it open and motions for me to enter. Relief washes over me as I step over the threshold. I really am happy to be home. I take it all in without a word and walk to the floor length windows. There, my gaze goes instinctively to Central Park and I shiver.

“Are you cold?”

I jump at his words.

“A little.” I lie again because I don’t want him to know my shiver is from the memories of my attack. I watch him as he grabs a blanket off my sofa and steps toward me. My brain kicks in. He’ll touch me and my body will respond in a way I am not comfortable with. I’m supposed to hate the sight of him, and I do, yet my body rebels against mind. Before he gets too close, I reach for the blanket, take it from him, and wrap around my shoulders.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Where can I put your bag?”

“It’s fine. I can get it. You don’t have to go out of your way to help me.” What the hell is wrong with me? He’s simply being nice.

His eyebrow arches up as he looks at me.

“Alrighty then. What time does Emily arrive?”

“Why?” I ask defensively.

“Because I’ll stay until she gets home. You aren’t supposed to be by yourself—doctor’s orders.”

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

He smirks at me. “We’ve already gone over that so cut the crap. I’m staying.”

If looks could kill, he’d be dead right now. I glare at him although he doesn’t seem the least bit fazed by it. After a thirty second stare-down, I stomp to my bedroom to get away from him.

God, he’s infuriating! Why can’t he leave me alone? Because you’re an idiot, Melinda, I admonish myself. What were you thinking meeting someone in the middle of the night to hand off one hundred and fifty thousand dollars? I was thinking about my reputation and losing everything I’ve built, that’s what. The thought of any of those pictures getting out paralyzes me. I lay down on my bed and wish this was all a bad dream.

I must have fallen asleep. It’s dim in my room and I peer out the windows to confirm that it’s no longer light out. I don’t want to get up, but I should check to see if Emily is home. My door creeks as I open it.

I spot Mason seated on my couch, hovering over his laptop.

“Why are you still here?” I snap. God, I’m such a bitch, but I can’t help it. The sight of him reminds me that he’s here to get to the bottom of my beating, and I can’t let him do that.

“Emily isn’t here,” he replies nonchalantly.

“Where is she?”

He looks up at me, annoyed. “She was here and went to her study group. She apologized for not being able to stay.”

“She’s got midterms coming up.”

“She mentioned that. Are you hungry?”

I shrug my shoulders. “A little.”

“I took the liberty of ordering some food. I hope you like Chinese. It was that or pizza.” He smiles at me in an attempt to break the tension between us.

“Chinese is fine. Thank you. Where are you staying?”

“The Plaza, not too far from here.”

“No offense, Mason, but I don’t need a bodyguard, or a private investigator, or whatever you are. I was mugged. We’ll never find the guys who did it.”

He eyes me quizzically.

“I’m here until Sam says I’m not. For the record, I’ve worked with women my entire career, so I know when they’re lying. You’re hiding something and I’ll find out what that is so you can stay safe. Right now, I don’t think you’re safe.”

“Suit yourself.” I shrug. “But you’re wrong. You’ll waste your time and energy chasing a ghost.” I remain as confident as I can and hope he doesn’t sense the panic I try desperately to keep down.






She’s a good liar, I’ll give her that, but I can see right through her crap. The panic she tries to hide is right there at the surface and teeters on boiling over. I don’t know what she’s hiding, but I’ll find out.

I made arrangements yesterday with Harry to pick me up at eight thirty so he could bring me to Melinda’s office. I’m sure she’ll have a conniption when she finds out, but I’ll deal with that later.

“Was she acting any different the day she was attacked?” I ask as he maneuvers the SUV through traffic.

“Nothing out of the ordinary. We talked about her douche bag fiancée. She was upset about that.”

“I’m sure. How long have you worked for her?”

“About fifteen years, now. She didn’t want a driver, but her agent insisted on it. As her fame grew, she saw the benefits of having one. She’s like a daughter to me. If you find the assholes who did this to her, let me at them before you call the police.” His face is grim as he grips the steering wheel tighter.

“I think you’ll have to be in line behind her brother,” I reply.

“Yeah, I guess that’s right. Any leads?”

“Nothing at the moment. I hope to find something at the office.”

“You know, when I picked her up that afternoon, she was a little unfocused. We always chat about her day, but she was all over the place. She needed to get to her bank and then home asap. I assumed it was to get Nathanial off any joint accounts they had before he drained her. He was a leech. I have never understood why she goes for those types of guys.”

“So not her normal self?”

“No, but I chalked it up to her emotions. She did just find out that her fiancée of two plus years was cheating on her. Between you and me, I don’t think it was the first time. I think he used her the entire time. We’re here,” he says as he pulls up to the unloading zone in front of her building. “And so are the paps.” He points to the crowd of reporters outside the front doors.

“Well, since I’m a nobody, I don’t think they’ll take my picture.” I chuckle.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. They know this vehicle. They’ll want to know who you are and why you’re here.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” I say as I open the back door. “I’ll be in touch. Thanks, Harry.”

The paparazzi turn immediately as my door opens. I can see the disappointment in their eyes when they notice it’s not Melinda.

“Who are you? Why are you with Ms. Morgan’s driver? How is Ms. Morgan? Did she breakup with Nathanial?”

The questions rush at me as I stride into the building and ignore them all.

“Mr. Tanner?”

I’m greeted by a tall, leggy blonde with green eyes and a seductive smile.

“I’m Sarah. Melinda’s partner and best friend,” she purrs as she holds her hand out for me to shake.

“Thanks for letting me in, Sarah.” I nod as she holds my hand for a little longer than normal.

“No problem at all. Let me show you to her office.” She turns with the iconic model turn you see on the runways and sways her hips as she walks down the hallway. Her seductive ways might work on others, but not on me. I’m not interested. I’m here to get to the bottom of this mess so I can go home. Sarah opens the door to Melinda’s office.

“Has anyone been in here since she was last here?”

“Just me and her assistant. I’ve had to grab a few things and Viv has brought things in and stacked them on her desk. Other than that, no one else.”

I take in my surroundings. Her office is massive and tastefully decorated like her apartment—warm colors, pictures of her family and of herself at different events, and a view of the city most people only dream about.

“So, you’ve worked with Melinda for how long now?”

“About five years full time. I left modeling to kick this brand into high gear. I love it.”

“Did you leave your modeling career altogether?”

“Not in the beginning. I was still young enough to care about being seen, but I eventually grew out of it. I grew tired of the constant travel and wanted to be more settled.”

“How did you and Melinda meet?”

“We met in the very beginning of our careers on a shoot right here in New York. We hit it off immediately and have been friends ever since.”

“Tell me about the day of her attack. Did she act different? Does anything stand out for you?”

“Harry dropped her off late that morning. The paps swarmed the door after the news of Nathanial’s cheating. When she got inside, she broke down. We spent about an hour in her office, her crying, me trying to make her feel better, and then we caught up on work. I left her to work and I didn’t see her for the rest of the day.”

“I see. Did she say anything that stood out for you?”

“I don’t understand where this is going, Mr. Tanner. The papers said she was mugged in Central Park. Is there something else going on that I should know about?”

“A few of us believe there is more to the story. That’s all. We’re trying to figure out if we’re correct. Don’t you think it’s out of character for Melinda to be alone in Central Park at ten o’clock at night? According to her brother, her driver, and a few others, it isn’t something she would normally do. She’s too cautious.”

“That’s true,” she says as she steps toward the windows and crosses her arms over her chest as she looks out at the view. “However, she was stressed out. People do things out of character when they’re like that.”

I nod to indicate that I understand her sentiment, “Thanks for your time, Sarah. If there’s anything else I think of, I’ll let you know. I’d like a few minutes alone in her office to look around, if you don’t mind.”

“By all means.” She pauses a moment, her eyes on mine—as if searching for something although I’m not sure what—then turns and walks out the door.

Sitting at Melinda’s desk, I open the top drawer and find nothing out of the ordinary. A notepad, neatly organized office supplies, and a few note cards. A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door. My head lifts to the sound of the door opening.

“Mr. Tanner?”

“Yep, that’s me,” I reply casually.

“I’m Viv.” She eyes me cautiously and her eyebrow arches as she finds me looking through Melinda’s desk. “I wanted to see if there was anything I could get you.”

“No. I’m good. Thanks. But I’d like to ask you a few questions. Did you see Melinda on the day she was attacked?”

Her eyes widen before she answers. “Yes, I did. She worked here all afternoon.”

“How did she behave? Did anything seem different?”

“No. She seemed fine.” She fidgets with the hem of her skirt. “I mean, she was upset when she came in, but Sarah consoled her. We all figured it was about Nathanial.”

I stand and use my height to intimidate her a little. She takes a step back as I step toward her.

“Did you see her before she left that evening?”

“No. I didn’t see her before she left. The only time I saw her alone was when I brought her a package that afternoon.” She looks surprised by her admission but quickly recovers.

This raises my interest so I probe more. “What kind of package?”

“I have no idea what was in it. It was delivered by a courier and no signature was needed. I gave it to her and that was the last time I saw her.”

I rub my chin between my two fingers, thinking. Viv tears me from my thoughts.

“Mr. Tanner? Will that be all?” She sounds annoyed now, but I don’t care.

“I have one more question, actually. Don’t you find it questionable that one of the world’s top models is out in Central Park alone at night?”

“The thought did cross my mind. However, I can imagine wanting to get away when your fiancée cheats on you in front of the entire world and there’s absolutely no privacy in the matter.”

“Thanks for your time, Viv,” I say dismissively before I turn my attention back to Melinda’s desk.




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