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Exquisite Innocence (Iron Horse MC Book 5) by Ann Mayburn (2)


Lorenzo “Hustler” Ricci

Lyric’s wide hazel eyes looked up at me as we neared the portable lights set up around the makeshift RV camp in the middle of Mike’s compound. It was packed with high-end buses, RVs, tents, and tons of motorcycles. Just the sight of all those bikes made my gut clench as I wondered what the fuck I was doing. If I was a better man, I’d let her put a bandage on me, then send her on her way. In the short time I’d known her, I could tell she’s what my dad would call a good woman, salt of the earth. A treasure for any man to possess and own.

And man, did I want to possess and own her sweet round ass.

I know it sounds crude, but I’m just being honest when I say I’ve had more women suck my dick than I can count. I was nineteen when I began as a pledge to the Iron Horse MC. I had to do a lot of bullshit to earn my vest. And I do mean bullshit, lots of washing and detailing bikes, doing boring watch duties, counting shit for inventory…the shit jobs no one wanted. But, there were always club girls ready to drain my hard cock, and I had taken advantage of what was offered.

Sex was a whole different thing. I’m very choosy about who I fucked. They had to be relationship material. Unfortunately, I tended to be attracted to crazy women who needed someone to rescue them. My mom accused me of having “white knight” syndrome with insane chicks. I can’t help it, I see a woman that needs someone to heal her and I want to do it. I knew from therapy it’s a result of growing up and watching my mom get the shit beaten out of her by my birth father. Yeah, even bikers need to get their shit straightened out by a professional now and again.

Seeing your ex-girlfriend’s brain blown out of her head will do that.

Terrible memories tried to enter my head, but I shoved them back easier than usual. The bright ray of sunshine at my side helped me more than she knew. Just having her near me made me focus on the here and now, not the past, and cleared some of the poison clouding my mind. I’d grown used to people eyeing me with fear and suspicion, wondering if I’m the traitor known as Chief. It’s dumb as fuck that people would even consider that, but someone was trying to frame me for shit that wasn’t my fault, yet somehow always appeared to be.

Beach, my club’s president, and Sledge, my club’s vice-prez, knew I was being set up—there was just fuck-all they could do about it. We had a rat, someone deep within the ranks of the MC, and they seemed determined to tear it apart from the inside out. Smoke, our master-at-arms, knew I’d never kill his sister-in-law, Veronica. Yeah, we had a short and wild relationship, but it went down in flames the moment I found out she spiked my drink with GHB so I’d do a threesome with her and Smoke. Later she said she’d been off her meds, or something was wrong with her meds, but that was just a bullshit excuse. She’d always wanted Smoke and she’d used me to get him.

Bitch had betrayed me on every level and I was done with her ass.

But that didn’t mean I wanted her dead.

My groan of frustration drew Lyric’s attention and she said in her melodic, so-fucking-sexy-it-should-be-illegal voice, “Are you in pain?”

“No, Angel, I’m okay.” Her open concern touched me and I drank in her kindness. “We’re almost there. That one’s our destination.”

The big RV was top-of-the-line, and my little brother used it as his backup for traveling on tour, so it kind of had to be. The kid spent months on the road, and he needed something comfortable. Even better, it came with its own security and a huge master suite along with a guest bedroom, and was totally pimped out inside.

Sledge, our VP, was bunking with me tonight and I wondered if he’d bring back company with him.

I brought us to a stop just beyond the circle of spotlights coming from my RV. “One sec.”

I sent Sledge a quick text to either come home alone, or find some place to stay for the night. He texted me back right away, being a smartass about my obvious and visible abstinence these past six months. Sledge was a simple man, but he had a few rules in life and one of them was a man was only really happy when he’s fucking. I didn’t say he wasn’t an asshole, but he was right. I’ve been tense as fuck, needing the release of a good scene, and I wondered if the adorable girl at my side would be into it.

Sarah had asked me to watch out for Lyric, to keep an eye on her and make sure she was having fun. They said she was shy around big guys, and to give her space. So, I spent the first part of the night watching her, slowly growing to appreciate her innocent beauty. She was shy; I’d seen her turn down a dozen horny bikers and mafia hitmen with a blush, but she was also very…serene. I couldn’t think of how to explain it, but she seemed very centered somehow. More real than everyone else around her.

I’d also noticed Vance checking her out, and I didn’t like that shit one bit. I suspected him as one of the people behind the club’s problems, but I couldn’t prove it. Even without proof, I knew he was not the kind of man that should be anywhere near Lyric. Her whole body drew in on itself around him, and a protective feeling that would have made my Aztec warrior ancestors proud roared through me. Before I could think of the ramifications of my actions, I was across the room, taking Lyric away from that evil fuck.

On impulse, I slipped Lyric’s delicate hand into my own and blinked at the flash of sparks and heat between our skin. I know she felt it as well, because her full lips parted on a gasp. So pretty, I wanted to slip my cock between those lips and have her suck me while I instructed her. She was like a butterfly soaring through the air during a war, something too delicate to survive on its own without protection. I know it’s sexist as fuck, but women like her needed a strong man in their life to watch over them. Someone to protect their delicate hearts that they wore on their sleeve.

We began to walk and she kept darting these little secretive smiles at me, making me grin back despite the annoying pain in my leg.

Two big men in dark pants and black T-shirts melted out of the shadows around the bus, their rugged faces carefully blank and polite. They were part of the security detail watching over the RVs. Not that anything would happen to them here. We had men stationed all around the area keeping watch, and I’m sure Mike Anderson had the placed rigged with cameras and bombs or some crazy shit. Mike was a good man, but also scary as fuck.

Dyno, a skinny, rangy guy in his late twenties with curly brown hair, nodded at me, his gaze darting to Lyric and back. “Evening, Hustler.”

Lyric stared at the men with wide eyes and became still, almost silent, as she observed them. I had to remember that she was innocent, sheltered, and needed me to protect her. The determination to ease her discomfort had me pulling her closer to my side, enjoying the way she clung to my hand.

“I racked my leg on a rock and scraped it pretty good.”

Guilt streaked over Lyric’s sweet face, her every emotion playing out in her expressive eyes for the world to see. I could read her like a book, and it was refreshing to find someone so open and honest in a world full of liars. All the more reason I should stay away from her, but damned if I could deny myself this one stolen night with her. My world was going to shit, but her soft presence brought me a much-needed peace. Being around her was a balm to my soul, and I craved her touch.

The men both gave her a quick glance, and I could see their appreciation as they drank her in. I couldn’t blame them. She was rounded curves poured into a liquid silver dress, and her hair fell in golden-brown wavy curls all the way to her ass that was made for grabbing. And she was such an interesting mix of virtue and naughtiness, of a good girl dying to be dirty. Just the kind of woman that tied my dick in a knot. As I took in her cute-as-shit freckles, she blushed beneath my gaze.

“That’s a big gash,” Nibbles, a brother from the LA Iron Horse MC chapter said as he gazed at Lyric with open appreciation. “You need a hand patching that up? We could all go inside and take care of that together.”

Fucker thought Lyric was the kind of woman that would be passed around, that she was a club slut willing to party hard with anyone in a cut, and it pissed me off. “No, keep your asses out here.”

Lyric, oblivious to the byplay between us, was crouched down at my side, staring in horror at my leg as she lifted the torn fabric. “Oh, my sweet goodness!”

Unable to stop myself, I drank in the sight of her deep, deep cleavage as she gently tugged at my shredded pants. “Angel, it’s okay, really. I’ve had road rash way worse than this and kept riding for another hundred miles. I’m fine.”

Her lovely hazel eyes were filled with tears as she looked up at me, and I felt like a dick for finding her hot when she cried. “You’re bleeding. I need to fix you.”

Nibbles stared at her tits as he rubbed his chin. “You sure you don’t need help, Hustler?”

All the warmth I felt fled as cold anger replaced it. “Watch your-fuckin’-self.”

Dyno, who I considered a friend, gave his partner a hard look. “Nibbles, go make sure the other side of the bus is secure before Hustler puts a bullet in you.”

I could tell Nibbles didn’t want to go, but he grunted, then walked around the side of the RV. Dyno shook his head and gave me an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that. Normally I wouldn’t have him with me, but my partner is home with his wife. They just had a baby so I’m stuck with Nibbles. He didn’t mean any disrespect, just—” his eyes flicked to Lyric, still examining my leg, then back to me, “—you know how it is.”

“Deal with it—or I will.”


I shook my anger off as we made our way inside, and it was like being suddenly transported into a different world. Instead of being surrounded by miles and miles of wildness in butt-fuck-nowhere Texas, we were suddenly in a luxurious, if small, apartment. The low, golden lighting illuminated the glossy cherry wood cabinets, along with highlighting the comfortable furniture and state-of-the-art everything. The air was perfectly cool and it was so quiet I could hear Lyric’s soft breaths.

Standing in the entrance to the living room area, Lyric turned around slowly, awe lighting her face in a way that made me laugh. “Holy sprinkled toast, this place is amazing!”

I limped over to the sink and dug around for the first aid kit beneath it before hefting it out and putting it on the small cream fold-out dining table. The interior of the bus was lush, done in shades of tan and gold, warm and inviting. Lyric looked like a diamond set amongst the gold, her silver dress sparkling with her every move.

When Sarah and Swan had planned the wedding, they’d asked me for input on shit. Being that Smoke and Beach were among my best friends, I spent a lot of time at their place. Plus, I was one of the girl’s unofficial bodyguards. Myself and two of the club’s top enforcers switched around what we jokingly called “bitch-sitting services.” I loved Sarah and Swan like they were my bratty little sisters, but man, those girls were a nightmare to try and keep safe. Strong, independent, they had a tendency to do what they wanted, when they wanted, without fear. Which was fine, admirable even; but when you’re in charge of keeping their asses alive, their independent nature could drive a man crazy.

I vaguely remembered watching over/hanging out with them one lazy Sunday at Smoke and Swan’s place. They’d been deep in chick-land planning for the wedding, with about a thousand magazines and pictures from the Internet printed out and spread around the kitchen. They’d asked my opinion on bridesmaid dresses, and I pretended to give a shit as I watched a football game and chowed down on chicken wings and nachos with Smoke.

Now, I was mighty pleased with the way the dress they picked fit Lyric’s generous curves.

She had a little pooch of a belly, and wide hips with a generous ass. Her whole body was lush, ultra-feminine, and her big tits were fucking works of art. I got a good view of her breasts when she pushed me onto the wide, deep sofa that ran along the wall of the bus, the oversized throw pillows cushioning my fall. Kneeling between my legs, she presented such a pretty picture of sweet submission. I’m a sexual dominant, but my tastes were a little on the exotic side. I’m a Daddy Dom, a Master who enjoys loving, nurturing, and disciplining my submissive. While I was into a good spanking and other types of kink, I was more sensual than brutal.

I had a moment of hesitation when she began to gently pluck at my pants, pulling the wet fabric from my leg. The pain cleared my lust and I thought about the danger I might be putting her in. Then again, that wasn’t likely. She was well protected out here in the middle of nowhere, and while her church sounded like a shithole, at least she’d be safe there. The last woman I’d dated was dead, killed by some mysterious fucking enemy named Chief, who seemed bent on destroying me and the Iron Horse MC.

Painful memories tried to assault me, but once again Lyric brought me out of the darkness and into the light.

“The scratch goes up your thigh.” I grunted as Lyric began to tear my pants more, then paused. “Um…are you, uh, decent beneath?”

“Am I decent?”

“You know…um, are you…uh, wearing underwear?”

“Yeah, but I’m not decent.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look at me.” I waited until she turned those big, trusting eyes of hers my way. “I’m wearing boxers, but I’m not decent. In fact, I’m really fuckin’ indecent. My dick is hard as a fucking post.”

She bit her lower lip and looked up at me through her lashes. “It is?”

“Hell yes, it is. You’re on your knees in front of me, your soft hands on me, your sweet voice in my ears. No way I wouldn’t be hard. You’re gorgeous, Angel.”

She fussed with my leg, getting blood on her fingers. “No, Indigo, Swan and Sarah—they’re beautiful. I’m plain, but it’s okay. I know who I am and I’m fine with it.”

“You’re not plain. You’re exquisite.”

She grew stiff in my arms. “Thank you, but I beg to disagree.”

Unable to resist, I kissed the frown from her lush lips, drinking her down, loving the taste of her on my tongue. Her hips pressed into me and a low, guttural moan vibrated through her. I loved how she responded to me, how eager she was for my touch. It stoked my need to make it even better for her, to drive her crazy with pleasure.

Examining her face as I pulled back, I smiled. “Yep. Daddy thinks you’re beautiful.”

Her lovely eyes clouded and she looked away. “So, just to make sure we’re on the same page, you’re not into, like, stuff.”

“Like stuff?”

“It’s not like—you know, all incest-y and stuff.”

“No, no. Not all incest-y and stuff.” Fuck, she was adorable. “I like to take care of women, make their lives better, help them grow into their potential. I enjoy nurturing a woman, caring and providing for her. It gets me off to see my woman content, happy, and thriving. I want to be my woman’s protector, in all things, for her to trust me and know I’ll take care of her in every way she needs. I like to help a woman blossom into her full potential.”

“Blossom? That’s awfully poetic for a biker.”

“If I tell you something, you have to swear not to speak of it to anyone, ever. Including Swan and Sarah. They wouldn’t be able to resist teasing me for what I’m about to tell you. Can I trust you to keep what I’m about to say between us?”

The soft skin of her hand sent sparks over my arm as she gripped it lightly and gave me a solemn nod. “Of course. You can share your burden with me. I’ll take the weight.”

“That’s good to know, but this is more embarrassing for me than anything else.”

“Go on.”

I couldn’t help but grin at her earnest expression. “My mom tortured us by making us listen to her romance novels in the car while she was driving. She loves audiobooks and would torment me and my brother by making us listen to chicks talking about ‘dewy petals’ and crap like that. As a result, unfortunately, I’ve been tainted by those cheesy 1990s romance novels. You know the kind, the ones with Highlander pirates who are actually long-lost princes kidnapping slutty virgins and all that shit.”

Bless her, she tried not to laugh, but when she went to speak she snorted, then busted out in clear laughter that rang through the air like silvery chimes.

“Slutty virgins?” She laughed so hard tears streamed down her cheeks and I picked her up, tucking her quaking body against mine. “You’re right, I’ll never tell anyone. I’ve met your friends, they would never let you live it down. Plus, I know Swan and Sarah. They live for this kind of stuff. God, I can just imagine how they’d torment you. Sarah would probably buy you a gazillion romance novels and have them sent to the clubhouse.”

“Swan would figure out how to hack my phone and change my ringtone to a snippet from some sex scene in an audiobook.”

The peal of her laughter was contagious and I snuggled her into me, chuckling as she slowly regained control of herself. “I have to say, I’m glad for once my mom is a total prude in every way, shape, and form. I don’t think I’ve ever even heard her speak about sex in my presence other than to tell me to not even think about it.”

Strangely enough, I wasn’t in a hurry to fuck Lyric. I was enjoying talking with her too much. She was interesting, different, and my mind wanted to figure out how she saw the world. I know it sounds arrogant when I say I’m a quick thinker and I’m good at figuring out what makes people tick. Lyric was so unlike anyone I’d ever met, and I wanted to know more.

“So, you grew up on a religious commune?”


Instant stiffness entered her body and I mentally switched gears. “Was it a sex commune? Sarah said there was one of those around here.”

Giggling, she melted into me. “No, that’s where Indigo grew up.”

“Really? The Asian chick with the tattoos? She’s so…formidable.”

“Very. She’s a private investigator, at least that’s what she tells the world. She’s really a ninja.”

“A ninja.” I tried to picture the black-haired bombshell kicking someone’s ass. “Huh.”

Nuzzling her nose against my neck, she murmured, “Sorry, I grew up in the boring Christian commune. I’ve only kissed a couple guys, had one serious boyfriend, and a brief fling with the guy I lost my virginity to.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. You live your life the way that’s right for you. I’m not here to judge. To be honest, I get off on the thought of being the first to teach you things.”

“So, you only like women that are inexperienced?”

“No, no. Not at all. Shit, how do I explain this. There’s good and bad about every relationship, pros and cons that both have merit. It all depends on the woman, and how attracted I am to her.” I smoothed her hair back

“And you’re attracted to me?”

I gave her total honesty when I said, “Angel, I’ve never wanted anyone more than you. You’re fuckin’ dangerous.”


“Yeah. You make me forget my world, my duties, my life. I lose myself in you and I got men hunting me, waiting for me to slip up. The moment I let my guard down, they strike, so I have to be aware of my surroundings at all times. But right here, right now, I’m as good as blind because the only thing I see is you. So yeah, you’re dangerous.”

“Hustler, that’s terrible. What’s going on? Why aren’t Smoke and Beach helping you? I thought your MC was all about having each other’s backs?”

“Club business, can’t talk about it.”

Cute as a wet kitten, she glared at me. “I hate it when Swan and Sarah say that! Good gravy train, it makes me mad.”

I couldn’t help but start laughing again, as her unusual cuss phrases rolled off her sweet lips.

“Daddy wants some sugar, give him a kiss.”

I didn’t miss her thighs clenching or the sharp breath that she sucked in through her nose. “Okay, Daddy.”

Fucking hell, my dick throbbed so hard I was almost afraid to move. Lyric closed the distance between us and brushed her lips over mine. A soft sigh left her mouth and I breathed it in, tasting her, bringing her body into mine. Our mouths brushed again and heat clenched my gut and my cock twitched, trying to get to the untried little pussy creaming for me. I had no doubt if I were to touch her between her legs, she’d be wet and soft for me.

When she pulled away, she licked her lips and placed her hands on my chest. “Wow, you can kiss.”


“You must have had a lot of practice.” She sighed. “Am I terrible? I haven’t had as much time to refine my technique.”

Her gaze narrowed in anger as I chuckled, but I kissed her freckled little nose. “Just go with it, Angel. Don’t overthink it. Your body knows what it wants, trust it to lead the way. If something turns you on, great; if it doesn’t, that’s fine as well. Does it turn you on when I tell you what to do?”

“Yes. It makes me feel…good knowing that I’m doing what you want. What turns you on. That I don’t have to guess what to do to make you happy. I like making you happy, Hustler. It makes me feel good.” I kissed her again, long and soft, giving her affection and comfort. It wasn’t too long until she was purring for me, her hands grasping my shoulders and pulling me closer. The lush surface of her ass wiggled against my cock as she squirmed. “Teach me, show me everything you can.”

“You sure want to play with Daddy? We can be just Hustler and Lyric, no pressure.”

I waited, hoping like fuck she’d say yes and not sprint out of the bus as fast as her legs would take her. I could see the struggle, her indecision, guilt and desire swirling together into a heady mix. Her nipples poked at the fabric of her dress, hard as bullets, and a warm flush covered her chest as she shifted on her heels. I reached out and cupped her cheek.

“Angel, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want. Hell, I’ll be happy just to spend some time with you tonight and listen to that sexy-ass voice of yours.”

“You think I have a sexy voice?”

God, she was starved for positive attention, affection. It told me a lot about her life at home and I wished I could get her to come back to Austin with me. But even if she did, I’d have to let her go before anyone could realize she meant anything to me. I hated my life at moments like this.

“Yeah, I do.” My voice went raspy as I leaned forward and whispered into her ear, “And I can’t wait to hear you moan my name as I eat that tender little pussy of yours.”

Her gasp was music to my ears. So sensitive to my words and my touch. Testing out her reaction, I gently licked and sucked on her earlobe. Her response was immediate and she tilted her head, giving me better access to her body. This close, I could smell the faint remains of some perfume that perfectly complemented her natural scent. Clean, fresh, an oasis from the pollution of the world. Her skin was so soft beneath my lips and I was reminded of her age.

Call me a dirty fuck, but I liked that she was younger than me. It made me feel in control, in charge, two things I’d been desperately lacking in my life this past year. The need to dominate Lyric grew as I began to softly bite her neck; each time my teeth made contact, she’d shiver. Leaning into my hold fully, she positively melted against me as I sucked on the sensitive lobe of her ear.

“Tell me what you want. Whatever fantasy you have, whatever you need, I’ll give it to you.”


Grabbing her gently by the chin, I looked her straight in the eyes and let my inner beast out to play. “Tell me what you want, Angel. Now. Daddy’s not a patient man.”

Her hips rubbed up against me, her movements fluid and greedy. “I want you to keep talking dirty to me. No one has ever done that before.”

I raked my teeth along her earlobe, then kissed behind it. “What else.”

“I want to come from oral sex. I’ve never had that either.”

“You got it, baby. Anything else my girl wants?”

I knew it was going to be something good, because she had to work herself up to whispering, “Daddy, would you please spank me? But a good-girl spanking, not a bad-girl one.”

Oh fuck, this was wrong, so wrong…but her husky voice and slightly taboo words drove me beyond crazy. “Yeah, Angel, I’ll spank you until you cream all over my fingers.”

She swayed forward, her breasts pillowing against my erection, her head resting on my lower abs. “Yes, please. That sounds wonderful.”

My cock throbbed. “Such a good, sweet girl. Stand up.”

She did as I commanded and I leaned forward, then ran my finger along the dip of her waist. “Pull your dress up, then turn around.”

Her movements were deliciously slow and uncertain, but I enjoyed the rush of energy between us as she did what she was told, following my instructions perfectly. The sight of her sweet, silky, white panties stretched over the large globes of her creamy ass had me twitching with need. I gently brushed my fingers over each cheek, then leaned in and began to kiss along the edge of her panties. Each press of my lips lingered as I woke her skin up, sensitized her. I bet innocent little Lyric had never been with a man like me before. I was going to own her tonight, to brand myself into her memory, to take her as many times and ways as I could. Tomorrow, with all its problems, would be here soon enough, and I felt like we were living on borrowed time. That nothing this good could last forever.

Lyric trembled beneath my touch and the light, musky scent of her arousal reached me as I began to lick and kiss closer to her pussy. I wanted her eager for me, willing to do anything for an orgasm. I wanted her begging for me to spank her, pleading with me to spread her open with my dick.

“Take your panties off.”

Now fully nude, she fidgeted, almost putting her hands behind her back before clasping them around her waist. The shy manner of her stance turned me right the fuck on, and I groaned as I licked between her ass cheeks. She squealed and tried to pull away, but I grabbed both her wrists and held them behind her back.


“You know what a safe word is?”

Her thrashing quieted down. “Yes.”

“What’s yours.”

“Care Bear Stare.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head, then leaned my forehead against her ass. “Care Bear Stare. Are you for fuckin’ real?”


She sounded miffed, and I kissed her butt cheek in apology. “Right. If anything isn’t for you, just safe word, and we’ll stop and talk about it. Otherwise, I’m going to push you a little bit, try things out with you, but I’m not going to let you know what we’re doing next. I’ll make it good for you, I promise.”





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