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Family Ties: Bartlett Boys Book One by Poppy Dennison (10)


On Sunday morning, Blake was rudely awakened by his brother throwing clothes at him. He’d not caught up on any of the sleep he missed the day before as Caroline had decided to get up at six in the morning. As Linc hadn’t dropped him off until almost three, he’d been less than happy to wake up.

And now his evil brother was waking him up early for the second day in a row. He peeled open one eye and threw a pillow at his annoying sibling. “Go away.”

“Can’t. Promised the cousins I’d make you come to the gym with us.”

Blake pulled the pillow over his head. “No.”

“Daddy!” Caroline bounded into the room and jumped on his stomach.

“Oof! Careful, Mouse.”

“Sorry, Daddy. You gotta get up. Jeep made pancakes and Uncle Josh is going to take me to the park later. He said!”

Blake groaned and pulled the pillow off his face.

Josh cleared his throat. “Actually, Caroline, I said we could ask your dad if we could go to the park this afternoon, remember?”

“Yeah. That! See, Daddy! Uncle Josh said we could go to the park!”

“Caroline, do you think you can ask and use your manners?”

She scowled, then sighed a put upon sigh worthy of a three-year-old. “Daddy, may Uncle Josh and I go to the park this afternoon?”

“Yes, you may.”

“Yay!” She leapt off of him, kicking Blake right in the kidney, as she hit his brother in the chest.

Josh scrambled to catch her.

Blake whimpered and sat up. “Why?”

He rubbed his side and climbed out of bed.

“Why what, Daddy? Do you want pancakes too? Jeep said he’d make them like a mouse for me! Do mouses eat pancakes, Uncle Josh?”

“You’re the only mouse I know who eats pancakes, but I suppose a mouse would eat anything he could, right?”

She nodded her approval. “Good thinking.”

Blake laughed. She picked up the funniest expressions from people. He wondered which one of them had told her that one.

“Caroline, will you go ask Jeep to make me a pancake too? Daddy’s going to take a quick shower and get dressed and then I’ll be out.”

Josh left the room with her, so Blake gathered up some clothes for a shower. After they ate, and his parents offered to watch her for a couple hours, Blake headed to the gym with Josh.

Most of his cousins were already there, including Abe and his younger brother Carter, Micah and his brother Nathan, and Kale.

“Took you long enough,” Nathan grumbled. Blake remembered how much Nathan loathed mornings and laughed that he hadn’t changed at all.

“Talk to me when you have a three-year-old kicking you in the kidneys before breakfast,” Blake retorted.

“He’s got a point,” Josh added. “It was brutal. She nailed him right after jumping on his chest. I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance there for a minute.”

Abe grunted through a set on the bench press before sitting the heavy weight in place. “I can’t believe you guys are whining about a toddler. What’s she weigh? Twenty pounds at most?”

“Yeah. Twenty pounds right in the kidney, Abe.”

He rolled his eyes and moved to work his pecs. “You assholes gonna stand there gossiping all day or are we gonna do this?”

“Someone didn’t get laid this weekend,” Carter teased. None of the rest of them would have dared egg Abe on this early in the morning, but his younger brother didn’t even flinch at the growl he received in return.

Of course, Blake’s mind immediately went back to Friday night and the pounding Linc had given him. He must have made a noise or something because suddenly all of them were looking at him.

“Oh really,” Josh said with a smirk. “I heard you didn’t get in until three in the morning, but I thought you’d just been out at the club.”

Micah laid himself out on the bench press machine Abe had abandoned and called for Josh to spot him. “Leave him alone. It’s obvious he was desperate and horny. Cut him a break.”

Josh cackled and went to help. Nathan shoved Blake into action and guided him over to the free weights. As they began working their biceps, the conversation returned to other topics and Blake breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn’t want to get into his date with Linc, especially as he could technically be considered Linc’s boss. And he didn’t want Abe to be weird around him either.

The familiarity of the family workout settled over Blake. Abe had started the tradition when he was in high school, looping Blake in first, as he was the closest in age. He’d been doing workouts in between baseball seasons and convinced Blake to be his workout buddy. Danielle had joined in for a while, but got tired of being with the boys and turned to yoga or zumba or something as her preferred workouts. As the years went on, and the other cousins were old enough to participate, they all joined in.

Every break during his college years, they’d picked up the tradition. Sunday mornings were for the Bartlett boys. They usually went to someone’s house afterward for a meal, but Josh had already told him they all had other plans after the gym. Abe had promised to help a friend build a deck and he’d roped Carter into assisting him. Since Micah had spent the previous weekend out of town, he wanted to curl up with a book and be quiet for a while. Kale had some editing to do on the video series he was putting out that week.

And since Josh was taking his kid to the park, Blake had some free time on his hands. His mind immediately went to Linc, and he wondered if the other man would mind a visit. His cock jumped in excitement at the idea. He really must be as desperate and horny as his cousins accused if the mere thought of Linc had him ready, willing, and able.

“Pay attention,” Nathan griped and threw a sweaty towel at Blake’s head.

“Sorry,” Blake said as he threw the towel back. “I’m focused.”

“Yeah, on your dick.” Nathan changed his position and began doing reps on his triceps.

“And you aren’t?”

Nathan snorted. “You were twenty-two once, weren’t you old man?”

“Watch it, kid.” Blake laughed and matched Nathan’s movements.

They finished their reps and rotated to the next piece of equipment. They worked out for a solid hour before Abe finally groaned and called it quits. “I’ve gotta get out of here and get to work.”

“We moving you in next weekend, Blake?” Carter asked as they all headed for the showers.

“The movers will unload everything, but unpacking is on me. Linc says the house should be ready by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest.”

“And what else does Linc say?” Josh teased.

“Oh, yeah. Harder. Just like that,” Blake said with a husky groan before returning his voice to normal. “You know, the usual.”

Abe snorted and turned on the shower. “You asked for that one, smart ass. Set him right up.”

“I did,” Josh confessed. “I must be losing my touch.”

“But yeah, if you guys wanted to help me unpack, I wouldn’t say no. The faster we can get settled in, the better it will be for Caroline.”

“We’re on it,” Abe promised. “I’ll see you at the office sometime this week and we can get plans finalized.”

They scattered, each of them going their separate ways. Blake climbed into the SUV he was still borrowing from the company and sent Linc a text.

We never did watch that movie the other night.

No we didn’t.

You busy? Blake hoped he wasn’t being too forward, but damn. He really wanted to get his hands on Linc again.

Nope. Come over for a viewing party? ;)

Blake grinned as he typed his reply. OMW

He drove over to Linc’s with his smile still plastered on his face. By the time he parked, Linc had already opened his front door and was leaning against the frame. He didn’t have a shirt on and was wearing nothing but low slung basketball shorts.

Blake practically ran for the door. Linc barely had the door shut before Blake had tugged him in for a knee melting kiss. He was out of breath by the time he pulled away.

“Hey,” Linc smirked and dragged him further into the house. “Come on in.”

Linc led him over to his sectional couch and sat down in the corner. He pulled Blake’s arm and sat him down between his spread legs. The television was on, with the opening menu of a movie already on the screen.

“When you said viewing party, this wasn’t what I thought you meant.”


The blinds were closed, so even though it was almost noon, the house was dimly lit. Linc picked up the remote and hit play before tossing it to the side. He guided Blake back against him, and as the opening sequence began to play, his hands began to roam.

“Oh yeah,” Blake moaned.

“Shh. You think you can be quiet for me? Hmm?”

“I doubt it.”

“Try,” Linc whispered into his ear, then dipped his hand beneath the waistband of Blake’s shorts.

Blake let his legs fall open and wrapped his hands around Linc’s knees where they circled him.

“I’m glad you messaged me,” Linc said after a moment of exploring Blake’s body. “I spent yesterday trying to think of ways to see you again. Thought about crawling into the window of your parents’ house. Couldn’t stop imagining you spread open for me, taking my cock. I haven’t come that hard in a long time.”

“Me either,” Blake confessed.

Linc moved his hands under Blake’s T-shirt and tweaked his nipples. “You’re supposed to be quiet.”

With a quiet groan, Blake dropped his head back onto Linc’s shoulder and let him explore.

“Good,” Linc whispered. He rolled Blake’s nipples between his fingers, sending a shiver down Blake’s spine. “I love how responsive you are to me.”

Linc nipped at his ear, teasing the rim with his tongue even as his fingers continued to tug and twist at Blake’s nipples.

Blake bit his lip, trying to comply to Linc’s request for quiet. He didn’t know if he had it in him. He loved making noises, but he wanted to try. His body became more in tune to his other senses as the seconds passed. He could feel Linc’s hardness at his back, feel each breath he took. Every exhale brought a warm burst of air against his neck while his stomach chilled where it was exposed by Linc’s explorations.

After another minute, Linc’s hands left his aching nipples and traced down his stomach. He teased the soft lines of Blake’s abs, not rock hard like his own, but there and defined nonetheless. Linc eased further down, dancing his fingers along the elastic at Blake’s waist, before slowing stoking back up to his chest.

Blake finally grew frustrated and grabbed Linc’s wrist, pulling it down to his dick and placing it there firmly. Linc laughed and twisted his head to the side. “Had enough of my playing have you?”

“Yeah,” Blake answered. He whispered, though, keeping his voice as low as Linc’s had been.

Linc guided him around until he was lying back on the couch, before stripping off his shorts. He tore his own off next and laid down over Blake until their cocks brushed against each other. He began to lazily thrust, his gaze locked on Blake’s.

He dropped down until their chests were pressed together, still thrusting gently as he captured Blake’s lips in a scorching kiss. Blake could feel him reaching for something, and when Linc raised up again, he had a small bottle of lube clutched in his hand.

“Had plans for me, did you?” Blake teased.

“More like high hopes.” Linc coated his cock, then dribbled some of the slick along Blake’s.

“I like the way you think.”

“Glad to hear it,” Linc teased as he grabbed both of their dicks in one roughly calloused hand.

Blake arched into the touch, immediately seeking more. Linc answered his unspoken demand by quickening his pace, stroking them both with fast, jerking strokes. His attention focused so easily on the man above him, Linc’s blue eyes glassy with pleasure, his cheeks pink and brow sweaty. His hand so strong and sure as he drove Blake crazy with every stroke of his fist.

Finally, Linc’s breath hitched and his hand tightened reflexively. It was all the additional stimulation Blake needed as his body exploded into orgasm. As he trembled through his release, he felt the hot splash of Linc’s on his abs and forced his eyes to open so he could watch the man’s face as it contorted with pleasure. He’d only thought Linc’s wicked grin was sexy. This face… god, how good he looked like this. Open, blissed out. His gaze drifted down and met Blake’s. And there was the grin he loved so much.

That stayed the way they were for a minute or two longer, letting their breathing settle back to normal. Linc pushed to his feet and walked down the hall, returning a minute later with a towel. He tossed it to Blake with a smile. “So I don’t miss a spot this time.”

Blake huffed and wiped himself down. “You’re extremely messy.”

“You complainin’?”

“Not particularly.” Blake dropped the towel onto the floor and sighed. Linc came over to him, pulled him up a bit, then tucked himself down behind Blake on the couch. Blake’s head rested on Linc’s thigh and Linc’s hand resumed its teasing trail around Blake’s chest.

The movement was soothing, though and before Blake realized he’d drifted to sleep. When he woke up, he didn’t know where he was for a minute. He sat up, pushing aside the blanket that was spread over him, then recognized Linc’s living room. But no Linc.

He heard noises from the kitchen, so he stood and pulled his shorts back on before following the sounds to find Linc at the counter chopping up vegetables.

“Thought you might be hungry,” Linc said when he noticed Blake watching.

“I am.”

“Good. Come chop while I flip the chicken.”

Blake did, and when he’d finished, Linc took the pile of veggies and dropped them into a second pan.

“Anything else I can do?”

“Nope. You have a nice nap?”

“Yeah.” Blake glanced at the clock on the stove, realizing he’d slept for over an hour. “Sorry to crash on you like that.”

“I wore you out. It happens.” Linc winked at him, then turned his attention back to the stove.

Blake stepped up behind him and looped his chin over Linc’s shoulder while his arms crept around his waist. “I think the workout at the gym with my cousins wore me out. And the lack of sleep from the last couple of nights. But you can take all the credit if it makes you feel better.”

Linc chuckled as he cooked. They stayed that way for a few minutes, Linc stirring the food on occasion and leaning back into Blake’s arms when he wasn’t. Blake kept waiting for Linc to ask him to move, for him to be in the way. Hovering in the kitchen wasn’t exactly easy to work around, but Blake wanted to be there, close and even in the way if he had to be. He was addicted to Linc already.

They finally broke apart when Linc finished cooking. He handed Blake a plate of chicken and veggies, then guided him to the table. He pushed a stack of spiral books and pencils to the side and sat down beside Blake. Conversation over their makeshift lunch was quiet and comfortable. By the time Blake finally forced himself to leave, he was already making plans for when he could see Linc again.