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Fatal Promise: A totally gripping and heart-stopping serial-killer thriller by Angela Marsons (28)


‘You do know there’s a bit of a problem developing back there?’ Bryant asked as they headed towards the car.

The early morning mist through which she’d driven to work had now been burned away by a watery sun.

‘It’ll sort itself out,’ she replied.

‘You sure?’ he pushed.

‘What do you expect, Bryant? How do you expect m… her to feel? Stacey and Dawson were a great team and they were better friends than even they knew.’

‘It’s not Penn’s fault,’ he offered. ‘And you might need to step in is all I’m saying. Penn might not take too well to being treated—’

‘Bryant, I get that it’s been a while but name your worst time joining a new team.’

He thought. ‘Probably having my locker door glued shut as a PC. Got in all kinds of shit for breaking it open.’

‘Good for you if that was your worst,’ she replied. ‘When I joined CID I walked around for half a day with a sign on my back saying “tea bitch”. Now do you see any glued lockers or malicious signs?’

‘We both know it can take many forms, guv,’ he said, seriously, but Kim wasn’t in the mood to listen and was prepared to drive home her point.

‘You’ve just spent a few weeks at Brierley Hill. They bake you a cake? Crack open the welcome bunting? Take you for a pint down the local after a shift?’

Bryant took a deep breath. ‘That was a temporary secondment due to—’

‘And so is this,’ she said, firmly. ‘One case and then he’s gone.’

‘Even so,’ Bryant persisted. ‘You know Stacey is being more than a little stand-offish with him, and it’s almost like you’re deliberately allowing it. My dad used to say “why have a dog and bark yourself” which is what you’re—’

‘Bryant, I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

‘You really want something on her record about bullying and—’

‘Don’t you dare use that word in connection with Stacey,’ she raged. ‘You know that girl as well as I do and she is not a bully. Not even close. For fuck’s sake, she’s a black, bisexual female in the police force. You really want to talk to her about bullying?’

Bryant refused to back down. ‘Firstly, that would give her no excuse to pay it forward; secondly, I’m not saying she’s a bully. I am saying isolation lives in the same family and you may have to manage the situation before it gets out of hand.’

‘Oh how I love when you tell me how to manage my team,’ she growled. ‘You really think I’m gonna let anyone get bullied right in front of my eyes, even if they’re temporary? I can see that Stacey is being cool towards Penn but I can’t make her like him. Providing she remains polite and professional I’ll let them sort it out themselves.’

‘If this case goes on longer than…’

‘Bryant,’ she said, turning to face him as he put the key into the ignition. ‘You’re an anecdote man. You have a never-ending supply and one to suit every occasion. So, here’s one for you.’

He turned off the engine and looked her way.

‘When I was ten years old at Fairview there were four of us in one room. Two sets of bunk beds. The two girls opposite were best mates, Zoe and Liz, both fourteen and in Fairview since they were nippers. Neither of them was going anywhere. Talked all night about the flat they were going to get together when they were old enough.

‘One day Zoe’s aunt came and got her after agreeing to give it a try. Bye, Bye, Zoe. Two days later a seven-year-old kid was given the bottom bunk beneath Liz. Obviously, Liz made her life a misery, nicking what few things she liked and breaking what she didn’t. One time she spooned a whole tin of sardines onto the girl’s mattress. We had the smell for weeks.’

‘So, what did you do?’ Bryant asked.

‘Absolutely nothing,’ she said. ‘The kid had to find her own breaking point, the limit at which she’d fight her own corner. Sticking up for her and fighting her battles wouldn’t have helped her in the long run. She had to do it for herself.’

‘And did she?’ Bryant said, starting the car.

Kim shrugged and glanced up at the window realising that she had outright lied in her story about Liz and Zoe.

Because that wasn’t what she’d done at all.