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Fate of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 6) by Emma Dean (9)

Chapter Nine


The Jasmine

Khara/Hai Border

The Hai System

The gown she wore had a built in corset and Adelina ran her hands over the boning, feeling the way it curved with her body, enhancing her waist before the fabric flared out with her hips. The corset was reinforced – armor.

Even now Nadyah had touched her life, making sure she was as safe as she could be. The corset went over the bust and propped up her breasts in an enticing display, but more importantly it covered her heart.

The few servants she’d brought along bustled about the solar she’d had built all those weeks ago. It was nothing like the Queen’s Solar in the Draga Royal Palace, but it was close. It was a place to meet, to rest, to read, to enjoy afternoon tea even in the endless dark of space.

She wanted to meet with the Unchanged without the reminder of war all around them. Adelina stared out at the starry sky as they orbited the Outpost Base, Vudu Shaa visible for most of their rotation. The sun’s light was weak but it also created an everlasting twilight as the weak sunlight in Khara reached them as well.

Adelina wondered at the science of it. Forever twilight – no day and no night on Vudu Shaa. How did they live like that? Her skin was starved for the Kala sun and the rain of Stella di Draga’s nights.

“My queen,” the servant, Vitto, murmured quietly from behind. “All refreshments have been prepared and arranged. Tea and food from all three systems are here.”

Adelina smiled. No doubt it was thanks to Taj. He’d begged her for the position of chef aboard her ship. It had been easy to grant the request as no one would be able to take him back to Draga Terra for a while yet. “Thank you.”

“Is there anything else I can do for you, your majesty?”

She turned and smiled at the well-dressed male in her ship’s uniform—administrative department with position, rank, and name above his heart, the royal crest on one arm, and her personal crest on the other with the ship’s name.

And to think only a few months ago no one looked at her twice. How far she’d come.

“No, that will be all. Everyone else may go, but if you would stay to help serve my guests I would appreciate that.”

He bowed low. “Of course, your majesty.”

Adelina smiled sadly. It didn’t matter that this one wouldn’t be in the thick of the battle. He was still on her ship and if they were hit he would go down with everyone else. They were all warriors to Adelina – even the ones who would not be fighting.

He’d known the chances they’d see battle, and had still accepted the position onboard her starship.

She turned back to the window when he stood by the door, waiting for her guests. Adelina toyed with the bracelet that Varan had given her in that lovely home of his – that would soon be Roxy’s.

Everything on Draga Terra felt like a lifetime ago. Now she was about to meet with four different peoples from three different systems. Her mates were on a dangerous mission that was vital to their success.

If they could get a few Neprijat warships, that would help them punch through the front lines of their enemy’s forces. It would give Kaita and her people a better chance of survival. If they could find a weapon that would take down Neprijat warships without so much loss more of them could go home after this war was over.

But if she did not find a way to save the females and children among the approaching horde, Adelina would never forgive herself.

“My queen, may I present Diana from the Unchanged council along with her colleagues Jared, John, Sarah, and Elizabeth,” the servant introduced with a bow.

Adelina turned to study each of the council members, such strange names. She’d never heard most of them. “I’m glad you could make it.”

Elizabeth stepped forward first and held out her hand. Adelina stared for a moment and then remembered this was how they greeted each other. She slipped her hand into the females and let her shake it. Then she took a step closer and gave the female the traditional kiss of greeting.

Adelina enjoyed the blush on the female’s face far too much. She hid her smile and indicated the empty seats around the table of refreshments. “Please sit, and rest.”

Then she greeted each of the other unchanged humans and they all stuttered after her lips had brushed theirs. “We have much to discuss. Centuries without communication between our people does that I suppose.”

Sarah grinned and sat next to Jared. She elbowed the male and whispered teasing words about his blush while John gave Adelina a cocky smile. He didn’t make a move to sit, but rather lingered after she’d pulled back.

“Do you need another husband?” John asked. “I’d be happy to fill the position.”

Adelina couldn’t help her smile as she considered him. He was forward and quick to smile. She liked that. “If I do I’ll make sure to put you at the top of the list for consideration.”

John took her hand in his and swept a pretty bow before brushing his lips across her knuckles. Another flourish and he sat down in the chair closest to hers. Adelina didn’t know what to make of these people, but she couldn’t help the smile on her face as she sat.

Something about their demeanor was infectious.

“I apologize for not having the time to meet with you before this,” Adelina said with a nod to the servant.

Vitto started serving the tea first, beginning with her. It was strange and Adelina stared at the cup he handed her, prepared exactly like she preferred.

It reminded her of that tea with her grandmother all those months ago. The last one before everything had changed so drastically. Adelina had been served last in a room with three queens.

Her heart ached as she remembered how Raena had been then…right before she’d changed. That was right before Drozer had started whispering poison in her ear wearing Darius’s skin.

Right before she’d lost her eldest sister forever without even knowing it.

“Your majesty?” Vitto asked quietly.

Adelina started as she realized she’d never taken the tea. “I apologize,” she murmured, taking the cup from him. “Thank you.”

Vitto paused at her thanks and Adelina nearly sighed. Another sign she wasn’t the usual queen. Her mother and father had never thanked a servant even if they had treated them better than well.

“What would you like to know?” Diana asked, accepting her tea from Vitto next.

“Excuse me?” Adelina asked, looking up at them once more.

She’d been studying their faces, trying to discern what set them apart from a Kalan other than DNA, but outwardly there didn’t appear to be any differences at all. Their coloring was as varied as her own people. As were their physical features, though Elizabeth had the loveliest upturned eyes that were a brown so dark they appeared nearly black. It suited her.

“You called us here, because you haven’t spent any real time with our people. What is it you want to know about us? Why are we here?” Diana repeated.

Adelina realized she very much enjoyed the Unchanged and their no nonsense attitude. “So straightforward,” she said with a small smile. Adelina set her untouched tea, that reminded her of Raena, aside. “I appreciate it.”

The silence was tense as the Unchanged council members shared looks with each other.

“I simply did not want to discuss the war for an hour or two,” Adelina admitted quietly, looking up at Vitto.

The servant gave her a nod as he served the last bit of tea. He knew – all servants always knew. He was from Draga. Her people out of everyone knew how unprepared she was for this role.

“I’ve only been queen a few weeks and already I need a holiday,” Adelina mused with a sad smile. “Perhaps I will get one after we all are safe and secure.”

“All of us?” Jared asked sharply.

“This is what I wished to discuss,” Adelina said, waving a hand. Vitto gave each of them a shreve she’d prepared. “I know you have a longstanding alliance with the Drakesthai. Draga now also has an alliance with them. By default the Unchanged and Draga are allies, but I wanted to make it official. You may call on us for aid and vice versa. This written treaty proposes trade and science agreements, as well as opening our borders. We will all be registered under our personal systems, but travel between us welcome and encouraged.”

She paused and gave them a few minutes to read her proposal.

Her people had been isolated for too long. Even Khara had barely spent time in Draga. She knew it was because of the differences in their culture, but Adelina wanted to believe that they would all come out of this war better…they had to or what was it all for? Would they even be worthy of their victory if they made the same mistakes again?

“There is also a request for an embassy from the Human nation to reside on Draga Terra,” Sarah murmured. “As well as ambassadors, doctors, scientists…why?”

Adelina picked up her cup of tea, the china so delicate, and sipped as she considered how to explain.

“Do you believe we have nothing to learn from each other?” she asked instead.

Again the Unchanged exchanged looks and Adelina wondered what Vitto thought of it. After all she’d just started paying him to spy for her. He had been on the list of Varan’s poor, looking for opportunities.

Jared didn’t reply, but he looked to Sarah and Sarah looked to Diana.

“We are a peaceful people,” Diana finally said. “We don’t build weapons or have standing armies. Almost all of us are trained as fighters and can form militias. But first and foremost we are artists and scientists. We focus on peace and prosperity. We’re…not run like you run Draga. I’m sure there are things we could learn from each other, but I’m not positive our people would be compatible.”

Adelina wasn’t sure what to say to that. She knew Diana spoke the truth and she saw the confirmation in the other’s eyes. “No one believed any sort of peace could be had with Khara centuries ago either,” she murmured, remembering her history lessons – brought by historians from Khara and unlikely to be tampered with as their Drakesthai texts had been.

She looked up and gave Vitto another nod. Then he started serving food from Khara, Draga, and Hai on small plates.

Adelina nodded at the shredded meat and vegetables on flatbread with spices galore, one of Nash’s favorite dishes. “Centuries ago Khara was little more than a system of war chiefs. Each planet fought with the other, fighting against unification. They could not coexist peacefully. But somehow they banded together and became fearsome. I remember reading about their potential threat to my own people. A warmongering kingdom must come looking for conquest was the thought.”

Did the Unchanged know the story, or were they in the dark since the borders had been closed for so long?

“Not only did we make peace with Khara, but they’ve never sought to conquer us. They’ve come to our aid many times, and our alliance is as strong as ever.” Adelina smiled as she considered Nash. It had been an age since the last Khara-Draga wedding. “Despite their tech and warriors they fell quickly and without warning to the Neprijat. But isn’t that what alliances are for? Isn’t that why we are now here, poised to liberate that system?”

She looked out at the stars and the Hai planet in the distance as she considered her next words. “But more than anything imagine what we all could accomplish if we worked together. With Draga’s medicine, Khara’s tech, the Drakesthai’s knowledge…all of us exchanging art and learning…what could we accomplish given the chance?”

Adelina didn’t want to just survive the war. She wanted them all to rebuild, improve, and thrive. But she couldn’t do it alone.

“And what happens after the war?” John asked, watching her with a wary eye. But there was also respect there. “Utopia?”

Adelina set down her tea and accepted the croissant stuffed with cheese and meat Taj had no doubt made especially for her. Vitto took his place behind her chair and Adelina felt more settled. They may not be well acquainted, but she had allies and she would make more.

“After the war I hope there will be peace,” she said quietly. “But we are not the only systems in this vast universe. If we’re strong together, many will steer clear and no doubt reconsider any thoughts of conquest. I want to prevent this kind of war from ever happening again.”

Adelina cut a small bite and placed it in her mouth. She couldn’t help the way her eyes closed in bliss as she chewed. Goddess, she’d missed Taj’s cooking.

“And will Draga eventually demand to rule us all?” Elizabeth asked, considering her with sharp eyes.

The question hadn’t been unexpected, but it still stung more than Adelina had anticipated. She set down her food and turned to Vitto who was bristling. One look and he knew what she needed. He left without a word. She wanted to show the Unchanged she trusted them enough to be alone with them.

“You ask because I have a mate from each system – all princes in their own right,” Adelina asked, arching a brow and folding her hands delicately in her lap like her mother had trained her to do.

No one bothered to respond, but they didn’t need to.

Adelina planned to rule with honesty. She wanted to be open with her people and allies despite how much everyone loved to play games. There would still be games to play, but she would never lie.

“If I cannot create peace between our peoples then I have considered forcing the issue,” Adelina admitted. “No one rules the Hai System or Khara currently. If I asked Nash to fight for his right to rule as king he would. Then he would cede Khara to me. The Drakesthai rule by council and while they have royals, it is a queen they wait for. And then you share a system with them – accept their protection…if nothing changed and you could live peacefully as you are…would you even mind?”

Their looks were wary, but the respect there was what she’d been vying for. Honesty was one of her strongest weapons and Adelina knew it.

“Regardless, I don’t feel like those extreme measures will be necessary,” she said. “I believe our three systems can coexist in peace and prosper together as they are.”

Smiling at each of them, Adelina knew this was risky, but if the Unchanged agreed then all she needed to do was get the Drakesthai to ally with Khara. Then all of them would be beholden to each other.

“What about the Neprijat?” Jared asked – the suspicious one.

And for good reason.

Adelina smiled, exposing her canines. “I will take their system and annex them under Draga rule like we did with Brogna. They cannot be allowed to fester as they have.”

Diana’s lips parted in shock. Whether it was from the physical transformation or her words Adelina didn’t know. But this had been something she’d been thinking on for a while.

Leave the Neprijat home system alone and they could grow their numbers again. They might want revenge. And if they did, the cycle would start all over again. No. They needed to be brought into the fold.

“What about your people?” Sarah asked with a concerned frown. “Accepting them as part of your kingdom will be difficult.”

“I rule with dominance. They will not question me on this matter.” That was something else she’d considered, but once presented correctly her people would understand.

Adelina’s feral grin widened as she eyed each of the Unchanged. They had to understand the importance of her proposal. They had to understand where she would and would not cede. Her nails pierced the arms of her blackwood chair.

“The Neprijat wanted a queen,” Adelina told them. “So they will get one.”