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Finding His Heart (Cottonwood Ranch Book 4) by Jaclyn Hardy (10)







Six months later


Mandy stared up at the sign in front of her store. Mandy’s. No, it wasn’t unique, but she didn’t care. It was hers. A line had formed outside to get in, and a giddiness filled her stomach. It had been a brilliant idea on Thomas’s part to open during the fourth of July festivities. The town was packed with people, and they all had to see the newest store.

“Ready?” Laura held the door closed.

Thomas and Justin both gave a thumbs-up. They’d been the volunteered bouncers for the crowd, a job they took a little too seriously with their black shirts and sunglasses.

Hailey and Hannah stood just inside the store, their shiny new badges pinned to their work shirts.

“Ready.” Mandy reached inside the door and flicked the switch. The “Open” sign buzzed to life and a cheer went up. She moved to the front desk and Laura pushed the door the rest of the way open.

The crowds poured in, oohing and ahhing over the clothes hanging on the racks throughout the store.

Mandy made sure each of the employees and volunteers were in control of their section of the store, but stayed back to be ready for any questions that would come her way. Some of the people bought items, while others wandered out. These styles weren’t for everyone, and that was okay.

Thomas came into the store and took off his sunglasses. “Everyone’s in.”

“Thanks.” Mandy reached up and kissed him on the cheek. “They seem to like it.”

“Of course they do. They’d be crazy to think otherwise.”

Thomas hugged her, then backed away as a familiar face appeared in front of Mandy. Dawn.

“So, this is where the patterns went.” Dawn gestured to one wall that displayed all of Mandy’s first designs. “I hate to admit when I’m wrong, you know.”

Mandy smiled. “And?”

A man came up and stood next to Dawn. He held out his hand with a smile. “And our company owes you a big apology. When I found out that I lost this line because they completely changed your work, I was less than pleased.”

Mandy couldn’t stop staring. Lance Walker was standing in her store. He’d flown thousands of miles just to come to her store.

“Mr. Walker. It’s a huge honor to have you here.” Mandy’s hands shook. “And there is no apology needed. It just gave me a reason to leave and do what my heart was telling me to do.”

Lance handed her a card. “Even so, we hate to see you leave. Give us a call if you ever want to return.”

“Thank you, Mr. Walker.”

He shook her hand again and then went to one of the racks to look through it. Dawn left the store, shooting a glare at Mandy as she left.

Mandy shrugged off Dawn’s anger. If anything, Mandy wanted to thank her. She stared down at the card, then put it in her back pocket. Maybe someday she’d take a look at it again. But for now, she was content right here. She was home.