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For Honor - Sweet Version by Jeannette Winters (8)

Chapter 8

Rafe couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Gabe had to be wrong . . . but Gabe was never wrong.

Gabe had dug really deep and crossed a few lines but was able to locate a single text message to Deanna. It wouldn’t appear as much to most people, but Rafe’s team knew how to decipher what others might overlook as a friendly message. “BE CAREFUL. YOU DON’T WANT TO LOSE YOUR PARENTS TOO.” It wasn’t much, but because it came from an untraceable phone they questioned it. However, it was Deanna’s response that raised a red flag. “I UNDERSTAND.”

Gabe was great at finding secrets that wasn’t meant to be found. That partnered well with Rafe’s knack for reading between the lines. For him, it was all about the unspoken words, because what wasn’t said usually spoke volumes. So far, nothing indicated that her parents were ill or lived a high risk lifestyle. That could only mean the text message was a threat of some sort. “I don’t know how, but I have a feeling this is linked to what happened in Moreira. We need to find out who sent it, Gabe.”

“That’s a lot of assumption about something so small.”

But that’s what made Rafe good at what he did. His gut didn’t normally steer him wrong. “Gabe, we’ve had a lot less to go on and we’ve hit pay dirt.”

“I’ll keep looking.”

Gabe didn’t need to tell Rafe that. No one on the team backed down from a challenge. Especially one that might give us answers about Phoebe. “Good. Why the heck would someone go to such lengths? And why wouldn’t Deanna go to the authorities or anyone else for help?” Rafe asked, knowing dang well Gabe didn’t have a clue either. Not yet.

“I’ve checked into her parents’ backgrounds, and they are clean. Deanna is the one who concerns me.”

Rafe had his concerns as well, but surely for different reasons. “What did you find?”

“Absolutely nothing. She was a straight-A student . . . never even had a traffic ticket. From the looks of her, she’s perfect.”

“Perfect? Deanna?”

“Yeah, Rafe, I’m telling you, that woman is so squeaky clean she should run for office someday.”

Although Gabe was excellent at providing details, Rafe wasn’t in the mood for any of his smart remarks. Ever since they’d overheard him speaking to Deanna in her tent, the comments had become more frequent. He tolerated it because they were brothers, but his fuse was running short.

“No one makes it to thirty-two and remains as innocent as you’re making her out to be. You have to be missing something. Or they’ve wiped her record clean. Check again.”

“Rafe, I’ve triple-checked. There’s nothing to be found.”

Rafe wasn’t buying that crap. He’d had several conversations with her, and she could hold her own nicely. That sharp little tongue of hers must’ve gotten her in trouble a time or two. Asking her wouldn’t get him anywhere. She’d only continue to lie as she’d been doing since the moment they met. Yet Gabe still thinks she’s innocent. Go figure.

But it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. His gut told him otherwise. No documentation from Gabe was going to change that. “The threats make no sense. Why go after the Glenn family if they all are as clean as you say?” To answer that Rafe needed to know more about the threat.

“We’ve seen some screwed up crap. Heck, I can tell you from personal experience, if someone wants to plant false information, it can be done.”

“I know that, Gabe, but what do they gain?” They wanted something big to take such drastic action. The Glenn family had money and prestige. This didn’t appear to be about blackmail.

“Why don’t you ask Deanna?” Gabe didn’t try to hide his sarcasm.

Deanna probably wouldn’t be any more forthcoming with information than she’d been before. Heck, probably less. But Gabe was right, someone needed to talk to her—in person. Someone she wouldn’t feel threatened by.

“Has Melissa left Rhode Island yet?” When he gave orders, he didn’t follow up, but he didn’t consider her part of the team. We need a favor, maybe two.

“The jet was fueled and waiting, but I don’t think so. Why?”

“I think Melissa would like to meet Deanna.”

Gabe laughed. “Smooth. And are you planning to tell Melissa why?”

“No. I think it’ll be better if they become acquainted first.” He didn’t quite consider that using his sister. Obviously, Deanna needed someone to confide in. Melissa was not only a good listener but a medical professional. She would be perfect for keeping an eye on Deanna. It was a win all the way around as far as Rafe was concerned.

“And you actually think this is going to work?”

Gabe didn’t normally question him. “You don’t?”

“Heck no, I don’t. Rafe, you’re forgetting one important factor in this.”

Angrily he asked, “What is that?”

“They are both women. Do you think Melissa is going to side with you once she finds out how you spoke to Deanna?”

Rafe hadn’t given that any thought. Deanna was nothing to him or the family. Melissa was his sister. It was logical that she’d do what Rafe asked, and that’d be the end of it. “I don’t see that being an issue.”

“Your call.”

Finally, you remember that. “Just keep digging. I’m telling you, you’re missing something.”

“Yeah, I don’t think it’s me who’s off his game, but you’re the boss.”

Gabe disconnected the call, but Rafe could hear him chuckling before he did so. This was not a laughing matter. Lives were at stake, potentially their family’s. When he had a chance, Rafe was going to need to sit down with Gabe and go over a few things.

He didn’t blame Gabe. Normally he was behind a desk hacking into some database or ripping down a firewall in someone’s security system. That wasn’t the same as looking down the barrel of a gun and trying to read if the guy holding it was bluffing or not. Rafe had split-second decisions to make, sometimes affecting only him, but usually involving the entire team. He had seen more than he cared to remember and lost more than he ever could have imagined. I don’t know if I’m capable of laughing anymore.

Melissa hadn’t been involved in the physical action of Turchetta’s Promise, but she’d helped pick up the pieces of those suffering from its effects. She would smile, but he knew behind those brown eyes of hers was a deep-rooted pain like the rest of them had. And I hope I’m not about to open a wound that’s trying to heal. Picking up the phone, he reached out to Melissa.

“Rafe, can you please make up your mind. First you want me to leave; now you want me to stay. I have a job, you know. I can’t drop everything to run around and talk to people for you. If you want my help, maybe you should tell me what’s truly going on.”

He’d prepared for this response. “Melissa, she’s not just anyone. She knew Phoebe.”

Rafe knew that must’ve come as a blow to her. She and Phoebe were only eleven months apart. Growing up, they’d been more like twins. Until they’d entered high school. Then Phoebe had become more independent and full of dreams that didn’t include Melissa. She’d had her own set of friends that, obviously, none of them had met. Rafe wasn’t sure if he was jealous or just hurt that Deanna seemed to know Phoebe better than he did. He hoped Melissa wouldn’t feel that way too.

“Is that why you have her at your house? Because she was friends with Phoebe?” Melissa’s tone held all the doubt it should.

She knows me too well. Actually, Melissa knew all of them, because she’d made it a point to keep in contact with her siblings no matter what obstacles stood in her way. Rafe had been the most elusive—on purpose. He didn’t want anyone to know him, because often he didn’t like what he’d become. It made him exceptional at his job, but on a personal level, he was wacked. After they all left the service, Melissa had tried planning gatherings, and he’d always had an excuse why he didn’t show. Contemplating helping him was more than he deserved from Melissa. I’m one difficult Turchetta.

Even with all his effort, she managed to see through his excuses. Why shouldn’t she? The one he’d doled out to her was as lame as the ones he’d been telling himself. It is for Phoebe’s safety. Or better yet, I need her there so I can monitor her movements. Both were believable, but neither was the truth. The logical place for Deanna was home with her parents. Everything Gabe told him said they loved her very much. They might have been a bit overprotective from some people’s point of view, but Rafe didn’t believe there was such a thing with someone you love. So why did he insist Deanna stay at his house?

“I guess I have my answer,” Melissa stated.

Rafe didn’t like the sound of that. “What does that mean?”

“It means this is personal. I still have to figure out why you want me there, but I have my suspicions.”

“Don’t go looking for something that isn’t there. She’s hurt and needs someplace safe to lay low. Nothing more.”


Melissa normally didn’t pry into their personal lives, so he had no reason to believe she would now. Don’t let this be a first.

“Good. Then I need you to do me another favor.”

“Rafe, I’m keeping a list, and all these favors are going to cost you.”

He wished she meant money, but that wasn’t what drove Melissa. Rafe needed this, so he’d promise her whatever she wanted. He needed to beat her at her own game. “Great, we can talk about it at dinner next week.”

Melissa laughed. “I’m thinking bigger, but we can discuss it over dinner.”

“Get me the information I need and consider it a deal.”

“Don’t worry, Rafe. Unlike you, people talk freely to me. If she needs or wants to, I’ll be there to listen. Whether or not I give all the information to you . . . well, that is yet to be determined. Since your pilot so kindly brought my bags from the plane, I guess that’s my cue to head to your house.”

“I’ll be calling you.”

“I’m sure you will.”

Rafe knew Melissa was hurt that he chose not to keep in closer contact, but it wasn’t about her. It was all about him. She looked and acted so much like Phoebe that he grew angry when he was around her too long. He was hoping her presence would have a different effect on Deanna. She can’t tick Deanna off any more than I have already.

There was one more call he needed to make. It wasn’t required; he knew Melissa didn’t need his help with introductions. Heck, Melissa was going to be much more tactful. But he wasn’t stepping back. Rafe wanted to talk to Deanna, hear her voice again. She may not feel the same way.


“I wanted to let you know my sister, Melissa, will be staying with you while you . . . heal.”

“How did you get my number?” Deanna asked.

He’d forgotten they’d never officially exchanged phone numbers. He’d programmed his into her phone when she wasn’t looking. Rafe didn’t feel the need to give any details.

“She should be arriving within the hour.”

He heard Deanna snort her displeasure. “Tell her I don’t need her. I’m doing fine on my own.”

I’m sure you are. “She usually comes by when she has vacation time.” However, Melissa never stopped working any more than the rest of them.

“Oh. I can leave, so she can have the house to herself.”

Rafe believed Deanna really was saying that out of consideration for Melissa. Dang. Why does she need to be so nice? His intentions were far from that. Melissa was there to do what Rafe couldn’t do himself. If Deanna didn’t open up to Melissa, she sure as heck wouldn’t like what came next.

“If you have issues with it, take them up with her. I’ll be in touch to check on things.” His tone was sharp, and he ended the call before Deanna voiced whatever objection was coming next. Two things he knew: she definitely had one, and he didn’t want to hear it. Not because it wasn’t valid, but the exact opposite. He was more concerned that if they spoke too long, she might wear him down. The last thing Rafe needed was more guilt eating at him. He needed his head clear and conscious free. If not, he might mess up and cost them all big time. That’s not happening. Not again.

Deanna hadn’t been given an option. That didn’t surprise her. Rafe liked control. Someday he’ll figure out the tighter you hold something, the less control you have.

That didn’t mean she was going to pack up and leave. Rafe’s call, although not what she’d expected, brought news that pleased her. She wasn’t about to admit she was looking forward to meeting Melissa. He’ll probably tell her not to come if he thinks it makes me happy.

She didn’t know much about Melissa, but talking about Phoebe with someone not as . . . harsh as Rafe, was going to be refreshing. It’d been difficult to mourn someone you weren’t allowed to speak about. But she knew Rafe’s house had to be secure. He wouldn’t have it any other way. That doesn’t mean he won’t be the one listening.

She hated not having privacy. Although she had no proof, they’d warned her they would always be watching, and what price her family would pay if she broke her silence. She never had and never would. She’d proven that years ago. They’d grilled her for all the facts when they’d “rescued” her. She’d told them the truth, and they’d made it crystal clear it could never be repeated. They’d provided her their version of what happened, and she’d stuck to their story ever since.

Deanna never understood what they were afraid of. She knew things hadn’t happened the way they’d portrayed them to the world, but Phoebe was gone. Talking about her shouldn’t affect anything. Deanna had held up her end and spewed the lies and deceit as though it was true. But, three years later, she still hurt, and the hurt wasn’t going to go away.

Suddenly she panicked. Rafe had called her cell phone. If they were monitoring it, they knew she was at his place. They might come for her, believing she was divulging information to him. As her concerns increased, so did her heart rate. Oh God, no. Melissa could very well be walking into something she could never get out of. A fate like Phoebe’s.

Deanna grabbed her crutches and headed for the bedroom to pack her things. Rafe had said Melissa was on her way. She hoped Melissa had the same sense of time as her sister had. Phoebe had always shown up late to everything. If only you had three years ago, maybe you’d be alive now.

Without folding anything, she flung it all into her suitcase. She was about to zip it when a woman’s voice asked from the doorway, “Need a hand with that?”

Deanna turned and was taken aback at the sight. There was no reason for Melissa to introduce herself. A bit shorter and older, she looked so much like Phoebe it was scary. All the more reason for me to leave.

“I was just—”

“Standing on an ankle that you probably shouldn’t. Must hurt like the dickens.”

You can’t imagine. The pain in her foot didn’t compare to anything in her soul. “It’s . . . bearable.” That wasn’t true. She was so focused on leaving her own well-being had vanished. Since slipping out the back didn’t appear to be an option, she didn’t see any reason to continue to push past the pain.

Deanna plopped herself on the bed. “I guess you’re right.”

“I usually am. Not my best trait, if you ask my brothers.” Melissa laughed as she picked up a pillow from the other side of the bed to prop up Deanna’s foot. “You should have this elevated.”

“Yeah, they told me, but I’m—”

“Too busy packing to listen?”

“You sound just like—”

“Please don’t say Rafe,” Melissa said, rolling her eyes.

Deanna couldn’t help but laugh. “Maybe just a little.” Melissa had Rafe’s snarky wit, something she hadn’t seen in the other siblings she’d met. I hope that’s all you two have in common.

“We are as different as night and day.”

“Well, that’s good,” Deanna uttered before realizing that wasn’t a very nice thing to say about someone when you’re staying in their home.

Melissa sat on the bed next to Deanna. “He’s really not as bad as he makes himself out to be.”

Deanna had heard that exact statement from Josh. I didn’t believe it then, and I still don’t. “Good to hear.” She hoped her tone didn’t show the sarcasm raging in her head.

“When Rafe called and said you were here, I couldn’t believe it.”

“Yeah, it was . . . a last minute decision.” Although Rafe deserved it, she wasn’t about to say anything rude about him.

“Me too. I always love coming here. Something about sitting on the deck and listening to the ocean helps calm my spirit after a stressful day at work.”

Rafe had mentioned Melissa needed a vacation, but she hadn’t believed him. Maybe I was wrong. “What do you do?” Deanna regretted asking the question because it opened the door for Melissa to ask her personal questions.

“I’m a physical therapist.”

Deanna lifted her hurt ankle into the air. “Think you can work some magic on this thing?”

Melissa laughed. “Let’s start by following the doctor’s orders. But I think I can relieve some of that swelling.”

“Really? How?” Any relief sounded good.

“Did you pack a swimsuit?”

Deanna shook her head. She’d packed for Moreira. It wasn’t a place you would wear something so revealing. That would’ve brought even more unwanted attention than the Literacy Corps group already had.

“Well, I keep a few here. You can borrow one of mine. Although I think it’s going to be too big.”

“I thought you were going to help with the swelling.”

Melissa nodded. “Soaking in the ocean is perfect. Trust me. A few days with me and you’ll feel like new.”

“What can you do about the color?” Deanna noticed the bruises had darkened since the last time she’d looked at it.

“Let’s tackle one thing at a time. Once we have you back on both feet, we’ll worry about how you look in heels.”

Deanna leaned back and relaxed. She’d been worried about what Melissa might be like. That it might be awkward without Phoebe there. But Melissa seemed . . . nice. And right now she could use some nice.

“I’m sure it must be hard for you,” Melissa said.

“Excuse me?” Deanna had no idea what she was talking about.

“Being here again, but this time as Rafe’s guest rather than Phoebe’s.”

Guest? That wasn’t how she’d describe her invitation. She was really interested in hearing what Rafe had told his sister. “What exactly did he tell you?”

Melissa got off the bed and headed for the door. Right before she left the room, she turned and said, “That you’re important to him, and he wished he could be here with you. Now get some rest. Tomorrow we start working on that ankle.”

That didn’t sound like Rafe at all. Then again, she was important if he was searching for answers. And she was sure he wanted to be here to do the asking himself. Guess it is the truth. Go figure.

Deanna called out before Melissa closed the door, “What are you going to do today?”

“I’m going to curl up with a book and maybe even take a nap.” Then she was gone as quickly as she’d arrived.

Deanna was glad Rafe wasn’t there. Melissa might not really be on vacation, but her investigation skills were much smoother than her brother’s.

She looked at her suitcase full of disheveled clothes. She knew she should unpack, but she didn’t want to move. Melissa was right. Her foot felt much better propped up on the pillow. She reached over and turned off the light by her bed. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. That and whatever Melissa is really here for.




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