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Forever Wolf: 2 Erotic Paranormal Romances by Kathi S. Barton, Karen Fuller (8)


Andrea moved out of the barn and had to pause a moment to let the sun warm her. Who knew that something so normal, like the sun shining down on your face, could make even the worse day feel not quite so bad? But when someone touched her shoulder, she also knew that time was not on their side. Stepping back, Andrea let the other women out as she kept a close eye out for anyone coming for them. The sound of shots being fired scared her, but right now she had to take care of her group.

She could see the cars in the distance. It scared her to think that these people, grown men with money, would do such a thing as they were planning. As she thought about what might have happened to her and the others, she also thought about what else could find them and decided to not let that train of thought fester. Those kinds of thoughts could and would cripple her, and she needed to be at her best right now. She made her way to the large rolls of hay that were covered in torn and dirty plastic, and told the girls to get inside of them. It was nasty but they were safe, she hoped.

“I’ll go with you.” Andrea looked at Penny, who had found a dirty shirt to pull on. “You said that they were shifters. We have to get our scent away from these women or they’ll just come for them. They’ll just follow the trail right to them.”

“You mean they can smell us?” Penny smiled and nodded. “This is fucking not right, you know that, right? How do you win against things that can sniff you out no matter where you are or what you do? I’m going to lodge a complaint to someone.” Penny laughed and Andrea smiled. She’d been serious, but after thinking about it, she realized how silly it was. Lodge it to who?

“I do agree with you. But had you not told us what they were, then we’d just be sitting ducks when they came looking for us.” Andrea asked her how to get the scent away. “We have to go and pee on things. Touch it with our bare skin and make sure that our scent is stronger for the wolves so they come toward us, not them.”

“Pee on things. You mean that having someone come on my back wasn’t bad enough, but now they’re going to be looking for our pee?” Penny nodded again. “When this is over, I want you to tell me everything you know about being a shifter. Everything.”

“Promise. But you should know that your mate, the one you were telling me about, he’ll tell you more than I ever can.” She hoped so. And that he was honest with her when he did.

Andrea and Penny split up and she went back to the front of the barn so she could touch the walls in the opposite direction they’d taken the other women. When she saw Penny squatting down in the grass, Andrea did the same. This was insane.

Andrea saw the guards around the big building in the center of the others as she made her way to another place to touch and pee. They were walking around each of the buildings with their guns out like there was going to be some kind of take over. Giggling quietly, she nearly screamed when someone came up behind her and put their hand over her mouth. Andrea didn’t even hesitate, but grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder to his back. She was on his chest with her ax to his neck before she could think what the fuck she was doing.

“My name is Benson Gilmore. I’m a friend of...ask Trevor to verify who I am. I was sent to find you.” She didn’t move. “And while you’re at it, can you not tell him that you got the jump on me?”

“You scared the shit out of me, you dick head. I could have cut you.... You’re looking for us?” He nodded but not much, the ax preventing him from moving. “I’d like to thank you, but for now, I want answers. Where is Trevor?”

“I’m here.”

She turned to look up at the man she’d met on the plane. Tears filled her eyes as she moved off the man under her and into Trevor’s arms. As he held her, Andrea felt as if everything was right. The ax was taken from her, but she knew that it wouldn’t be far. All was right with her little world. Her Trevor was there, and he was going to make it all right for her.

Being held by this man was more than she could have ever hoped for in a hug. His body just seemed to fit hers, and she held him like her life depended on it. He held her as well, telling her that he loved her and that he had her now. Andrea couldn’t seem to stop crying, she was so happy.

“Oh honey. I’ve missed you.” Andrea nodded, unable to speak. “I just want to take you home and keep you, but we have to take care of this first. These men have to be exposed.”

“Exposed my ass, we need to kill them all.” She turned and looked at the man on the ground, who winked at her. “Mrs. Dean. You smell like a dead man.” She asked him what he meant, and he looked up at Trevor. Then Benson pointed to her shirt.

“I took care of the man who did this to you. No man should touch anything that belongs to another. Especially not what is mine.” She wanted more information, but was sure she didn’t either. He just pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Hunger made her cling to him with need, and when he lifted his head, she had a feeling he was just as hungry for her. “When I get you home, I’m going to bathe their scent off you and fuck you until you can’t move.”

Benson cleared his throat and she felt her face heat up. Then she remembered what she’d been doing. “Oh, scent. I was marking the way away from the women. They’re hiding from the guys who brought us here. We left the barn like I told you, and.... Now we’re peeing on things to draw them away from them. Does that work?”

Benson told her it did and got up and asked her where they were. She told him and was watching him walk away when she noticed that several wolves started after him. Before she could yell at him to stop, Trevor leaned into her throat and bit her firmly before whispering in her ear.

“Those belong to us.” She might have asked him why they belonged to anyone, but he turned her again and kissed her. Christ, the man had her wet and needy with just his mouth. She could not wait for him to have her naked. “I can smell you. You’re wet. I could take you right now and you’d scream so loud that the birds would scatter.”

“Please.” His hand came up under her blouse and he cupped her breast. As he toyed with her nipple, she cupped his cock in her hand and was glad to know that he was just as hard as she was wet. “Take me. I don’t care about the rest, I need to feel you inside of me.”

He nearly tossed her to the ground, and before she could move or even guess what he was going to do, he was on his knees pulling her borrowed pants off. As soon as his mouth touched her naked pussy, Andrea came, holding him to her as she tried her best not to scream. This was what she needed…the contact of this man and no other.

He ate her like she was his last meal. Laying back on the ground, she spread her legs wider for him, giving him all that she was and anything else he wanted. Andrea came three times…hard, fast climaxes that left her needing more rather than satisfying her much. When he sat up, she watched him free his cock and fist himself.

“I’m going to have to mark you again. Do you know what that means?” She asked him if it meant that he was going to fuck her. “Yes, that too. But I’m going to bite you when I come. When we both come. And when we do, you’re going to be mine and my wolf’s. Forever.”

“Can I bite you too?” He moaned and closed his eyes as he quickened his hand around his cock. “Fuck me, Trevor. I feel like I might die if I don’t have you inside of me now.”

He leaned over her, his cock at her entrance, and she felt her pussy gush more. She knew that she was soaking his hand and cock—might even be so wet that he would find it too much—but with the feel of his crown there, his cock so ready to fill her, she lifted her hips up and wrapped her legs around him, taking him deeper.

His cock slid into her; not just that, but seemed to become a part of her. She felt full yet not filled. She wanted more of him, all of him, and pulled his mouth to hers to take it. As soon as his mouth touched hers, she could taste herself on him. When she licked his mouth and his chin, Trevor started fucking her hard, his cock pounding her so hard that she knew that she’d be sore in the morning. But he was taking her like she knew she was meant to be taken. He lifted his head as he continued to fuck her, and she could see his wolf in his eyes, feel him there just under the surface of all his strength. It made her body yearn to be filled with his cum, needing to feel him mark her.

“When I come, bite me, love. Sink your teeth into my neck and taste my blood. Drink me down and...Christ, baby, I’m not going to last if you keep that up.” She was pulling on her nipples, rolling them in her fingers until he leaned down and took one in his mouth. When he bit her, tore into her really, she jerked his throat to her mouth and bit him as hard as she could, and her body seemed to simply detonate around her. Every part of her body came then; even her hair felt the way he made her come.

Blood, hotter than she’d ever thought it would be, filled her mouth. It was sweet tasting, slightly bitter too. And when he cried out and he told her to come, Andrea screamed out her release inside of her head as she sucked hard on his wound and came apart again and again. Her body felt as if she’d put her finger in a light socket and it was shattering her, but in an oh-so-much better way then she had ever felt.

Again, he told her, come again, and she did. Andrea came five times before he paused in fucking her, his body hard as stone as he bent nearly in half. Trevor threw back his head and she could see his wolf race along his skin as he let out a howl that made her come again, holding onto him for dear life as she came with him, feeling his cum as it not just filled her, but seemed to connect them in a way that was stronger than they’d had before. Everything till that moment, everything in her life, seemed to become meaningless since he hadn’t been in it. And now…now, Andrea knew that she was his.

Trevor dropped on her and she held him to her. She could hear his heart pounding and thought it strange. Even the bugs that had been seemingly silent until then became noisy, their buzzing sounds all around her. Closing her eyes at the brightness of the sun, she held him tighter, her cast making it difficult to even do that much. Andrea was suddenly afraid.

“I have you. You’re all right, love, I have you.” She nodded, unsure what was going on, but knew he’d keep her safe and well. “Everything is more to you, because of me. You took my blood, so you are taking on a little of my wolf.” Frowning, she asked him what he meant, and when he only laughed at her, she grabbed a handful of his hair and jerked him up.

“What do you mean, I took a little of your wolf? biting you? You mean by drinking your blood, like you told me to do, I took some of your wolf inside of me?” He nodded. “You might have said that before you commanded me to bite you.”

“Would you have bitten me if you had known?” She wasn’t sure and said that to him. “You’re going to heal a good deal faster than before. As you’ve discovered, you can hear better. And you’ll be able to see further than you could before. And your arm is more than likely healed, as are any other cuts on you. Because of my awesomeness, you are just as awesome as me.”

“All that just from biting you? And I’m ignoring the awesomeness comment for now.” He nodded, then shook his head. “Are you always going to be this clear when we talk about things? Because I’m telling you right now, I don’t—”

His hand over her mouth made her shut up. She wasn’t sure what he was seeing since he was looking beyond where she could see, but she lay perfectly still. Then she heard them, and fear raced over her skin.

They’re looking for us. I guess I shouldn’t have howled when you gave me the best climax of my life. But you made me do it when you held my cock so lovingly in your hot pussy. She wanted to reach up and smack him for making a joke right now, but she only watched his face to see if any fear crept into his eyes. Nothing was there, only humor, and it did make her feel slightly better. I’m going to sit up and dress. I want you to stay right where you are, all right?

No, that’s not all right. I’m going where you are; I’m assuming you think to leave me again? He nodded and started to say something about leading them away from her. Not again, Trevor. I don’t think I could do this again, being without you. I don’t like you overly much right now, but I need you for some stupid reason. You leave me, Buster, and I swear to you that you’ll have to cup that talented cock of yours all the time, because every time I get close enough, I’m going to punch it.

You are a violent little thing, aren’t you? How come I never noticed that before? She wanted to say because a plane went down and she was kidnapped, but she felt lost again. Don’t cry, baby. I’ll take you with me. But you have to do what I tell you. All right?

Yes. He moved off her to pull on his clothing without standing up. When he did stand, she stared at how he looked. Andrea marveled at his ability to be so balanced, when she could barely dress standing up without falling on her ass. Andrea nearly cried out when he took her shirt and tore it in half. It was all she had right now, and she thought he meant to tell her she couldn’t go because she wasn’t dressed. Instead, his shirt landed in her lap and she looked up at him.

Don’t put that back on, please. It’s everything my wolf can do not to go and find that fucking bastard again and kill him all over. She wanted to ask him if he’d really killed the man who had done it, but she was on her back again with his body over hers. He was hard, not like he’d been during sex, but like he was ready to pounce should he need to. He looked down at her and winked. Then he was gone. A giant fucking wolf was in his place.

He wasn’t sure what she was going to say, or do, for that matter. Trevor thought about warning her, but his wolf wanted to impress her, so he’d let him take him. Trevor watched her carefully when he moved off her body and stood nearby, looking around while she dressed. When she touched her fingers to his fur, his wolf sort of purred.

But when someone moved in his line of sight, he knew his wolf had this. Moving slowly so that Andrea could keep up with him, he stalked the men with guns. Two he had the scents of from earlier, and one he had no idea. As he moved so that Andrea could be safe around a tree, Sara contacted him. His body went stiff with fear and he moved over Andrea to protect her.

Word is out. Get out of Dodge. He asked her what that meant. The Fed’s and cops are on their way. In less than five minutes, you’re going to be overrun. Get out.

Trevor reached for each of the men that had come with him and told them to get to cover. From where they were, he could see a cruiser as well as a large black van coming at them. When Andrea pulled on his fur, he looked at her.

“I’m going back to the barn.” He told her no. “Yes. We have to be found here. If not that, they’ll get off. I’m going to find as many of the women as I can and get to where we were. You go. Just stay close to us until...just until.”

She took off running to the barn, and he could see that two of the women were coming along the front and entering as well. As he watched, the rest of them, naked or nearly so, went in behind her. Just as the door was coming to a close, she looked back out at him.

Go. Do you want to get shot? Get your men out of here and to safety. We have to make this work. Sara said that we’d have a better chance of this working well for us if we’re caught here as prisoners. He took off behind Benson, who was also a wolf. Two of the others, both men, were running in front of them, and Trevor could see his pack running for the wooded area just as a helicopter flew overhead and landed in the open field he’d just been in with Andrea. He reached out to Sara and asked her what was going on.

I don’t know. I have an idea that one of the guys from Neal’s called them in. I’ll have that for you soon. Also...well, I had no idea that your mate could hear me, or for that matter she could talk to me, but she’s right about this shit hitting the fan in a good way. What did you do, change her already? He said that he’d not had the chance. Well, she told me to have the men bring back the girls. And since she said it so nicely, I did. Benson is impressed too, by the way. Good planning on her part. I’ll meet you at the next farm over in a couple of hours with clothing. I’m just bringing whatever I can put my hands on, and the men will have to make do. He told her that was fine.

It was nearly three hours before the police found the women. They had sort of stumbled around looking for them, like he’d been doing, when there was a shout. Trevor was sure that Andrea had had something to do with that. As they came stumbling out of the barn, his Andrea holding up one of the women who had been beaten, Trevor and the others moved deeper into the woods. Just on the other side of the fields, on another property, Sara met them with bags of clothing, as well as more guns. He was home waiting when the call came in that Andrea had been found alive.

The police were everywhere when he entered the hospital. Sara was with him, as was Benson, but they weren’t bothered by anyone as they made their way back behind the desk to the area in the emergency department. As soon as he entered the room, he stopped moving to see Andrea sitting with an elderly man sitting by her bed. He knew even before the man spoke that he was a cat, and one of great power. Before he could do much more than...well, move, Andrea turned and smiled at him.

“This is Mike Manhouser.” The man stood up and turned to him, smiling and bowing low. “He was here when we arrived. His wife is upstairs. She’s not been well for some time.” The man took his hand and bowed again before speaking.

“I heard that she’d been found from one of the doctors upstairs. I’ve been in wife has been ill for some time. But I wanted you to know that I’ve not touched her since she was brought in. Nor have I let any near her that didn’t need to be.” Trevor nodded but looked at Andrea. “She had no idea what I was until today. None. Can you believe that?”

“I can. You...I owe you. Thank you.” Andrea cleared her throat and looked at him questioningly. “This is a leader of a leap…a tiger, if I don’t miss my bet. And he knows that you belong to me.”

“Belong?” Mike laughed and asked for permission to kiss Andrea’s forehead. As he leaned over to her, Trevor heard him tell her to behave and to call him soon. As soon as he left them, Sara sat in the big chair and Benson moved to the stand at the door. “Would you mind explaining to me how you think I belong to you?”

Instead of answering her, he pulled her from the bed and into his arms. Kissing her, feeling her body next to his, was the best thing in the world, and he knew she felt the same way. When he put her back on the bed, he sat on the side and took her hand.

“This is Sara Logan. She works for me and is my friend. You know Benson; he too has been my friend for longer than I can remember.” Sara shook Andrea’s hand and Benson nodded at her from the doorway. “And now that you’ve met her, you can go away. I want to get reacquainted with my mate.” Sara kissed them both, a new thing for him, and went to the door. Benson said he would guard the door and left. When Sara stopped and stared at them, he asked her what was wrong.

“Nothing. I’ve watched you...I guess struggle…with being an alpha for so many years, I’d about given up hope of you ever getting your own pack. And now you not only have a pack, but a mate, as well as an enforcer. I’m so very proud of you, Trevor.” He went to her and held her in his arms. He and his mother had never been close, but holding Sara was better than he could imagine his mother’s hugs would have been. “You’re going to make this old woman cry.”

“You are the best, you know that, right?” She told him that she did and it was about time he noticed too. When she left them, he looked back at Andrea. “We’re going to get you out of here. And home. Then I’m going to bathe you, make love to you, then sleep for a month. After that, we’ll see.”

“They are taking the cast off in a little while.” He could see that she was nervous now, and nodded as he made his way back to the bed. “They said that I have to be on hand to testify against those men killed him, didn’t you? That man that took me there, you killed him.”

“I did. brother was with him, and they were talking about coming after you. I lost my temper for a few minutes.” She asked him about his brother. “Burton. No, I didn’t kill him. But he is dead. He opened fire on an officer and he returned fire. Burton died quickly.”

When he’d killed Patrick, Burton had taken off for the woods. He could have run him down, but he didn’t want to have to take him out if he didn’t have to. Instead, he told the men to watch out for him and went to find Andrea.

Trevor didn’t think it was necessary to tell her that before the cop had had to shoot his brother, Burton had kept screaming that he just needed to kill Trevor. Needed to put a bullet in Trevor’s head so that he could have all the money. He’d even told the cop if he didn’t kill him, just shot him a little bit, that he’d give him lots of money, and that he’d have it after Trevor was dead. When the officer had told him to put his gun down again, Burton had fired at him, hitting the young man in the leg. Burton had been shot once in the head and he was gone.

Trevor held her until they came to get her to x-ray her arm, and then to remove the cast. It was dirty and filled with so many drugs that the police had been called in to collect them. Andrea told them what she knew of the drugs, and that Neal had given them to her in an effort to keep her from getting away. Telling them that story took another two hours. Trevor was proud of Andrea in that moment; she was steady and calm, and told them just what they needed to hear, leaving out the part about being wolves or what she knew had happened to Neal when she’d been taken to the ranch.

It was nearly morning when they left the hospital. The police had told them to be close, and Trevor told them that they’d be there. There were others that needed to talk to Andrea. The people investigating the plane crash for one, as well as the Feds that had been tracking Patrick and some local’s that knew she’d been at the house. The bodies of Neal and his mother were found in an abandoned field some hours later. Murder suicide, they called it, which Trevor supposed he had to thank Sara for as well. The woman did have her contacts.

Trevor woke early three days after Andrea had been released from the hospital. Today she was going to talk about the crash and how she’d been able to walk away. He knew that she’d been sleeping poorly, worrying about what she might get into trouble over, and no amount of reassurances were helping. He started to get up to go and see about getting her breakfast in bed, but decided to feed them both. Pulling the sheet off her naked body, he let his wolf take him.

He moved up her body, careful not to wake her. His wolf had wanted to drink from his mate for days now, but Trevor had been so worried at how she would react that he’d calmed him with the fact that she was theirs forever. Now that she was sleeping, he thought he could satisfy his wolf and relax her at the same time.

She smelled of him. And sex. His wolf could smell it too, and licked her inner thigh once to have her moving her legs apart for him. As soon as she moved again, laying on her back, Trevor had his wolf move slowly as he licked her heat. As soon as she moaned, his wolf licked her again and again until she was riding his mouth. When she came, screaming out her release, Trevor waited for her to tell him to get back, but she only stared at his wolf.

“You ate me.” The wolf nodded and laid back down, and moved his nose close to her pussy. When she opened her legs for him, spreading her nether lips, the wolf whimpered once and began eating her quickly, his tongue fucking her as Trevor did with his cock. As soon as she came again, Trevor asked for his turn and the wolf moved back.

“That was fucking amazing.” Trevor grinned at her as he buried his mouth over her and bit down on her clit. “Yes. Oh yes, please. Eat me, Trevor.”

He did. Over and over she came down his throat. Trevor moved up her body then, biting her and then licking the tiny wound away. Her hands offered up her breasts to him, and Trevor suckled just one tip into his mouth as he watched her face. There would never be a more beautiful sight than when his mate screamed out a climax, he decided. Sliding into her heat, he paused to look down at her.

“You do belong to me.” She nodded and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her legs around his. “Will you marry me? Make it legal?”

“Yes. I want to have babies with you, too. Bring them into a world that is all our own.” Trevor slid his hand between them and laid it over her flat belly. “I want to have a child with you soon, Trevor. Our own child so that we can show it how to love.”

“I want to change you first. Make you what I am so that she’ll have all that we both are.” Andrea nodded and rolled her hips up to meet his. “Christ, woman, you are going to kill me when I’m trying to be easy.”

“Don’t be. Fuck me.” His cock seemed to swell with the need to do just what she commanded. “Take me…make me yours forever.”

Trevor tried his best to move slowly, to savor her and her body, but she wasn’t having it. At one point she tossed him to his back and rode him harder than he’d ever been. And when she came, her body bowed back in splendor, he rolled her back onto the bed and let himself go. And when he came, his entire body felt as if it was emptying inside of her, even parts of his heart and soul.

He held her to him as they lay there. Her breathing, like his, had slowed down. Even her heart was going at a steadier pace. Trevor was thinking that he could stay there with her forever when she spoke. It was the first time since he’d brought her here that she’d spoken of the crash.

“The man that spoke to me, the one that tried to get me to tell him about the people on board, he did so at great risk to himself, didn’t he?” He told her that he had gone against the people in charge to stay with her for as long as he could. “He went into the water with me. I don’t know what happened to him after that, but when the plane hit the water, tipped upward, he just got sucked out with the other things that weren’t strapped down.”

“His body was found a few days later. He had gotten caught up in the wreckage and didn’t make it out.” He held her while she wrapped her arms around him. “Others, too, were sucked out of it. Most, however, were still there when the body of the plane was brought up a week later.”

“When the water started coming in, it was so cold. My feet…my shoes were gone, and there wasn’t anything for me to hold onto with my arm broken. I tried to get out, but I must have been going the wrong way. As the plane filled more, there were more things floating around me. I hit my head.” When she rolled to her back and closed her eyes, he just watched her. She needed to speak about this almost as much as he needed to know. “When I woke up, there was nothing around me but seat cushions, as well as bags of pretzels and peanuts. It was surreal knowing that these things had been on the plane with me, and now we were both floating. I could see the shore, so grabbing up one of the seats, I held onto it as I made my way there. But by the time I got on the shore, I was so cold that I thought I might die.”

“They told me when I was at the site that the water was too cold for anyone to survive for long. One of the officers there told me that you’d have been better off dying in the crash rather than freezing in the water.” He grinned when he thought of the man lying on the concrete pad with his nose broken. “I think he learned a valuable lesson in keeping his mouth shut from now on.”

Trevor had meant to make her laugh, but she only lay there before she continued. “I walked away from it. I have no idea how much later it was. Time meant nothing to me. My head was pounding then, blood was soaking my shirt, and my skirt was shrinking around me because of the wetness. There was...I remember seeing people and thinking that I needed to keep away from them. I have no idea why, but.... Anyway, I thought of you. And told you to come and get me. You were...I guess me walking away made it hard for you to find me.”

“You mentioned a fence.” She told him about the high school she’d walked by and the fence around the football field. “That makes sense. I searched that fence around the airport so many times I can draw you a map of every weed and empty can of beer there.”

“Then I met Neal.” He felt his body tense up at the mention of his name. “He asked me if I was all right. I didn’t know, so I told him that. He was with the nurse. She was...I think she was carrying groceries and had a cane, which she hit Neal with when he put me in his car. Then he said something else, and she looked at me I was a turkey dinner.”

“Neal must have hated me for a long time.” Trevor told her about the deal that he’d tried to get him in on. “I think me not playing ball with him sort of turned him against me. He held you because you and I had mated and bonded, and he could smell me on you.” She turned to him then, and he looked at her when she smiled at him.

“Yes.” He asked her what she meant. “Yes. I’ll marry you. And yes, I want you to convert me. And yes, I want to have children with you. When can we start?”

Trevor leapt out of bed and reached for Sara. If anyone could get this marrying business done and started, she could. Sara was laughing when she told him they’d been married for three weeks. He just needed to put a ring on her finger. Pulling Andrea out of bed, he kissed her.

“We need to go shopping. Today. And as soon as we can leave, you and I are going on a honeymoon.” She told him no planes, thanks. “Right. I have a camper, did I tell you that?”