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Forgetting the Enemy (Enemy Duet Book 1) by Amy Cecil (22)

Chapter 22




Once Vince agreed to walk me down the aisle, I told Michael I was ready for Las Vegas. It only took him two days to get us here, and this city is amazing. I actually remember being here before, with my mother when I was young. It’s yet another memory that has come back to me. They are returning—slowly but returning just the same.

We are staying at the Bellagio hotel and plan on having the wedding on their Terrazza Di Sogno. It’s their beautiful terrace, and it overlooks the fountains which lead to a breathtaking view of the Paris Las Vegas Casino. We plan on having it in the evening and with only a handful of guests, which include Michael’s parents of course, my brother and Mia, Alex, Gina, Salvatore, and an intimate array of body guards. Yeah, well when I say intimate, I’m guessing ten to fifteen.

Michael and I arrived this morning, and of course Ricco and one of his men accompanied us. Michael is currently attending a meeting in town. Ricco’s man, Darius, remains with me. Ever since the shooting at the house, Darius has been assigned to me. Michael made it clear I am not to go anywhere without him.

I am meeting with the wedding coordinator, Jasmine, in about an hour. The remainder of our guests will be arriving throughout the day, and we are all planning on meeting for dinner later this evening at Picasso’s right here in the hotel.

We are staying in the hotel’s Chairman’s Suite, and it’s absolutely huge. I believe the bellman said it was over four thousand square feet. Michael arranged for Ricco to take the second bedroom in our suite, and Darius was put in the room next door.

Ever since we arrived, we have been treated like royalty. First, we were directed to the Chairman’s Lounge for a private check-in. After that, we walked across an enchanted suspended walkway that led us to a breathtaking corner of the hotel. Our suite has everything you could imagine, including a solarium, an indoor garden and fountain, a fireplace, a fully stocked L-shaped bar, two master bedrooms, private bathrooms with whirlpool tubs, steam showers, and a freaking conference room. And can you believe it? We have a twenty-four-hour butler.

There are three “entourage” suites on our floor, which are being occupied by the men who accompanied us here.

Vince and Alex are staying in the Executive Parlor Suites. Each one has a pool table and a state-of-the-art surround system. I believe I heard Michael mention something about a bachelor party being held in Vince’s. Gina and Mia are sharing a suite, and Michael’s parents have their own. And of course, the various guards are close by.

This place is amazing!

When Jasmine got here, we started going over all the plans for the ceremony, which we plan on having the day after tomorrow.

“Zaira, my dear. You just leave everything to me. I’m here to make sure everything we’ve got planned is what you want.”

“Well, everything we just discussed sounds perfect for me,” I reply. “I’m so excited, this wedding is going to be amazing!”

“Good, then your job is done, and mine has just begun,” she says cheerfully.

She gets up to leave, and as I walk her to the door, I say, “We really appreciate you taking care of all this on such short notice.” I’m beaming.

“Oh, love, it’s my job and that smile on your face confirms why I love it so much. You at least gave me a week to plan and prepare. Some people don’t give me more than a day.”

“Wow, I just couldn’t imagine,” I say. “I really don’t know how you do it.”

“Oh, Zaira, that’s easy. I have lots of contacts and an array of bakers, florists, musicians, photographers, and anything else you could possibly imagine at my disposal.” She gets to the door and pauses. “And if you are looking for some help with a bachelorette party, just let me know.”

Oh, I didn’t think about a bachelorette party. Suddenly, I feel a bit sad. I mean, Michael and the boys talked about his bachelor party, but well, I don’t have any girlfriends. I mean I am sure I do. I just don’t remember any of them. So far, all I’ve got is Mia and Gina, and Francesca of course.

“Oh, before I forget, Zaira, do you have a dress?” Jasmine asks.

“Not yet. My sister and I will be looking tomorrow.” Damn she’s good. Just the mention of my wedding dress pulls me from being sad to being giddy again.

She reaches in her bag and pulls out a card. Handing it to me, she says, “Here, you must go to Couture Bride. They have a good selection, so it’s not too difficult getting something that fits properly on such a short notice.”

“Thank you, Jasmine,” I say as she walks through the doorway.

Waving her hand above her head, she calls back to me, “I’ll be in touch.”




The family arrived safely, and we had a wonderful dinner last night at Picasso’s. Today, Mia, Gina, Francesca, and I are shopping. We already made it to two bridal shops, and I found nothing I liked. We’ve just arrived at Couture Bride. I look behind us as we are about to enter the store, and Darius and two other men I don’t quite know hang out outside the door. I don’t think bridal shopping is their thing, but they are being such troopers.

I was really surprised when Gina and Francesca said they wanted to shop with us. They both make me feel so welcome and that I am already a part of their family. Mia and Gina absolutely love each other and talk about nothing but boys. It seems they both have secret crushes but won’t reveal the boys’ names. Francesca and I just laugh. Oh, to be young again. Not that I’m old, but I truly can’t wait to be Mrs. Michael Vitali, so my days of secret crushes, with whomever they may have been, are nearly over.

Walking into the store, Mia gushes at the first gown she sees. “Oh, Zaira, look at this! It’s perfect!” She squeals.

I try my hardest to hide my frown. The gown she is raving about is white with so much tulle, it looks like meringue. All I need is a yellow sash and I’ll look like a lemon meringue pie. When she spots my horror at the dress, she laughs, and I realize she is teasing.

And then, on a mannequin behind Mia, I spot the dress. Mesmerized, I make a beeline directly to it, and I’m speechless. The dress is a Sofia Tolli. It’s a light ivory with a strapless neckline. It has the most precious detailing on the bodice and train that it literally sparkles like diamonds and has a scalloped lace highlighting the sweetheart neckline. The dress is straight through the hips, and the tulle train features hand-beading coupled with the prettiest lace appliques. It’s elegant, stunning, and breathtaking all at the same time, and the only thing I can do right now is pray they have my size.




My dress will be delivered to the hotel later this afternoon. I feel like a little girl right now—a princess—and I can’t wait until Michael sees me in my dress.

“We have to go back to the hotel now,” Gina says.

Mia chimes in. “Yeah, we do.”

“Why?” I ask. “I thought we could all hang out and check out Vegas. Maybe we could hit a blackjack table somewhere.” I wink at the girls.

“Nope, we can’t,” Gina replies. “We have things to do today, right, girls?” she asks, trying to get Gina and Francesca to agree.

“Yes. Yes, we do,” Francesca says, and it’s obvious she finally gets what Gina was referring to.

Disappointed, I say, “Okay then.” I turn toward Darius. “Can you take us back to the hotel?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he replies. Michael rented two SUVs when we arrived so we would have some form of transportation while we were in Vegas. Taxis aren’t safe, and my future husband is all about keeping us safe.

“Darius, please don’t call me ma’am. You make me feel old. Just call me Zaira. Please,” I say.

“I’m sorry, ma’am—I mean Zaira.” He blushes and then heads toward the parking garage where we left our SUV. The other two men stay with us girls while we wait for his return.

A few minutes later, Darius comes back. We all get in the car, and he drives us off. I’m feeling really disappointed. I wanted to hang out with the girls some more. I’m not having a bachelorette party, and Michael will be hanging with Vince and Alex in their suite. Oh well, maybe Mia will hang with me tonight.

When we arrive back at the hotel, I’m deserted and left on my own. Mia and Gina rushed off to their own little powwow, and Francesca said she needed to check in with Domenic. So here I sit, alone in this beautiful suite. Michael is in the conference room with Ricco and his brother—I guess discussing business. I turn on the TV and flip through the channels, looking for something to watch and trying my hardest to hold back my tears.

About an hour passes before Michael and the boys emerge from the conference room. Michael walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek.

“Hello, beautiful,” he says with a smile. “Did you have a fun day shopping? Did you find a dress?”

“I did,” I reply, and tears well in my eyes.

He looks at me concerned and then says to Ricco and Alex, “Gentlemen, Can I have a minute alone with my bride?”

“Of course, bro,” Alex says. “I’ll see you later. Party starts in two hours. My suite. You better be there. We have plans for you.”

“I’ll be there,” he replies, shaking his head at his brother’s excitement. What is it about the bachelor party that the guests are more excited than the actual groom? Michael appears as if he is dreading it.

“I’ll be right outside if you need me,” Ricco says.

“Thanks, man.” Michael sits next to me on the couch and takes my hand in his. “What’s the matter, darling?”

“It’s nothing,” I reply, and he gives me a look that tells me he’s not buying it. “Really, Michael. It’s nothing.”

He’s still not buying it, and suddenly, realizing I am going to have to voice my thoughts, they seem petty and ridiculous.

“I just didn’t want to be alone tonight,” I say

“Who says you’re gonna be alone? You have the girls to hang with tonight.”

“Well, that’s what I thought, but they all have excuses and basically left me.” I glance down at my hands. I feel like crying, and the last thing I want to do is cry right now. “I know. I’m being emotional and ridiculous. It’s just that I don’t remember any of my girlfriends which I’m sure I have.” I’m trying to be optimistic here. I don’t want to ruin Michael’s night and have him worrying about me.

“Oh, sweetheart. Have faith in our sisters. I have a feeling you won’t be alone tonight,” he says.

“Really, you think they might have something planned after all?” I ask.

He holds up his hands. “I’m pleading the fifth.” Pulling me into his arms, he says, “I have some time before the party tonight. Got any ideas on what we can do?”

“Actually,” I reply with a tease. “I might have an idea of something.”

“Oh, yeah?” he says as he nuzzles against my ear.

“Oh, yeah.” I stand from the couch and reach for his hand. “Come with me,” I say huskily.

I lead him into the bedroom and walk him toward the massive king-size bed. I begin by pulling his shirt from his jeans. After placing my hands underneath it, I move them along his beautifully defined abs. He reaches down to grasp my shirt, but I shoo him away.

“No,” I say.


“It’s my turn to play.” I pull his shirt up, encouraging him to help me get it over his head.

He gets what I am trying to do and takes his shirt, then pulls it over his head. “So you want to be in charge?”

“I do,” I reply and bat my eyes at him.

He chuckles but takes his hands and grips them together behind his back.

“Thank you,” I say. I undo his belt and slowly slide it through the loops and remove it. After undoing the button on his jeans, I graze my hands along his pant line across his abdomen. He moans. I reach for the zipper and begin to pull, but he brings his hand up and stops me. I look at him disappointed.

“Before you go any further, I need to know something,” he says. I nod, and he continues. “Am I eventually gonna get to touch you? And before you answer, let me add that if you don’t want me to touch you and you want to be in control, I can respect that. But you need to remember you’re caging the beast. The next time we’ll be together will be our wedding night, and really, Zaira, do you want the wild animal on your wedding night?”

I look at him and act as if I’m in deep thought contemplating my choices. Then I go back to his zipper, pull it down, and remove his jeans and boxers as he assists me in stepping out of them. Lingering on the beauty of his body, my eyes travel from his dick up his chiseled abdomen and go back to where I started. He looks back at me eagerly as I take his hands and position them behind his back.

“I’ll take the wild animal,” I say and push him onto the bed. “Lie on top of your hands and keep them there.”

“Oh, baby, you’re gonna be sorry for that choice.”

“I don’t think so,” I reply adamantly. “Other than agreeing to marry you, I think it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Frustrated by the outcome, he grumbles and does as I asked him. He maneuvers his hands securely behind his back. My eyes scan his body, and my mouth begins to water. He’s naked and beautiful.

My hands grasp the bottom of my tank top. Slowly, I lift it over my head, exposing my pink lace bra. Michael lies on the bed and stares at me as I reach for the button on my jeans. After undoing it and then the zipper, I slowly shimmy out of them. I’m left standing there in just my bra and panties, and I can tell by the look in his eyes that he wants more. And who am I to deny him? After I remove my underwear, I climb onto the bed on my hands and knees. I crawl on top of him and straddle him. My body is poised for the taking, and although I want him inside me more than anything, I decide to play this out.

“Well, baby, you’ve got me here now. What are you gonna do with me?” he asks.

“Tease you,” I say as my fingers lightly run over his skin. I rise up onto my knees and lean over him, my nipples hard against his chest. Once I lean farther, I press my lips against his neck and slowly trail down his chest until I reach his nipple. I nip at it and then graze it with my teeth. He moans, and I can see it is taking everything in him to keep himself restrained.

I gather that Michael is the type of man who is always used to being in control. And seeing him in this state, where I am in control and having him at my mercy, is intoxicating. Now, I think it is important to note here that I do realize he could easily take over and have me flat on my back in seconds, but the fact he is letting me take charge is the important thing.

My lips move down his torso until I reach his happy trail and the beautifully defined “V” pointing directly at his cock. I purposely avoid any contact with it as I lick along his pelvic bone.

“Babe. I’m really trying here, darling, but if you keep that up, I’m not sure how much more I can take,” he says huskily.

Without hesitating, my mouth descends on him. After taking him deep into my mouth, I pull back slowly and make a point to use my tongue to massage his tip. He growls as he bucks his hips toward me, begging for more.

I take him back in my mouth, all the way back to my throat, and begin sucking. He finds a rhythm and begins fucking my mouth. I slide my hands up his legs until I reach his balls and massage them while sucking him base to tip. I can feel him growing harder in my mouth and prepare myself because I know he’s about to climax. It doesn’t take more than a little more effort on my part, and Michael comes hard. I swallow every drop, and I am pleased with myself that I could give him so much pleasure.

“Oh God, baby, that was amazing,” Michael says through heavy breaths.

“I’m not done yet.” I crawl up his body and kiss him full on the mouth.

He kisses me back, and I can feel his cock getting hard again, nudging into my belly. “Can I touch you now?”

I breathe audibly. “Yes.”

Before I know it his hands are free, and he grabs my neck and claims my mouth, kissing me deep. He reaches and grabs my ass and flips us over so that I’m now lying on my back. I knew it wouldn’t take much.

His movements are fast and urgent, and he gives me no time to move underneath him. His cock teases my pussy’s lips, and I want nothing more than to feel him inside. When he plunges deep inside me, he moans.

“You’re so fucking wet, baby, and warm.”

“Fuck me, Michael. Fuck me hard.”

He doesn’t hesitate and hammers into me hard and fast. The fullness of his thrusts makes me greedy for him, and I can’t get enough.

Our bodies are slick with sweat as we continue our erotic rhythm. My orgasm is building, and I’m clenching myself around him. I feel him getting harder, so I know he is close too. I call out his name when my orgasm takes over my body, and at the same time, hot spurts of cum fill me as Michael pumps into me twice more.

“You’re fucking amazing!” he says when he rolls off me and pulls me against him. “How much longer do I have to wait to make you my wife?”

Snuggling up against him, I look at my watch. “Oh, roughly about twenty-four hours.”

“That’s too long. Let’s get married tonight,” he says.

“Absolutely not. Besides, we’ve probably already jinxed our marriage by having sex on the day before our wedding. We’re not supposed to see each other today,” I say.

“Oh, babe, please tell me you don’t believe in all that superstitious bullshit,” he says.

“Well, that superstitious bullshit has been governing brides and grooms for centuries.”

“We are not jinxing anything. We are going to have a beautiful wedding; a wonderful, long, and happy life; and dozens of children,” he says.


“Sshh, go to sleep. Let’s take a nap before I have to leave.” He pulls me in tighter, and I find I am sexually satisfied and too exhausted to argue.





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