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Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys Book 1) by C.A. Harms (28)









Chapter Twenty-Seven



I woke up to my momma calling. I rolled over, finding the time on the clock at the side of the bed. “Really?” I groaned, and I tapped over and over at the answer button on my phone in aggravation. I wasn’t seeing clearly enough to get it the first time.

“Well, it’s about time, Kori. I’ve been beating on the door and calling. When are you two gonna climb outta bed?”

“Momma, it’s seven thirty in the morning. Why are you here so early? I thought you and Daddy weren’t leaving till ten.” Reed grumbled next to me and reached out to caress my breast. He was dreaming, and that was his first instinct. Honestly?

“Well we changed our minds. We need to be there by nine. Which means we should have left twenty minutes ago. Now meet me at the door to get Rhett.” She didn’t even wait for me to hang up. My mom hated being late. That was unacceptable in her book. I had just made her late. In my defense, though, she did say ten.

When I opened the door, Rhett leaped at me and wrapped his arms around my legs. I bent down and picked him up. He was getting so big, so fast. He was wearing his cowboy boots, and it was so damn cute. He loved them almost as much as Reed loved his.

“Mornin’, sunshine.” My momma laughed. “You have a late night?”

“You could say that.” I rolled my eyes, watching her walk away, waving goodbye over her shoulder.

“Let’s make some pancakes for our Reed. You wanna help Mommy?” I asked Rhett as I closed the front door. He was full of energy today, and I was dragging my zombie form to the kitchen.

By the time breakfast was ready, we had batter in our hair. Rhett was responsible for dipping it out onto the flat skillet. So it got everywhere but on the pan, for the most part.

I did my best to clean us up. Placing a stack of pancakes onto a warming plate, I took them to the table and set up everything else. When everything was ready, it was time for the fun.

“Hey, buddy, you wanna help Mommy wake up Reed?” He didn’t answer me, instead he darted off toward the bedroom. I hurried after him as he struggled to climb up onto the bed. Once he got his footing, he crawled up beside him and began bouncing on his stomach.

“Up…up,” he chanted as he continued to use Reed as a human trampoline. I laughed from the foot of the bed. Reed grunted each time Rhett’s butt connected with his ribs.

He grabbed him around his little waist and rolled to the side, pinning him down. “Well, look what I have here.” Reed held up his opened hand above Rhett, making it appear as if it were a claw. “It’s the cowboy tamer, and it found a tiny cowboy who needs to be whipped into shape.”

Reed began tickling Rhett’s ribs and stomach. His giggles filled the room, and he wiggled from side to side. Reed’s laughter followed, and I was in awe of them. They were both beautiful in that moment, smiling, completely lost in the happiness of one another. Sometimes it was so hard to accept that this was my life. I got to experience these amazing moments, and I was so blessed.

Their laughter finally slowed down as Reed crawled from bed. Lifting Rhett into his arms, he said, “I smell pancakes.” His eyes got big, and he began bouncing up and down, still holding Rhett close. “Did you and Mommy make me pancakes?” he asked Rhett. In return, my little man smiled proudly. He nodded and looked my way.

“Rhett made them, I just observed.”

Reed walked toward me, kissing my forehead. “Good morning, beautiful.”




To say I was nervous would have been an understatement. Today would be the first time I talked to Blake’s mom since the funeral. I felt sick to my stomach.

Last time, she was very hateful. She made me feel like Rhett and I were so beneath her and her lifestyle.

I got a text telling me they would be on our scheduled Skype chat at eleven a.m. I sat in front of the screen with my hair styled, wearing the dressiest blouse I owned. Rhett sat on my lap—dressed, clean, and spit-free. My leg was bouncing, and my heart was racing.

“Kori, relax. It’s gonna be just fine, I promise. She wouldn’t have agreed to this if she felt like the past couldn’t be left there. Give it a chance.” Reed sat just out of view at my side. He lightly traced his hand over my thigh, attempting to soothe me.

“I know, I just…” A window popped up on the screen before me. After a few seconds, Blake’s dad filled the screen.

“Hi, Kori, can you see me?”

I laughed. “Yeah, I can see ya just fine. All good on your end?” I adjusted Rhett on my lap, making sure he could see him.

“All good, thanks. Wow, he is getting so big.” A large grin spread out over his lips. “I can’t believe just how much he looks like Blake.”

His gaze shifted just off camera, and he waved someone over. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves as I watched Molly, Blake’s mom, step into view. Her hand flew up to cover her mouth. A sob broke out as she dropped down into the chair next to Richard. “Oh my, he’s beautiful, Kori.” Tears fell heavily as she stared at Rhett with complete awe. “How could I have been so stupid?” she whispered, and for a moment I was confused until she continued. “So much time wasted, so many things we’ve already missed.”

Her eyes shifted to mine, and she let her hand fall from her face. “I am so sorry, Kori, so very sorry for everything we didn’t do. We should’ve been there for you, for both of you. I was a bitter woman, and I turned that on you. None of what I was going through was your fault, it was mine…all mine. I wanted control, and when I didn’t have it, you were the easiest one to blame. For that, I will always be regretful. You were mourning the death of my son, and I was so hurtful and cold.” Her tears continued to pour as Richard soothed her the best he could. “I am so sorry,” she whispered.

Rhett began to wiggle on my lap, and I gave him his cookie to calm him. I looked over at Reed, and he nodded, gesturing that it was okay for me to say what I needed to.

“You’re right, Molly, you were both very harsh and cruel toward me. All I ever wanted was for you both to accept me. To understand that I loved and still love your son. He will always be a part of my soul. Blake gave me something that I will forever be grateful for. He gave me the most amazing part of him.” I looked down at Rhett and kissed his forehead. “This little guy right here is my piece of Blake.”

Molly nodded, and Richard smiled.

“He can be a part of your lives too. I just need to know you will never treat him or me that way again. I couldn’t take it if you hurt him.”

“I know it’s going to take time for you to trust us. That is something we must earn. I can promise you we will never again make the same mistakes.” Molly spoke with confidence. She spoke clearly as she looked me directly in the eyes.

“Okay.” I took a calming breath before continuing. “We’ve decided to take you up on the offer to visit, Richard. If it’s still okay.”

“Of course…anytime,” he answered.

“There are a few things I need you to know first. I don’t want any surprises.” They both nodded and waited patiently, attentively.

“When I left Georgia to go to Boston, I left behind a few very close friends, friends who have helped me recover and heal from the loss of Blake. I believe one of them you already know.” I looked over at Reed and motioned for him to join me.

Once he moved his chair around and sat next to me, I looked back at the screen. I could see they both already knew what I was about to say. It still needed to be said, though. “This is Reed, my best friend and boyfriend.” I smiled up at him, and he put his arm over the back of my chair. Rhett climbed off of my lap and onto Reed’s.

“Hello, Reed, nice to see you again.” Richard grinned at the man he knew was responsible for this entire reunion.

“Hello, sir,” Reed greeted him in return.

“Reed treats both of us very well. He knows how important it is for Rhett to remember his daddy. He’s nurturing and loving to your grandson. I just need to make sure that you both understand how important he is in our lives.” They both nodded. “Good, because he’ll be coming with us when we visit.”

“We have the guesthouse. You’re welcome to it,” Molly announced.

“I think we’ll actually just stay at the hotel, but I appreciate the offer.” It just didn’t feel right staying with another man inside the home Blake grew up in. A hotel would be the best place for us. It would allow us some distance after a visit I was sure would be stressful.

We finished the Skype visit by Rhett throwing a fit. Molly laughed, saying he even got red faced like his daddy when he got mad.

We agreed to visit the last weekend in February, and planned another Skype in a week.

When the call was ended, I let my body relax against the chair. It was a stressful, highly emotional call. With my lack of sleep from last night, everything hit me. I was exhausted.