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Gatekeeper (Low Blow Book 5) by Charity Parkerson (7)



Mateo had expected it to be hard to convince Sean to hang out with him at the gym now that he’d graduated and spent more time with Mateo, but he’d agreed without hesitation. In fact, he’d seemed excited at the idea of watching Mateo in action. Sean always made Mateo’s head swell. When they were together, Mateo wanted to flex or throw the man over his shoulder in a show of strength before carrying Sean to bed. He didn’t think Sean realized how unique that made him. Most people did their best to be unimpressed by Mateo. Sean acted as if he’d never met anyone better. The instant they cleared the door of Aden’s gym, Mateo knew he wouldn’t get to hang with Sean by the excitement written on Remy’s face as he bounded over to them.

“Yay! It’s Sean. We like Sean.”

At Remy’s cheer, Mateo spread his arms wide. “What about me?”

Remy waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Your ego is already the size of the Atlantic. No one is fluffing that. But I gave Sean that membership six months ago and we’re just now seeing him.”

“I think you’re amazing,” Sean said behind him, making Mateo smile. Damn, they should’ve stayed in bed. There was more than one way for him to get a workout. Sean raised his voice for Remy to hear. “I’ve been going to school and working full-time. Before now, I haven’t had time to come in. I graduated last week, so here I am.”

“That’s cool,” Remy said with a shrug. “Education comes first. We’ll just start your membership from today on. That way, you won’t lose the six months you weren’t here.” Remy eyed Sean. “You’re not dressed to play with me.”

“I really don’t know what that means,” Sean said, sounding bewildered and wary—like he should when Remy had the glint to his eye that he did now.

“It means I’m stealing you and dressing you like a doll so we can play. Kiss your man so we can go.”

“I don’t know

“Kiss your man,” Remy repeated, cutting Sean off and stopping just short of stamping his foot.

Mateo kissed Sean, keeping him in Remy’s good graces. “Go with him,” Mateo said low enough for Sean’s ears alone. “I promise you’ll be fine.”

Sean nodded. “I guess I’ll be back soon,” Sean said, loud enough for Remy to hear.

Mateo didn’t bother looking to see if it made Remy’s day. Remy had called Sean his doll. He already knew the man was over the moon about having a new project. “I love you,” Mateo said, gently shoving Sean toward Remy. “Have fun.”

Sean glanced over his shoulder as Remy grabbed his hand and towed him toward the door. He looked as if he was being kidnapped and Mateo was letting it happen. Mateo couldn’t stop smiling. Anything Remy chose to do would be good for Sean. Everyone needed a little Remy time in their life.

Mateo didn’t lose track of time the way he usually did. He sparred with Brady, one of his usual sparring partners, after running through his cardio while keeping an eye on the clock. Three hours passed before Remy and Sean returned. Sean looked shell shocked, but sexy as hell in what appeared to be a whole new outfit—shoes and all.

Remy towed him past Mateo, headed for the office. “Help me,” Sean mouthed as they passed, pulling a chuckle from Mateo. Sean smiled at the sound, letting Mateo know he was joking.

Between sets, he kept one eye locked on everything Sean did. When Remy started taping Sean’s knuckles, Mateo came to his feet. He made it five steps before Daniel appeared in his path.

“May I ask you something? Off the record, of course,” Daniel added.

Mateo’s gaze never wavered from Sean and Remy. He loved seeing them playing around. Sean didn’t have that in his life. “I guess.”

“Are you a weirdo stalker?”

Mateo’s head whipped around and a surprised snort of laughter escaped him. “What?”

Daniel shrugged. “I’m just trying to figure you out. First, you ask me to dinner and then tell me you’d love to hook up with Isaac. You’re always jumping to do things for Remy and openly flirting with death by staring at the man and flirting with him. Not to mention, Carter says you’ll fuck anything that moves. Yet, I honestly believe you’re completely in love with Sean. I love a good mystery and you’re a conundrum.”

“Huh,” Mateo grunted, trying to decide if he was angry. “I’m not even sure where to start with all that.” He thought it over and decided he was a little pissed off after all. “First off, I only asked you to dinner because you were new in town and I didn’t want you to have to go to dinner alone. Sorry, dude, but you’re not my type. Secondly, Isaac is hot. I would’ve been crazy not to try. And third, I do not flirt with Remy. I like Remy. A lot. As a friend. He’s nice and fun to be around. I love hanging out with him. If it seems like I’m flirting, it’s only because I’m flirtatious person. I don’t even realize when I’m doing it half the time. As for Carter, fuck that dude. He doesn’t even know me.”

Daniel looked more thoughtful than contrite, which did nothing to cool Mateo’s temper. “The night we went to Slip, you tried to pull Remy aside and offered to go somewhere else with him. You don’t think that’s a weird thing to do with someone else’s husband?”

If Mateo looked as if he thought Daniel was nuts, it was because he did. “Are you insane? I’ve been training with Aden for years to win a title. I wouldn’t fuck that up or screw over a friend like that. Remy hates Boston. I didn’t want him to feel left out by choosing Slip that night, and I tried getting him away from you while asking him, because it’s none of your goddamn business why he hates Boston.”

Daniel scoffed. “Even Aden thought you were hitting on Remy that day.”

Mateo’s eyebrows drew together in his confusion. “No. He didn’t.” Anger got the best of him. Mateo caught Aden’s eye and waved him over.

The red-haired giant who’d stolen Remy’s heart and trained Mateo for the past four years moved to tower over them. “Aye?”

Mateo didn’t hesitate talking it over with Aden. “Do you remember some months back when a bunch of us went to Slip, and I tried to convince Remy to go by offering to go elsewhere?”


Mateo almost laughed, because if Aden had thought he’d been flirting, he’d remember it.

Daniel jumped in. “How can you forget threatening Mateo’s life over it?”

Aden looked thoughtful. He shrugged. “I threaten his life all the time, so it’s hard to remember a specific time. But I can’t imagine threatening him over him trying to take Remy somewhere other than Slip.” Aden paused as if remembering something. “Of course, if you were standing there and Mateo was discussing it, I was probably reminding him to keep his mouth shut around you.”

Daniel’s expression turned thunderous. “Are you serious? You should know by now that I wouldn’t print anything negative about anyone here.”

Aden nodded. “Aye, I know it, but the shit between Boston and us is personal. I don’t give a shit how you feel about me, but if you care about Remy at all, you’ll let that topic go.” He switched his attention to Mateo. “Is that all you needed?”

Mateo nodded. “Thank you.”

Aden dipped his chin. “Fine. Now get back to work. I’m not running a social parlor.”

As soon as Aden walked away, Daniel surprised him by apologizing. “I’m sorry. It’s crazy, but there have been times I’ve thought I’ve seen you staring at Remy in an odd way.”

Mateo shrugged. “He’s an odd guy, but if anything, you’ve probably seen me trying to figure out his secret to happiness.” Mateo chose to keep the rest of his soul and walk away. He wasn’t sure yet if he’d bother talking to Daniel ever again.

* * *

“You’re being way too quiet.”

Sean startled at Mateo’s observation. “Sorry. I was lost in thought.” After spending the day with Remy, Sean was overwhelmed.

Mateo reached over and linked fingers with Sean. While keeping his gaze locked on the road, Mateo tugged and pressed his lips to the back of Sean’s hand. “Did you have fun today?”

“Yes, but my pride might not ever recover,” Sean admitted.

Mateo pressed his lips together as if trying not to laugh. Since the backseat of Mateo’s Jeep was filled with bags and boxes from Remy dropping a small fortune on him, Sean was sure Mateo was enjoying himself entirely too much.

“Don’t think about it too much. Remy loves to shop, and you gave him a partner in crime. That’s priceless to him.”

“I don’t like people spending money on me. It makes me feel like a charity case. I’m out of my league with your crowd.”

Mateo didn’t respond right away. Sean appreciated more than he could say that the man didn’t try trivializing his feelings. “You know,” Mateo said, making Sean wonder if he was about ruin Sean’s appreciation. “I wish you could see how much you give other people. You think people see you as a project, but that’s not true. People want to do nice things for you because you’re nice, and too few people really are.”

Sean stared at Mateo’s profile while seriously considering calling bullshit. “I meet more nice people than mean people every day and I don’t have the slightest interest in showering them with gifts.”

Mateo shook his head, looking serious. “You meet a lot of people who are nice because they’re wearing their in-public face. A vast majority of people are selfish assholes. You’re not. When someone talks to you, you genuinely care about what they’re saying. You make people want to give you as much as you’re giving them with just your kindness.”

“That’s a nice thing to say,” Sean said, because he had nothing else. He didn’t think anything Mateo said was true, but he appreciated his effort.

“You don’t sound like you believe me.”

Sean shrugged, even though Mateo wasn’t looking at him. “I know you’re trying to make me feel better.”

Mateo growled. Sean flattened his hand against his stomach at the sound. He should be exhausted after his first boxing lesson, but the more he had of Mateo, the more he wanted. “I could sneak some money into Aden’s office if that would make you happy.”

“It would.”

A surprised-sounding bark of laughter came from Mateo. “It would hurt Remy’s feelings.”

Sean huffed. “Fine, then. I’ll keep the damn gifts and my mouth shut.”

Mateo cut his eyes at Sean. “I’d very much like for you not to keep your mouth shut. I love your mouth.”

Sean’s mind shifted gears. A rush of heat hit Sean. “If this console wasn’t between us, I’d show you what my mouth can do.”

Mateo’s head whipped around. No one was more shocked than Sean. Mateo was the dirty talker, and Sean fucking loved it, but Sean was too shy for that. The words had popped from him before he’d known it would happen. “We’re almost home.”

“Watch the road,” Sean warned rather than responding.

Mateo did as told, but he didn’t let the topic go. “I need a shower. You should take one with me.”

“You do have a large shower,” Sean said, purposely avoiding answering. A dimple appeared in Mateo’s cheek. Sean couldn’t look away. He loved this man. All the time he’d spent avoiding entanglements and nursing his broken spirit hadn’t saved him from Mateo. He’d been certain he could and would live the rest of his life in peaceful solitude. Now he couldn’t imagine going back to being alone. More than that, he was barely put together. If he lost Mateo, he didn’t think he could scrape the pieces of his mind together again.

Mateo pulled his keys from the ignition, making Sean realize they were home. They carried his bags of new clothes inside and left them in the living room. After dropping the final one, Mateo took his hand and headed down the hall. Sean stared at Mateo’s back. His heart overwhelmed his brain. He picked up the pace and overcame Mateo as they reached the bedroom. Sean wrapped his arms around the man’s waist. Mateo stopped. Sean pressed his cheek to Mateo’s back and held on. The man’s scent, heat, and the sound of his heartbeat were the reasons Sean got up in the morning. He spent a moment memorizing each.

“I love you,” Sean whispered, needing Mateo to feel it.

Mateo relaxed into Sean’s hold. “I love you too. Are you okay?”

Sean nodded, squishing his cheek against Mateo’s back. “I’m stealing a moment and thanking God I found you.”

Mateo turned in his arms. His fingers traced Sean’s jaw. Sean fought the urge to close his eyes and savor every sensation. With the barest touch, Mateo tilted Sean’s chin up and kissed him. It was a sweet gesture of lips brushing lips. Mateo pulled away before deepening their kiss. His expression had Sean scared to blink. “I’m selfish. Give me all your moments. I want them.” As he made the demand, Mateo slid Sean’s shirt up. Sean raised his arms, letting Mateo have his way. Once he was bare from the waist up, Mateo stared down at him expressionlessly. It was as if the man’s mind had gone elsewhere. He turned away. Sean blinked at his back. Mateo moved to the dresser, opened the top door drawer, and dug around. As far as Sean could see, he came back empty handed, doubling Sean’s confusion. Mateo hovered over Sean once more.


Mateo dropped to his knees. The question died on Sean’s lips. He stared down the line of his body at Mateo’s upturned face. The man’s eyes looked softer than usual—vulnerable. Sean’s heart sped. He was near to bursting with love for this amazing man.

“I love you.”

Sean’s heart turned over in his chest. It was as if Mateo read his mind. Sean didn’t hesitate giving the words back. “I love you too.”

“You’re all I ever think about,” Mateo added, making Sean’s eyes sting. “In less than two months, I’m fighting for one of boxing’s biggest titles. It’s been my dream to win that spot for as far back as I can remember, and still, all I think about is you. I’m not even nervous, because you’re in my head—soothing me.”

Sean wanted to cry, and he also wanted to sit on the floor so Mateo would stop telling him all this from his knees. But the fact that Mateo would stare up at him, as if humbling himself for Sean while describing his love; it was the most moving moment of Sean’s life.

“You’re the one for me,” Mateo said, stealing a tear from Sean. He tried swiping it away, but another replaced it. Mateo’s gaze never wavered as he added, “I know you are. That’s why I’m on my knees, begging you to marry me.”

Shock rendered Sean mute. He was slow to notice Mateo held a ring. This hadn’t been spontaneous. Mateo had thought this through. Bought a ring. He couldn’t take the difference in their stances any longer. Sean gave in and sat on the floor. “You shouldn’t have to beg for anything from anyone. Not ever. I’d already decided you’d have to throw rocks at me if you want me leave, so this is better.”

Mateo stared at him as if scared to hope. “Was that a yes?”

Sean nodded. “That was a yes.”

It was a solemn moment as Mateo took his hand and slid on the ring. Sean stared down at it. It was black with diamonds circling the center. Everything about the moment was perfect.

“Who should we tell first?” Mateo asked, sounding happy. For Sean, his question was a true testament to how shitty the man’s parents were. Any normal person would think to call them first. Right now, Sean just wanted to bask in the moment with Mateo. The rest of the world would intrude soon enough.

He met Mateo’s gaze. “We can tell anyone you want later. First, I want you to make love to me.”

Mateo’s smile transformed, making him appear wicked. “Anything you want is yours.”

“I was promised a shower.” Sean couldn’t stop. He wasn’t a bold person. Mateo did something to him. Set him free.

Mateo pointed at the floor. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He hopped to his feet and headed for the bathroom. Sean stared at his back, fighting the urge to chase him down and pounce. Mateo returned a moment later, shirtless. He helped Sean to his feet. “Your shower is waiting.”

Fingers linked, they walked to the bathroom together. Sean’s erection fought to crawl out of his underwear. He loved Mateo’s body, and the man was stripping it bare. Sean didn’t move. Steam filled the large bathroom and Mateo was right there, tempting him to do everything. Still, he waited. Mateo closed the distance between them and pushed Sean’s shorts down his hips. Sean realized that was what he’d been waiting for. He loved the care Mateo took with him. The way Mateo babied him was so damn addictive. His whole life he’d been starved of this. Even though Sean was a capable and independent person who could and would take care of himself, he needed Mateo’s brand of affection. This man was always what he needed.

“Tell me what you want most in life and I’ll find a way to give it to you.”

At Sean’s demand, Mateo slowly lifted his gaze from what his hands were doing to Sean’s face. His expression was serious as if Sean’s tone warned him how much this conversation meant. “You’re what I want most. This,” Mateo said, motioning between them. “Us. The happy home I never had before you gave it to me.”

In that moment, Sean silently made a vow. Mateo would have everything he wanted. Sean would fight for him, even on the days Mateo didn’t want to fight for himself. He would be brave again because Mateo needed someone to stand up for him.

* * *

Sean was almost always serious. Mateo had never seen him be more so than he was right now. The man looked ready to go into battle. Mateo needed him ready to get fucked. He’d planned for weeks to take Sean on the perfect date and pull off the perfect proposal. Then Sean had wrapped his arms around him and held on. Mateo had known—that was their moment. He couldn’t wait another day to make Sean his in the most permanent way. Mateo couldn’t let him get away.

While still holding Sean’s stare, Mateo slid his fingers down the man’s cock with the lightest touch. “You should get in the shower.” When Mateo had built his house, he’d chosen the most badass shower on the market. It was part shower, part jetted Jacuzzi. The thing had built in seats, handheld massagers, and over ten hydro-massaging jets. The thing even had foot massagers and a rainfall ceiling. It was the perfect sexual torture device. As Sean climbed in, Mateo’s hunger grew. He loved spoiling Sean in every way. If he could give the man three orgasms to his one, it was a good day. He planned for a great day.

There was no place to escape the water. It ran between their bodies as Mateo overcame Sean inside the shower. Their mouths collided. Mateo went deep, needing all of Sean as he walked him backward toward one of the seats. At the edge, Mateo pushed, forcing Sean to sit even as he continued licking the man’s tongue. With Sean where he wanted him, Mateo reached between the man’s legs and adjusted the jet, ensuring the water would stroke the man’s dick with the perfect pressure. Sean gasped against his lips. A chuckle that sounded evil, even to his ears, escaped Mateo.

“Don’t move and don’t come yet,” he ordered as he took a step back. He took a moment to eye his handiwork. Sean white-knuckled the edge of the seat and his eyes looked unfocused. He looked horny as hell and already on edge. Damn, Mateo loved a good bout of torture. He grabbed the shampoo and squirted some in his hand before returning to Sean’s side. Sean’s hair was shaved in the back but long on top. Mateo ran the shampoo through Sean’s hair, gently washing it. Since Mateo kept his shaved short, it barely took a pass with the shampoo to clean his. Sean’s heated gaze never wavered from Mateo’s face. Mateo wondered over the man’s thoughts. Did he picture himself doing naughty things to Mateo? Mateo hoped so because they had all the time in the world.

With their hair clean, Mateo went for the body wash next. As he lathered Sean’s skin, the man moaned like he was dying. “Are you close?” Mateo asked, trying to keep the humor from his voice. “The jets in this thing are amazing. Do you know, the person working in the showroom where I ordered it was actually telling people it was the perfect self-love shower. At the time, I kind of rolled my eyes and thought it would be perfect for sore muscles, because I have more of that in my life. But now, I’m so damn glad I listened, because you look ready to explode. Watching this jet massaging that sexy dick. Jesus, this thing was worth every penny. We need to figure out how you can sit on my cock and have that thing jacking you off.”

In an unexpected move, Sean shot forward and licked Mateo’s hard cock. Mateo froze and stared down at Sean taking control. The nerve endings in his crown came alive as Sean teased them with his tongue. Sean’s touch was so light, it was maddening. In a few short seconds, Sean already had Mateo fighting the urge to pull his hair, holding the man in place to fuck his throat.

“Holy shit,” Mateo hissed, locking his hips to keep from attacking Sean. “Come for me,” he begged, because he needed Sean to break. A cry vibrated around his dick and Mateo lost it. Taking his cock in hand, he jacked off even as Sean kept his lips locked around his crown. He wanted both. His mind was a sex crazed mess. This wasn’t enough. There was no place better than inside Sean. He pulled Sean to his feet, spun him around, and bent him over in one quick move. Mateo spread Sean’s ass cheeks and shoved his way inside. Their mixed cries sounded loud inside the enclosed shower. Bending at the knees, Mateo thrust hard and deep, nearly lifting Sean off his feet each time. He wanted to more than fuck him. Mateo wanted to become part of Sean. The man was so damn hot and tight. Mateo could fuck him all day. The need to come overrode that desire. The building pressure in his dick exploded into an orgasm powerful enough to buckle his knees, nearly taking him down.

“Sean, oh my god,” Mateo gasped. “You’re fucking perfect.” Even to his own ears, Mateo sounded blown away. He thrust once more, needing the aftershocks. They weren’t done. The itch of addiction owned him. He needed to ruin Sean for all others—to keep him this side of madness. He lightly slapped Sean’s ass. “Get moving, baby. I want you back on that seat with the water massaging that dick. You have a long night ahead of you, and several orgasms to go.”

A tired-sounding laugh escaped Sean as he did as ordered. “You’re an evil man.”

Mateo shrugged as he moved in for a kiss. “Maybe, but I’m the good kind of evil and I’m yours.” Forever, Mateo silently added, because it was true, but he didn’t want to scare Sean with his intensity. He’d never wanted to take over someone’s life and completely own them the way he did with Sean. They were the relationship he didn’t know he needed, and now he didn’t think he could live without.