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Gibson's Melody: (A Last Score Novella) (Last Score (Gibson's Legacy and Trusting Gibson)) by K.L. Shandwick (6)



For a split-second I thought I’d misheard him, then when I looked at the pain in his eyes I knew I hadn’t. It was real. Gibson had a child. Initially I felt numb—stunned, right before I was overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions flowing through my mind and body. Each individual feeling conflicted with the last inside my head as waves of sadness, guilt, and defeat washed over me.

Looking into the eyes of the man I loved most in this world, the man who held me like he’d never let me go was painful. I drew a deep breath and reminded myself no matter what life threw at us, a love like ours didn’t happen every day. Then I wondered in doubt if I deserved the kind of love a man my Gibson gave me.

Reluctantly I’d taken a chance on Gibson when my head had been screaming no. It was the best advice I’d ever ignored from myself. Since we’d been together the love and trust we had in each other had and breathed new life into me. Each year that passed had gotten better than the last and he’d done everything in his power to make my life complete. Most of the time my cup was full, but every now and again I became consumed by the one thing I felt neglectful to have given in return.

Remembering everything we’d been through made my chest tighten in distress. There was never even false hope of a natural pregnancy. I was never even a day late yet in my menstrual cycle yet I used to spend a fortune on pregnancy kits— convinced every time we’d made love that time it would be a success.

Flashbacks of praying for two small lines on a stick shot through my mind but my prayers were never answered. Gibson never complained even though he had the indignity of jerking off into a cup. After two rounds of IVF treatment I felt even more of a failure when I only managed to produce two eggs on the second attempt.

When I got the call to come back, only one had become impregnated in the petri dish, but like Gibson joked we only needed one. By some miracle it took and we celebrated quietly, delighted in the hope of becoming parents late in the fall. Sadly it wasn’t to be and I miscarried our only chance of a child of our own; my precious baby, at twelve weeks and one day—just when we thought we were out of the woods.

After long discussions with our fertility experts they informed us that with no viable options to have a biological child the only course left open to us was egg donation or adoption. Gibson firmly drew a line by saying if we couldn’t make a baby together we’d accept we weren’t supposed to be parents.

The pragmatist in him reasoned with all the charity work he already did it would be impossible to pick a handful of kids from the ones he supported when adoption was mentioned so we decided our lives would be fulfilled by caring for others.

For a rock star who’d lived life on the edge before he met me, he was a huge humanitarian and spent many hours a week making deals with the overseas development offices and it was my knowledge of the extent which he went to for them that helped me accept his word when he stated he was happy for it to be just the two of us at home.

The way Gibson told me about his daughter was done with sensitivity for my previous heartache. Yet he remained the honest man I expected him to be. Empathetic to us as a couple and careful of my feelings, he trod carefully but didn’t sugar-coat anything about our new circumstances.

Inside my soul hurt because I felt the restraint Gibson had because he was torn. He felt unable to show his happiness about Melody for fear it would crush me. He should have known I was already crushed anyway because of my own failings and I wished he had just allowed his emotions to flow freely.

Separately, I had another set of thoughts running through my mind because I felt gutted someone else had easily managed what I had tried so very hard to do. Despite the fact I couldn’t give him a child he had one anyway. Deep down I knew after all we’d been through he should have been celebrating his child’s life no matter how she got here.

Gibson was this outspoken alpha male but with me he had always been caring and gentle. Most women would have given him a dreadful time for disclosing his news, but they weren’t me. But I felt no one knew Gibson like I did. Guilt ridden, he wrapped his warm arms around me and swept me tight to into chest. Lifting me up he carried me to bed and regardless of what was happening in our life— I let him.

Many wives would have been distraught to be in my position but I’d have been selfish to deny him the joy I knew a child would bring him. Also, why would I reject any child of my husband’s when we’d tried desperately to have a child of our own? Gibson placed me gently on the bed and pressed his hands into the mattress either side of him.

“Know this, Chloe Barclay. Melody’s mother means nothing to me. Obviously, she’s the mother of my baby, but that’s where the connection ends. There are no feelings for her—not even anger that she kept Melody from me for all of this time.”

In a voice laced with determination I knew he wanted me to believe it, and I did. Another wave of emotion hit me with the thought I had stuck in my brain. Seven years I’d been with Gibson—five trying to have his child. For every day we had poured love into that one thing I failed. Yet all it had taken for Melody’s mom to have Gibson’s child was a meaningless fuck with a rock star.

Life is unfair. Tears trickled sideward from my eyes to my ears as I lay on my back looking up at my man. The injured eyes looking back were dull. Gibson’s will to fight for me was almost palpable in our bedroom and it was easy to see the agony he felt for me.

Crawling up the bed he spooned into me, his huge warm arms cradling me into his chest and the warmth from his body comforting me. He sighed deeply and exhaled a long slow breath. “Please don’t cry, darlin’. I never meant to hurt you. I’m so fucking sorry it has to be like this.”

“I know.”


“Yeah. I don’t care that you have a child, Gibson. If she’s yours— she’s mine. B…but I just wish I…”

His arms tightened around me and he gave me three tighter squeezes like he felt desperate, “I know, darlin’, but maybe we can build what we got around the kids we’ve been given. Piper and Melody both need good parents. I know Melody’s got a mom but the girl needs support with my daughter. From what she says she’s working two jobs and my daughter still sleeps in the same bed as her.”


“Yep, three generations in one household. Let’s be clear on this right from the get-go, Chloe. Like I said before I have no feelings toward that woman and have never had a relationship with Melody’s mom. It was purely a one night stand that she regrets, but you know me, I have to take care of what’s mine.”

“It’s one of the reasons we’re together, Gibson. I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

I started to move and his arms went slack to allow me. Shuffling around to face him, I stared up into his concerned eyes with a soul-searching look knowing instinctively what I had to do. “I want to meet her.”

“Yeah?” he asked, moving his head back a little to see my face.

“You’d rather I didn’t?” I asked cocking my eyebrow in disbelief. Gibson stood staring back and didn’t speak.

“That’s what I thought. But first we need to talk to Piper and get her settled. After that as soon as we can make the situation we’ve all fallen into feel normal, the better the possible outcome all round.”

Inhaling sharply he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Chloe darlin’ you have no idea what a saint you are. You’ve no idea how much you mean to me. Most days I don’t stand a chance to love you less ‘cause you do or say something that makes me fall a little bit deeper. I know what’s happened isn’t ideal and it isn’t how either of us would have wanted this, but I can’t help but see her as a gift and—she’s here.” Gibson’s eyes pleaded and I picked my words carefully.

“Look, I know I’m upset and I’m sorry. I wish I could just have been happy for you. I mean I am happy for you. Truly I am. It’s just…after everything we’ve been through this is hitting a little hard, you know? If I thought crying unconsolably would make a difference I’d probably be doing that right now but it won’t.” His eyes winced but he didn’t stop looking at me.

“No, I need to be logical about this. I knew about your past when I got with you. Your legacy with women has been in my face since the first time I met you.”

“I was young, free, and single—” I placed my hand to his lips again.

Our relationship had always felt too good to be true. My hotter-than-hell rock star had a clean slate in terms of marriages, relationships, and kids—until now. Finding out there was a child after all this time was a shock, but reacting badly would never change the outcome. Melody was Gibson’s child and I was her step mom so I couldn’t deny it either. It just meant I’d work harder for her acceptance.

“She’s a sweet kid, Chloe. From what I’ve seen I don’t reckon she’ll make it hard work for you. The way she just took to me was so natural and—” His voice was soft but he suddenly stopped because he’d begun to get caught up in the excitement. I could hear his affection for her; it was already there in his voice when he spoke about her.

I was surprised by my lack of envy and found it ironic that this should have happened. No matter what my own personal turmoil I wanted him to have a close relationship with Melody. He’d already missed so much.

My initial reaction would always set the scene for how Gibson regarded his child so I managed it the best way I knew how. I didn’t want him to feel awkward when I was around them. Once I had reconciled that point in my mind I felt like I could breathe deeply for the first time since I’d found out about her.

Rolling me onto my back Gibson climbed over me, caging me in with all four limbs.

“Babe, I can hear you thinking again. And I know what you’re saying. But I gotta tell you, darlin’, you’re my everything. You got me? We’ve been through so much and come out of the other side stronger for it. This isn’t going to come between us, darlin’. You gotta trust me on that, understand?”

“I do, and it won’t. I love you with my whole heart, Gibson. I trust you to do the right thing and as we’re being honest I’ll tell you if I’m being frozen out or if I don’t agree with something. If I speak to you, I’ll expect you to listen and not wave it aside.”

A frown creased Gibson’s brow as he stared down with a serious face. “I’d never wave what you had to say aside.”

“Yeah but your daughter wasn’t in the picture then. Just remember emotions can run high when kids are in the mix that’s all I’m saying.”

“Promise I’ll hear you out,” he said with conviction as his eyes searched my face. I could tell by the look Gibson gave me he was done talking. Leaning forward he brought his face down to mine. Pressing his lips to the corner of my mouth he murmured, “Do you remember the first time I took you?”

I stared up at him because I was still suffering from the trauma of an abusive relationship when we got together. “Yes,” I whispered and a jolt of electricity ran from my head to my core at the sudden image that flashed through my mind with his unexpected question. No matter how much I’d been in turmoil that day when he took me he’d made me feel safe.

“What did you ask me?”

“I asked you to show me how you could make me feel.”

“You did and can you remember what I asked in return?”

“You asked me to trust you,” I replied remembering a time that trust was difficult for me. Nevertheless, I gave it to him.

“Do you trust me now?”

“I do because you came straight to me as soon as you knew about Melody. You could have held on to this for a while until you’d figured it out, but you didn’t.”

“I’m asking you to trust me again now. Can you do that? See this?” hovered above me taking his weight on one arm and gestured between us, “I need this closeness with you, Chloe. I need you. When you’re not with me I miss you so fuckin’ badly,” he whispered and dropped his hand to the mattress again.

Peppering tiny kisses over my face and down my neck, he murmured, “Trust me, darlin’, I got you.” Sliding his one knee between my legs then the other he sat back on his heels and studied me.

Reaching out to me he swept his huge hands lightly down my arms I shivered under his touch and he smiled. “I love how responsive you are to me, darlin’.” When he reached my waist, he traced his hands along the hem of my cotton top and slid his warm palm inside. It glided it over my stomach. My nipples pebbled under his touch as his callused fingertips reached them through my lacy bra. Involuntarily my head rolled from side to side in ecstasy as his mouth migrated back to my neck.

“C’mere,” he demanded pulling me up into a sitting position when his hand snaked under my back. Seconds later he’d stripped my top over my head then every garment of clothing followed in quick succession.

As he dropped the last item on the floor his eyes raked hungrily over me. “Fuck. Look at you,” he whispered in a voice laced with emotion then growled a little as his hands landed on both my shoulders. Once again he trailed them lightly down both arms all the way down to my hands. Shivers and electricity flowed through every fiber in my body.

Gibson and I always felt better as soon as our bodies were linked together. No matter what else went on in our lives our passion and need for each other was rock solid.

As his hands reached mine he took one and turned it palm up. Dipping his head toward my upturned hand he laid a soft slow, almost reverent kiss at the center. My eyes followed his head as he lifted it again and fixed to his.

My heart slowed right down when I saw the look he gave me because it carried a thousand apologies for making my heart ache. No words could have said what he had with that look. I licked my lips and swallowed back the emotion rising into my throat because I knew part of him would move mountains for me. Then again, I knew he’d move mountains in the future to keep the child he’d always wanted to have.

As I stepped back to put one foot on the floor Gibson pulled my hand forward making me lift myself onto the other elbow to see what he was doing. With a serious look on his face he placed the flat of my palm against the front of his jeans. “Feel that? That’s all for you. Always only for you. No-one makes me as hard as you do, darlin’, and there isn’t a woman out there who has ever made my heart race the way it does when I’m with you.’”

For all the women Gibson had been with, as far as I knew, he’d been faithful to me. His heart was pure in his love and I believed him when said he didn’t want anyone else. I smiled as I slowly swept my hand over the solid ridge between his hips before my fingers mapped out the long thick definition inside his jeans.

My fingertips curled around him as best as I could and I pressed my hand firmer against him. My mouth was dry as I glanced back up to look at him. A smile played on Gibson’s lips but the dark look in his eyes threatened pure carnal lust. Silent seconds passed as his breathing became heavy and I realized he was barely restraining himself.

All the while my fingers and thumb traced the outline of his dick under the denim Gibson stood watching, first what I was doing, then gave me a stare full of lust. My pussy juice pooled between my legs as my need for him became overwhelming. I reached for his belt but his hand clamped firmly over mine and he shook his head.

“Nah, I want to eat you out. Tonight I need to show you just how much you mean to me, darlin’ and if you don’t mind I wanna take my own sweet time with this delicious body of yours. I’m gonna taste every fucking inch of you—twice. And when you think I’m done— I’ll just be getting started. Trust me, Chloe. I’m gonna fuck you hard and you’re gonna ride my dick to the moon because I never want you to forget what we have.”

I expected to see a roguish smile accompanying such a bold statement from him but I his face was stoic and that told me he was worried. Claiming my body was his way of demonstrating I was irreplaceable.

Pushing me back down on the bed he grabbed my thighs from under my knees and pulled me down the edge of the bed. The comforter came with me bunching under my back. The unevenness of the material only made the rough way he handled me more exciting. He dipped his nose and ran it along my seam inhaling deeply.

“Fuck. You smell like heaven,” he muttered before licking his lips and placing his tongue on my clitoris. Sparks of ecstasy radiated throughout my nervous system. Straight away his eyes raked over my body, up to my face, and looked into mine. “Damn, darlin’, this never gets old,” he said then concentrated on jabbing his tongue in and out of my entrance before sucking with force. White heat spread feelings of pleasure throughout my veins.

My hands automatically tangled in his hair as my back arched while I tried to writhe in sweet torture at the way he flicked my clit and explored my entrance. It didn’t take me long before I felt the heat from his expert attention he paid with his mouth.

As soon as Gibson felt my legs start to shake he clamped his hands tighter around my thighs and pinned me to the bed. Feeling pleasure as it built higher a small squeal tore from my throat and was immediately followed by the onslaught of an earth-shaking orgasm that almost stopped my heart. Shaking and squirming I tried to break free of his grasp as he lapped and sucked relentlessly until I rode my orgasm out.