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Glacier (VLG Book 9) by Laurann Dohner (5)



Mandy lay on the uncomfortable table, trying to figure out what Glacier was up to. He confused her. First, she thought he’d torture her, maybe want to see her suffer and beg for death…but then he’d fed her. He’d risked a lot by bringing a human to her. He had to know what would have happened if she couldn’t have taken over the mind of that prostitute. Humans couldn’t be allowed to know about Vampires. He’d have had to kill the woman.

“What the hell?” She chewed her bottom lip, closing her eyes. She shifted her body a little, trying to get comfortable. It was impossible.

The way he’d touched her had been nice, though. Caring, even. And who were Kelzeb and Lord Aveoth? She’d wanted to ask Glacier but he seemed a bit paranoid about giving her details of who he really worked for. Did the Werewolves have assassins, too? Some kind of council? They used to have a panel of judges for alphas to go to if packs had disputes they wanted to settle without a flat-out war, but as more packs had formed, intel said the judges had lost their power, with alphas no longer obeying their directives. Maybe the information had been wrong. It was possible they used the term lord instead of judge.

The nest would be extinguished by Glacier and the pack. She wondered what the council would do once they heard the news. Losing her and Olivia to Werewolves would shock them. Two highly trained assassins could handle a pack enforcer. It might make them reconsider sending more. She could hope, anyway. Maybe Glacier could contact the council to let them know what had really happened with that nest to get them targeted. A threat to get the VampLycans involved would definitely work. It was a suggestion she’d make when they talked next.

Her thoughts turned to Olivia, and sadness came with them. Glacier would probably find her soon, or go after her tomorrow while she day slept. Her best friend would wake to attempt to protect herself, but she wouldn’t stand a chance against the big guy. He was unbelievably strong for a Were. She’d found that out when she’d struggled to get free of him while he’d carried her to the basement from the bathroom. The canvas had hampered her a lot since he’d wrapped her tight, but he could have broken bones with his strong arms securing her.

He was like some super Were, way stronger than even an alpha. She’d had to fight one once. He’d gone nuts after losing his mate and child in a freak accident. A bond that strong usually killed the surviving mate, but he’d lingered, losing more and more of his sanity instead. His own people had approached a nest for help since he had begun culling his pack. Anyone strong enough to take him on had already challenged him, and died as a result. That nest had sent for an assassin. She’d been the unlucky one who’d drawn the short straw. It had almost cost her left arm. He’d damn near amputated it with his sharp teeth and jaws before she’d been able to take him out.

She didn’t hate Werewolves. That pack could have tried to kill her after she’d put down their alpha. He’d hurt her enough that she’d have been easy pickings. Instead, they’d given her their blood, which she’d taken, and offered to protect her while she day slept after the fight. She also respected how they could show emotions. It hadn’t been a happy event, having their alpha put down by a Vamp. Most of them had openly cried but it needed to be done when he’d gone insane. It had hurt them to do it but they’d done what was best for the rest of the pack. He hadn’t been fit to lead them anymore.

“Damn,” she sighed.

A loud noise came from upstairs, and she tensed. The ceiling creaked as someone stomped above her, and then came the sound of something heavy scraping across the floor. The door to the basement shook but held.

Not for long. Wood smashed and she turned her head, watching as a big dark-haired man came down the stairs. She inhaled.

“Hello, Werewolf.”

He growled low and walked to the side of the counter, keeping a few feet of distance between them. His gaze left hers to run down her body. “I knew you’d be a nice-looking piece of ass.”

She recognized his voice. “You’re Ted.”

He snarled and took a step back. “How the fuck did you know that?”

“You don’t want to do whatever you’re thinking about. Glacier didn’t let you down here, and I don’t think he likes you much either. He’ll make you pay for breaking in.”

“As if I give a fuck.”

Dread hit hard and fast. This wasn’t good. It seemed she was about to die unless she could talk her way out of it. “I work for the Vampire Council. Glacier has been getting names and locations of other Vamps from me. I bet your alpha has ordered you to kill me, but I’m more valuable alive than dead until I answer all of Glacier’s questions. I had no part of what happened to your pack children. I don’t belong to that nest.” She tugged on the restraints. “I can’t get away. See? I’m no threat.”

He lifted his hands and unleashed his claws. “You’re a fucking Vamp. I don’t care who you work for. Your kind needs to die.”

Shit. “Glacier’s going to be pissed. I would not want to get on his bad side. He’s under orders to get information from me. You killing me could mean your own death. Think about that.”

“Fuck him and Lord Aveoth.”

He lunged, and Mandy screamed as his claws tore through the thin material covering her, ripping into her thigh and rib cage in the process. The scent of her blood filled the room.

He backed off, grinning. “Hurt? I bet that turns you on, doesn’t it, you sick bitch.”

“I don’t want to fuck you,” she gritted out. She’d like to declaw him and maybe shove the talons up his own ass. Blood pooled on the counter, soaking under her. He’d left bloody gouges across her skin. They were deep, too.

He walked around the counter to her other side, smirking. “Bet that stings. This will, too.” He lunged at her again, his claws striking. He hit the same spots on her right side, tearing into her rib cage and the side of her thigh.

She screamed at the pain of having her flesh cut open.

He backed off before attacking again. That time he slammed his fist into her face. She turned her head against her bound arm and managed to avoid him breaking her nose, but she couldn’t say the same about her cheekbone that took the brunt of the impact. Agony shot through her face. He was strong and vicious. She’d give him that.

Mandy closed her eyes and forced her body to go utterly lax, slowing her heartbeat and breathing. He dug his claws into her already injured ribs, poking at her bones. It hurt like a son of a bitch but she remained still, not making a sound.

“Goddamn it. Weak bitch. That’s all it took to put you out?” he snarled.

His claws left her side and he began to slash at her clothes, scratching some of her skin since he didn’t seem to care if he cut her up. He tore all of it off until he had every inch of her bared.

“Nice fucking bod.” His hand cupped one of her breasts. “I’m going to have a good time with you.”

Sick bastard. She remained still, keeping up the pretense of being unconscious. She heard a zipper go down and then he straddled her injured thighs. It was utter torture but she buried the pain.

He cursed when he tried to open her legs. Her ankles were restrained, legs together and arms above her, and Glacier had stretched her tight.

“Goddamn it!” He got off her and one of his hands gripped her ankle. He tugged on the cuff but it didn’t come free.

She slit one eye and peeked down. He stared at the floor then backed up, kicking at the legs of the counter. She felt it all the way through her body. It took a few times, but he managed to break whatever held the chain in place that was linked to her ankle cuff. He started in on the other one until it broke, too.

“You know what I love about you bitches? I can do whatever I want and you turn to ash. No evidence left over. Nothing.” He freed the chains and then gripped her calves, spreading them as he climbed on the table, straddling the end. “I don’t smell Glacier on you. Stupid ass hasn’t seen your potential. But I do. I’m going to wake you up and you’re going to know what it’s like to get fucked by an animal. And you’re going to love how brutal I get.”

When he scooted closer, she knew time was up. The bastard was almost between her thighs. He adjusted her legs until they lay over his, then released her to free his dick. It was the distraction she needed.

Mandy opened her eyes all the way, let her fangs drop, and swiftly jerked one leg to her chest. She kicked out as hard as she could.

Her heel connected with his nose. It hurt, but she knew he’d be in more pain.

He flew backward, landed briefly on his back, then flipped off the end of the workbench from gravity.

She rolled, the chains clanking and tripping her up, but she got to her feet.

He cursed loudly, snarling as she moved to the other end of the table. The chains kept her close to it, her wrists still connected. One glance down assured her the counter was secured to the floor on her end, and the chains were connected to the two legs. He’d kicked and broken two others to get her ankles free, but she wasn’t wearing shoes. She’d break bones before she freed herself. Her body would mend but not fast enough, with her bleeding from what he’d done to her so far.

He rose up, hair covering his skin and face in a partial shift.

“I thought you looked bad in human form, but now you’re super ugly.”

He touched his bloody nose. Red ran down his mouth and chin, dripping onto his shirt. “You broke it!”


He leapt up, landed on his feet to stand atop the bench, and glared down at her. “That was me being nice. Now I’m not going to be.” He leapt, trying to kick her in the face.

She dropped to her knees, jerking on the chains.

He landed behind her and she hissed, knowing this was going to be bad for her. The damn chains pinned her to that location with only about five inches of room to move. She jumped up just as he hit her back, his claws tearing into her hips, trying to pin her over the bench. He slammed her hips into the unforgiving surface and dropped his weight on her.

“Right position,” he snarled.

She threw her head back and made contact with his jaw, since he was a lot taller than her. He stumbled back, his claws tearing from her flesh. She twisted, kicked out, and nailed him where his dick was exposed. He roared, falling on his ass.

“What the fuck?”

Glacier’s voice startled her, and she turned her head to see him at the bottom of the stairs. Pure rage showed on his face—and then he moved so fast she barely could track him.

He didn’t come at her though—but at Ted behind her.

Mandy twisted her head just as he tackled Ted, sending him into the brick wall. She watched as he used his claws to punch the asshole a few times in the stomach. He backed off and Ted just sank to his ass. Blood poured from his wounds.

Glacier turned his head, his gaze raking her up and down. “Did he rape you?”

Her entire body trembled in relief at his arrival. “You got here in time.”

Glacier turned away and bent, grabbed the groaning Werewolf from the floor, and hauled him up. He walked a few feet then slammed the Werewolf onto the counter in front of her and dug his claws into the man’s scalp. It was Ted’s turn to scream. Mandy actually winced at the sight of blood pouring on the counter from the brutal hold.

“Bite him,” Glacier ordered. He used his other clawed hand to tear into the man’s shirt and skin, exposing his shoulder and part of his back.

She was so stunned, she gaped up at Glacier.

“You’re torn up and covered in your own blood. Bite him before he dies, goddamn it. You need to heal.”

She hesitated.

“Do it now, Mandy. He’s dead anyway.”

She felt lightheaded and dizzy from blood loss and adrenaline. It might explain why Glacier seemed to have a gray pallor to his skin. She bent forward and sank her fangs into the already bloody flesh. She knew her face would be covered in blood, but she drank. Her injuries tingled as she took more than normal. They were healing.

Ted’s heartbeat slowed and he tried to buck away a few times. Glacier held him down in front of her. She took her fill and then jerked away, tried to wipe her face, but her arms wouldn’t reach that high. The chains kept them down near her rib cage.

Glacier released the guy’s back and scalp, grabbed him by his head and snarled. “You’ve got no honor, and you’re too stupid to live. I judge you rogue—and sentence you to death.” He twisted hard, snapping the Were’s neck.

Mandy watched as Glacier flipped the body over, bent a bit, and withdrew a dagger from his boot. He plunged the thing into Ted’s chest and viciously twisted the handle.

“Don’t you think that’s overkill?”

Glacier held her gaze. “I’ve seen some tough fucking Lycans in my time. Breaking the neck doesn’t always kill them. He’s not coming back now with his heart shredded.” He yanked the dagger free, wiped the blood off on Ted’s shirt, and then shoved it back into his boot. He threw the body toward the corner and stepped closer to her.

Mandy peered up at him. He avoided her gaze as he walked around her and suddenly crouched. His hands were without claws as he gently touched her hips and then the sides of her thighs. Her body responded to his warm caresses as her nipples beaded in arousal. It made her a little embarrassed, knowing he was just checking to see if she healed.

“They won’t scar. Hopefully. It usually only happens if he’d taken chunks out of me. Feeding right after getting hurt also manages to do miracles. I’ll be okay, Glacier. I’m healing fast. I drank plenty of blood that time.”

Glacier’s fingertips grazed her stomach. “He died too fast.”

“You’re going to be in trouble for killing him. Blame me.”

He snorted and straightened to his full height. “Look at me.”

She did. He still looked furious but his features softened as she watched. “This building is considered my territory while I’m here. He trespassed. I’m not only going to admit I killed that bastard, but I’m going to hand-deliver his body to his alpha.”

“What will they do to you?”

“There’s nothing they can do. He earned death. Nobody fucks with me.”

“I tried to warn him,” she admitted. “That you’d be mad.” She tore her gaze from his to glance at the body slumped in the corner.

Keys jingled and she looked back at Glacier. He reached for her wrist and unlocked both restraints, then the cuffs still attached to her ankles. She rubbed her wrists but held still.

“You need another shower. Go take one. I’m going to be late for my meeting with Kevin. Too damn bad for him. The sun is down enough that you won’t burn. Two floors up.” He jerked his head toward the stairs.

She still hesitated.

“Go. I’ll take care of the body.”

“You’re going to trust me not to run?”

He reached out and cupped her face, his hold almost tender. “I’m a hell of a tracker, baby. You’ve seen me angry but never really pissed before. You won’t run. I just saved your ass, and you know it. It would be a shit way to repay me.”

“Why did you come back?”

“I left a second cell phone upstairs and kept the line open to be able to hear what you were doing. I was on my way to meet Kevin when I heard this dickhead break in. I got here as fast as I could. Luckily, I had only made it a few blocks since I had to fill my tank.”

“You thought I’d wait for you to leave and then scream to draw a human,” she guessed.

“But you only screamed when this prick was hurting you.” He released her face. “Take a shower. Stay up there when you’re done. I’ll bring you something else to wear.”

He wasn’t lying to her, at least. She inched away from him and walked to the stairs. Part of her expected him to follow but when she glanced back, he was bending over Ted’s body. She hurried up the stairs and into a shop. The back door was closed but it showed damage from being kicked in.

Just out that door was freedom. The sun was down enough for her to be able to move in the shadows. Her best guess was within five minutes, it would be completely dark.

Glacier was trusting her. That meant something.

She glanced around and saw another set of stairs leading to a second floor.

Staying was the right thing to do. Glacier hadn’t hurt her. He’d protected her.

The bathroom was easy to find. She closed but didn’t lock the door and turned on the water, running her hand over her newly healed flesh. It didn’t hurt anymore but red streaks remained from the claw marks. They’d fade fast, though.


“You fucking idiot,” Glacier muttered, not sure if he spoke to the dead enforcer or himself. He went under the stairs and pulled out another folded canvas tarp, wrapping up the bloodied body. He would need to find the idiot’s keys, since he couldn’t very well carry the corpse on his bike.

It made him feel sick imagining what could have happened to Mandy if he hadn’t arrived so quickly. She was the Vampire who hadn’t been able to bite elderly people in a hotel because she felt compassion for humans. He should have trusted her to stay inside the shop and not chained her down, leaving her defenseless against an attack.

Lesson learned. It wouldn’t happen again.

He cocked his head, listening. Pipes squeaked. The old building had a lot of issues, including plumbing. She hadn’t run but was instead showering. He’d figured it was a fifty-fifty split on what she’d do if given her freedom. Now he knew. Mandy was smart. The council would be after her if they realized she wasn’t dead, and the Lycan packs lumped her in with the nest who’d murdered their kids. But she did have her Vamp friend in town to run to.

He carried the body up to the shop and dropped it on a counter. The back door was broken, thanks to the dickhead in the tarp. He lifted his phone, placing a call. Kelzeb answered on the second ring.

“I thought I wouldn’t hear from you again until you hit the nest after dawn. Did something go wrong?”

“One of Kevin’s enforcers decided to break into the shop I’m staying in and go after my Vamp. He’s dead now.”

Kelzeb sighed. “Your Vamp? I take it she’s alive still?”

He gritted his teeth and sucked in a deep breath before blowing it out. “Yes, she is. Mandy isn’t like most bloodsuckers. She’s good, Kelzeb.”

“Shit. What are you doing, Glacier? You killed a Lycan over a Vamp?”

“That bastard broke in here to hurt her. She was helpless, since I had her chained down. What kind of dick does that? He tore off her clothes, used his claws on her, and was about to rape her when I showed up. Don’t expect me to apologize for taking out garbage!”

Kelzeb took his time to answer, long seconds passing. “I would have done the same. I take it you have feelings for this Vamp, since you sound so enraged?”

“Her name is Mandy, and I don’t know what the hell I’m feeling. I just know she didn’t deserve for that dickhead to go after her. I also don’t know why the council trained her to do their dirty work. They must be idiots. I’ve spent time with her, and it’s clear that she’s too damn sweet to fit in with them.”

“Calling a Vampire ‘sweet’ disconcerts me.”

“She is. Wait until you meet her. You’ll see what I mean.”

“I don’t want to meet your Vampire. Hell, I don’t even want to know about her. I have to tell this shit to Aveoth. It always falls to me to spin some mess a guardian creates. This could become a shit-storm. The pack asked us to be there the help them, not kill one of their enforcers.”

“He deserved it.”

“Agreed, but it still won’t sit well with the alpha. It never does. They could attack you as soon as they find out. Are you asking permission to fly out of their city and let them deal with the nest on their own?”

“No. I’m going to finish the job. The nest killed Lycan kids.”

“And what of Mandy? Do you plan to turn her loose or are you taking her with you when you go on your next assignment?”

Glacier opened his mouth, not sure what to say.

“Let me make it very clear that you’re responsible for her actions if you allow her to live. Make damn certain she’s worth putting your ass on the line for. You set a killer free and any deaths are on you. You keep her at your side, and she falls under our laws. Including punishments.”

“I hear you.”

“We also have another problem if you keep her. You can’t feed her, Glacier.”

“I know.”

“I mean it. It’s too fucking dangerous.”

“I know,” he rasped.

“Are you thinking about making her your mate?”

He didn’t know that one. But the idea of keeping her didn’t sound half bad.

His silence must have answered for him.

Kelzeb loudly sighed. “It was stressful enough when Aveoth brought Jill here. She only has partial Vampire bloodlines. He loves her, and she’s made him happy. Everyone deserves that. There’s no way in hell you can bring a full-blooded Vamp home to the clan, though. We’re not miracle workers. You know the damn history we have with Vampires. Some of the clan will full-out rebel.”

“I didn’t say I wanted to bring Mandy to the cliffs.”

“Good. To be clear, I also didn’t say you couldn’t keep her with you, since you don’t live here. Update me if anything else happens.”

“I will.”

Kelzeb ended the call and Glacier shoved his phone into his pocket. He felt a bit stunned. Kelzeb hadn’t ordered him to kill Mandy again, just made him responsible for her actions if he kept her. The threat of refusing a direct kill order from his boss was off the table. The tension eased inside him.

He didn’t live at the cliffs, barely visiting the clan home, instead moving from job to job and whatever location he was sent. He could keep her. That was a real option now.

It changed everything.

He respected the hell out of Kelzeb for giving him the green light to proceed as he wished. Lord Aveoth would abide by his best friend and advisor’s decision. The two of them were as close as he was to his own brothers.

He jogged upstairs to get Mandy something to wear. The water in the bathroom shut off right as he dug through his bag.

“I’m coming,” he called out to her. “Just a minute.”




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