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Grayslake: More than Mated: Bear-ly a Choice (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Kelly Collins (12)

Chapter 12


God she was beautiful. Her naked body glowed under the moonlight that shone through his bedroom window. It was like a spotlight highlighting the first moment of the rest of his life.

“Are you scared?” He reached down and stroked his hard cock.


“Do you want me to explain it all again?” Finn had done his best to explain that at the moment their bodies sang in unison, he would mark her as his for life.

“Damn it, Finn. If you don’t get on this bed and make love to me right now, I might bite you.” She wiggled her hips and her luscious breasts shook from side to side.

He stalked toward her and kneeled on the floor in front of the bed. “No condom. I’m planting my seed in you, and if we’re lucky, you’ll be having my cub in the spring.”

“Finn,” Mack growled. And it was a growl. Her inner bear was done waiting too.

He kissed her legs from ankle to hip and dipped his tongue to lap up a taste of her honey. He could spend an entire night licking at her sweetness.

His bear began to surface. Just the part of him that was needed for the mating. His bear chuffed at the idea that all of him wasn’t needed, but all Finn wanted was his teeth.

“Finn, I need you.” Mackenzie pulled at his hair. She was torn between what she wanted and what she needed. She lifted his face from between her legs and then pressed it back down. He was happy to oblige. He pulled her tight little bundle of nerves inside his lips and suckled.

Her hips bucked off the mattress, and a moan that could shake the rafters left her mouth.

“That’s it, love, just go with it.” Finn spent minutes pulling her to the edge and throttling her back. When he came inside her, he wanted her to growl his name.

Next he crawled up her body and lavished attention on her beautiful breasts. There was more than a mouthful and not an inch was wasted. Her dusky nipples turned into pebbles and begged his mouth for attention. His cock bobbed between her legs. It was glorious torture.

“Now Finn. Now.”

“Is my mate impatient?” He positioned himself at her wet entrance.

“Damn it, Finn. Your mate is desperate.” She grabbed at his hips.

When he slid inside her, his whole world made sense. Every stroke was a promise to her to be the best husband, friend, and father to her and their future children.

“That’s so good,” she said as she pumped her hips up to match his thrusts. “So, so good.”

Finn knew she was close when her body began to vibrate beneath him. “I love you, Mackenzie.” He pressed deep inside her and waited for her body to pulse around him like he knew it would. Her moans turned into a primitive growl, and that’s when he bared his teeth and sunk them into the soft flesh above her collarbone. The minute he punctured her skin, they both came undone. His name echoed to the vaulted ceiling just like he’d imagined. But his mate surprised him when she pulled his throat to her mouth and bit him. Razor sharp teeth pierced his skin, and a burst of light exploded behind his lids. Ecstasy.

His mate had marked him as surely as he had her. Her tongue shot out to lick the wound, and it closed immediately, but he knew when he looked in the mirror, he’d see her claim on him, and it made him roar with pride.

“Oh. My. God. I bit you.” She licked at her receding eyeteeth. “Did I shift?”

He collapsed on top of her and laughed. “No, love, but you found your teeth.” Her face fell like somehow she’d failed. “We’ll find your bear one hair at a time.”

“Can we do that again?”

“You want me to bite you again?” Finn smiled and showed her his eyeteeth that were also receding.

“No.” She seemed to consider her reply. “Unless you want to. I liked it, but what I really want is you deep inside my body.”

He rolled over and placed his palm on her soft stomach. “If we’re lucky, a piece of me is already growing in your belly, but I’m happy to do it over again and again. I could spend my life between your legs.”

“I love you, Finn Marks. You’re mine.”

Finn was hers and he had the mark to prove it.

* * *

After they made love all night long, they woke to the afternoon sun beaming through the window.

“Hey love, we have to get up. You have to meet the Itan and Itana.”

“Who?” She rolled to face him, and his heart twisted with love. How lucky was he that he’d found the one. The only one who could be his forever.

“Ty and Mia. They’re the clan leaders here. He gave me until today to mate you or else.”

“On my God, they’ll know we did it.” Her face turned candy apple red.

He traced the puncture marks on her neck. “They would have known regardless. You’re marked as mine.”

She jumped from the bed and rummaged through her bag.

“What are you looking for?”

“A scarf.” She tossed things out until the bag was empty.

“Mackenzie, you will not cover our love for each other.”

She stopped at his firm words, and a smile as wide as a canyon spread across her face. “You’re right, this is love, and I wear it proudly.” Her fingers traced over the marks on her neck in a loving fashion. He might as well have given her diamonds.

An hour later when she emerged from the bedroom, Finn expected to see her in a turtleneck, but she was dressed in a low cut shirt proudly displaying his mark. If he hadn’t already called Ty and said they would be there soon, he would have taken her back to bed. There was nothing sexier than his mate.

* * *

“A couple of things you should know.” Finn said as they approached the big house. “Don’t swear. Mia will fine you. If I’m paying for anyone’s college education, it will be my own cub.” He looked down at her belly. He knew his cub was already growing inside her womb. He felt it as fact. It was as clear as it was that she was his mate.

He’d let her get used to the idea of being his before he broke the news that in just under a year they’d be a threesome.

The front door opened and Sophia rushed down the steps with her mother racing after her.

“Come back here young lady.” Mia swept the little girl into her arms. Ty rushed behind her. “You don’t run outside without Daddy or Mommy with you.”

“But Mommy, I wanted to see the girl who shot a dart into Reid’s ass.”

Mia looked at her husband. “Did you hear your daughter?” She put the little one on her feet and patted her bottom. “Go get your allowance young lady. You owe the swear jar.”

Sophia glued a pout to her angelic face, put her hands on her hips, and strutted into the house to get her piggy bank.

The next hour was spent with Ty and Mia as they welcomed Finn’s mate into the family with a stern warning that they better never see her tag another clan member.

When Mia took Mackenzie on a tour of the grounds, Finn assured Ty that Mackenzie wouldn’t have time for anything but him and their future cub.

Finn was amazed at how quickly Mackenzie adjusted to her life as a hybrid, but then again it was part of her DNA. Her soul knew the truth.