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Hard Drive - Erin McCarthy by McCarthy, Erin (3)

Mack was having a little trouble keeping his eyes on the road. They kept wanting to drift over to Kindra, who had her legs crossed again in the passenger seat, but whose skirt had hiked up way past the point of indifference.

Just one hand in and under the skirt and he would be touching her panties. He should have bought an automatic transmission instead of stick. Then his hand would be free to roam about the cabin, right under her clothes.

They weren’t talking, but the air was filled with Mexican spices from their boxed dinners, and a healthy dose of sexual tension.

Every inch of him was aware of her. Her soft breasts rising and falling, her small hands clasping and unclasping, and her sweet floral smell.

He was hard and heading out of control.

Kindra peeked at him from underneath long lashes.

His SUV flew into her driveway at forty miles an hour and he slammed on the brakes.

Kindra grabbed the dashboard and gasped. “That was fast.”

“Can you get something out of the glove compartment for me?” If he had to lean across her tits, he was not going to be able to resist a kiss. Or a suck. Right here in her driveway.

“Sure.” She popped it open. “Oh!”

She had spotted the big box of condoms he had thrown in there. Magnum size. Not that he was bragging or anything, but the regular kind just weren’t comfortable.

“Yeah, just grab those, Kindra, and we’ll go on in.”

“Okay,” she squeaked.

She gingerly pulled them out and held them away from her like they were moldy cheese.

They got out of the car, and he followed her up the walk to the front door. Kindra, in her eagerness to keep the condoms away from her, had forgotten to push her skirt back down.

It was sliding and curving and moving, hugging her tight little ass and showing off a lot of thigh. It was made more alluring by the fact that she was completely unaware that she looked hotter than hell.

At the door, she took her key and bent over to undo the lock.

The skirt cupped her ass. He could see her panty line. The last remaining threads of his control snapped.

When the door opened, he put his hands on her waist and pushed her in. She barely had time for a startled cry before he had spun her around and placed his mouth on hers.

Damn, she tasted good. Like sweet and hot and spicy, her plump lips falling opening with a sigh of capitulation. He pushed his tongue in and plundered deep into her mouth.

His hands gripped her waist, pulling her against him and he moved his legs around hers to cage her in with his body. He caressed her ass, grinding her against him as his fingers slid over the back of her skirt. Too many clothes. They needed to come off.

Her breath came hot and fast in his ear as he pulled back and she whimpered.

That needy sound made him reach out and pull her bottom lip into his mouth and suck gently. He eased her against the nearest wall.

Her head fell back. She groaned. He pulsed with need. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted any woman, ever.

He was going to have her.

His hand shot out, ready to grip her tank top and rip it off, when she whispered, “Mack.”

Kindra’s shy, trembling voice stopped him cold. He was supposed to be doing this right, taking his time and showing her sex could be a wonderful thing, better than anything you could ever talk about in a text.

Don’t blow this for her, he told himself harshly. His dick could wait five minutes.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped back. He shoved his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat. He counted to five.

Then he said in what was almost a normal voice, “Show me your phone.”

Kindra blinked. What the heck was he talking about? Why would he want her phone? No one touched her phone. It was more a intimate act than touching her vagina. Or at least a close second. She clung to the wall, her knee jutting out from where his leg had shoved her thighs apart.

He was moving into her living room, looking around, as if nothing had just happened between them.

She peeled herself off the wall and wiped her wet lips. “What?”

Though his stance was casual, Kindra could clearly see his huge erection pressing against his black jeans. Good to see he wasn’t totally unaffected.

“If I’m going to prove to you that the real thing is better, I have to know what that guy is saying to you.” He rubbed his jaw slowly. “I’ll read what he says… then do whatever it is to you.”

Hello. Kindra felt her knees go weak. She flopped against the wall again. Mack was four feet away from her and he was still causing her body to tingle.

His eyes ran up and down the length of her. His voice was hard. “Then you can decide which way is better.”

“No one touches my phone,” she said. “It’s a rule. You can look on my laptop. It’s in the spare bedroom.”

She pointed down her hall. “My bedroom is upstairs, in one big room, because this is a Cape Cod, the other two bedrooms are down here, I use one for an office.”

Clapping her mouth shut on her verbal diarrhea, Kindra let Mack take her hand and pull her towards the office. Her computer was sitting on the desk, lid open. She left it on all the time, so it was just sitting there, humming happily, waiting for her.

Mack said, “Open one of his emails.”

Kindra hesitated, hovering in the middle of the room. There was some graphic stuff in those. “I delete them all.”

Mack smiled, his eyebrow raising. “Just retrieve them from the trash. Come on, there’s got to be some in there.”

The room was small, and cluttered with the desk, a file cabinet and a swivel chair. It had thick brown carpet that she had been meaning to replace and she stumbled, her heel caught in a loose loop of the carpet. Mack caught her and held her for a heartbeat, then released her.

With trembling fingers, still standing, she went into her mailbox and fished around in her trash can.

“Here’s one,” Mack pointed to her screen.

There was more than one. There were a dozen at least. Russ’s email address stared back at her in black print, mocking her. Could she do this?

Could she indulge herself, enjoy this without guilt, and relegate Kindra the wallflower to the closet for one night?

“Open this one.”

His voice was commanding, but soft. Titillating, but not frightening. She knew he wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want to.

Her finger clicked on the mouse.

The mail popped up.

“‘Kindra, what are you wearing?’” Mack read. He chuckled. “I told you, not very original.”

He turned to look her over. “But let’s see. What are you wearing?”

Kindra stood still in front of the desk while Mack moved around her, his finger trailing across her back.

“Sexy tank top in blue.” He went around the front, his fingertip dragging over her arm and falling onto her breast. “A bra. Definitely wearing a bra.”

He brushed her nipple. She gasped, then bit her lip nervously. The finger dipped down between her breasts, causing her to shiver, and headed down to her skirt, where Mack tugged at the waistband.

“Short skirt.”

Down, down he went while she narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists. Oh, help, he was on his knees now in front of her. She knew what he was going to do, and yet she didn’t. Whatever it was, it would be a tease. She wanted his hands on her, all of his hands, touching, stroking, not this furtive brush with one finger.

She guessed that was the point. To make her ache. His finger wiggled into the slit of her skirt and rose vertically again, dragging the skirt up with him.

She felt cool air on her thighs and then the pad of his finger reached out and pressed against her sweet spot through her panties. Moisture flooded her.

“Panties.” He studied her. “Very hot, very see-through panties.”

It had been a dare to herself. They were brand new, never-been-worn-before sheer black panties. She’d seen what they looked like on her in the mirror. She knew exactly what Mack was staring at right now. His face was only inches away from her curls. All he would have to do would be to pull the panties aside, then touch her…

He dropped the skirt back into place. Kindra could have sobbed with disappointment.

His hand caressed against her foot. “Sandals.”

Then he rose up in front of her, brushing but never fully touching as he rose to his full height. Taller and taller until he hovered over her powerfully.

Bending down over her, lips parted. She closed her eyes, waiting for his mouth to take hers again. He moved past her mouth and she opened her eyes in confusion. Her head yanked back.

With a startled cry, she realized he was undoing her hair from its twist.

“One hair clip, no longer in place.” Mack tossed it over his shoulder and drove his fingers into her hair.

It hurt a little. He wasn’t gentle and the hair tugged and pulled, but Kindra barely noticed, so arousing was the look on his face.

Mack was murmuring, “I love your hair. I’ve been dying to see it down. I just knew it would have red streaks in it.”

Her hair could be purple and green for all she cared. She boldly reached for him, wrapping her arms around his neck, urging him towards her mouth.

Mack brushed her lips, his tongue flicking across her quickly before he pulled back. She stumbled again as he let her go.

“Let’s see what else your friend has to say.”

Kindra stood in fascination, watching Mack scroll down through her emails. He was serious about this. He was going to act out Russ’s emails.

Mack was going to touch and tease and stroke her until she either died from pleasure or begged for mercy, whichever came first.

Either of those worked for her.

“Here we go.” Mack stood up straight again and read, “‘I bet you have great tits, Kindra.’”

Mack glanced at her tank top. “I can attest to that.”

Kindra rubbed her hands on her skirt and tried not to cross her arms over her chest. She didn’t remember those exact words from Russ, so she didn’t know what was coming next. That was both frightening and arousing.

Mack went on, “‘They’re probably round and full, with a hard, taut nipple that wants to be sucked. I’ll suck it hard and fast, my tongue tasting you everywhere.’”

His mouth quirked up at the corner. “Hard and taut are redundant, and I don’t think your nipple has a mind of its own, but we get the point.”

He closed the distance between them and before Kindra could even think, his mouth was on her. He was sucking and pulling through her shirt, without warning or preparation.

“Oh my God!” she said, then closed her mouth in mortification at her words.

Mortification quickly gave way to pleasure.

His hands were on her waist and he pushed the tank top up, the hair on his arm tickling her skin. Another second and he had tugged her bra down, and her breasts were spilling out.

Hard wet tongue flickered across her. Kindra gripped his shoulders and whimpered. He wasn’t being gentle, but was raking across her with his tongue, before pulling her breast back into his mouth.

Oh, yes.

Teeth nipped her and she felt an odd mix of pleasure and pain that was new and downright interesting. When he stood up, she rocked back towards him. She didn’t want him to stop, not now when she was hot and aching and desperate for completion.

Mack’s eyes were dark, the normally ice blue a lustful royal shade. He wiped the moisture from his mouth and said, “He said to suck hard.”

Likely excuse. She was starting to suspect Mack was getting off on this just as much as she was.

Which was a lot.

“Hard and fast,” she repeated, tossing her hair back out of her eyes.

Mack was damn near to exploding. He wanted Kindra and he wanted her yesterday, but he was having a fucking good time turning her on like this, nice and slow.

It was obvious no man had ever bothered to take the time to get Kindra good and ready, and Mack was enjoying watching her. She looked shocked, but damn if she didn’t look like she was basking in it.

Those green eyes were round and stunned, glazed with passion. She kept making little sounds of encouragement and pleasure, then looked embarrassed to realize she had. And she was completely letting him take the lead.

He was doing, and she was taking.

Until today, Mack had thought he’d had a lot of great sex in his life, even if his reputation had been exaggerated. He did date a lot, but there hadn’t been that many women he had actually hooked up with. But he had considered those times to be damn great sex.

He had been wrong. That had been good sex. But nothing had made him this edgy, this eager, this nervous to please, this out of control.

Sex in the past had ultimately always been about him. Sure, he’d prided himself on pleasing his partner, but he had been in it for him.

This was a new thing, this pleasure from pleasuring someone else. He wanted to get Kindra off all night and just watch.

He turned back to the computer screen. She seemed to like this method of acting out her online fantasies.

“‘Take your bra off for me.’” He smiled at Kindra. “Oh, I like this one.”

She stood still in front of him, her rich auburn hair sliding across her shoulders. Her hands rubbed across her skirt again.

“It doesn’t say anything about taking your top off, so leave that on.”

Hands on the bottom of her tank top, she said, “You can’t watch.”

Laughing, he closed his eyes. “Fine.” He was going to see it all anyway. He’d already had his mouth on her nipple, but hey, if she wanted to be shy, he didn’t mind.

Eyes shut, he leaned back against the computer desk and crossed his feet.

“Have you ever had great sex, Kindra? The kind where it’s so hot you lose your mind and you’re basically willing to do anything and everything?”

Kindra, busy wrestling with her bra straps, said without thinking, “No.”

She mentally groaned. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud. She didn’t want Mack to think there was something wrong with her, or that she was difficult to please.

He said, “That’s not your fault, you know. That’s his fault, whoever he was.”

Tugging her bra down her arm and freeing it from the tank top, Kindra watched Mack leaning there, eyes still closed. Could he see somehow? He looked like he was smirking.

“Maybe it was my fault. Maybe I’m hard to please.” She didn’t know why she said that, her private fear, but once out there, she couldn’t take it back.

Mack’s mouth curved up. “I don’t think so. You seem to be enjoying yourself so far. Are you? Enjoying yourself?”

“Yes.” It was so much easier to be honest when he wasn’t staring at her. And she was enjoying herself. More than she had thought possible.


His eyes popped open. “Have you ever had an orgasm during sex?”

With a man in the room? She froze, her bra dangling in her hands, the urge to laugh overcoming her. Let’s see, she could count the times on one hand… no, make that one finger.

Once. And she was convinced it was a pure accident, since it had yet to be repeated.

“What do you mean?” she hedged, twisting her bra between her hands. “Of course I have.”

He laughed. He straightened up. Shoot. He was coming towards her. She took a step back.

“It’s a simple question. Have you ever had an orgasm?”

“Yes.” That was the truth.

“During sex? Were you on top, the bottom, from behind maybe? Up the ass?”

Her face started to burn. Up the ass? He could not be serious. “None of the above.”

He stopped right in front of her, and his fingers wrapped around the bra and yanked it away from her. He dropped it on the floor.

“With his finger then? His tongue?”

There was no way she could answer that. Not with him standing so close her breasts were rubbing across the softness of his shirt. Not when his erection pressed lightly against her mound, then pulled back.

Forward, back, forward, a soft light rhythm that echoed the primal urges she felt.

She couldn’t admit out loud that she seemed incapable of an orgasm. He might give up and go home. So she whispered, “I don’t think that’s in the emails, is it?”

His eyes darkened. “Oh, good point. So let’s see what’s next, shall we?”

When he turned, she breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t think when he was that close to her. Her body was heavy and feverish and she was starting to feel the pangs of desperation.

Mack looked like he could play like this all night. For twelve hours.

She didn’t think she could take much more. Mack was going so damn slow, and he was teasing her with more foreplay than she’d had in a year-long relationship with her ex-boyfriend.

It was now a fact in her mind that she had been robbed. To have made it to the age of twenty-six and never had felt this kind of pleasure before was a crying shame. Mack had barely even touched her. She had a mind to call up the three different men she had slept with and tell them they’d been doing it wrong.

Very wrong.

Maybe Mack could give them some tips. He certainly knew what he was doing.

And if the number of smiling women he had dated in the past were any indication, she wasn’t the only one who thought so.

Jealousy surged up, catching her off guard. She didn’t like the thought of Mack looking at another woman the way he did her. But he wasn’t hers.

He was only hers for twelve hours. She had to remember that.

So she should do her best to enjoy him for the time she had, then worry about the aftermath later.

Mack’s profile was towards her, and she watched his lips move as he read silently. Admiring his strong nose and straight jaw, she was distracted by the urge to bury her hands in that short black hair and tug.

“You know what?” he said, glancing over at her. “We’ve been doing this wrong, I think.”

It was working for her. “Why?”

“Because this isn’t how you would be doing this normally, is it? I mean, when you’re here by yourself, reading these emails.”

She stared at him, not sure what he meant. “I don’t know…”

A finger came out and landed on her mouth. “Shh. I’ll show you what I mean.”

The scent of his skin, a salty sweet smell with remnants of spices, rose to her nostrils.

Guided by instinct, she slipped her tongue out between her lips and licked his finger.

It was a toss-up who was more surprised.

Shit,” he exclaimed, his eyes half closed.

Her sentiments exactly.

He slid his finger in between her lips.

Kindra wrapped herself around it and sucked, gently. Mack hovered over her. She could feel his control quivering, wavering, as he struggled to hold himself still.

She sucked harder, pulling his finger down deep, gliding her tongue up and down. It occurred to her exactly what she was mimicking and the thought had her aching for him inside her. Either in her mouth or her pussy. She wasn’t picky.

When he yanked his finger back, she cried out in disappointment.

“Naughty, naughty,” he taunted. “I can see I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on you.”

She wished he would. An eye, and a hand, and a tongue…

Her aggressive move had startled her. She wasn’t used to taking the lead with men.

But she also knew it wasn’t in her nature to be so obedient. It was something she had trained herself to do, until she had lost sight of herself in her demure persona.

Mack made her feel bold.

“Sorry,” she lied with a grin.

“No, you’re not.”

Shaking her head, she admitted, “No.”

He brushed her mouth with a hot kiss. “Good. You’re free to do whatever you want here. Sex with me is never having to say you’re sorry.”

It sounded funny and she let out a soft laugh.

With a grin, he said, “Are you laughing at me?”

“Not at you. With you,” she corrected, remembering the reprimands she used to receive from her mother.

He snorted. “I wasn’t laughing.” He squeezed her hand. “But don’t worry, you won’t be laughing in a minute. Not when you’re having the greatest sex you’ve ever had.”

She was ready. Bring it on. “I promise not to laugh.” She let her eyes drop down to his erection.

He got the implied joke. “Hey, now. Watch it.”

She found herself pressed up hard against him, his mouth on her neck, his impressive man parts bumping her in the perfect spot.

He was chuckling. “You’re going to regret that, Kindra Hill. No more Mr. Nice Guy.”

She didn’t want nice. She wanted hard. She wanted down and dirty.

“Sorry.” Then she said in a soft meek voice, that was anything but, “I’ll be good.”

Mack made a strangled sound as he moved back a step, shaking his head. “I can’t wait to see how good you’re going to be.”

Neither could she.




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