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Harem: An MFMM Romance by Abby Angel (5)



When I walked into the nightclub, I was definitely on the prowl for some boring rich bitch to stick my dick in. Boring, because I’m not looking for more than to get off. Yeah, I wanted to get in and get out. But now that I’m talking to Elodie, I forget that I was in a punishingly long surgery that ended with a horrible fucking bout of bullshit me and the guys have to deal with. I forget that I like to fuck and forget. Because my eyes stroll down all the curves of Elodie’s perfect body, and I just want to fuck her again and again.

When Stefan, David, and I fuck a girl, sometimes she’ll beg for us to do it again when she sees us at the club again. We don’t do repeats because we don’t do relationships. Really, we do fuck women separately, but if we were ever in a relationship, it would have to be with the kind of girl who was down for exactly that.

Turns out relationship girls and MFMM girls have shown to be generally two different kinds of girls.

I know that Stefan and David aren’t into relationships, but one look at the way the two of them are looking at Elodie and I fucking know they are reconsidering everything I’ve said about how fucking the same person more than once could actually be a good thing. Now, the random pieces of ass that we’ve had in the past, I don’t give a single fuck about ever having those women again.

But fucking Elodie once certainly doesn’t seem like it will be enough.

David shows up and he’s got one thing on his mind – getting Elodie on his cock. He starts implying that we all are interested.

Oh, she looks back and forth to us. Aren’t we going to start getting competitive? Don’t we want her to choose?

We’re world class surgeons and the best at everything we do in our specialties. We’re community leaders that do more than any of the sorry ass government officials and politicians have ever done for the people in this city. We are competitive, sure, about a lot of things.

But with hot women? Fucking them is better when we share rather than compete.

“We’d all like to share you, Elodie.” I say because I don’t know if she’s going to ask or try to get David to give more details.

I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to tease.

I just fucking want her.

“Julian, damn, I’m not stupid. I realized when none of you started trying to discredit the competition that you three are like the kinky Chippendales or something.” Elodie drinks more of the cosmo she’s holding and sets it down on a nearby table. “And what makes you think that I’ll fuck any of you, much less all three of you?” Her face gets really serious and I think, fuck, for once in my life I think begging might be in order if she doesn’t feel down with fucking us. MFMM is a lot for a girl to take – every pun intended – but Elodie’s worth plenty of finesse.

Elodie looks at all of us and busts out laughing. “I didn’t get into this crazy club to do overly normal shit. Just so long as you know that I’m just looking to relieve some stress. I have an early day. So I wanted to be here for the very purpose of a casual encounter. Though I thought two men would be my cap on fun for the evening, and of course I only thought I’d get one.”

“Well, baby, you can have all three,” I say, leaning closer to her and watching her look down my silk shirt to see the way it hugs my eight pack abs.

Her eyes keep traveling to the 12 inch cock tenting my trousers. I can’t hide that fucking bulge because being this close to Elodie is practically making my cock hurt. I’ve fucked a lot of sexy women, but none of them even come close to Elodie. She’s funny, she’s hot as hell, and she wants to let all three of us fuck her.

Goddamn, if I were a lesser man I might blow my load in my pants just at the thought of fucking her. I want to hear her sweet little voice when she comes because I’m fucking her…and so are my partners.

“I think I’d like to try all three, yeah.” Elodie nods and looks to all of us. “But I need to take some actual medicine for this tension headache I’m fighting, I know, not sexy but today has been…well let’s just say today has been a hell of a day.”

Hmm, a headache. I’ve heard women have used that to get out of boring sex. I see her reach for her neck and grimace and I know she needs to get rid of that headache and then get rid of those clothes she’s wearing.

“Let’s get you some caffeine and that should help. You probably need to lay off the alcohol and hydrate some. And I’ll give you a neck message, and that should help.” Yeah I kinda went doctor mode on her but, hey, if she’s got a headache, I’ve got to get rid of it.

Fuck her headache…I gotta fuck her.