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Hell Yeah!: Dust on the Bottle (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Lori King (2)

Chapter 1



Dr. Jeanette Hall looked decidedly improper as she bounced on the balls of her feet outside the airline terminal as she scanned the disembarking passengers for a head of silky black hair. Monica’s hair was her pride and joy, and while Jeanette would never call her friend vain, on that one particular point, she was as vain as Narcissus.

At her side, Hawke leaned casually against a support post, thumbs tucked in the pockets of his blue jeans, his cowboy hat shading his eyes from the passing travelers. Jeanette had noticed more than one woman giving her sexy fiancé an appraising look, but she’d be damned if those whores got more than a look. She’d become exceptionally possessive lately.

Suddenly, the need to touch him, and stake her claim surged through her, and she reached for him. He opened his arms automatically, and they slid together like two perfectly matched puzzle pieces. His full lips slid across hers, and then danced across her cheek to her ear.

“Love you, darlin’,” he murmured, kissing the shell of her ear as she inhaled his masculine scent deep into her lungs.

“Love you too.” She tipped her chin, and nibbled at his neck gently, enjoying his growl of pleasure.

“Keep that up and your friend will be waiting a lot longer for a ride to the ranch,” Hawke said, giving Jeanette’s ass a quick but sharp pat.


At the sound of Monica’s husky voice, Jeanette spun away from Hawke. Her eyes landed on her friend, and they both let out a loud squeal of joy as they rushed at each other. Simultaneously, they began chattering, each understanding what the other was saying, while neither slowed for a breath.

“Whoa there, slow down you two.” Hawke stepped up alongside Jeanette and held out his hand. “You must be the infamous Monica McCray.”

“That’s what my mother says. You must be Hawke.” Monica returned his smile, but Jeanette noted there was a slight narrowing of her lavender eyes as she surveyed him. “It’s nice to finally have a face to go with the name.”

“Likewise. Do you have any luggage to claim?” Hawke gestured to the baggage carousel, and Monica shook her head, hiking her backpack higher on her shoulder.

“No, just these. Have camera, will travel. I’m good at traveling light. Is it a long way out to the ranch?”

Jeanette laughed. “About an hour, but don’t worry, the scenery is beautiful, and besides, we have a lot to catch up on. You’ve been a very busy girl.”

Monica winked and jerked her head in Hawke’s direction. “So have you.”

Hawke grinned, and hugged Jeanette to his side. “Not busy enough, if you ask me.”

Jeanette slapped his chest, and shook her head laughing. “Stop it. Monica doesn’t want to hear your lecherous thoughts.”

“Oy, please! Let me live vicariously through you two happy lovebirds. Lord knows there are cobwebs on my cooch at this point,” Monica lamented, rolling her eyes skyward.

“I thought you were seeing that news anchor in Lubbock?” Jeanette linked her fingers with Hawke’s as they walked, wondering if her happiness bothered her friend more than she let on.

“Nah, that was a quickie and not even a good one. Hell, we weren’t even together long enough for a social media status change.” Monica’s eyes grew wide as they approached Hawke’s truck. “Holy shit. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re with my girl here, I’d ask if you were overcompensating, cowboy.”

Hawke bristled. “Excuse me?”

Jeanette hurried to soothe his feathers. “She’s teasing you. Everyone up here drives big trucks. In the winter, the snow can get really deep. Four wheel drive is a must.”

“The question remains, does the size of the truck equal the size of the—”

“Hawke, honey, if you want to put her bag in front, I’m going to sit in back with Monica so we can chat.” Jeanette interrupted, giving her best friend a pointed look. “We have lots to catch up on.”

She could hear him muttering as he walked about, but Monica seemed oblivious to it. This was going to be a challenging week. With a silent prayer for patience with her blunt bestie, Jeanette proceeded to fill in all the missing details from the last year of her life. While she loved the ladies at Crawley Creek like sisters, it was great to be with someone who’d known her forever.

“So, tell me, are you guys planting roots up here? Sticking around in North Dakota? I can’t imagine there are all that many soldiers coming back from overseas and settling in this region,” Monica remarked.

“You’d be surprised. Anymore, it’s the people you wouldn’t suspect who are having the hardest time with PTSD. And the ranch is more of a destination therapy residence. Veterans of all branches, and even non-veterans are able to come here for an extended stay to work on their treatment plan with me directly. Because my only focus is the handful of patients staying at the ranch, I’m able to give them more one-on-one time and really make a difference in their lives.”

Monica’s unique eyes lit up. “That’s really incredible. I’m proud of you, Jeanie. You’ve managed to do what you set out to do. Not many people can say that.”

“What about you? Miss Award-Winning Photographer? You’ve certainly built a loyal fan base at Skids, and a hell of a lucrative career from what I’ve surmised.” Jeanette hated the sad cloud that filled Monica’s eyes.

“Yep. I’ve been able to do a lot.”

When Monica stopped abruptly and let the thought hang, Jeanette’s Spidey sense started to tingle.


Monica frowned, “But what?”

“I sense a but. You’ve done a lot, but…”

Shrugging, Monica turned her face away as she answered, her fingers tangling around a necklace she wore. “But nothing. I’m successful. I’m financially set for the most part, and I’m able to travel the world. I’m truly blessed.”

“But you’re not happy?

“I’m perfectly content,” Monica responded. Jeanette sensed the hollow echo of the words, but she didn’t need to, to know they were bullshit. “Everything’s so empty. I think I’ve only seen two houses since we left the airport.”

“There are more, but a lot of the land up here in this area is family land or large ranches. It’s not necessarily good for farming, but it’s great for livestock. You’ll definitely see more cows than people,” Jeanette explained. “On the other side of our ranch, the Turtle Mountains are about the only rugged scenery, and they’re beautiful.”

Monica nodded. “There’s a certain beauty to the emptiness too. I mean, I’m usually surrounded by people in big cities and airports, so being out here feels…”

Her words drifted off leaving them both staring out the window in silence. Jeanette understood exactly what Monica was saying. When she’d first come to Crawley Creek, she’d been astonished by the wide-open fields and quiet nights filled with the sounds of animals and insects. Growing up in Philadelphia, she and Monica hadn’t experienced anything like North Dakota, but for Jeanette, the change of scenery had turned out to be perfect.

“So, how many brothers do you have, Hawke?” Monica asked.

“Too many to count.” Hawke grinned at Jeanette in the rearview mirror as he answered. “There are five of us that make up the Crawley Creek Ranch Incorporated. We each have an equal share in the ranch.”

“How does that work? I mean, you all live in the same house, don’t you get on each other’s nerves?” The look on Monica’s face made Jeanette giggle as Hawke nodded.

“Hell yeah, but in truth, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I came to the ranch when I was five, and I’ve never wanted to live anywhere else,” Hawke explained. “Abe and Sera Crawley saved me from having to bounce around the foster care system, and they gave me a family.”

“Abe and Sera weren’t able to have children of their own, so they decided to create a home for children who didn’t have families. They had foster children for decades before Sera passed away.” Jeanette felt her heart clench at the loss, even though she’d never met the woman. Serafina Crawley had raised some of the finest men Jeanette had ever known, and she’d done so with no promise of payback. Her kind heart and giving spirit had built the foundation for the life Jeanette was now living, and she couldn’t be more grateful.

“Drannon is technically the oldest, but Vin has been at the ranch the longest. He was the first foster kid Abe and Sera took in. Then I came along, and Romeo was a few years later. Nolan came before I did, but he didn’t make the ranch a permanent home until he was in high school. I don’t remember exactly. There were so many kids in and out of Crawley Creek it’s hard to keep track of. Some stuck around for a few years, others only for days.” Hawke shifted in his seat, “We’ll be at the ranch soon, and you can meet them all at dinner.”

“You guys have family dinners?” Monica asked, looking a little horrified at the thought. Considering the kind of family Monica had grown up with, Jeanette understood her friend’s reaction.

“It’s a tradition,” she responded. “But it’s not required. Most of us eat at the same time anyway, so it’s just easier to have Lauren cook one big meal. Then there’s only one to clean up from, too.”

“And Lauren is?” Monica asked.

“Vin’s fiancé,” Hawke filled in. “And an honorary Crawley Creek kid. She wasn’t a foster, but she spent more time at the ranch than anywhere else. She just moved back last year, and took over the cooking and caretaking of the main house. Marilyn—she’s our ranch mama-bear—couldn’t keep up after her heart attack this winter.”

Monica looked a bit lost and overwhelmed, so Jeannette hurried to reassure her. “I promise it’s not as hard as you think to remember everyone. They’re all very different, and very memorable. Besides, if you get stuck and don’t remember someone’s name, they all answer to hey you.”

Smiling, Monica nodded. “Just don’t quiz me. I’ve never been good at tests.”

It wasn’t long before they were pulling into the driveway of Crawley Creek Ranch, and Jeanette watched as Monica took it all in. “Whoa. This place is incredible. It’s like a storybook.”

Jeanette nodded excitedly. “Exactly, and wait until you meet everyone. I swear they’re like the characters in a book. You’re going to love them.”


~ ~ ~ ~


Monica wasn’t exactly sure what to think of the residents of Crawley Creek. Jeanie was right, they were characters, but she couldn’t decide which genre they fit in.

Drannon was massive, and he gave off an air of authority, but his breadth was nothing compared to Vin’s. Vin’s muscular arms were as thick as her thighs, but he held Lauren like she was a delicate flower he’d picked in a field.

Marilyn was a hoot. The petite, round woman clearly held the family together with her motherly behavior, but it seemed she spent most of her time with the two children on the ranch or knitting in the living room.

Lacy and Lauren were both gorgeous, and when Franki entered the house with her man, Roman aka Romeo, Monica began to wonder if North Dakota was the new retirement community for porn stars. They weren’t built like the stick thin models she had to take pictures of, but each was stunning in their own right.

Lacy’s red hair was the color of a Caribbean sunset, and she kept it braided because it was so long. The thick braid draped over her shoulder and still hung to her waist. Lauren was as blonde as any Southern California surfer Monica had ever met, but she’d grown up right here in North Dakota, and Franki’s dark olive complexion and curly brunette locks highlighted her Italian blood. As did her quick wit and sharp tongue. She seemed the most uncomfortable about meeting someone new, but Monica wasn’t put off. She was used to people being hesitant around her. It came with being a photographer.

“You’re going to be in the President’s room,” Jeanette said as she led Monica up the massive staircase. From above, Monica was able to view everyone relatively discreetly, and she noted the comfortable way they all chatted and mingled. What would it be like to be part of a big family? To be surrounded by people all the time, and want to spend time with them? “Monica? Where’d you go?”

Jeanette appeared at her side, frowning. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, just taking it all in.” Monica turned away from the familial scene and plastered a big smile on her face. “The President’s room sounds rather grand.”

“They’re all beautiful, but I wouldn’t call them grand. Each one has a name to help ranch guests know which room is theirs. I guess Sera Crawley picked all the names. The ones inside are pretty common: The Blue Room, The Lilac Room, The Captain’s Room, et cetera, but the cabin names each represent one of her favorite books or authors.” Jeanette gestured to the sign that hung on an open door. “Hawke made all of the signs himself. He’s incredible with a piece of wood in his hands.”

“That’s what she said,” Monica replied automatically, sending her best friend into a fit of giggles.

“Oh my God. It’s like being with the ranch hands. Seriously? I didn’t mean that in a dirty way.” Jeanette shook her head.

Monica shrugged. “How many years have you known me? I don’t know how to filter myself.”

“That’s one of the things I love most about you.”

“That and my award winning personality, right?”

“Clearly,” Jeanette agreed. “Right now these rooms share the bathroom next door. Unfortunately, plans to renovate and add on for more bathrooms have been put on hold.”

“Oh?” Monica put her backpack on the waist high bed, and spun to take it all in. Dark wood furniture against slate gray and navy color palette made for a comfortable space, but she didn’t expect to be there long enough to enjoy it much.

“Yeah, until they track down the person who killed those girls, we’re all in limbo. Some people even moved back to the main house for a while, but most of us have our own cabins. Mine and Hawke’s is the Huck Finn.”

“Does this mean you’re worried about the guests getting killed?” Monica asked, her brain rifling through all of the various details she’d gotten about the ongoing murder investigation and manhunt happening in this area.

Jeanette shook her head. “No. Bran—the sheriff—and the FBI task force leader, Thea, both think this is a personal attack on the residents of Crawley Creek. They feel like it’s unlikely anyone who isn’t a permanent family member will be targeted. Who knows? At this point, we’re all on edge until he’s caught.”

“Maybe this is a bad time for me to be here.” Monica wrapped her hand around the bed knob on the footboard, and an image of Charlie twisting and tapping the bed knob in the movie, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, came to mind.

“Absolutely not! I haven’t seen you in so long. It’s nice to see someone from back home.” Jeanette reached out and hugged her tightly again.

“I didn’t realize you missed Philly that much.” Monica accepted the hug and pulled back to peer down at her friend in concern. “You seem so happy here.”

“Oh I am, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get homesick. Not so much for Philadelphia as for the familiarity of home. I don’t even talk to any of them more than once a month.”

“Are they coming out for the wedding?”

Jeanette shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’ll invite them. It’s strange, but I feel more at home here with my new family than I ever did at Aunt Peggy’s house.”

Monica nodded, but she really didn’t understand what Jeanette was talking about. While she knew that Jeanie hadn’t had the best relationship with her aunt and uncle who had taken her in after her parents died, she wondered at how quickly her friend had jumped into this new life. She didn’t believe in love at first sight or happily ever after, so seeing all of these lovey-dovey couples and helping plan a wedding was unsettling. Her biggest fear was that her friend would get hurt.

They’d met as young, terrified girls, both starting junior high and desperate for a friend. They’d clicked instantly, Jeanette with her shy, bookish ways, and Monica, more free-spirited and outgoing, but they seemed to complement each other somehow. After all these years, there was no one in her life that Monica cared more deeply about.

A pang of regret filled her chest as she thought about her father who currently resided in a prison on the East Coast. Pushing it aside, she swallowed back a wave of unexpected emotion and forced a smile to her face.

“I almost forgot! I brought you a present.” She stepped over to her backpack and quickly retrieved a tiny box.

“What’s this?” Jeanette asked, grinning with pleasure.

“An engagement present.” Monica watched her friend open the jewelry box and gasp.

“Oh my God! It’s so beautiful, Mon. Where did you find this?” Jeanette lifted the tiny pendant on a chain.

“At a small shop in South Padre the day you called me with the news you were engaged. I knew it was perfect for you.” Monica clasped her hands together with pleasure as she watched Jeanette admire the necklace. A one inch pair of owls sat side by side on a branch. One with beautiful yellow eyes, and one with rich blue eyes. The colors really stood out against the silver metal, and the piece was very eye-catching. “Besides, don’t you need something blue for your wedding day?”

“You’re right! It’s perfect! Thank you so much!” Jeanette put the necklace back in the box and reached to hug her again.

Lifting her arms to block the embrace, Monica laughed. “Whoa there, Nelly. What’s with all this touchy-feely-hugging all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know. Ever since I met Hawke and fell in love it’s like I just have so much joy inside I have to share it by putting my arms around people I care about,” Jeanette said with a laugh.

“Well, as long as you stop at hugging, I guess I’ll tolerate it, but if you get any other ideas, I’m gonna have to cut you. You know how much I hate touching.” Monica held out her arms, wrinkling her nose. Jeanette accepted the brief hug, and then stepped away.

“One of these days someone’s going to come along and sweep you off your feet like Hawke did me. Then we’ll see how you feel,” Jeanette teased. “I’d better get back downstairs and see if Lauren needs help with supper. We usually all eat together in the dining room at seven. I hope you’ll join in so you can meet the rest of the crew.”

“The rest? There are more of them?” Monica asked incredulously. “How big is this house?”

“There are twelve bedrooms, twelve cabins, Marilyn’s one bedroom apartment off the kitchen, and a bunkhouse for the hands. Oh, and the cabin that Daniel, the ranch foreman, lives in.”

Monica couldn’t believe it. She felt like she’d been transported into an old west television show. “Which room do Little Joe and Big Hoss sleep in?”

Jeanette laughed. “Big Hoss sleeps with me.”

Surprised at her friend’s risqué innuendo, Monica barked out a laugh. “Damn you. Lucky bitch.”

Wiggling her eyebrows, Jeanette blushed. “You have no idea. Make yourself at home. The only rule at Crawley Creek is to knock before opening a door. Too many lovebirds around here to risk it.”

“No worries. I’ll be down in a few. I want to change clothes. I feel like airport.” Monica gestured to her wrinkled shirt.

“Good, see you shortly.” Jeanette stepped into the hallway and the paused. “Thanks for coming, Mon. It really is great to see you.”

“Love you, too, Jeanie.”




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