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Her English Gent: A BWWM Romance (International Alphas Book 9) by Brandy Blake (16)

The Final Chapter


Amanda woke up, she felt Mike’s warm arms wrapped around her, and sighed. She had hoped she hadn’t fantasized the whole thing. But, she wouldn’t have doubted it. After all, she had been running on her treadmill, and thinking about him.

The next thing she knew, he had been standing at her window. He had tapped on it, and she had thought she was imagining it all. Until he had spoken, and she had heard his voice. It was the deep, British voice that sounded like honey to her ears.

She had run and let him in the door. Thankfully, he had brought along condoms. Since they had ended up in bed, and she didn’t want to take another chance in becoming pregnant. As far as she was concerned, they had gotten lucky the first couple of times. When they first met they had sex, and without a condom.

For several weeks she had been paranoid that she had been pregnant. It hadn’t helped when she had been a week late, either. Her fears of being a single mother had catapulted all kinds of fears in her mind.

He moved behind her and pulled her against him once more. “Hey beautiful, I love waking up with you in my arms.”

“I’m just happy that I didn’t dream the whole thing.”

He laughed deeply. “You would have one hell of an imagination if you dreamed all of that!”

“Yes, and I do. But the real thing is much better than any dream I could come up with.” She leaned up and kissed him. “I’m so happy you came here, and that you brought condoms with you!”

“Well, I had to be prepared. Though I wasn’t sure if you would even talk to me. I planned, I knew how you were about having a baby in London, I was certain that it hadn’t changed,” Mike commented.

“I would never have killed one though, if I had been pregnant. Just so you know. I would have looked at it as a part of you, and I would have raised the baby all by myself.”

“I would never had made you do that. I would have married you… or something. In fact, now that we are getting married, I want to have a child with you!” He smiled. “I just couldn’t figure out the logistics of it at that point. I honestly thought you didn’t want a child,” he admitted.

“I’ve always wanted a child, I just never found the right person to have one with. I would rather raise a kid where both parents are around. However, if it couldn’t have been that way, I still would have kept our baby.”

He kissed her. “Just another example of why we needed to talk more. But, I know I was just as at fault. I wanted other things from you, talking was the furthest thing from my mind most of the time.”

“We just have to work on it, and make sure that we communicate. But, I would love to have your baby. Tell me though, how are you going to do this? Are you really moving to Arizona, or was that just a way to get back into my bed?”

“I’m… no… we are going around today and looking at a few properties. I’m going to see how much they cost and give the numbers to my accountant back in London. He’s going to try and figure out if I can afford to open a location here,” Mike explained.

“So, what if he comes back with the news that you can’t afford it?”

“I thought of that already, because, it is a possibility. I have to figure out many things, including how many staff I want to hire as well. That will add to the cost of this new venture. So, there is a big chance that he might tell me there is no way. In that case, I may have to sell the London office. I don’t want to go back there and be away from you. I’m pretty sure that you aren’t interested in living in London full-time, or even part-time.”

“Part-time? What do you mean?”

“Well we could live there during the summer months, when it is warmer; but, not as warm as here. The rest of the year, we could reside in Arizona. I would be able to run both sides of the business, but only if I could afford it. So, this may not even be an option.

‘I’m not sure, some of the questions will be answered once I find out more information to give to the attorney. These are just the thoughts I’ve had so far.”

“I work part-time with Hope for Paws now, but they might be willing to work around this, and let me telecommute when we would be in London. I don’t want to make you give up everything. I would be willing to do the part-time in both locations. We could make it work, even without you opening an office here… right? Or not?” she asked.

“Well, I had other reasons for wanting to open this office here. I was going to offer you a job. That way we would work with one another.

“So, if you take the job with Paws, that would mean you might be stuck here when I had to go back to London. The plan isn’t near as sound as I thought it was at first.” He shook his head, frustrated.

“I’ve always been good at putting a plan together, let’s do this together. We’ll put all the factors down on a piece of paper. Once we get the answers from the accountant, we can see if logistically it will work… or not. If not, we will think of another plan. The biggest thing, and most importantly, is that we figure it out together,” Amanda commented.

“You are one brilliant and amazing woman. So, when are we getting married?”

She laughed. “Well, I think it would be good if you met my parents first. They would like to know the guy who finally tied me down to a commitment.”

“So, you’ve had problems with commitment before, I take it?” Mike asked.

“No… not really. Just the one guy they knew I dated for the longest… Eric. I never would agree to marry him. I explained that to you a bit in London. So, they might be shocked that I have another man in my life, and I agreed to marry him.” She laughed.

“Well, let’s go and see them later on. First, I would like to go and see this office building downtown, if you don’t mind.”


Amanda went to get up, and Mike pulled her back down. “But not quite yet, I think I still have another condom left!”

She laughed and allowed him to pull her into his arms. They moved together in the slow dance of love making. He made her scream out his name, and she shuddered during multiple orgasms. Once they were spent, he asked where the shower was, and pulled her in with him.

He soaped up her body with the lavender scented soap she had on the ledge of the shower. His fingers played with her breasts and soon she had exploded once more thanks to his manipulations.

They finally made it out of the house, and she directed him to the address of the building he wanted to view.

“Tell me, is this area a good one?” he asked her.

“Yes, it is. That building over there.” She pointed to the building that stood to the left of the one they were going to look at. “That is where Janice works.”

“Okay, maybe we should stop in so I can thank her for writing to me and bringing us back together. Plus, I would love to meet your best friend.”

“Sure, we can stop in… as long as she isn’t in a meeting… she’ll see us.”


“As you can tell… the office space is nice and it is in a good part of downtown. It is a highly sought-after spot. We’ve had many calls on it. We just completed the remodeling of this location a week ago and it has been listed only a couple of days,” the real estate agent explained to Mike and Amanda.

“It has been done up very nicely. It isn’t too big… but, it could be a good starting spot,” Amanda whispered to Mike.

“Yes, a nice small staff would be good. Since I’m not really sure how much business we would get.”

“How much is it to buy?” Mike asked.

“Well you know, we weren’t really looking to sell it. We only have the one floor, it isn’t the whole building. We were going to rent it out for $5,000 a month,” replied the agent.

Amanda pulled Mike aside. “It might be best this way. You won’t sink as much money into it. I know you think buying is a better option. But, consider it. If you find that you can’t get enough clients, you only have to worry about making enough to cover a small bit of rent, and however many people you’ve hired.”

“Yeah, I know. Okay, give me your card. I’ll get back to you later.”

“Just remember that I have more people looking at it today, and I might get an offer. So, it may not be available.”

Amanda spoke up. “We will try and get back to you as soon as we can.”

She pulled Mike outside. “Don’t worry, I doubt he has anyone really looking at it. That is a popular ploy they love to use. They pressure you into making a quicker decision that way.”

“Are you sure? He sounded pretty honest,” Mike asked.

“No, I’m sure. For one, he lied, this place has been up for rent for around four months now. Remember, my best friend works next door. She told me about it when it first went up for rent. There used to be a computer software company in that space.”

“Bullocks, what a lying asshole. I should not take it even if I want it!”

“Nah, it is a great spot. If you are serious about opening a division here in town, this might be your best choice. Though, I have to be honest, I haven’t seen all that is available. We can look together, and if there is a better location, check out that building, and go from there.”

“Sure, you are the expert in this part. I don’t know this city at all.”

“Okay, we’ll go home after we see Janice, and look up the listings. I have a friend who might have an idea of the best location too. I’ll give her a call on the way home,” Amanda said. “She is a family friend, my mother’s friend really. But, she will be willing to help out.”

“Great. Now, take me to meet Janice.”


“Janice, I’d like you to meet Mike Worth.” Amanda stood in Janice’s office. Mike was beside her, he reached out and shook the other woman’s hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Janice. It is nice to put a face to the name of the woman I’ve heard so much about,” said Mike.

“It’s nice to meet you as well, and I could say the same thing. Though, I’m sure I’ve heard much more about you than you care to know about!” Janice laughed.

Mike’s face turned bright red. “I’m not even going to ask.” He smiled at Amanda and pulled her in for a kiss. “I want to thank you for helping to bring us back together. Amanda has agreed to marry me.”

“Oh, my goodness, no way!” Janice screamed and jumped up. She hugged Amanda. “I’m so happy for you, girl!”

“Thank you, Janice. I was mad at you for writing to him. But, you knew the right thing to do, like normal.”

“So, when will you get married?” Janice asked.

“As soon as possible, I hope.” Mike smiled.

“We have to go tell my parents too and get the license. But soon. We aren’t going to have a big wedding. We just want to be together, and I don’t need all the ceremony and fluff. Mike is thinking of opening a division of his company here, and he’ll live here part-time, and I’ll live in London with him part-time too. Though we haven’t figured it all out as of yet,” Amanda explained.

“Well I can’t say that I’m happy about you moving away, even if you will be here part of the time too. However, I’m very happy for you, and just glad he’s not stealing you away completely!” Janice smiled.

“Ms. Eddington you have a call on line one,” said a voice over the intercom.              

“Sorry… business calls. We will get together later, right?” said Janice.

“Of course!”


“Mom, I’d like you to meet Mike Worth. I met him while I was in London, and we had a connection. He has asked me to marry him.” Amanda introduced Mike to her mother.

Mike stood up tall and shook the woman’s hand. “It is very nice to meet you. I can see where Amanda picked up her good looks,” Mike commented.

Amanda laughed as she saw her mom blushing. “Oh, aren’t you just a flirt!” her mom said. “I’m Eva. Edward will be home soon. If you want some tea, I’ll gladly put on the kettle. That’s what the British drink, right?”

“Tea would be very nice. Yes, though we do drink coffee as well. However, I prefer tea in the afternoons.”

The door opened and in walked Amanda’s dad. “Dad, it’s nice to see you up and about. How are you feeling?” Amanda asked.

“I’m feeling much better,” he said and looked at Mike.

“Dad, I’d like you to meet Mike Worth. We met in London, and he has asked me to marry him,” Amanda explained.

“He’s white.”

“Yes, he is.”

“You would be better off marrying Eric, he’s a black man at least.”

“But, I don’t love Eric, I love Mike.”

“The world may seem to accept mixed couples, but beware, it won’t be easy for either of you. Do you plan on having children?” he asked Mike.

“Yes sir, I would love to have a child with Amanda.”

“Don’t… it’s insane to bring a kid into the world, people will ridicule that child from the day that it is born! It would be best to make sure that you never have children together… that is, if you have to even get married to begin with.”

“I love your daughter and I don’t care what people think… or say! I will always stand by my decision to be with her. If we have a child, I feel sorry for anyone who is dumb enough to ridicule him or her. They will have me to answer to!” Mike stated firmly.

Edward chuckled. “Well, you sure do have a fire inside of you! I like that. I think you’ll be a good match for my daughter. Welcome to the family.”

Amanda breathed deeply. “Dad, that wasn’t funny.”

“It wasn’t meant to be funny, dear. But, I had to see how serious he was about you,” Edward replied.

Amanda rolled her eyes, and silently sent an apologetic look to Mike.

He smiled and nodded his head. “I don’t blame you, sir. If we ever have a daughter, I would do the same thing when a man came to ask for her hand in marriage.”

They chatted with her parents for a while, before Amanda told them that Mike and she had several things to get done. “Do you two mind being witnesses at our wedding?” Amanda asked.

“We’d love to be,” Eva and Edward responded as one.

“I got a call from Mary, the lady who works in real estate. She says that the building we looked at is a great option. She has one other that might well suit us. It isn’t as new, and a bit smaller. But, it is outside of the downtown area. Which, she claims might help us get some more clients.

“She said that not everyone enjoys driving through downtown traffic and will often pick a business that is located in an area that is easy to access.

“Glendale, Arizona, is still part of Phoenix, but, you don’t deal with nearly as much traffic. Do you want to look at it? According to her, the rent is only $3,000 a month and that is quite a bit less than the other one,” Amanda said.

“Sure, how do I get there?” Mike asked.

Amanda directed him to the one-story building located in Glendale. He had to admit that the commute was much less congested, and the building had a small parking lot next to it that his clients could use, rather than having to find a metered parking spot at the other building.

“Come on, that’s her car, I’m sure she’s inside waiting for us.” Amanda pulled him along.

“I have to say, this looks much homier, I like the palm trees and the gravel,” Mike commented.

“Well, it is a lot different than just a bunch of other tall cement buildings!”

“You can tell it’s fairly small, do you think it would be big enough?” Mike asked.

“Honestly, if you are looking for a small office staff, I’m sure it would be perfect. Let’s go inside and have a look.”

Mary met them at the door. “Hello, Amanda, it is so nice to see you. How is your mother? Is your dad recovered from his surgery?”

“Mary, you are looking great. Mom said hi, and Dad is as ornery as ever. This is Mike Worth, he’s the businessman I told you about.”

“Nice to meet you, Mike.” Mary shook his hand. “Let me show you around the place. This would be a great office for a small staff, say of no more than ten people. As you can see, there is plenty of parking out front for clients.

“There is an extra staff parking lot in the back, so you should have no issues with lack of parking. If you have more clients than what can fit in the lot, then obviously you have more business, and might need a bigger location, and more staff. I’m not saying that would ever be a bad thing, though!” Mary said.

“You say it’s only $3,000 a month… that seems very low,” Mike said.

“It is a steal, one of the best deals we have right now! Probably one of the best in this area. The owner lowered the rent, he really would just like to earn something each month. He knows that most businesses are still enchanted with being in the middle of downtown.”

“Let me get in touch with my accountant back home. But, I think this will work just fine,” Mike said.

“Sure, take your time. You are the first person I’ve shown this property to in a while. I don’t see there being a mad rush on it anytime soon.” Mary smiled.

Mike and Amanda walked out to their car. Once they were inside, Mike said, “I liked her much better than the first guy. She was honest with us, and to me that makes her the one I want to do business with.”

“Yeah, I should have thought of Mary at first, but I was still in shock that you were in town, and you had asked me to marry you.”

He texted a message to John, the accountant back in his London office, and he asked him to figure it out as quickly as he could. Mike didn’t even mention the first spot they had seen earlier that day. He didn’t want to deal with a person who would so easily lie to him.


How many workers do you plan to hire, and how much will you pay them on average? John typed back to Mike. It had been about two hours since he’d seen the place.

No more than ten total, figure an average of $10 to $20 an hour at the most. Mike typed back.

Should be doable and without issue.

Mike smiled over at Amanda. “He said it will work at that cost per month.”

“Great, so do you want me to call Mary back? We could go and sign the papers now! I think she’d still be willing, it’s only 7 at night. The worst-case scenario is that we go in the morning,” Amanda said.

“Tell her we will meet her there in the morning to sign the papers. I want to celebrate with you tonight. Just a quiet night… the two of us… in a bed all snuggled up with no one else bothering us,” Mike said.

“Hey, I thought we were trying to wait until we got married to have sex again? You know, that was your idea,” Amanda reminded him.

“I don’t remember saying that!” He laughed.

“You did this morning, when we were in the shower together.”

“Okay, so we can snuggle up and that is good enough for me. I didn’t say we had to have sex. It’s just that I want to spend the night with only you, in my arms. Is that okay?”

“I think it sounds like the best plan in the world!” Amanda kissed him.

“So, come and snuggle with me, but leave your clothes on. Otherwise, I might be too tempted to make love to you all night long.” Mike smiled. “I think I can hold off for two days though. If we would have had to schedule the wedding any later, I might not really be able to keep my hands off you.”

“If you need to, I can give you the extra bedroom. Or even ask Mom if you can stay with them!” Amanda chuckled.

“Don’t you dare, you little minx. It took me this long to get back with you, I’m not going to be away from you ever again if I can help it.” Mike pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. “Those were the worst few weeks of my life.”

“Mine too. I thought it would be easy to get over you. I should have known better. You had me hooked from that first night when I heard your deep voice in my ear. I can still remember how my body was peppered with goosebumps all over.”

“Do you remember everything that I did to you that night?” he asked very softly into her ear.

“In great detail.” She smiled. “I’m sure once we are married you’ll be doing it all over again.”

“Of course! That and much more, each and every chance that I get. I love you, Amanda. I’m so happy that you have agreed to marry me, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world when you said yes.

“Though I have to admit your dad did scare the living hell out of me. I thought for a moment he was going to kick me out of his house on my ass!” Mike admitted. “He reminds me a little bit of Samuel L. Jackson.”

    “You know… you’re right, I just never really thought about that. He shocked me, however, never once had he said a good word about Eric,” Amanda admitted. “He had me going too. I almost just pulled you out of the house and told you that we should elope!”

They laughed together and Mike pulled her against his body. They slept soundly wrapped in each other’s arms.


Amanda looked in the mirror and fixed her hair, they were about to go to the court house. She smiled at her reflection. The last couple of days had been filled with planning and signing of the contract for his new office located in Glendale. They both planned to travel back to London and pack up his belongings that he would bring along.

Since they had decided on spending part of the year in London, and part in Arizona, he wouldn’t need to sell his house. She was happy that he had planned on keeping it, since she loved the Jacuzzi tub so much and the house did hold several wonderful memories for them.

Their flight would be going to London the next day. They planned on honeymooning in the UK, and finally seeing Stonehenge.

“Hey are you about ready… sweetheart?” she heard Mike call from the living room.

“Almost, I have just a few more things to do… give me about five minutes,” she yelled back.

“Your mom sent a message on your phone, she told you not to be late to your own wedding!” He laughed.

“We won’t be late, don’t worry,” she yelled back as she finished applying the last of her makeup.

She walked out and Mike whistled in appreciation. “You look absolutely stunning. I love that dress on you.” She twirled around and the white dress rose up a bit, displaying more of her legs, and she saw the deep appreciation in his eyes. “It is a nice dress, it’s a nice cream color; so, I’ll have to be careful to not let it get dirty.”

“Wait until you see what I have on underneath,” she added coyly.

Mike looked at her stone-faced and stated, “Now, that’s just not fair! I can’t promise that it won’t end up on the floor at the end of the night. It has been a long two days for me,” he said.

“Jeez, you act like a sex-starved teenager! You have only been without it for two whole days and that’s only 48 hours. You went without it for longer than that at some point in your life.”

“But, I’ve never had such an attractive partner, that I simply can’t seem to get enough of!” He smiled as she walked into his arms.


“Do you, Mike Edward Worth, agree to love, and cherish Amanda Sue Cousins in marriage?” the justice of peace asked Mike.

“Yes. Absolutely.”

“Do you, Amanda Sue Cousins, agree to love, honor, and cherish Mike Edward Worth in marriage?” the man turned and asked Amanda.

“I do.”

“I understand that the two of you also have your own vows that you both wanted to read?” the man asked.

“Yes, of course. You first,” Amanda said.

Mike cleared his throat. “Amanda, I’ve loved you since the first moment that I saw you sitting in that hotel bar, wearing that red dress. It hugged your curves in all the right ways, but it wasn’t just your desirable body that had me hooked. It was the whole package. You are a beautiful woman who is intelligent, kind and caring.

“I want to make you happy for the rest of your life. I promise to make every day with you better than the day before. I will cherish your every smile, every kiss, and each and every single time that I get to make love to you.”

The justice of peace cleared his throat. Mike looked up and apologized. “It isn’t too graphic, don’t worry,” he said and continued. “Amanda, you are the one woman who has made me feel alive, and you have changed me. I used to think that love at first sight was a bunch of bull.

“I used to think that there was no such thing as a soulmate. Now I know the only reason I felt this way, was because I hadn’t met you yet. Now that I have, I intend to hold onto you and never allow you to feel like you are less important than anything in my life. To me, you are the most important thing, and will always be that. I love you.”

The justice of the peace gave him a look and nodded at Amanda.

“Mike, I love you. You have given me more love than I ever thought I would receive from another person in my life. You opened my heart and your own to receive the love that I wasn’t sure I was capable of giving.

“I was scared at first, I thought it wasn’t possible to feel this way. But, now I know that this love we have is real and is a fact. I will always belong only to you. Each day I will live to give you more love and more joy. More than age and time could ever destroy. My love is so strong and it will last hundreds of lifetimes past our own lives. Thank you for making me happy.”

“I now pronounce you man and wife.” The justice signed their papers and gave them the copy once it was stamped and official.

Mike pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

“Congratulations to you both. Mike, those vows were a bit long,” Edward commented to him.

“Honestly, Edward, I could have talked for hours about how much I love your daughter. That was a version that was cut down from one that was originally around five pages long,” Mike said.

“Thank goodness!” Edward laughed and patted Mike on the back. “I know that you kids want to get off to home, and make sure you are all packed for the trip. We hope that once you get back, we can have you over for supper.”

“I haven’t been called a kid in forever!” Mike laughed.

“We’d love to come over when we get back,” Amanda answered. “Thanks Mom and Dad.” 

Her mom had tears in her eyes, she had cried during the exchange of vows. “It was lovely, you look so nice, and happy, finally.”

“Congratulations, both of you,” Janice said. “It was nice, but Edward is right, your vows were long, Mike. Are you sure you weren’t a lawyer in another life?”

Mike laughed. “I don’t think so.”

“Have a safe trip. I’ll see you both soon.” Janice hugged them.


“Are you sure we packed everything up that you want to take back to Phoenix?” Amanda asked Mike.

They had been on their honeymoon to Stonehenge and just arrived back to his house.

“I don’t want to pack, I want to make love to you again.” He smiled and came towards her.

“Didn’t you get enough on the honeymoon?”

“Never, I will never have enough of your loving!” he said as he caught up with her and swept her off of her feet.

She screamed as Mike picked her up and carried her off to the bedroom. He stood her up and undressed her. Taking off her shirt and slowly unhooking her bra, he whispered, “I will never tire of you.” He kissed her neck. His fingers traced over her nipples once the bra had fallen to the floor.

Amanda sucked in a breath of air, she felt the shock of longing zoom through her body. How could she still get so excited at his touch? She hadn’t realized that their love making would feel this wonderful every time and she was thrilled by it.

He unzipped her pants and rolled them down her legs. He pulled first one leg off and then the other. He grabbed her panties on each side, and seductively slid them off her. His tongue trailed along the side of her leg as he did it.

She moaned in response. Her nether regions were on fire, she wanted him. However, she had come to realize that Mike would never hurry through their love making. This tantalizing dance would last for almost an hour or more, if he had any say in it, and he normally did.

He lowered her onto the bed, and let his hands lightly caress her body. He stopped in all the strategic spots that he knew would drive her wild. She shuddered and shivered in response, her body driving closer and closer to an orgasm. Her first of many sessions, of that she was certain.

Mike would always make sure that Amanda had been pleased more than one time, before he would begin to think of his own pleasure. He had explained it to her, “I feel that it is important to make sure I take care of your needs first.

My needs come after that. But, I don’t want you to just orgasm one time. I desire for you to have many orgasms. I want you to feel sated by the time I begin to try and reach my own orgasm.”

She muttered his name. “Please make love to me, Mike,” she asked, though she knew he wouldn’t yet. The play had just begun.

He chuckled. “Not so quickly my love, we have a long way to go yet.”

He rolled her onto her back and spread her legs. He smiled as he gazed down at her sensual area. He placed his mouth on her ankle, and slowly licked up the side of her leg. When he reached her steaming crotch, he blew on her lips and she moaned loudly.

He moved back down to the other leg and followed the same line. Once more he blew on her lips but didn’t touch them with his body. She moved around and moaned loudly. “Please Mike.”

“Not yet… love.” He smiled.

He kissed her neck, and nibbled below her ear, his fingers played with her nipples that were rock hard. She wanted him in her so badly and wanted to explode around his hardness. She moaned loudly. “I’m so close, honey.”

“Let it go, I want to hear you scream out in ecstasy.” He kissed her breasts and bit her hard nipple. She screamed his name as her first orgasm flashed through her body. “That’s it, baby girl!” He smiled.

He kissed his way down her side, and back towards her smoldering core. His mouth touched her clit and she moaned again. “You like that don’t you?” he asked.

She nodded in agreement. “I can’t hear you.”

“Yes, I like it.” Amanda moaned.

“Tell me what you want!”

“I want you to make love to me,” Amanda said.

“No, first, what do you want me to do with my mouth?”

“Make me cum again,” Amanda said.

“How do you ask me?”

“Please Mike make me cum with your mouth,” she purred.

He put his mouth back over her clit and bit lightly on her nub. Amanda screamed out, she bucked her body up into his face. He grabbed her legs and pinned her down as his mouth assaulted her moist vaginal orifice.

She felt the pleasure as it built up to the stage where her mind would go blank, and there would be nothing in the world. Just her and Mike, joined as one, in this way. His mouth probing her bearded dragon as her juices poured from her body.

She screamed and shot over the edge as he nibbled on her nub once more and pushed a finger into her hole. She felt her entire body tingle all over, the joy of pleasure shouting out from every single cell of her being.

He licked up as much of her juices as he could and moved up her body. He pushed his hard, warm, steaming penis into her waiting body. She was soaked, and he slid into her without a problem.

Her insides clamped around his cock, as she rode out the rest of her orgasm. Mike pulled her up on top of him, and she rocked her body on his.

He moaned. “I like that, babe.”

She smiled at him, and slowed down a bit more, teasing him. It was her time to be in control. She’d make him crazy, like he had just made her.

Amanda sat up straight on his dick and let the full feeling warm her body. She felt his man root as it jumped inside of her and tapped on her g-spot. She moaned and felt her body moving towards another orgasm.

Mike pulled her down on his rigid member harder and pushed into her at the same time. She yelled out his name. He lifted her up and pulled her back down onto him again. Amanda tried to keep up the same pace with him and added with her own downward thrust of her body.

He buried his face deeply into her penis flytrap, and she moaned as he pushed against her g-spot again. “Oh God Mike, it feels so good. Don’t stop, please!”

“Never, babe.” He pulled her up and pushed her down again.

“I’m so close.” She moaned loudly.

“Me too.”

She started to move her own body once more and lifted up and pushed down onto him. He moaned and she could see just how close he was, his eyes closed and she lifted up once more and drove herself down his shaft as fast and hard as she could.

She screamed out as her own orgasm vaulted out. He held her in place as his seed shot into her chasm of delight, filling her up with the seed that they both hoped would lead to a child.

She rolled off him, they both panted in pleasure and from the exertion of love making.

“I love you Amanda.” Mike kissed her and pulled her to his body, cuddling her into his arms.

“I love you too Mike,” she said, the exertion had worn them both out and they both soon fell asleep.

She smiled in her sleep and dreamt of their happiness together. Maybe this time they would find out that she was pregnant. Of course, it could have been any of the dozens of times they had made love since they got married three weeks prior.

Both of them hoped that they would have at least one child. They understood it would be hard to spend half of their time in London and half in Phoenix if a child came into the mix. At least, once they began going to school.

However, they both knew that they would figure it out together. Nothing would stop them from being together and being happy. They knew it was all about communication, and they made sure to talk to each other all of the time.




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