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Her Fairytale Wolf: Howls Romance by Milly Taiden, Marianne Morea (5)


“She died when I was very young. Like you, it was just me and my dad.”

He looked at her. “And what about your dad? Is he a shifter, too?”

She shook her head. “No. Unfortunately, he’s gone, too. About ten years ago.”

“I’m sorry, Isabel.” He reached out and took her hand, sliding her fingers into his palm. Her scent ratcheted to saturated, her arousal thick and pure the moment he touched her. His wolf growled at the wet scent of her musk, snapping for him to pull her across the table and kiss her, hard.

“Don’t be.” She shrugged. “After my mom died, he retreated from me completely, so I was on my own long before he passed.”

“I guess it’s safe to assume you don’t know much about being dual-natured,” he prompted.

She shook her head again. “Nothing other than what I’ve read.”

“I’m originally from the mountains near the Russian River Valley. Lots of shifter families live there.” He paused, gauging if she understood his meaning. “My family is still there.”

“I can’t believe you left that kind of peace and natural beauty for this rat race.” She slid her hand from his grip to point to herself and he had to stop himself from snatching her hand back. “Me? Never.” She exhaled. “In this city, you can barely catch a clean breath.”

Zander nodded, licking his lips. “I know it’s hard. I’m assaulted by every foul scent this city produces, but I deal with it. Just like you. It’s what shifters do.”


Isabel’s eyes flew to his and she coughed, grabbing another paper napkin. He wasn’t sure if the look on her face was rocked-back surprise or revulsion. He’d just admitted he was shifter, too, and for most women that was the immediate aphrodisiac. Then again, Isabel wasn’t like most women, which was probably why his wolf wanted her so much.

“Zander, I’m—” Her words cut short in her mouth when the waitress brought their food.

The server put their plates down and dropped a small stack of extra napkins on the end of the table. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked.

Isabel shook her head. “I think we’re good for now, thanks.”

The server walked away and Zander picked up half of his sandwich, but kept his eyes on Isabel. A faint blush stained her cheeks, and the nervous energy coming off her in waves was thick in his nose. Was it the fact he was a shifter that made her so tense or was it because she wanted him as much as he wanted her?

Admittedly, she had no experience with their kind. He inhaled again, and smiled to himself. Her panties were damp. Whether she knew it or not, she wanted him. Still, instinct was instinct, and for a shifter female as wet and aroused as Isabel, they should be fucking against the wall in the ladies’ room by now. His mouth watered at the thought of her bare lush curves, his hips grinding between her full thighs.

Isabel lifted her straw from the thick berry flavored milkshake. The sight of her pink tongue curling around the frosted plastic was so erotic, Zander’s cock jerked in response. He groaned inwardly at the thought of that same full mouth on his hard length.

He cleared his throat, mentally tamping down on the images in his head. “Anyway, if Jezebel likes someone, I can unusually take that to the bank.” His gaze met hers. “I know we just met, Isabel, but I like you. A lot. What you did for my old girl wasn’t usual. At least, not in this neck of the woods.”

“I’m just happy I was there to help.” She smiled, tentatively reaching for his hand.

“Any chance we could turn this lunch into a dinner and drinks? Maybe a moonlit walk on the beach?” Zander watched her for a physical answer as much as a verbal one, but his cellphone rang before she could reply. He glanced at the caller ID. “It’s the vet’s office. Excuse me a moment.”

“Dr. Lewis. How’s my girl doing?” He nodded, listening. “Oh, okay. I’ll be there straight away.” He pressed end on his phone and then signaled for the waitress to bring the check.

“Everything okay?” Isabel asked.

He nodded. “Fine. Jezebel’s ready, but the vet’s office is closing early. Something to do with road repair, so I need to grab her before they lock up.” He gestured toward the register. “I’m going to pay the check, but can you wait for me? I’ll only be about ten or fifteen minutes and I’m sure Jezzie wants to see you again as much as I do.”

She smiled. “Sure. I’m in no rush.”

Inhaling, he got his answer. She’d be his before the night was out and his wolf howled inside. “Good. Order dessert or something.” With a nod to the waitress, Zander gave her the check with a handful of money and then winked at Isabel. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be quick.”

Taking a chance, he leaned in and kissed her, letting his lips linger on hers for a moment. The subtle taste of her beneath that sweet kiss made his cock thicken. It was only a matter of time until he’d taste her full and deeply, yet there was something about her that made him want to know every part of her, inside and out. He winked again and then was out the door like a shot.

Isabel watched him rush down the street toward the vet. The waitress chuckled, giving her an easy grin. “Can I get you anything else, honey? Your fella gave me enough to cover the entire menu.” She held out the wad of cash in her hand.

Isabel shook her head. “Not really, just a cup of coffee. Large, if you’ve got one.”

She nodded once. “Sure enough.”

It was close to rush hour and the street was crammed with cars. Isabel gazed at the noise and traffic on the opposite side of the diner’s window. With a soft cry, her mouth dropped open.

“Oh, shit!” She got up, scraping her chair back so hard it clattered to the floor.

“What happened? Are you okay?” the waitress asked, rushing over with her coffee.

“That’s my car!” Izzy pointed to the white hatchback hooked to a tow truck heading in the opposite direction of the vet’s office.

“Oh boy,” the waitress clucked. “That’s going to cost you a pretty penny. The impound is no joke. They take cash and only cash.”

Isabel fumbled for her purse. “How? I parked in a legit space out front of the vet’s office!”

The waitress snapped her gum. “They’re starting construction on that side of the street today. All cars needed to be cleared by four p.m. The receptionist didn’t warn you?”

“No, she didn’t.” Isabel took three steps toward the door, but then turned. “Shit! Zander.” She looked at the waitress again. “Can I borrow a pen?”

With a shrug, she handed Izzy a red felt tip marker. “This is all I have, hon. Customers keep leaving with my pens.”

“That’s fine, thanks.” Izzy grabbed a clean napkin from the stack on the end of the table and scribbled a quick note to Zander with her name and cell number, asking him to meet her tonight. She stuck the note under her milkshake, hesitating as condensation from the glass spread onto the napkin’s edge. She reached for it, but the waitress shooed her out the door.

“Go, honey. The impound won’t wait. I’ll see Prince Charming gets your note.” She winked.

Izzy exhaled. “Can you tell him what happened with my car? I don’t want him to think I ran out on him for no reason.”

“Sure, honey. No worries. Now, get going. Maybe you can catch the driver and sweet talk him out of taking your car.”

With a nod, Isabel rushed for the door, her gut in a knot over more than paying the impound fee.