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Her Heart Was In Havana: A BWWM Romance (International Alphas Book 11) by Sherie Keys (13)



Catherine watched Michael as he sat down beside her on the dock and clasped her hand in his.


“I’m sorry,” he said simply.


She nodded. “I’m sorry too.”


The sound of the waves filled the air as they awkwardly paused, not sure how to continue their conversation. Both opened their mouths to speak at the same time, then let out a nervous laugh.


Catherine gestured for him to talk. “You first.”


He swallowed hard, looked her in the eyes, and sincerely stated, “I love you.”


She coughed in surprise and almost fell back. “Well, I wasn’t quite expecting that.” She squeezed his hand and leaned in for a kiss, which he returned with unrestrained lust. They held one another for a few moments as they were flooded with emotion.


“I love you, too.” Her words were a whisper in his ear, causing goose bumps to spread along his spine.


He took her hands and brought them to his chest. “I know this all doesn’t seem to make sense right now, and if you want to go back, I’ll be happy to do so. But this routine, is somewhat normal for me and my bunch, we’re used to the wackiness.”


She let the words sink in, let the sound of the lapping water fill the moment as her mind churned. Brown eyes peered out at the vastness of the ocean, the shadows of the sprawling wooded jungle, and the sand lazily stirring in the quiet wind. He peered at her curiously as he waited for a reaction, but she simply leaned into him and let him wrap his arms around her.


“I get it, handsome. I’m in it with you, I trust you.”


The words were simple, but he felt their weight. He pulled her close and kissed her head. “Thank you.”


They stayed on the dock for a while, letting the day slowly slip by and the sun pass overhead. The island was a thing of beauty. The white sand was  in stark contrast to the rich, deep green forest that surrounded the cabin. Soft moss dangled from tree limbs and covered the ground in a royal carpet. Blossoms of every color enriched the coast with vibrant colors, and song birds sang out lively tunes. They watched the occasional bird dive at tiny crabs darting across the beach. As late afternoon began to settle around them, Michael reached over and squeezed her shoulder, then stood up with a stretch.


“You ready for some dinner?” he asked as he offered a hand.


She clasped it and gave a nod. “Fresh catch of the day?” she smiled.


He laughed loudly. “I wish! Not in my skill set, sadly.”


“Fair enough…” she paused and looked at him quizzically, “Do you actually know how to cook? I’ve not once seen you in the kitchen.”


He looked up as he seemed to think about the question. “I mean, I used to.”


She laughed. “Oh man, we’re in for a treat tonight.”


He gave her a playful shove. “Hey, kitchen is all yours if you think you can do better.”


She put her hands up in defeat. “Never said better, just asked a genuine question.”


“Mhmmm.” He pulled her hips close as they walked across the sand toward the house.


Catherine quickly found herself helping Michael navigate the kitchen to prepare the burgers and fries he had hurriedly grabbed. The area was expansive with plenty of white cabinets, black marble countertops, and a stormy grey tile backsplash. The appliances were all shining stainless steel, and the gas stove had six burners.


An island adorned in matching black marble sat in the middle of the hardwood floor, with a sleek, metal pot hanger overhead, and the window above the sink looked out to the beach. Had she not been locked away hiding, she would have loved to spend time cooking in this beautiful setting.


As she stood at the island slicing tomatoes for dinner, his hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her ass close to his hard groin. His beard tickled her neck and he gently kissed the nape of her neck. She giggled softly at the sensation, then put down the utensil and turned to face him with hungry, inviting eyes.


“Can I help you?” she asked with sarcasm.


He flashed a flirtatious grin. “I certainly hope so.”


He pressed his body closer, sliding a hand under her tight, powder blue top and caressing her breasts, his fingers squeezing until she let out a soft hiss of desire. Her lips slowly worked from his collar bone, up the soft curves of his neck, until she reached that strong jawline where she nipped at him playfully. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest, and his other hand reached for her thick, round ass and traced the curves so lightly that it tickled her sensitive skin. She giggled, and he buried his lips deeper into her neck and chest, the act only encouraging her laughter.


In a swift motion, he spun her around again and placed a hand against her back, pushing her forward onto the island. The table came up just to her waist. As she folded forward, her ass stuck out, and he slapped it with a loud smack. She let out a gasp of surprise, her eyes widening as those powerful hands worked over her curves and clutched at her hips. She bit her lip seductively as she realized what he was getting at.


With an exaggerated motion, she leaned all her weight onto the slick, cool marble and let him enjoy the full view of her behind. He flashed her a look of ardor, pupils blown out in heated need. He hooked his fingers inside her yoga pants and gave a yank to reveal her naked ass, accented by a lacy, bright red thong. The sight made him smirk. He slapped her again, and she moaned in pleasure at the sensation of his bare hand against her soft skin. Without hesitation, he reached down, undid his pants, and let them fall to his knees. His hand immediately went to rub his shaft, which was hard and full, and she grew wet as he pressed it against her in a teasing motion.


He leaned his weight against her back, his dick pressed against her ass as she let out a moan of desire. Silky lips brushed her earlobe, the sensation sending an exhilarated chill down her spine and throughout her limbs. His warm breath heated the base of her skull and his breathing grew quicker with the slight, tantalizing motion of her rubbing against him. She let herself sway to a slow rhythm, each stroke making them tremble in need as they relished the pleasure of it.


He reached down and roughly grabbed her hips, then let his head tease her soaked, throbbing pussy. She sucked in a deep breath. The feeling of him being so close to her, without pushing inside the warmth that awaited him, drove her crazy. He let out a heavy breath as he restrained himself, his hands squeezing her hips so tight now that she felt his fingers dig deep into her skin.


She looked back at him and saw his lips pulled back in a growl, white teeth showing in animalistic want. She pushed back against his restraint, trying to press his member deeper into her slick lips, but he pulled away with a small laugh. He leaned down again as he whispered in her ear.


“Not til I say so.” His words, like fire, shook her to the core.


She glared back, a sneer on her own lips, and pushed again to feel him inside of her, but he only stroked her with his tip. She let out a frustrated whimper, and he reached up and brushed the hair from her eyes, his seductive smile getting the best of her.


“What’s the rush?” he asked in a hushed tone.


She growled. “I need you inside of me.”


“Mmm, I might have to think about it,” he teased her as another push put him that much closer to her aching clit.


“Please, Michael…” she begged.


He bit his lip and looked at her with dazed eyes.


“Say it again,” he told her.


“Please, I need you inside of me… Now.” Her voice was low and desperate, breathless from the endless teasing.


With a sudden surge, he pushed himself inside her. She screamed in release. Completely drenched and worked up beyond measure, she felt as if she could orgasm right then. But she held it back. He slowly began to thrust his hips, and each smack made the boiling sensation of sexual energy grow more and more within her.


“Harder.” Her growl echoed against the cold marble of the counter beneath her chest.


“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he breathed out the tease.


“Fuck, you know I would,” she replied as she pushed herself against his rocking motion.


His motions grew quicker. She felt him hit her in a way she hadn’t experienced yet, but she loved it. Her delicate hands were splayed against the countertop, and the front of her body slid back and forth with the rhythm against the sleek black rock. His hands hadn’t moved from her hips as he guided her with each motion. He was enjoying every moment of the control.


She felt the swell of the orgasm begin, then he landed with precision on her g-spot, and her body gave in to the exquisite sensation. Her eyes rolled back, and she gasped. It was more than she could bear.


“Right fucking there, damn….” He pushed harder as she talked to him. “You feel so… so good.” She could hardly get the words past her lips, her mind now buzzing with bliss as he continued to pop her just right.


“Oh, you love that, don’t you? You dirty, dirty girl…” he growled as the rhythm became almost frantic, his thighs and ass tense as his athletic body worked the pumping motion to appease her needs.


She nodded and moaned, no longer able to translate her thoughts to words as her mind focused on the growing thrill within her. She sucked in a quick breath. Then her eyes fluttered, and she felt the spasm hit her hard and deep.


“Fuck!” she yelled at the top of her lungs as it hit her, the release amplified as his hands pushed her down harder onto his cock.


Impulsive movements seized her as the utter bliss ripped through her body. Her lips curled in a smile as she screamed for him, his cock completely satisfying her wet, quivering center. She felt him tense and then release himself with a deep, loud roar. Each twinge was a pulse of pleasure that swept through them as they came again and again on the messy kitchen counter. He gave one last final thrust as she moaned in defeat, and then collapsed on her back, skin slick with sweat and breathless sighs escaping their lips.


They lay on the cool marble for a few moments, the surface a relief to their hot skin. His weight felt good against her, his cock still nestled hard and twitching deep inside of her as the post pangs of fruition passed. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, little pecks making her giggle as he nuzzled her affectionately. He slowly withdrew, and she pushed herself up and off the counter. They looked at one another lovingly. He leaned back into her and wrapped those big arms around her waist, then kissed her forehead as she sighed in complete contentment.




The near full moon hung lazily in the cloudless night sky. The pale moonlight washed over the beach in a chalky blue and brought a completely different feel to the island. The lovers sat on the balcony, hands held tightly as they watched the otherworldly scene dance below. The water now appeared to be a dark, navy blue that shimmered and rippled beneath the glowing orb. The sands still seemed to glow and light the night almost as bright as day. A chortle of a dolphin could be heard in the distance, and Catherine gasped and pointed as the iconic silhouettes passed by the beach in a large group.


“Look at them,” she whispered, as if her voice would scare them if too loud.


“We’ll have to go watch them one of these days, they’re gorgeous to see in the sun.”


“I bet.” She gently and affectionately stroked his thumb between her fingers, while his eyes locked on her form in the moonlight.


“You’re gorgeous, too.” A smirk crossed his face.


“So, you’re comparing me to dolphins?” she asked with a laugh.


“No, that just… came out wrong.”


She reached over and ruffled his hair in jest. “You’re not too bad looking yourself, handsome.”


The sound of the lapping water and rustling leaves returned as they sat silently watching the night. In this moment, sitting next to the man she had fallen in love with, Catherine felt absolutely content, more alive than she ever thought possible. It had been almost two months at this point, and she didn’t know if she could ever return to her home without him.


“Do you want to take a trip?” his question pierced the still air and startled her from her thoughts.


“I mean, I’m kinda on one still…” she trailed off, and he shook his head in response.


“No, to get away from the chaos back at the estate for a bit? The team has off, Lucas is doing well but nearby if he needs anything. We’ve been going nonstop for weeks, I think we could use an adventure somewhere else, Spain, maybe? Or Ireland? What do you think?”


She pondered the suggestion. Work was caught up, the team was enjoying some time off, and while this had been somewhat of a vacation, she had still put in a lot of hours. She could use a break from it all.


“I think I’d like that, what are you thinking?”


He stood up and leaned against the railing, his arms crossed as he looked down at her. “I’m thinking we take the boat to the airport in the morning and get the hell outta dodge for a while.”


“What about everyone at home?” she asked with a curious glance.


“I can give Lucas a call in the morning, let him know the plan. He’ll hold down the fort. What do you say? One call to my pilot and we can go anywhere… minus the States, anywhere but there.” He chuckled.


She paused, then stood up and threw her arms wide. “What the hell, let’s do it.”


“Yeah?” he raised a brow at her.


She nodded with a grin. “Hell, yeah.”


Before he could continue, the radio crackled to life, and they heard Lucas’ voice come through.


“Speak of the devil…” Michael trailed off as he grabbed the device and turned up the volume to hear his brother more clearly.


“Hey Lucas, go ahead.”


“Michael, we’ve got an issue here…” the feedback cut in and out, the voice fading.


“What’s that? You’re cutting out? What’s the problem?” Michael straightened up, his shoulders squared as he grew tense and the radio echoed a faint voice.


“Barber, he’s on…” the radio cut out again.


“Damn it…” Michael grunted as he adjusted the signal.


“He’s got a…” The hiss of static strained in the night.


“Lucas, we can’t hear you. Start over, what about Barber? Is here there? What’s going on?”


They strained to listen, but the signal was weak and the noise was a sharp, white feedback. Then suddenly the radio waves went silent. Their hearts raced as they waited with bated breath to hear something, to know what was happening back at home.


“He’s inside… we need… get out… send… help” The words came in and out, the crackle of static so loud, Catherine thought she’d have to cover her ears.


She watched Michael’s face narrow in concern. “Lucas, I can’t hear you. I need to know what’s going on.”


A moment passed. Inaudible noises continued to filter in and out of the little speaker, and she watched his knuckles grow white as he anxiously clutched the receiver. His face was contorted in worry, and she reached out to rest a hand on his. He shook his head in bewilderment.


“We need to know what’s going on there, I don’t like this.”


“Me either,” she agreed with a quick nod. They both stared at the old, bright radio as though it were a lifeline between them and everyone back home.


“We need you…”


Before Lucas could finish, a loud bang echoed over the radio. The sound was convoluted but recognizable nonetheless. Catherine held a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide in shock and worry. It was a gunshot.


“Lucas! Lucas! Can you hear me?! Lucas!” Michael slammed a fist into the rail so hard it snapped under the pressure, wood splinters spraying. In abject defeat, he threw the silenced radio to the ground.


“Son of a bitch!” His yell echoed on in the silence of the island, bounced off the palm trees and over the soft, white sands but fell on only Catherine’s ears as they stood in horrifying silence.


“What the hell was that?” she asked, her heart racing and her senses on fire as reality hit.


Had that man breached security? Was he taking hostages? They had no way on knowing. The radio seemed to be defective, and they hadn’t been able to pull much from the few words they could hear.


“I don’t know, but we need to get back there. Now.”




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