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His Knight (Shining Armor Book 1) by Charity Parkerson (6)

Chapter Six

Wyatt touched him a lot, so much so that Benny questioned his sanity more than once in the past two months. He shouldn’t have stopped Wyatt from stroking his dick while he had the chance. Wyatt hadn’t tried again and Benny’s body screamed for attention, which was stupid, because Wyatt wouldn’t stop touching him. He never took a step without Wyatt’s hand on the small of his back. If they sat side by side, Wyatt alternated between playing with Benny’s fingers and massaging his nape. Sometimes, they’d be doing nothing at all, and Wyatt would pull him into a hug. Not just any hug. They’d touch from shoulder to hip with no air between them. To top things off, Wyatt was always hard for him. Benny lived in a perpetual state of dehydration from his mouth constantly watering.

Unfortunately, everything came back to Wyatt not trying anything sexual again. Not even a kiss. It was maddening. Benny was certain he’d completely fucked things up and lost his chance, but he didn’t know how to say that to Wyatt.

Benny searched his mind so intently, he almost missed hearing his name called. His nerves set in. Logically, he knew the place was so packed no one focused on him, but he’d never been more self-conscious. Even though Benny had moved from crutches to a cane, he had to revert to the crutches to make it up the stairs to the stage. He wasn’t good with the crutches and the entire get-up of cap and gown made the stairs twice as hard to navigate. The audience erupted into cheers, making Benny drop his gaze. The cheers weren’t really for him. They were for what he’d done during the shooting. He didn’t deserve the applause. Despite the noise, he could still pick out Wyatt’s voice, yelling over everyone. He blushed as he was handed his diploma.

“That’s my man,” Wyatt screamed, seeming to pick to the exact moment the rest of the room fell silent.

Benny’s face was on fire. He hoped he made it through without dying from embarrassment. Surely people could. After all, that saying came from somewhere. Benny’s odd train of thought carried him through the trek back to his seat. By the time the ceremony ended, Benny was in hell. His body screamed for mercy and he still had to fight his way out of there while carrying his diploma. Thoughts of Wyatt and where they were headed only managed to distract him so much. Not to mention, the university had given a long tribute for the victims of the shooting. Benny couldn’t find a deep enough hole for dealing with that. They’d flashed pictures of everyone taken too soon, and Benny’s eyes had refused to focus on the screen. There was no reason for him to have survived other than he’d been right where Wyatt arrived. He’d never thanked Professor Thomalson for that. She’d played a hand in destiny.

He thanked every deity when he spotted Wyatt and Ella waiting for him at the edge of the crowd. Benny nearly collapsed in relief. He didn’t know how they could make things better, but he knew Wyatt would try.

Wyatt’s gaze moved over his face. Benny knew Wyatt saw his strain. “Mom, will you carry Benny’s crutches? He’s going to lean on me, so I can help him. There’s no real support using those crutches.”

“Sure, babe,” Ella said, accepting Benny’s crutches. Before he could move away, she pulled him into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, and I’m sure your mom is too.”

Benny pasted on a smile and tried not to wince. Benny didn’t have the heart to tell her his mom was probably gone. He didn’t have the heart or the voice. Not to mention, it was a bad time. That didn’t stop his throat from swelling at her words. More than once, he’d wondered if his mom had sent these people into his life—like she was out there, watching over him, and sending him exactly who he needed most right when he needed them. He hated the direction of his thoughts. Today, he felt the absence of family in his life more than ever before. He never felt like he could talk to anyone about it. This day would be no different.

“Thank you. It means a lot to me for you to be here,” he said instead of making any uncomfortable confessions.

Ella waved off his words. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

After turning away, Ella made a path through the crowd. Wyatt’s arm encircled Benny’s waist. He carried more of Benny’s weight than Benny did. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I know wherever your mom is, she is proud. Just as much as I am,” Wyatt said for Benny’s ears alone. “Of course, that was already true.”

“Thank you for this,” Benny said, hoping his throat wouldn’t swell closed. “I wouldn’t have made it here today without you.” He meant in more ways than one. Wyatt had been there for him like no one else. Unfortunately, he couldn’t think of a single thing to say strong enough to express his feelings. Instead, he went with Wyatt in silence. He made it through dinner, presents, and cake without gazing at Wyatt like a lovesick puppy. At least, he hoped he managed some dignity. Wyatt unbuttoned his collar and sleeves. Dignity fled as he watched Wyatt roll up his sleeves. His attention was locked on Richie and whatever they discussed. Benny couldn’t hear a single thing past the sound of his heartbeat. He’d never wanted anyone more. Wyatt was fucking beautiful. Even the way his lips moved caused a flutter in his stomach.

He couldn’t stop staring at the sleeves of Wyatt’s button-down shirt. Rolled up, they showed off the man’s dark skin and muscular forearms. Benny’s gaze wouldn’t budge. Wyatt laughed at something Richie said. Benny couldn’t take it any longer.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” He flashed Richie on apologetic smile.

“Yeah,” Wyatt said, looking worried. “I’ll catch up with you later,” Wyatt said to Richie as he let Benny lead him away.

Benny found the first private spot. Inside Ella’s pantry. He closed the door behind them, shutting them inside. The concern written in Wyatt’s features almost made Benny feel guilty.

“What’s wrong?”

Benny rushed to reassure him. “Nothing. I’m sorry. I just had something I wanted to ask you.”

Wyatt’s eyebrows rose in question. Benny couldn’t make his tongue work. He needed to know if he’d ruined things. Benny lost the courage to ask. No matter how he worded the question in his mind, it sounded dumb. Frustration turned to determination. He was tired of feeling helpless. Benny took a step closer. Wyatt had nowhere to go. Not that he tried. Benny’s palms flattened against Wyatt’s hard chest. Wyatt’s heated expression buoyed his courage.

The door opened. Ella looked as stunned to see them as Benny was at getting caught in her pantry. “Carry on,” she said before closing them inside once more.

Horror had Benny dropping his forehead to Wyatt’s chest. Wyatt’s low chuckle did nothing to squelch his embarrassment. When the man’s arms encircled him, the heat in Benny’s face was for a different reason. “In for a pound, I guess,” Benny said, lifting his head and tugging Wyatt’s mouth down to his.

Wyatt didn’t react right away. Then, his hold tightened, and Wyatt’s teeth sank into his bottom lip. Benny melted inside. When their tongues brushed, Benny forgot his embarrassment. Every time Wyatt had touched him in the past few weeks had led them here. Benny realized now, Wyatt had been waiting for permission.

“I thought you’d decided you didn’t want me.”

The words so closely mirrored Benny’s feelings, he wondered for a second if he’d spoken his thoughts aloud until he realized the confession came from Wyatt. The man barely slowed kissing him to make the admission, saving Benny from saying something idiotic. Wyatt’s touch softened. His fingers brushed Benny’s jaw as he pulled away.

“Did you really have something to ask me or was this what you were after?”

Benny shrugged. “Honestly? I just broke,” Benny admitted with a smile.

Wyatt nodded, as if he understood something even Benny didn’t. “I’m glad you did, because I have something to ask… or say—however you want to take it.”

“Okay,” Benny said, trying to suppress the sudden butterflies in his stomach. If Wyatt had something horrible to tell him, he wished the man would’ve done it before Benny made a fool of himself and kissed him.

“I’d like to date you. Seriously. I mean, like exclusively,” Wyatt said, sounding like he wasn’t sure he was being clear.

Benny fought against his smile. “I’d like that too.”

A smile exploded across Wyatt’s face. “You know we’ll have to make the walk of shame from this pantry.”

“You’re worth it,” Benny said, never meaning anything more in his life. Plus, he was used to embarrassing himself. This was just another day, except this time, he wasn’t alone. Wyatt made him feel like he’d never be alone again.

* * *

It was funny. The room was empty when they stepped out—almost as if his mom had cleared the kitchen so they wouldn’t get caught leaving the pantry together. They walked hand in hand and from room to room, searching for the party. It felt damn good to hold Benny’s hand in his. He loved openly claiming him. Benny had felt like his since they met. Now, it was true.

They found the party outside. His mom had Darrel trying to start a fire in the metal pit on the patio. “Hey,” she said when she spotted them.

“Hey, what’s this?” Wyatt asked, claiming the first lounge chair he came to. He’d planned to pull Benny into his lap. His mom grabbed Benny into a hug before he could.

“We’re keeping the party going for my boy. I’m just so damn proud.”

Wyatt knew without looking Benny was blushing and he couldn’t stop smiling. “I am too,” Wyatt said, adding his thoughts. “Not everyone makes it this far in life.”

Benny flashed him a smile. “I can’t lie. I’m surprised I made it. The only Spanish I learned in four years of Spanish class is how to ask if I can go to the bathroom. Between cheating my way through every test and homework assignment, and immediately asking if I could go to the bathroom every time I got called on in class, somehow I managed to bullshit my way through.”

“Hey, knowing how to ask if you can go to the bathroom in another language is a good skill to have,” Wyatt said in Benny’s defense.

Benny nodded, looking serious. “It completely saved my life once on a trip to Cancun after accidentally drinking the water.”

Everyone laughed except Jayden. “Why do you do that?” Jayden asked, sounding judgmental as hell. “I’m not trying to be a dick,” Jayden added, casting a quick glance Wyatt’s way as if he felt Wyatt’s ire. “It’s just that I noticed at the hospital you do that a lot. I’m genuinely curious why you tell on yourself when something ridiculous happens to you. Why do you draw attention to your flaws?”

Wyatt opened his mouth, ready to blast Jayden.

Benny came to his own rescue. “Nobody really cares if I embarrass myself. If they do, they’re not people I want around. Everyone has stupid shit happen to them, and does dumb things, but it’s up to the individual to choose how they look at it. Sometimes things are only bad if you let them be. Maybe, instead, it’s just a funny story to share.” He switched his gaze Wyatt’s way. “Tell me something ridiculous about yourself.”

Wyatt thought it over. It took him a while. He wasn’t used to laughing at himself the way Benny did, but he was determined to prove Benny right. “I always trip over that little step down into your bathroom. It doesn’t seem to matter how often I go in there. I trip over it every damn time.”

Benny’s smile made his confession worthwhile. “See? No one called you an idiot and swore they’d never look at you the same.”

“Nope,” Wyatt said, proud of his man. “Not that I’d give two shits if they did. Come here; you have to be tired of standing.”

Wyatt knew he was right when Benny leaned on his cane more than usual as he moved to Wyatt’s side. He patted the spot between his legs before helping Benny sit. Every head, except for his mom’s, turned their way when Wyatt pulled Benny back against his chest and wrapped the man in his arms. He didn’t bother checking their reactions. The way Wyatt had been acting since meeting Benny, they had to have known this was coming. He’d spent every waking moment with the man since the hospital.

Darrel, being the amazing friend he’d always been, only let the silence go on for half a minute. “Hey, speaking of stupid shit, do you remember that time I thought you’d given me the wrong keys to the new SWAT truck?”

A burst of laughter escaped Wyatt. “You were so pissed off at me.”

“Dude, it took me two hours to get out there to the lot to trade out vehicles. It was a hundred and ten degrees out and the keys wouldn’t work. There was no air in the old truck and I had to sit out there in the heat and wait for you to make the drive. By the time you got there, I was ready to kill you.”

Wyatt couldn’t stop laughing at the memory. Benny was right. Laughter was the way to go when you always did stupid shit.

Darrel kept going, obviously feeding off the attention. “Then your ass finally got there, walked right up to a different truck, and unlocked it.”

Wyatt swiped at his eyes. He tried talking and laughing at the same time. “Your face, when you realized you’d been trying to unlock the wrong vehicle for two hours, was priceless.”

“Two hours,” Darrel yelled. “Two fucking hours, I spent in that heat, thinking you’d given me the wrong keys and I’d been at the wrong goddamn truck the whole time.”

Benny’s laughter made Wyatt’s heart smile. Still, Benny tried soothing Darrel’s pride. “In your defense, all those SWAT vehicles you use look alike. I probably would’ve made the same mistake.”

Wyatt almost hated to disabuse Benny’s defense. “That’s true, except Darrel had the VIN and tag number right on the key fob.”

“There was that time I spent two hours holding a patient’s imaginary friend’s hand, so he’d agree to transport,” Jayden said, getting in the spirit of things. Wyatt looked his way and winked. He knew Jayden was a good guy. The guy’s odd mood aside, Jayden wasn’t mean-spirited. Wyatt had known he would come around.

Richie wasn’t one to get left behind either. “I remember that. He’d gotten ahold of some laced weed, so I called you in. The funny thing was, it turned out, the drugs had nothing to do with the imaginary friend. Turns out, he was just crazy.”

“Yet, you left me with him,” Jayden said.

Wyatt listened as everyone tried talking over the top of everyone else, in a bid to have the most embarrassing story. His arms tightened around Benny. Most men would’ve been offended by Jayden’s challenge and the night would’ve been uncomfortable for everyone. Benny wasn’t like anyone else. He looked at the world differently. In turn, everyone around him did too.

While everyone else listened to Richie tell a story about tripping and falling into the bushes, Benny turned his head and focused on Wyatt. Wyatt’s breath caught at the flirtatious glint in his eyes. “You should come home with me tonight,” Benny said for Wyatt’s ears alone.

“Agreed. By the way you’re limping, I’m thinking you need a massage.” Wyatt couldn’t hide the heat in his tone.

“Are you offering?”

Wyatt smirked. He felt it happen—like his wickedness couldn’t be contained. “Anything you want or need—ever—I’m your man.”

Benny’s mouth lifted in one corner. “Damn right you are.”

“What are the two of you whispering about over there?” Despite Jayden’s light tone, his eyes told a different story. Wyatt got a bad feeling in his gut.

“About Benny’s health. He’s still not fully healed, and it’s been a long day.”

“What about you?” Jayden asked, his voice hardening and deepening Wyatt’s fears. “Who’s looking out for your health?”

“The boys are looking out for each other,” Wyatt’s mom said, laughing. “Thank goodness they are, since we’ve been wearing them out. We should let them go rest while you boys take an old lady out drinking.”

“I love this idea,” Darrel said, coming to his feet. “It’s been a long time since we’ve seen you do body shots off a stripper.”

Wyatt laughed even as he urged Benny to his feet. “I should get Benny home, and Mom definitely deserves a fun night on the town.”

Everyone stood.

Jayden shifted forward. “Wyatt, can I

Ella snagged Jayden’s arm, cutting him off. “What do you say, Jayden? Are you ready to dance with me?”

Seeing his mom’s gift of interference for what it was, Wyatt rushed Benny inside without saying goodbye. “I didn’t get to tell your mom bye or thank her for putting this together.”

“Trust me,” Wyatt said, trying to get Benny out of there. “She knows you appreciate her, and she’s trying to get us out of here before the guys rope us into going with them.”

Wyatt grabbed Benny’s gifts and headed for the door. “Besides, I’m ready to be alone with you.” He didn’t look at Benny as he made the claim. That was why it surprised him when Benny stepped into his path and went chest to chest with him. His gaze shot to Benny’s in surprise. The heat in the man’s eyes had Wyatt’s mind blanking. Benny didn’t say anything. It was obvious the move had been all about getting Wyatt’s attention. He had it. Wyatt dipped his chin without thought and touched his lips to Benny’s. Being with Benny was as natural as breathing. The past couple of months, he’d been fighting fate by not kissing Benny each time his lips had tingled with the desire. Right here was where they were meant to be—in each other’s arms. Wyatt wouldn’t take advantage of Benny. His respect ran too deep. But he would accept the man’s offer to stay the night, and Benny wouldn’t go unsatisfied.

* * *

Before Wyatt, Benny never thought of himself as a brave person. Now, Wyatt had him reassessing his life. When he thought back on the past few years, Benny realized he’d been nothing but strong, independent, and brave. He’d been alone since his mom’s departure and he’d still accomplished a lot. Every goal he’d set for himself, he’d crushed. Even when he’d been nervous or downright scared, Benny hadn’t let those feelings stop him. He wouldn’t let the shaking in his gut hold him back now either.

As they pulled into the driveway of Benny’s duplex, Benny pressed his hand against his stomach, hoping to stop the fluttering. His bravado fled. He’d invited Wyatt to stay the night in the heat of the moment. Now he was scared he didn’t have what it took to please a man like him. Wyatt had played pro football. Not to mention, the man was sexier than most. Benny didn’t doubt Wyatt could have any man he chose with the crook of a finger. Benny wasn’t that experienced. Sex was embarrassing. What had he been thinking?

“Are you okay?”

Benny dropped his hand to his lap and looked over at Wyatt’s question. His nervousness level dipped, became a low thrum in the back of his mind. Lust clouded everything. “I’m nervous.” Benny wanted to slap himself. He didn’t know why he always said whatever he thought without running it through a filter.

Wyatt’s sweet smile made the confession worthwhile. “You shouldn’t be. I just want to hold you.”

Disappointment slammed into Benny. “Oh.”

“And maybe play a little,” Wyatt said with a smile so wicked Benny almost came right then. “I still also need to give you your present,” Wyatt added.

Since Wyatt had given him a card at the party with a hundred dollars inside, Benny was confused. “You’ve already given me a present.”

Wyatt looked entirely too pleased with himself. “Nope. That was a graduation gift. See, I’ve been biding my time and watching to see what you’re interested in and need before deciding on a belated birthday gift.” He reached behind the seat and grabbed a brightly wrapped box. “I’ll carry it inside with your other gifts.” Benny climbed from the car and followed Wyatt to the door. He eyed the gift box as he dug out his keys. His curiosity was off the charts. He couldn’t imagine what Wyatt had decided he needed. Benny felt like a kid on Christmas morning. He didn’t get gifts often. In fact, since meeting Wyatt, he had gotten more presents than he had in years. As if Wyatt felt his excitement and wanted to torture him, he didn’t hand the box over until Benny gave up and settled on the couch. Wyatt didn’t sit as Benny tore off the paper. He hovered, looking unsure of himself. With the first big swipe of paper from the box, a brand name came into sight. It was the most expensive laptop on the market. Benny froze. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. No one had ever done anything like this for him before. He didn’t know how to react.

“I don’t know what to say,” he finally admitted. His chest hurt.

From the corner of his eye, Benny saw Wyatt shift nervously. “What’s wrong? Do you hate it? You sound like you hate it.”

Benny couldn’t breathe. People didn’t do things like this for people they’d known for three months. “It’s amazing.” The words came out on a choked whisper.

Wyatt rescued the laptop from Benny’s numb fingers. He set it aside before taking a seat on the coffee table. His palms slid up Benny’s thighs as he leaned forward between Benny’s knees, forcing him to meet Wyatt’s stare. “What’s wrong?”

Those light green irises that lived in his dreams held Benny’s gaze. This man was steady. He was the kind of man that Benny always dreamed he’d marry. Benny had been alone practically his whole life. The words came with no thought from Benny. “I don’t know how to lose you, but I always eventually lose everyone. It just hit me how much emptier my life will be once you’re gone.”

Without a word, Wyatt tugged Benny to his feet and headed for the bedroom. At the edge of the bed, Benny stood still as Wyatt tugged off his clothes, undressing him as if he was a child. “Don’t worry,” Wyatt said in a quiet tone, sounding as stoic as he appeared. “I just want to hold you, but I need your skin against mine,” he said as he worked his own shirt over his head. Benny ate the man alive with his gaze. The huge muscles, dark skin, and light scars. Every line, perfection, and flaw belonged to Benny. Wyatt unbuttoned Benny’s pants. He kept his gaze locked on his hands. “I could tell you that you won’t lose me, but I don’t know how to make you believe me.” He slid Benny’s zipper down and pushed the material down Benny’s hips—underwear and all. Once he stood nude, Wyatt stripped out of the rest of his clothes. “All I can do is show you I’m not going anywhere. Get in bed.”

With a dry mouth, Benny crawled under the covers. Wyatt had said they wouldn’t have sex, but they were nude and Wyatt’s sexy body was slipping beneath the covers with him. He didn’t know what else to think. Wyatt slid close and rolled Benny to his side where the pressure was on his good leg and his back was against Wyatt’s chest. He could feel Wyatt’s erection pressed between their bodies, but Wyatt made no move to jump him. Benny’s dick leaked. A huge part of him hoped it would happen. He craved not having to make the choice. Wyatt’s lips brushed the spot beneath Benny’s ear. Goosebumps coated his skin. Wyatt palmed his hip, massaging. Benny’s lips parted on a pant as his eyes fell closed. The man’s lips moved lower. His tongue swiped Benny’s neck. A moan escaped. Wyatt’s fingers dug deeper into Benny’s skin. Benny focused on them as they moved closer to his erection. Wyatt rolled his hips as if he couldn’t resist humping Benny. His mouth opened wide on Benny’s shoulder. He sucked. Benny writhed. A pant slipped out when Wyatt’s fingers encircled his cock. He couldn’t take it. Touching Wyatt was a must. He reached behind him and palmed Wyatt’s dick. The angle was odd, but Benny didn’t let that stop him. The way Wyatt handled his cock and the suction of his mouth on Benny’s shoulder had Benny ready to fly apart. He moved against Wyatt’s palm, seeking relief, even as he massaged Wyatt’s erection.

Wyatt’s mouth moved back to Benny’s ear. His breathing sounded ragged as he tongued the shell. “Damn, Benny. You make me weak. I want to worship you. Feel your cum on my tongue. You’re dripping for me.” As if proving his point, Wyatt swiped his fingers through Benny’s pre-cum. He licked his fingers before encircling Benny’s cock once more. It was the hottest thing Benny had ever seen. “You’re fucking delicious. Jesus.” He openly fucked Benny’s palm as he spoke against his ear. “It won’t be tonight, but soon, I’ll be inside you. It’s killing me to wait, but you’re worth it. I can’t stop touching myself and wishing it was you. Since we met, you’ve taken over every fantasy.”

Benny moaned as Wyatt set a rhythm that had him on edge.

“That’s it, baby. I’ve had so many orgasms with your name on my lips. You owe me one with my name on yours. One day soon, my dick will stretch this asshole wide and you’ll milk me into heaven. Right now, this is all I’ve got. Let me have it.”

The pressure tightening his balls crawled up his shaft. Benny fucked Wyatt’s fist, taking what he needed. He ground his back teeth, reaching. His muscles tensed. Benny held his breath. Wyatt’s hold tightened. He pumped faster.

“You’re so fucking sexy.”

Benny flew apart. Wave after wave of pleasure had him gasping for air. Wyatt rolled him to his back and straddled his hips. He kept his weight balanced on his knees, even as his mouth slammed down on Benny’s. Their tongues battled. Benny wanted to consume him. Wyatt jacked off between their bodies. His hot cum hit Benny’s stomach and chest. Benny’s heart swelled. They were real. That conversation in Ella’s pantry really happened. Wyatt wanted to be with him. They were more than friends. He could do this whenever he wanted. Benny’s head was a mess. He felt too much at one time. Their kiss softened, turning reverent. He rubbed every part of Wyatt’s body he could reach—incapable of not touching him. His chest felt too heavy.

“Do you feel that?” Wyatt asked between kisses. “That weight on your chest,” he clarified, as if could feel everything Benny did. Wyatt pulled away and pressed his forehead to Benny’s. They held each other’s stare. “That means you can’t lose me, because I feel the same. It’s a connection not everyone gets.” His gaze softened. “I was meant to meet you, Benjamin Lee,” Wyatt whispered, making Benny’s eyes sting. He’d never loved anyone more.

* * *

An incessant buzzing noise woke Wyatt. He tried snuggling closer to Benny and going back to sleep, but it wouldn’t stop. Finally, he tossed back the cover and went in search of the sound. He found his phone vibrating across the coffee table, trying to push his keys and change out of the way. Wyatt snatched it up.

“Who the fuck?” He didn’t even bother checking the caller ID or his temper before answering. “What?”

“Hey,” Jayden said, sounding leery, as he fucking should at three in the morning. “Sorry to call so late.”

Wyatt swiped his hand across his face. “Is everything okay?” Because someone better be dead, he silently added.

“Not really, no.”

A cool breeze across his ass reminded Wyatt he was nude. He sat on the couch and pulled a throw blanket across his lap. “What’s wrong?”

“Since you left the hospital, I’ve been trying to get you alone so I can talk to you, but there’s never time. After taking your mom home tonight, I decided if I ever wanted to have my say, I’d have to just call and do it.”

“Okay,” Wyatt said, trying to keep up.

Jayden took a deep breath. Wyatt heard it brush the phone. “When I heard you’d been shot and might not make it, I thought my heart would stop. I realized I’d let too many things go unsaid. You know how it is; we always think we have all the time in the world. I still love you.”

Wyatt stifled a groan. In his heart, he’d known this was coming. “Don’t do this, Jayden.”

“I have to,” Jayden said, sounding desperate. “That’s my point. You could’ve died, and I would’ve had to live with knowing I didn’t say anything. I just let you get away.”

Wyatt pried his back teeth apart. “You let me get away a long time ago. Now I’ve moved on. I can appreciate you needing to get this off your chest, but I’m dating Benny now.”

Jayden scoffed. “It’s one thing to be thankful for what he did. He was badass in a tough situation. We all know it, but dating him... really? That’s taking gratitude to whole new level.”

“That’s not what this is about. He’s amazing, and why am I explaining myself to you? Look, we didn’t work out. I’m sorry you’ve changed your mind about us, but it’s too late. So far, we’ve managed to stay friends and I don’t want to fuck that up. Do you?”

Silence met his question, making Wyatt want to throw his phone. Finally, Jayden cleared his throat. “I don’t know if I can watch you be with someone else.”

It was like getting punched in the chest. Wyatt wasn’t heartless. Jayden was his friend. He didn’t want to lose that, but he couldn’t be what Jayden needed. “I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” Jayden said, sounding sad. The click in his ear proved there was nothing left to say. He’d lost a friend.

* * *

Benny came awake with a start and reached for Wyatt. The bed was empty. His heart raced into his throat until he heard Wyatt’s voice in the living room. After snagging his phone, he checked the time. He’d missed a couple of texts. His brows pulled together. The only person who ever texted him was Wyatt, and no one texted him at one in the morning, which was the time the messages rolled in. He didn’t recognize the number.

555-2829: Wyatt is mine.

555-2829: If you don’t back off, I’ll make you sorry.

“Whatever,” Benny said, tossing the phone aside. People were fucked up. They’d literally decided they were dating less than eight hours ago, and some psycho was already texting him. Benny didn’t have time for children and their games. If they found his number, they could find him and say it to his face. Wyatt was his. A smile stretched Benny’s lips. Speaking of his sexy man, Benny searched the edge of the bed for his cane before remembering he’d left it in the living room. Instead, he grabbed his underwear. He cursed under his breath as he climbed from the bed, leaning on the bedside table for support. As always, his leg screamed as blood rushed through it. He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his leg as he pulled on his boxer briefs. Benny hopped from furniture to furniture until he made it to the living room.

Wyatt glanced over as he hopped into the room. “Are you okay?”

“I forgot my cane in here,” Benny admitted. Even to him, his smile felt shy when Wyatt shot to his feetnude.

He helped Benny to the couch. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“I don’t think it was you. My leg isn’t happy anytime I sleep longer than three hours at a time without moving.” He nodded toward the phone in Wyatt’s hand. “Is everything okay? I thought I heard you talking to someone.”

“Yeah,” Wyatt said, tossing the phone on the table. “Jayden called. It seems they just now got my mom home.”

“Sounds like she had fun,” Benny said, swallowing a chuckle. He could imagine her keeping the guys out all night and rolling in drunk at three. “I’m glad for it. She deserves to cut loose. So do you, for that matter,” Benny added.

Wyatt smirked. Benny’s mouth went dry. “I had a much better time tonight than any of them. Now that we’re up, should we find something on TV?”

“You have the remote,” Benny pointed out.

“I’ll go find some shorts.”

Benny shifted positions, stretching out with his head in Wyatt’s lap. “I’d prefer if you didn’t.”

Wyatt’s chin dropped to his chest. The heat in his gaze had Benny biting back a laugh. “If you stay there, you’re about to have a hard dick in your face.”

Benny rolled to his side, facing Wyatt. “That’s not where it’ll be,” he promised, licking Wyatt’s shaft.

“Goddamn,” Wyatt breathed, sounding like a man on the edge. Benny didn’t plan to move from this spot until Wyatt couldn’t formulate words any longer.




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