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His Reclassified Omega: An MM Shifter Mpreg Romance (The Mountain Shifters Book 12) by L.C. Davis (14)

Chapter 14


Charles woke in Myron’s room to the sounds of a rooster crowing from one of the nearby farms and groaned. The omega was gone, of course, leaving him to get dressed and try to creep out unnoticed. Nothing had happened, but the look on Avery’s face as soon as Charles came out told him that his former employee had already made some assumptions.

“Morning, Charles. It’s a rare occasion Myron wakes up before anyone.”

“Oh, I wasn’t asleep, I just…” Charles trailed off when he saw the look on Avery’s face. He was not buying it. “Nothing happened. We just fell asleep in the same room.”

“It’s none of my business,” Avery said, dropping a stack of letters into a box hanging on the wall. “I have to say, it does make a bit more sense of things.”

“How do you mean?”

“You being here, for one thing.”

“And him taking a bullet for me,” Charles sighed.

“That not so much,” said Avery, walking into the kitchen to start preparing Jade’s formula. “It doesn’t surprise me in the least that Myron was willing to risk his life for someone else. Underneath the crusty personality, that’s just the kind of person he is.”

“So I’ve noticed.” Charles smiled. “I see why you and your mate recommended him. He’s very charismatic.”

“When he wants to be,” Avery scoffed, looking Charles up and down. “Looks like he went a little beyond the job description.”

Charles’ face flushed. “I really had no intention for things to go the way they have.”

“Hey, I don’t judge. You’re both adults, and I know better than trying to talk Myron out of anything once he’s set his sights on what he wants,” he scoffed. “I’m just glad he’s got something to focus on besides…”

“Besides Inara?” Charles offered when he could tell the omega had put his foot in his mouth.

Avery winced. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“He told me a little about her. Not much,” Charles admitted. “I can tell she did a number on him.”

“You can say that again,” Avery sighed. “I came into Nicholas’ life not too long after it happened, so I don’t know everything. Just that the Myron I knew from high school and the Myron I met after all those years were two very different people.”

“You’re telling me he hasn’t always been a snarky control freak with anger issues?”

Avery laughed. “Well, no. He was still Myron, but he turned into a man haunted by the ghost of a woman who’s still alive,” he murmured. “It’s only lately that he’s sounded like his old self again.”

“I’m glad,” Charles said quietly. “He deserves to be happy.”

“You know, to put it in terms you’ll understand, you’re the only changed variable in this equation,” Avery said pointedly.

“I’m sure I’m not the reason,” Charles insisted. Myron’s words the night before were still fresh in his mind, but he wouldn’t let himself believe the omega actually meant them.

Love. What the hell did it even mean? Charles had certainly never figured it out. He was closer to thirty than forty, and he’d come to accept that he probably never would. It was all new and beyond his intellectual grasp.

“I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you,” said Avery. “I know the two of you think you’re keeping this a secret or something, but it’s plain as day.”

Charles gulped. “Your mate is thrilled, I’m sure.”

“Nicholas will get over himself,” Avery said in an affectionate tone. “He’s just protective, that’s all. And he’s a Myer, so he’s too stubborn to realize that Myron doesn’t need or want a whole lot of protecting.”

“No,” Charles murmured. “He certainly doesn’t.”

“Are you alright?” Avery frowned. “You’re always pale, but you look like a ghost.”

“You’ve probably attended more Futurus summits than I have,” Charles said, yawning. “You know how exhausting they are.”

“Exhausting is one thing, you look like death warmed over. I’m pulling rank as the Alpha’s mate,” he said firmly. “You are going to see the pack doctor.”

“Yes, sir,” Charles mumbled. On the one hand, it was relaxing to be temporarily removed from the pressure of running the company, but he was realizing that despite the odd fantasy he had of a normal life, he was not cut out for being a pack wolf.

Avery gave him a triumphant smile. “Good. We should probably see about disguising you a bit.”

“Am I really that recognizable?”

“Uh. Yeah.” Avery blinked. “You really don’t read your own press, do you?”

“I try not to,” he admitted.

“Probably wise.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Not bad,” Avery drawled. “There’s just a lot of speculation.”

“About what?”

“About your personal life, for one thing.”

Charles wrinkled his nose. “Why on Earth would anyone care about that?”

“Well, you are one of the wealthiest Alphas in the Federation, and don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re definitely eye candy.”

“Eye candy?” Charles scoffed. He’d been called plenty of things in his life, but never that. Nerd, plenty. Freak. Four eyes, before he’d switched to contacts.

“Uh-huh. Myron has a type,” Avery said wryly. “He likes ‘em pretty and subby.”

“Subby?” Charles echoed. “Oh, dear.”

“Mhm.” There was a knowing twinkle in the omega’s eye. “I know how you corporate big shots are. You make Inara look like a dominatrix.”

The Alpha’s face reddened. “I see.”

“It’s not a bad thing,” Avery said, smiling. “You know, one of the benefits of living in a small pack is that you can be yourself. No one is going to judge you for it.” He hesitated. “Well, Bev might, but she judges everyone.”

Charles smiled stiffly. “I appreciate that, but the truth is, I’m not sure who I am outside of Futurus, and I couldn’t say what Myron sees in me.”

“I do. He’s a good judge of character,” said Avery. “Come on. Let’s get you ready, I’m sure the doctor will see you on short notice.”

“But I’m already dressed.”

“Yeah, and everyone’s going to know who you are,” Avery reminded him.

Charles looked down at his sweater vest and striped shirt and sighed. “I suppose I do have a distinctive style for these parts.”

“Just a bit. But I’m sure I have a shirt that’ll fit you.”

Charles let Avery lead him down the hall and waited outside the door while the omega searched through his closet. “Here,” he said, bringing out a sweatshirt with the Mountain Ridge University logo on front along with a hat and a pair of sunglasses. “These should help.”

Charles wrinkled his nose. “I’ve never seen this material before.”

The omega’s eyes rolled dramatically. “I think you’ll live.”

Charles reluctantly pulled the sweatshirt on over his head and gathered his hair back before slipping it through the baseball cap. He put on the sunglasses and stared at his reflection in the hall mirror. “I look like a tourist.”

Hayley giggled, announcing her presence. “You look like one of those celebrities the paparazzi takes pictures of pumping their gas.”

“That’s the idea,” Avery grinned. “Not bad, right? I might go into theater makeup after this.”

“We could always cut off his hair,” Hayley mused.

Charles’ eyes widened behind the glasses and he smoothed his hand protectively over his ponytail. “I would rather not.”

The omegas both started laughing, to his dismay. “Come on,” Avery said, taking Charles’ arm to lead him toward the door. “I know Myron’s going to want to take you out later, so you’d better get a clean bill of health now.”

“Take me out where?” he asked warily. He wasn’t even sure where the omega had gotten off to.

“There are only a couple of options in Southbend,” Avery admitted.

As they walked, Charles realized the pack was lovely during the day. The homes were all well taken care of and everyone who was out and about seemed relaxed with the slower pace of life. It was beautiful, until he realized that everyone in a small town insisted on waving and saying hello. It was an introvert’s worst nightmare.

“You doing okay?” Avery asked. “You look a little woozy.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever left the city in my life,” Charles admitted.

Avery laughed sympathetically. “It takes a little getting used to, but you might surprise yourself. I never thought I’d be happy here in the beginning. Hell, when my parents sent me here to recover, I thought I was going to lose my mind.”

“And then you decided you liked it so much you quit on me,” he teased.

“And I haven’t regretted it a day since,” Avery retorted with a bright smile. Charles had only officially met him a few months earlier, but Avery had been the official spokesman for Futurus long before Charles became the CEO and the Alpha knew him well. He was an entirely different person than the one who’d devoted his entire life to the company.”

“No, I imagine not. The change suits you.”

“Thanks. I think so, too.” Avery’s voice softened. “Not that I don’t still enjoy taking speaking engagements from time to time, but a job isn’t meant to be a life.”

The words stung, but Charles knew Avery was probably right. He just didn’t know how to go about building a life that didn’t revolve around his work. “I’m glad you found something more.”

“You know, work-life balance is a possibility, even for the great Charles Metcalf,” Avery remarked. “I think you and Myron will be good for each other in that regard.”

“How so?”

“You’re a workaholic and this is the first thing he’s taken seriously in forever,” said the omega. “Can’t say I ever pictured the two of you together, but I guess that’s usually how it goes.”

“I wouldn’t say we’re together.”

“You should probably tell Myron,” Avery said with a tightlipped smile. “Here we are.”

“This is a doctor’s office?” Charles asked doubtfully. “It looks like a house.”

“It’s that, too, but I promise, he’s good at what he does. Want me to stick around?”

“No, I’m sure I can find my way back. Thanks.”

Avery waved and Charles entered the office, spotting the nurse at a small desk. “Um, hello. Avery Myer sent me?”

“Sure, sweetheart,” the older beta said, offering him a clipboard full of forms. “Just fill these out and I’ll see if the doc’s got time.”

“Thank you,” Charles said, taking his seat. He wrote down his name, date of birth and filled out the health questionnaire as thoroughly as he was able. There wasn’t much he could do about the genetic history section, and the nurse seemed surprised when he came back up to the desk.

“Finished already? Let’s take a look.” She put on the Coke-bottle glasses hanging from a beaded chain around her neck and squinted. “Oh, that’s a mistake. You checked Alpha, love.”

“Yes, that’s correct,” he said slowly.

The elder blinked at him. “Oh? Well… come on in,” she said awkwardly.

Charles walked into the back past her desk and followed her directions to the small exam room. He sat down on the crinkly paper and waited uncomfortably. The office was far less intimidating than the practice he was supposed to go to for the yearly physical required of participants in the breeding program. Due to his work, he’d managed to put it off entirely, but it looked like the procrastination was catching up to him.

Someone knocked on the door, and a moment later, an older blond Alpha came into the room. “Hello,” he said pleasantly, doing a double-take when he saw Charles. He looked down at his chart again. “And here I thought it was a joke. I guess the rumors are true.”

“I’m on holiday,” Charles said nervously. “If you don’t mind —“

“I’m not saying a word,” the doctor chuffed. “None of my business who the Alpha takes in. In any case, what can I do for you?”

“Probably nothing, but Avery was insistent upon my being seen, so…”

“Ah,” the doctor said knowingly. “He does try to look after the rest of us. What seems to be the trouble?”

“Nothing that can’t be explained by a busy work schedule.”

“I’ll be the judge of that. What are your symptoms?”

Charles sighed. “Exhaustion, primarily. Nausea, dizziness, hot flashes.”

The doctor kept track of everything he was listing on a notepad and looked up skeptically. “Well, if you were an omega, I’d think you were pregnant,” he said with a laugh.

Charles smiled halfheartedly. “No chance of that.”

“I wouldn’t say none, but it is highly unlikely,” the doctor mused, pulling on a pair of gloves. He grabbed the light in his pocket and shined it in Charles’ eyes. “How long have you been having these symptoms?”

“I don’t know. I’m always tired, but it’s only been bad for about a month or so.”

“Any other health conditions?”

“Not that I know of.”

“You left the family history section of your chart blank. Is there a history of diabetes in your family? Low blood sugar, that sort of thing?”

Charles bit his lip. “I’m not sure. I was given up for adoption when I was three, so I don’t know much about my parents.”

“I’m sorry,” the doctor said, giving him a sympathetic look. “Well, without having more of a history, it’s difficult to know what to rule out. When was your last physical?”

Charles cringed. “Um. Five, six years ago?”

The other Alpha stared at him. “Okay, so an exam is definitely in order, along with a full panel of bloodwork. There should be a gown in that cupboard, so I’ll leave you to get dressed while I get set up.”

Charles groaned to himself as he got changed and waited for the doctor’s return. The blood test, he didn’t mind all that much, but sitting half-naked on a table while a perfect stranger prodded around was not how he’d hoped to spend the afternoon. “Lie down, please,” the doctor asked, sliding out the panel on the bottom of the table.

Charles complied and winced as the doctor felt around his abdomen. “Does that hurt?” the other Alpha asked worriedly.

“It’s tender,” Charles admitted.

“How about here?” the doctor asked, moving over to his right side.

“Not really.”

“Well, that’s good or I’d think it was appendicitis.”

“Are the symptoms really that big of a deal?”

“Son, when I walked in here, I had a flashback to my med school days when the guys hazed me by leaving a cadaver in my room,” he scoffed.

That answered that question. Now even Charles was starting to worry.

“You’re sure you don’t have any medical abnormalities? Heart murmur, anything like that?”

Charles hesitated. “Well, I…”

“Yes?” the doctor asked expectantly.

“It’s not exactly that. I’m sure it’s unrelated,” he said, wanting to crawl under the table.

The doctor rolled his eyes. “Look, son, I’ve been in this business since before you were born. I’ve heard, seen and felt every anomaly the shifter body is capable of. Whatever it is, you’re not gonna give me the vapors.”

“I’m not… normal, exactly,” Charles gritted out. Whatever was wrong with him, he was starting to think death was preferable to the humiliation. “I don’t have a um, knot.”

“You don’t?” The doctor blinked. “Well, that’s not so strange. Plenty of Alphas can’t knot while mating until they meet their destined.”

“I have met him, and more,” Charles admitted. “Still didn’t happen.”

“Huh.” That was not something you wanted to hear your doctor say. “Well, it may not be related, but that’s unusual alright. I’d like to give you a full exam, if you’re comfortable with it.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that,” Charles muttered.

“If you’d like, we can do it another day, or you could have your mate present.”

“No,” Charles said quickly. “No need for that, I’d rather just get it over with.”

“Suit yourself.”

The doctor gave Charles a sympathetic look and got on with the exam. Charles decided it wasn’t quite unpleasant enough to have put it off for so long, and the doctor’s professional manner made him as comfortable as he could be. By the end of it, he was expecting a declaration that nothing was wrong with him and he just needed sleep.

“Is everything alright?” he asked warily, watching the doctor discard his gloves.

The man hesitated. “You seem perfectly healthy, but there’s something you should know. You have the reproductive system of an omega, not an Alpha.”

It took Charles a few seconds to process what the doctor had just said. He sat up, keeping the blanket folded over his lap. “I’m sorry?”

“Male omegas and betas have a secondary passage,” he explained. “This is how sperm enters their wombs. During copulation, sperm is absorbed into the soft tissues at the entrance of the passage and the knot seals the sperm inside, increasing the odds of fertilization. You have that passage, and you have no knot.”

“I know all that, I took biology,” Charles said, snapping in spite of himself. “I just… how is that possible?”

The doctor shrugged. “It’s not that different from an intersex condition among humans. Reproductively speaking, you are not an Alpha. I thought your scent was a bit different, but that can be any number of things, including an illness.”

“What does that mean?” Charles asked, still in shock.

“Medically speaking, it means that it is quite possible for you to become pregnant if you were to have intercourse with an Alpha, but since you said you’ve already found your destined mate, I assume that’s an omega.”

“Yes,” Charles said breathlessly.

“In that case, I wouldn’t worry about that. We’ll run a panel just on the off chance, but I expect what we’re looking at is something else. I’ll have my nurse call as soon as the results of the blood work are back, and of course, if you’d like to speak with someone about all of this, I’d be more than happy to make a referral.”

“N—no,” Charles said. “Thank you, I’d rather just take some time to think.”

“Understood. Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.”

Charles nodded, staring at the door for a few minutes after the doctor shut it. He was still in shock, but he made himself get dressed and hoped he had some time before Myron came back to gather his thoughts.




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