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Hit Girl: A stand-alone love story. (The Vault) by Tia Louise (28)

Something Blue


The house in Seattle is even nicer than I remember when I visited it with Dean. The girls have set up their own rooms, and the furniture just seems to belong here, like the pieces were made for the space.

“It’s so homey and welcoming.” My eyes meet Joshua’s where he’s leaning against the wall. His arms are crossed and he’s smiling at me in that way that curls my toes. I’m sure my cheeks are pink. “What?”

“I’m just happy to see you here finally. We had this idea together, and for a little while, I thought it might not happen.”

“Molly!” Brittanie skips into the room, straight into a hug. “When did you get back?”

I give her a brief hug. “Just a few days ago. How do you like the place?”

“It’s amazing!” She spins around, arms out. “I’ve never lived in a place this nice. I have my own room

“How did you manage that?” Joshua and I exchange a glance.

“Candi says I keep her awake studying, so for now…”

“It’s just until we add more girls.” Joshua’s voice is kind, but he sounds so businesslike. He’s a total boss. “I’ll check in and see if Rebecca needs anything while we’re here.”

He leaves us alone, and I sit on the couch beside Brittanie. “I got my GED.” She’s so excited, her eyes sparkle. “I’m applying to colleges for the fall, and I’ve already heard back from two!”

I can’t help feeling a little envious. I don’t expect to ever go to college. “That’s really amazing. Your determination is… remarkable.”

Her chin drops. “I just want to be like you. You’re a successful businesswoman, and you were an orphan like me… you were hurt.”

“You’ve gone way past anything I’ve ever done.”

Round eyes meet mine. “That’s not true! You helped me… You and Joshua bought this house…”

“Joshua bought the house. I only looked at it.”

“Still…” She looks in the direction he went. “I don’t think he would have done this without you. You really care about us.”

“I care about you…” Guilt is in my chest. “I was never very noble. I only wanted revenge for what happened to me, what happened to you…”

“What changed?”

I meet her curious eyes, and my answer makes me smile. “Becoming a mom. I want my baby’s world to be better than the one I entered.”

Her eyes widen. “Is it Joshua’s?” Then she laughs as I nod. “Of course, it’s Joshua’s! Are you going to get married?”

I’m still nodding when Joshua returns to the room, followed by Candi.

Brittanie sees him and cries out. “Congratulations! I’m so excited. Have you decided where you’ll get married yet?”

Candi’s face goes red, and I’m about to say something. Joshua cuts me off. “We can get married down at the city hall for all I care.”

“What’s this?” Rebecca enters the room. “Have you two finally decided to tie the knot?”

“As a matter of fact…” I raise my eyebrows and give her an excited smile.

Candi stands back, shooting daggers at me with her eyes. Sadly, I’m not mature enough to say it doesn’t make me feel super smug and happy. Still, I am trying to turn over a new leaf

Joshua puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. “We’re even starting a family.”

Sorry, Candi.

“Yes!” Brittanie is on her toes, bouncing. “It’s going to be so cute. I can’t wait for everything to happen.”

Candi’s voice is flat. “Congratulations, I guess.”

She walks to the door and leaves just as Dean is walking in. “Oh, yes! Don’t you think these new floors make all the difference in the world?”

My eyebrows shoot up. “That’s what changed!” I step back, looking at the warm hardwoods and the bright tile in the kitchen. “It really makes a difference.”

“It’s my artistic eye.” Dean carries a large notebook straight to where Joshua and I are standing. “Speaking of artistic eye. I saw this in your things. Did you draw these?”

He flips the pages quickly. My sketch of Joshua, the drawing of our baby I made from my imagination.

“They’re not very good.” I take the notebook out of his hand and try to close it.

Joshua stops me. “Let me see these. They’re amazing!”

“No, I’m not

“Stop that now!” Dean waves a hand at me. “You’ve been going on about wanting to find a new career. I say you’ve got one right here in your hands!”

“What?” I look down at the notebook. “Drawing?”

“Art!” He waves a hand. “I’ve talked to Rebecca about adding an art therapy component to the services at the house here. You can help me. Go back to school, get your degree in art and psychology. Don’t tell me you don’t like the sound of that.”

As he speaks, a feeling unfurls in my stomach I usually only get when Joshua tells me he loves me. “I think I do like the sound of that.” Just as fast, I’m panicked and nervous. “But I can’t go to college… I don’t know anything about school. I dropped out

“I can help you get your GED!” Brittanie cries out at my side. “That would be amazing. It would be like I have a way to help you back! You already know all about computers and everything. It would be easy for you to take the courses online!”

“I don’t know about easy…” I’m already getting cold feet.

Joshua’s warm hand covers mine, and he smiles into my eyes. “I’ll help you. You can do anything you want. I know it.”

It’s good enough for me. A new plan is born, the start of a new life. Gratitude swells in my chest like a happy balloon. Dean and Brittanie are immediately strategizing and charting out a course.

“Okay,” I say softly, looking into the eyes of my future.

* * *

Three months later

The clouds roll back, and the sun electrifies the world with color.

After a brief shower this morning, it looks like we’re going to have the perfect day for our wedding in the park.

“I could never get used to this weather,” Lara says, helping me place the art-deco style sterling silver and marcasite headband across my head, just above the soft, braided coil of my hair pinned off my neck. “I thought it was going to rain all day.”

“How’s it looking out there?” I smooth my hands down the front of my sheer ivory dress, realizing it’s a gesture I do every time I’m feeling uncertain.

Studying Intro to Psychology with Dean is getting in my head. I’m analyzing everything these days.

“Don’t be worried.” She smiles and places her hands on my upper arms. “It’s everyone who knows us and loves us.”

“Us you or us me?”

“Us, us.” She laughs, handing me the enormous bouquet of Marsala roses and pale pink peonies, mixed with a few white roses. “This bouquet is incredible.”

“Dean was over the moon helping me plan everything.” I look down at my dress, at my thick middle. “He said it’s a good thing I’m not showing yet. It would mess up the line of the dress.”

“I hated this stage.” She places a hand on my thickening middle. “I felt like I just looked frumpy. I was so happy when Jilly finally pooched on out.”

My nose wrinkles, and I lean forward. “I wish I was showing.”

“Sorry to interrupt…” Mark is at my side. “I have a call for you.”

Frowning, I look up at him. “A call?”

He places a slim phone in my hands. “You’d better take it.”

The device is in my hand and for a moment I study the name on the face, the seconds ticking past… I’m almost afraid to answer.

It’s a call I’ve dreaded I might one day get, and now, of all days, my wedding day

“Go on,” Mark urges softly.


“Miss Dixon?” The voice commands me through the line. “This is Chief Hendricks, Seattle PD.” My breath disappears, and I can’t speak. It doesn’t matter because he doesn’t stop. “You’re good, Miss Dixon, very good. I have no evidence, but I have every reason to believe you’re responsible for the death of Dennis Langley.”

My lips part, but I still don’t speak. I can’t. My heart thuds in my chest so hard, I can barely think.

He exhales and continues. “I didn’t expect a confession. I also don’t plan to waste taxpayer money on the death of a child rapist and kiddie pornographer. I’m satisfied a dangerous criminal has been removed from our streets. But hear me now, Dixon…” If his pause is for effect, it works. “I don’t tolerate vigilantes in my city. This ends here. You won’t get this chance again.”

My stomach is tight, and my breath strangles me in my throat. “I’m going to be a mother…” I don’t finish that. It’s not what he wants to hear. “It’s over.”

We’re quiet for the space of several heartbeats, and when he speaks again, his voice is less forceful. “Best wishes.”

The line disconnects, and I can’t move. I’m just starting to breathe when Mark takes the phone from my hand. “It’s over.”

He places a warm hand on my shoulder, and when I blink up to his eyes, they’re reassuring.

He had something to do with this, I know he did.

I place my hand over his and give it a squeeze. “Thank you.”

“What are you girls whispering about?” Dean joins us in his pastel suit waving a hand. “It’s time to walk down that aisle, Shortcake. Your daddy is waiting.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, breathing slower, coming back to the present. My wedding is about to happen, and I was just given a pardon. Hope floods my insides, and I know I can do this. I can make this step forward.

Taking Dean’s hand, I’m able to meet his playful tone. “Please don’t call him Daddy.”

He’s referring to Stas, who agreed to come here and stand in as my father for the event. After everything went down in New Orleans, before Joshua and I came back here, my old mentor and I took a walk on the levee…Two orphaned souls, coming to grips with reality on the banks of the Mississippi.

“I’ll never find my family, Myshka.”

I’d never heard him sound this way, and I didn’t know how to comfort him. Solidarity seemed like the best response.

“I’ll never know who my mother was. I guess we both have to let go of that part of our lives.”

He’d stood, looking out over the swirling currents stretching across the brown water before us. After a moment of silence, he turned to me.

“I don’t see any reason why we can’t have each other.”

At first I was confused, then it all became simple. “You’re right. We don’t have to be orphans if we have each other.”

From that moment forward, we became each other’s unofficial, adopted family.

He’s dressed in a pale gray suit when I go to take his arm. “You look very beautiful, Myshka. You remind me of Anastasia.”

That makes me smile. “The lost Russian princess?”

“My lost Russian princess.”

I give his arm a squeeze. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here today. You saved me on that beach.”

“You saved me on the banks of a river.”

Leaning my cheek against his arm, I give him a squeeze as the music starts, and we walk around the partition separating “backstage” area from the rest of the wedding party.

When I see Joshua, my breath catches. I almost miss a step, and my adopted dad speaks in a low voice. “A good sign, Myshka. He should take your breath away.”

Joshua does more than steal my breath. He owns my heart.

He looks like a sexy model, standing at the front of our group of friends, one hand in the pocket of his black tux. A lock of dark hair falls attractively over one eyebrow, and he glances up at me from under his brow. His gray eyes flood my body with heat.

“My hormones are working overtime,” I whisper, and Stas chuckles.

“Sounds like a good match.”

When we get to the front, he passes me to the man of my dreams, and the ceremony begins.

“I think that went well.” Joshua’s breath tickles the nape of my neck, and I let out a hum.

“How much longer do we have to stay?”

We’re on the top floor of Columbia Tower, and the city is a gorgeous display of lights over the water below. Lara and Mark dance close by. Jillian is secure in Roland’s arms, with Dean fussing over her little dress and her curls. He really will spoil our baby rotten

We’ve decided not to find out the sex.

Brittanie, Tess, and Cindi are seated at a large table near a window. They’re dressed in assorted pastel colors from being my bridesmaids along with Lara, my matron of honor. Rebecca catches my eye and lifts a glass. Candi sits beside her sulking. She would not be a bridesmaid, and I can’t even be bothered with her mood.

Joshua’s lips trace over my cheek before stopping at the side of my hair. “Are you saying you’re sick of our guests?”

Stretching up on my toes, I let my lips graze the shell of his ear as I purr. “I’m saying you’ve had me hot and bothered since I walked down the aisle.”

His grip tightens on my waist, and he pulls back. When our eyes meet, his are darkened with lust, and a flash of excitement moves through me. “Maybe we can find an empty room…”

“Absolutely beautiful ceremony.” Joshua’s dad walks up and pats him on the back.

I almost laugh through a groan at the frustrating cock block.

“Dad!” Joshua clears his throat. “Thanks, and I’m glad you could make it…”

The petite woman with silky dark hair beside his father gives me a wink. “What did we interrupt?”

“Nothing!” I lie quickly. “We were just talking about how great the view is from here.”

“I don’t think we’ve met.” She extends a hand. “I’m Najah. I was your father-in-law’s nurse after his heart attack.”

“Oh, it’s so nice to meet you! I remember Joshua saying his dad decided it might be time to start dating again after that hospital stay.”

The older man coughs a laugh, and Joshua gives me a wink. Najah grins, and I have a feeling their relationship might be progressing faster than any of us know.

“Walt is such a tease.” She grins. “We’re having a good time getting to know each other.”

“Well.” Josh’s dad steps forward. “We won’t hold you two up. Molly, you… the ceremony… everything was beautiful. Welcome to the family.”

I step forward and give him a warm hug. “Thank you so much.”

He gives me one last smile before escorting Najah away. Joshua’s arms go back around me, and we resume our dance, but I’m lost in a cloud of connection, family, love.

“It’s something I’ve never had before.”

“What?” Joshua’s lips are at my cheek, and he gives me another kiss.

“We’re a family. I’m no longer a nobody, daughter of a whore no one ever cared about.” My eyes heat, but the tears aren’t stronger than the joy swirling around my heart.

Joshua stops dancing and holds my cheeks. “You were never that. You were always mine.”

He leans down and kisses my lips. He kisses the line on my chin, and when our eyes meet again, I know my life will never be the same. I’ll never be alone, lost, cutting my skin to let the pain out. Not only do I have an adopted father, I have a father-in-law, a baby on the way, and the love of the most beautiful man I’ve ever met.

“Garter time!” Lara dashes up beside me catching my arm. “It’s time to toss the bouquet and the garter. Then you can get out of here and practice making more babies.”

“Busted!” Joshua shouts, and Lara shakes her head.

My heart beats a little faster. “I have to take off my garter?”

“It’s tradition.” Mark catches my elbow. “Just sit on Joshua’s lap and he’ll slip it off. Then he’ll toss it to some lucky bachelor.”

Chewing my lip, I meet eyes with Lara. “What?” She’s instantly worried. “What’s wrong?”

I think of my old habits… habits that don’t seem to want to die. “Nothing… it’s just this morning, I was thinking how a garter is a great place to hide… something.”

Lara’s eyes go round, and she hisses in my ear. “If you have a gun in your garter everyone’s going to freak out!”

Joshua’s hands are around my waist, and he pulls me out onto the floor. I’m on his knee, and the guys form a circle around us. “Only single guys. Do we have any single guys here?”

Dean strides forward, holding up a hand. “Technically!”

Roland strolls forward as well, hands in the pockets of his black tux. He gives me a grin, and I’m glad we’re finding a way to be friends after all these years.

Lara is at the edge of the crowd, her hand over her mouth and her eyes worried and wide. My dress slides up my legs and the guys hoot and make catcalls. I laugh and do a little shimmy.

The dress goes higher, and my pale blue garter with the cute little blue bow is on full display. I start to laugh. Lara rolls her eyes and makes a little fist at me.

“Gotcha!” I mouth, and she turns on her heel and walks over to where Mark is holding Jillian. She should have known—I’ve laid my weapons down.

The garter is off and tossed across the room. Joshua’s Uncle Jake catches it, much to Dean’s annoyance. “He’s already been married once! Garter hog!”

We laugh, and I scoop up my bouquet. The girls rush forward, pushing side to side to make room. “Keep it civilized,” I call over my shoulder then toss it high and short.

A scuffle of heels and squeals breaks out, and the girls are in a pile when I turn around. I bend forward laughing harder than I ever have in my life.

Of all people, Candi’s hand stretches high over the group, and she yells. “Got it!”

My hand covers my laugh, and Joshua’s strong arms surround me. It’s the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. The music changes to a fast dance number, and Joshua leads me off the floor.

“Ready to go?” he whispers in my ear.

Lifting my chin, I kiss him and nod.

I couldn’t be more ready to start my new life. I’m leaving the darkness behind, stepping out into the light of a new life for me and for the family we’re creating—a law-abiding, peaceful family of love.





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