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Hold 'Em: A Gambling Hearts Romance by Jacquie Biggar (27)


It took three days for all the tests to come back before Matt’s grandmother was released from the hospital and allowed to return to the ranch under close supervision. She’d allowed herself to become dehydrated—dangerous for anyone, but especially those who were chronically ill—and it was thought to have caused her collapse.

Frustrated there wasn’t room on board Matt had been forced to drive to the hospital, following behind the helicopter. He’d made the two-hour trip to Austin in an hour and a half, grateful traffic was light. Sophia had gone along for the ride, a silent white-knuckled partner, while Aaron stayed back to manage the ranch with a plea for updates as soon as they knew anything.

There was no time to talk to Cassandra, and it drove Matt crazy the entire time he was gone. He’d asked to speak with her when he’d called the ranch, but Consuela was disgustingly vague, saying only that she was out with Señor Jeff and she’d pass the message along.

What did that mean? Out with Señor Jeff?

They’d connected, he knew they had. He’d never been in love like this before. It was like popping the cork on a bottle of champagne; giddy, exciting, and a little—okay, a lot—scary. And he was almost positive she felt the same way. He just needed to hear the words.

He pulled into the courtyard and hit the horn to announce their arrival. Sophia had called earlier to prepare the family, and now they hurried from the house, their beaming smiles brighter than the Texas sun.

He turned the key off and searched his grandma’s beloved face. She had shrunk since developing cancer, going from a strong, vibrant woman who commanded a ranch with over sixty employees and their families, to a tired old lady who was ready to meet her maker. Time wasn’t on their side anymore and Matt mourned the loss. She’d always been the glue that held their family together, he worried what would become of them when she was gone.

She turned from watching the fast-approaching group and met his gaze. Knowledge lived in that look, but so did an indomitable spirit. She wouldn’t give up without a fight.

“Well, you going to let me out of this contraption, or are we just planning to sit here?” she said, her attitude spry even though her body was not.

Matt grinned and threw her a salute. “Yes, ma’am. Now you can boss the others around instead of those poor nurses.”

Sophia snorted from the backseat, well aware Madeline prided herself on being a model patient.

“It’s a good thing you’re too tall or she’d box your ears, brother dear.”

“I still might,” Maddie muttered.

The siblings exchanged amused glances, before Matt slid out of the pickup and lifted a hand to greet the family. He looked, but couldn’t see an auburn head of hair in the crowd. Cassandra must have decided to stay back and allow the group to welcome them home. He’d get Grandma settled and then go find her.

He opened the passenger door and gently lifted the frail body into his arms over her feeble protests.

Consuela stepped forward pushing the empty wheelchair. Her coal-dark eyes betrayed her worry even as a warm smile curved her lips. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d found a new beau in those handsome doctors, Señora Maddie.”

Aaron hurried forward to grab the suitcase from the back. Even in their rush to leave, Sophia had remembered to bring a few basics to make the stay easier for all of them. She’d packed his grandmother’s favorite cotton nightgown and a bathrobe to keep her warm, a change of clothes for each of them—and the bible. The well-worn black leather-bound volume had sat on their grandmother’s bedside table for as long as Matt could remember. When they were kids she’d often read passages to them, her fingers brushing each gold-tipped page with love and devotion. He was grateful his sister had thought to bring the tattered book along, it had given his grandmother a peace she needed while recovering from this latest scare.

He set her into the chair and leaned over to kiss Consuela’s worn cheek. “Glad to be home,” he murmured.

She teared up and patted his cheek in return, then cleared her throat. “You must be hungry after your trip. Come inside, I’ve been baking fresh bread and there’s a big pot of chili on the stove.”

“Yeah, she wouldn’t let us touch it until you got home,” Aaron groused, a teasing light in his eye.

Matt grinned and rubbed his stomach. “That’s because I’m her favorite. I’ve been telling you that for years, buddy.” He ducked as Consuela took a swipe at his head.

“You boys. I love all of you the same.” She chuckled and rubbed Maddie’s shoulders with gnarled knuckles. “You raised some headstrong kids, Miss Maddie. They’re a handful, but we wouldn’t want them any other way, would we?”

Madeline smiled, her eyes alight with love. “No, we certainly wouldn’t.”

Tony went to help Sophia down from the truck and Matt was reminded he needed to have the big brother talk with her—and soon if that dreamy look was anything to go by.

They entered the hacienda through the rear door this time, straight into the large farmhouse-style kitchen complete with a butcher-block island, two ovens, and a solid oak table large enough to fit a small army. It was the heart of the home and the atmosphere was festive. Consuela had eight large loaves of still cooling bread sitting on the counter. Between that and the simmering pot of chili, Matt’s taste buds were doing the happy dance.

But before that, he had someone he needed to see. He made his way through the crowd gathered around his grandmother, and started down the hall to Cassandra’s room, his heart pounding in his ears. He was going to profess his love and let the cards fall where they may. He’d never played for higher stakes.

“She’s not there,” Aaron said from behind him.

Matt swung around, confusion combatting with a growing dread. “Where is she then?” The sympathy shining from his brother’s eyes warned him he wasn’t going to like the answer.

“She’s gone, bro. That guy, Jeff, he insisted they had to leave. Something about a reception they needed to finalize the plans for? What’s going on, Matt?”

She’d left him.

All the time he was gone he’d been planning on giving her his heart, while she’d been planning her wedding to another man.