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Hold You Close by Jessica Linden (5)

The representative for the first security company was twenty minutes late. That did not bode well for them getting the contract. Tony’s security budget was astronomical, so that really was a stupid move on their part.

It was already almost eight in the evening. He’d scheduled the tours for afterhours so as not to disturb the employees’ work flow. Plus, they didn’t necessarily need to know about the new security. Not that he didn’t trust the employees, but some things were best kept on a need-to-know basis.

A sedan finally pulled into the parking lot, and a portly balding man got out. “Sorry,” he said by way of greeting. “I got held up.”

Tony nodded, not because that was an acceptable excuse for his tardiness, but because he was being polite. Besides, he didn’t want any more of his time wasted.

“The break-in attempt was around back,” he said. “Do you want to see that first?”

The man shook his head. “Let’s start with the area that needs to be the most secure first. I assume some parts of the building are more critical than others.”

“We’ll start with the lab then.” Tony led the man to the second floor and gave him a brief tour of the lab before stepping aside to let the man work. He selected a lab computer that allowed him to keep an eye on the man and logged in. He might as well sort through some emails while he waited.

He’d never actually logged into a lab computer before and was pleased to find several levels of security were required, including a fingerprint. At least their cyber security was top notch.

It only took him a few minutes to sort through his emails since Ingrid was so efficient, so he perused the lab files. Since his father was so intricately involved in the research and development side of things, Tony generally steered clear. But if he was worth his title of CEO, he needed to educate himself more on that side of the business. And if he could do that without involving his father, all the better.

The digital files were painstakingly organized and he could easily tell who had been working on what and what the progress was for each drug. Many of the projects were familiar to him, but some he’d never even heard of. He opened some files and started reading, returning to the lab to continue after escorting the security representative out.

One of the new drugs they were testing was an antidepressant suitable for teens. Though it was still in the clinical trials, it showed promise.

Intrigued, he clicked on another file labeled B37.

Access Denied.

He frowned and tried his password and fingerprint once more.

Access Denied.

That was weird. He was supposed to have unlimited access to view everything in their system. He’d have to ask their lead researcher about it.

God, he hoped he wouldn’t have to overhaul their cybersecurity as well. It better just be a glitch in the system.

Scrubbing his hands over his face, he yawned. Shit. It was nearly eleven. He hadn’t intended to stay so late but reading through the files made him feel somehow closer to Nonno. While his grandfather might have frowned upon his father’s zest to turn a profit, he’d be pleased with the development of his company.

Hell, Tony was. He needed to get his head out of his ass and stop resenting his position. A lot of people had to scratch and claw their way to the top but he’d simply been born into it. It was time he stopped looking at the privilege as a burden.

* * *

The jeweler lowered the loupe and placed the sapphire necklace back in its box. “This is a very unique piece,” he said.

“Thank you,” Ginny replied, impatient to move things along. “How much?”

“I can give you fifty for it.”

“That’s less than half what it’s worth.” She’d been around enough expensive jewelry to know and, besides that, she’d done her research. She was hoping to get at least seventy-five thousand.

“That’s the best I can do considering the terms you’re demanding.”

Ginny crossed her arms. The jeweler had the upper hand and they both knew it—she needed both his discretion and guarantee to keep the necklace out of the display case for the next six months, just until she could buy it back. The interest rate was astronomical, but her options were limited. It wasn’t like she could walk into the average pawn shop with a necklace worth over one hundred grand.

“Damn it,” she muttered. “Draw up the paperwork.” She hadn’t wanted to accept the gift from Fedor in the first place, but he’d insisted. Now she was glad. She just hoped she could get it back before he realized it was gone.

Twenty minutes later she exited the store through the back door, fifty grand richer. She just hoped it would be enough to keep the company afloat.

Not for the first time, she wondered why she bothered. Why not just let the company go under and be done with it? It would surely be easier. It would be a blow to the local community, but surely their employees were qualified enough to find new jobs.

It was just that she’d already compromised on so much in her life. She couldn’t bear to give up on one more thing. It was like if she could win the fight to save the company, then at least she’d have something.

Maybe one day her children would want the company.

Except any children she had would also be Fedor’s. Her stomach rolled. Best not to think about that.

Veronica was waiting in her office when she walked in. “What do you want?” Ginny snapped.

Veronica’s expression turned hurt. “I thought we were having lunch today.”

“Damn, is that today?” Ginny sighed. “Roni, I’m sorry.”

Her sister wrinkled her nose. “Don’t call me that.”

“Sorry.” Ginny pinched the bridge of her nose. She knew Veronica hated the childhood nickname. “I’m just so damn busy.”

“If you don’t have time . . .”

Veronica was an expert at laying on the guilt. She’d used it time and time again on Ginny when they were growing up, and even though Ginny knew she was doing it, as an adult she still wasn’t immune.

“No, it’s okay. Let’s go.” She’d already been out at the jeweler’s an hour and if she took time for lunch on top of that, she’d definitely have to bring work home tonight. Might as well keep piling the crap on top of what was already shaping up to be a shittastic day.

Veronica picked her purse up and put her arm through the silver chain-link straps. Ginny peered at it closely.

“Is that new?”

“This?” Veronica stroked the soft pink leather. “Gorgeous, isn’t it? It’s Gucci. They make the best bags. Just the other day, I—”

Ginny slammed her palms down on her desk. “Damn it, Veronica. I asked you last week if you could loan money to the company and you insisted all the funds were still tied up in Barry’s estate.”

“Well, not all of them, obviously.” Veronica sniffed. “I have to have something to live on.”

Ginny seethed. “And a new Gucci purse is critical to living?” Veronica opened her mouth to respond, but Ginny held her hand up to stop her. “If you only knew what I was doing to save this company. I can’t believe you won’t lift a goddamn finger!”

She was so close to telling Veronica the real reason she was marrying Fedor. But that was something she wasn’t ready to discuss with her sister, and she didn’t know if she’d ever be.

“I don’t see why you bother.” Veronica narrowed her eyes at Ginny. “And why should I throw money away? Dad’s ruined this company. It’s only a matter of time before it collapses completely.”

Her statement about their father was accurate, but it still pissed Ginny off. She had no right to say things like that.

“You’ve never given two shits about this company, so don’t pretend to know the first thing about it.”

“Why do you even care so much? As soon as you’re married, Fedor’s not going to want you to work, anyway. In just a few months, all your worries will disappear.”

“I don’t give a shit what—” Ginny stopped herself before she said something she’d regret, something that might come back to haunt her later.

Anyway, Veronica had completely missed the mark with that comment. Funny how Tony could tell she was unhappy with Fedor after just a glance, even though they hadn’t seen each other in years. But her sister, who she saw all the time, had no fucking clue. All her worries disappearing when she married Fedor? The thought was preposterous. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

That’s when her real worries would begin. That’s when the imprisonment she’d signed up for for the rest of her life would start.

Veronica had no fucking clue the price Ginny was playing for her freedom.

“Trouble in paradise?” Veronica arched one perfectly groomed eyebrow. The two sisters stared at one another for a moment in a stand-off.

“On second thought, we’ll have to reschedule our lunch,” Ginny said through clenched teeth. “I really do have a lot of work to do.”

“Suit yourself,” Veronica said in a flippant tone. She pulled a small pink box out of her purse and tossed it on the desk. “I got these for you.” Then she turned on her heels and left.

It took a few deep cleansing breaths for Ginny to stop seeing red. Why did she let Veronica get to her like that?

She picked up the box and opened it. White-chocolate-covered pretzels from the downtown chocolate shop. Her favorite.

Tears formed in her eyes. Veronica was selfish—had always had a selfish streak that had only gotten wider as she’d grown up. That was just who she was. Then she’d do something like this and Ginny would remember she had a sweet side, too.

“Damn it,” she whispered, running her fingers over the silver lettering on the box. Families didn’t get to choose one another, and Veronica was the only sister she was ever going to have.

She grabbed her purse and raced out of her office to catch her.

* * *

In the car on the way to the Grekowski engagement party, the tension between Ginny and Fedor ran higher than normal. Fedor hadn’t brought up their conversation from dinner earlier this week and neither had Ginny. In addition to the money she’d gotten from the necklace, she’d pulled some strings and finessed the company’s finances, begging and pleading with the bank for an extension on their line of credit. As long as nothing huge turned up in the next few months, they should make it until Ginny got access to more funds as the new Mrs. Barkov.

Mrs. Barkov. Never had she imagined this life for herself. In certain circles—mostly underground ones she wanted no knowledge of—Fedor was a powerful and respected man. As his wife, would that power extend to her as well? She shuddered as she imagined herself reigning supreme over the other women in his criminal enterprise. Did he have a mistress? She wouldn’t be surprised. Would he continue the affair after they were married? Would she even care if he did?

Probably not.

She’d never made an overture of affection toward him, yet he’d always regarded her with a sense of adoration. Now when he looked at her, his gaze was contemptuous. Perhaps she’d taken it too far last time when she’d made it clear she had no interest in sharing his bed.

Shit. This wasn’t good. But damn it, what did he expect? Did he think she’d be happy after he’d basically blackmailed her into marrying him? Surely he didn’t expect her to develop feelings for him.

Or maybe he did. In that case, double shit. As much as she didn’t want to, she had to fix this. It was in her best interests to be on good terms with Fedor. She had to try harder.

“Have you ever attended one of the Grekowskis’ parties?” she asked, laying a hand on his arm and smiling.

“No.” His tone was curt.

“They’re pretty interesting. For a New Year’s party one time, they hired acrobats to swing from the ceilings. One of them even attached herself to the bar with her hair. It was almost like being at the circus.” She was rambling but she couldn’t seem to stop herself.

“Sounds like a waste of money. If I wanted to go to the circus, I’d go to the circus.”

Ginny smoothed down her dress, feeling a flush rise to her cheeks. “Oh, it was all in good fun.”

“Then let’s hope tonight will be fun.” He paused and starting at her knee, ran one finger slowly up her thigh. “The choice is yours, my dear.”

She stilled, her stomach rolling at his thinly veiled reference to their conversation from the other night. She wanted to slap his hand away, then scrub her skin where he’d touched her. When he finally did have his way with her, would she ever feel clean again?

As his gaze roamed over her, she felt overexposed in her modest black dress. She resisted the urge to cover up, not wanting to give away that he got to her. Her pride was one of the few things she had left in this totally fucked-up relationship.

But even that was fleeting.

“I’m not sure what the theme of the party is,” she said neutrally, feigning ignorance to what he alluded to. “But whatever it is, it’s sure to be entertaining.”

“It’s not entertainment I’m interested in,” Fedor said. “I’m a very patient man, but that patience has its limits. Even for you, my kotik.” He removed his hand from her thigh, a small victory. But while she may have won this battle, she was doomed for the war.

“I appreciate that,” Ginny said demurely.

“I’ve been good to you, yes?”

Ginny swallowed. “Yes.” Aside from the blackmail.

“I’d like to keep it that way. Do you understand?”

“Yes. We want the same things, Fedor.”

He chuckled, the sound bringing goosebumps to her flesh. “I’d like to believe that. So make me believe it, my kotik.

His hand traveled down her cheek, her throat, and her chest, stopping at her breast. He squeezed aggressively and used his other hand to yank her close.

His mouth covered hers, and she couldn’t suppress her first instinct to recoil. She pushed against his chest before her brain took control of her instincts and she relaxed her body, giving in to him.

His tongue darted into her mouth, reminding her of a lizard’s. He tasted faintly of cigars. It took every ounce of willpower to return his kiss, to hook her leg over his knee, to pretend she desired him.

His walnut-knuckled hand continued to knead her breast roughly—the act was not for her pleasure but for his own. His grip tightened so intensely she worried it might bruise. She whimpered.

Abruptly he pulled away. He gripped her chin in his fingers. “You’re going to have to do better than that, luybov moya.

He released her and she removed her leg from his knee. Her hands shook as they adjusted her hair.

She was so fucked.