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Hollywood Scandal by Louise Bay (14)



As I got out of the car, I went straight toward the back door of Lana’s cottage. Over the last few weeks, I’d spent less and less time at my place.

It was almost as if we were living together. Existing in a bubble built just for the two of us. With no one watching, there was no pressure, no expectations. We just enjoyed each day as it came.

I flipped open the screen door and called out as I opened the back door. The whir of a blow-dryer came from her bedroom and I went to track her down.

She was sitting at her dressing table in nothing but a robe, her brush in one hand, blow-dryer in the other.

I folded my arms and leaned against the doorframe, content to stand and enjoy the concentration on her face and the graceful way she moved.

Next week was my last week on set, and then I was headed back to Los Angeles. I’d thought about extending my trip—it would be great to spend some uninterrupted time with Lana before I left, but I’d received my schedule for my first week back in LA this morning. There was no way I could take any time off. The promo for my film with Audrey was going to have me busier than ever.

But I’d miss the easiness between Lana and me. The way I was able to just be me; the way Lana seemed to like who I was without the glitz and the glam of LA. I wasn’t ready to give it all up. But Lana didn’t belong in LA. I couldn’t see how she’d fit into my world outside of Maine.

She caught my eye in the mirror and burst into a contagious smile. She turned and dropped her brush to the table. “How long have you been there?”

I shrugged and stepped forward. “Just admiring another beautiful Worthington view.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Hey, I was giving you a compliment.”

“Stop objectifying me and come kiss me,” she said.

I didn’t need to be told twice.

She tipped her head up as I stood over her. I brushed my thumbs across her cheekbones before I dipped my head to press my lips to hers. She tasted of summer and home and all the tension from my muscles drained away as our bodies found each other.

I pulled her up from where she was sitting.

“I just had a shower,” she said. “It’s been so sticky today.”

“I’m going to get you sweaty again.” I growled and bit down on her neck. “I feel like I haven’t seen you for days.” I always felt like that, as if I was constantly chasing more of her, as if I wasn’t quite done. As if there was more to discover.

“You woke up in my bed, did wicked things to me before you left for work just this morning,” she said as she threaded her fingers through my hair.

She was right, it had only been hours since I’d had her, but that didn’t mean I hadn’t thought about her all day, hadn’t wanted to be right here, buried in her.

I parted her dressing gown, revealing her milky white breasts, and closed my eyes for a beat. She was so fucking perfect. I pushed the robe over her shoulders and the whole thing fell to the ground, exposing her. That body had me running back to Worthington as quickly as I could.

I swept my hands over her waist. “Lie down,” I said, lifting my chin toward the bed.

She backed away from me and sat on the bed. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to follow my command.

“Keep your feet on the floor.”

Slowly, she lay back, reaching her arms above her head and arching her spine. Fucking perfect.

I stripped off my shirt and fell to my knees.

Stroking my hands up the back of her legs, I pulled her toward me and pushed her knees wide, zeroing in on her hot, wet pussy. I’d only been in the same room with her for a few minutes. Kissed her once, the contact bordering on chaste, but I could still see her wetness, still feel her heat.

She twisted under my inspection. “Matt,” she moaned.

“So impatient,” I chastised. “So desperate for my tongue.”

I pressed my palms against the inside of her thighs, my thumbs scraping against her entrance. Her hips bucked off the bed and I grinned. I loved it when she got worked up this quickly.

I couldn’t waste a moment to taste her, so I leaned forward and lay my tongue flat against her clit before circling and pressing again.

Her sounds turned from whimpers to moans as I delved deeper, coating my tongue in her wetness. Pulling my thumbs apart, I blew cool air against her hot entrance and she screamed. The noises she made—they weren’t faked, or what she thought I wanted to hear—just honest reactions to the things I did to her. Fuck, every noise that left those lips was a complete turn-on.

I plunged one thumb into her as I continued to suck and press and lick. She thrust into my mouth, wanting more, needing more.

My erection pressed against my zipper so fucking hard I thought I might burst.

I pulled away, desperate to give my cock some freedom, stood to undress and glanced up at Lana, her hair spread across the bedspread.

“Turn around,” I said. “I want your head here.” I pointed at the corner of the bed nearest to me.

I kicked off my jeans as she turned.

“I want your mouth around my dick,” I said. I wasn’t done tasting her, but my cock needed some attention.

She reached over her head, grasped the back of my thighs and opened her mouth, ready to take me. I groaned and stepped forward.

In so many ways she was a wholesome girl from Maine, but the things Lana Kelly did to my dick should have her marked with a warning sign.

She took me in her mouth and sucked my crown. I swallowed hard, trying to regulate my breathing. Leaning forward, I braced my hands on either side of Lana’s legs as she took me deeper. The smell of her pussy brought me back to the moment and I pressed her thighs apart, pausing to take in the beautiful swollen flesh before devouring her.

If this was heaven, I didn’t ever want to come back to life.

The sensation of my cock hitting the back of her throat as I flicked my tongue over her clit and the moan that vibrated down my shaft was almost too much. She pressed her hands against the back of my thighs, trying to get me deeper into her, and I was only too happy to help. She gagged and I tried to pull away but she only sucked me in harder. This fucking woman. There was no one like her.

Her moans around my cock grew louder as I continued to lick and suck, press and push. Every reverberation around my dick brought me closer to the edge and urged me on to soak up her wetness. There was no way I was coming alone.

All too soon she stiffened and thrust against my mouth.

I stilled, pressing my flattened tongue against her as I finally allowed myself to spill into her mouth.

I panted against her pussy, my legs weakening, my body too sated to move. Holding her beneath me like that, taking me so willingly as I fucked her mouth, the trust it took—it felt as though something had burst through and taken us to a different, more intimate level.

She wanted me. Came for me. Not the movie star. Just me. Matt. The guy who’d grown up in Indiana, the kid who’d travelled the world but never really left the Midwest. It was the biggest turn-on I could ever have imagined.

I wasn’t ready to give it up.


It had been an intense welcome home. I’d caught him watching me from the doorway and he had his mouth on me in seconds. As Matt pulled the sheet up around us and I huddled into his side, I wanted him to confirm what had just passed between us had been more than sex. Trust had formed the basis of my orgasm—intimacy. I wasn’t sure I’d ever experienced that with a man.

Over the last few weeks, we’d spent every minute he was in Worthington together, but between his hours on set and my work at the shop, it never felt as if I got enough time with him. But now things had grown from something physical into something . . . more.

I just wasn’t sure what that more was.

Whatever it was hadn’t usurped the sex. There wasn’t much point in wearing clothes with Matt around. He liked me naked and the feeling was mutual.

He swept his hand up my body, his fingers and then his mouth finding my nipple. I groaned at the sharp pain that burst into pleasure as he squeezed and then bit. Somehow he seemed to know exactly how hard I liked his teeth, how deep I wanted his bite. I swiveled my hips and he stilled me, his fingers pushing into me immediately.

“What’s got you so worked up?” I asked, only barely able to push the words out.

“I need to get my fill of you. I’ve missed you today.”

I sucked in a breath as he removed his fingers.

“Turn over and look back at me,” he demanded.

I slid onto my front, pushed up on my elbows and threw a glance over my shoulder.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

He smoothed his hands over my ass. I knew what came next and braced myself as his palm cracked against my skin. I groaned—a sound pulled from the middle of my belly. It hurt so good.

“Perfect,” he said, sweeping his hand over where he’d just smacked me. “And I bet you’re even wetter than you were.” His fingers tripped over my sex. “Oh yes. Very nice. Very nice indeed.”

The bed dipped on either side of me as he straddled me and worked open a condom.

Nights like this were perfect. He came in, desperate to fuck. There was some cursory foreplay, but what he wanted was to ram himself into me until he came. Tonight had been slightly different. But it was all good. I wanted everything.

I slid my hands toward the headboard as he raised my hips and pressed my chest to the bed. I loved that he took exactly what he wanted from my body and that was exactly what I needed.

He possessed me, and I let him.

He nudged at my entrance and I took a big breath.

He let out a groan as he pushed deeper.

It always felt so primal like this.

“You like that, don’t you?” he asked. “You like me telling you where to lie. How to offer yourself to me. I decide how we fuck and you love it.”

I moaned into the mattress.

Yes. I couldn’t get enough. I’d never had so much sex in my life, never spent the day feeling the aftereffects of fingers, teeth and cock, my only regret that I couldn’t have more than the memory.

I’d always enjoyed sex but I’d never yearned for it. Never physically craved a man as I did Matt. And it was exactly because there was no pressure on me. He took what he wanted and knew what I needed.

He slammed deeper and deeper and I tried to keep my orgasm at bay. I wanted to be stronger than I was, for him to have to fight for my orgasm, but as soon as he touched me, I was always seconds away from my climax. I screwed up my fists and tried to block out the drag of his dick, his hot breath on my neck as he told me how many times he was going to make me come.

My climax rumbled like distant thunder. “You wanna come again, Lana?”

I nodded.

“You always want to come as soon as you get my dick.”

I’d hate him for being so arrogant if it wasn’t entirely true.

I spread my fingers wide and let my orgasm ripple across my body as Matt continued to thrust into me. He liked to fuck me through my climax. In the rare event that I didn’t have another one soon after, he’d double down until he had me coming for a second or third time.

Tonight, the third one was beginning to build even though the second was still a series of aftershocks. He pulled us to our sides and wrapped his arms around me, never losing his rhythm. He reached for my nipple, pinching and rolling it between his finger and thumb, injecting a fresh shot of pleasure directly between my legs.

His other hand went to my lower belly and brought me closer, thrusting deeper. I called out, desperate for some respite. But I needed it harder and deeper.

“Feel this, Lana? I knew the first moment I saw you, soaked to your skin, screaming at me, that this was what you needed. My cock, driving deeper into you, my fingers pinching your nipples. You screamed out how bad you needed to be fucked this hard.”

The rest of his words blurred into my climax as it ripped through me and I could tell by his sharp thrusts that he was coming with me. “Lana,” was the only sound I heard through the pounding of the blood in my ears.

“You smell like the ocean,” he whispered on an exhale as our bodies continued to pulse and quiver.

I reached back to cup his jaw. “You smell of determination. Something got into you tonight.” We’d had sex every day since our trip up the coast, but something had shifted in the way he’d touched me tonight.

I turned to face him and he grinned, and I shook my head. “I can see that joke forming in your brain. You know what I mean. You got something on your mind?”

“I got my schedule for my first week back in LA.”

My stomach flipped. Next week was his last on set and then he was going back to California. He’d never pretended that he might stay, but I would miss him. I’d gotten used to having him in my bed every night.

“You have a schedule sent to you? You don’t just, I don’t know, wake up and get on with your day?”

He rearranged us on the bed so we were facing each other and pulled up a sheet. “No, because the press tour for the movie Audrey and I did starts almost immediately. I also have a couple of interviews and meetings with directors and stuff. There’s a lot more to the job than just filming.”

I nodded and placed my hands between my face and the pillow.

“Will you come out and visit me?” he asked, taking a strand of my hair and pushing it behind my ear.

“In LA?” We’d never talked about what happened after he left Worthington. Things had started off so casually between us, and it was always so clear that we only had limited time together. I didn’t have any answers, but I wasn’t sorry that he’d brought it up. I wanted to see inside his brain.

“Yeah, in LA.” His fingers smoothed over my waist.

Where did he see this going? There’d been plenty of times over the last few weeks that I’d wanted to stretch out time so he’d be in Worthington longer, but it had never occurred to me that once he’d left we could see each other again. Not until tonight.

“I’m not a city girl—you know that. I have the shop here. My life is here. What would I even do in LA? You can’t risk being discovered with another woman, and I don’t want any attention

“I’m not sure if you’re really concerned about any of these things, or if you just don’t want to see me.”

“I’m really concerned about all those things.” Mostly, I was worried about being seen with him. I didn’t want that sort of attention for either one of us. “You know I don’t want people taking my picture, or knowing my business.”

He pulled me toward him, so we were touching. “You’ve never thought how you’ll miss how I can make you feel?”

“You’re trying to distract me.” I smacked him on the chest.

He chuckled, pulling my hand to his mouth and kissing it. “Just reminding you what you’ll be missing. And I can sneak you in. No one will ever know you’re staying with me. We can stay in bed the whole time.”

I trailed my fingers from his collarbone over his chest. Was that possible? To go unseen to the house of a Hollywood heartthrob? “Surely there are plenty of women very happy to spend all day in bed with you in LA?”

He drew in a breath. “Look, I’m just kidding about staying in bed all day.” He paused. “I think. I like hanging out with you, but I’m leaving soon. And I don’t want to stop hanging out. I’m just suggesting we have some more time together. No pressure.”

“And you think we could do it without the press finding out?” I focused on his eyes, trying to determine if there was reticence behind them.


He brought my leg across his hip, snaking his hand up the back of my thigh. “Yeah. I have high fences.”

“We won’t be able to go out, though. Not for lunch or anything.” Surely he wouldn’t want to be cooped up at home for a weekend.

“I can get any restaurant in town to do takeout for us.” He seemed certain that this was what he wanted, and I wouldn’t turn down an extra few days with a man who knew my body so well. And had also gotten to know my mind pretty well too. A man who I enjoyed sharing my day with, who could make me laugh, who not only didn’t mind my yoga pants but found them sexy. I liked Matt. And I wasn’t so sure I wanted him to disappear from my life all of a sudden.

I bit back my grin. “Only if you promise me a lot of sex.”

“Now that’s the easiest promise I’ve made in the last month.” He pressed his lips against mine. I tightened my leg, pulling him toward me.

Would it be as easy as he made it sound, sneaking into his house and not being seen? A famous guy was the last person I’d want to date if that was even what he was suggesting, which I wasn’t sure about. But I wanted to let him go even less.




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