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Hooked on a Phoenix by Ashlyn Chase (12)

Chapter 12

Gabe paced the length of his studio apartment, going stir-crazy. It had been a week since his discharge from the hospital. Couldn’t the captain at least assign him to light duty? Nope. He was off the roster until cleared by the fire department’s doctor.

He needed a distraction. Some pleasant company would do the trick. Misty popped into his mind right away. It would fit in with his plan of getting to know each other better.

He took his phone off the charger and called her as he paced around his apartment.

She answered on the second ring. “Hi, Gabe. I was hoping you’d call.”

“Oh yeah? I guess we’re on the same wavelength. How are you?”

Misty hesitated. “The question is, how are you? You’re the one who took a big bang to the head.”

“I feel a lot better physically, but I’m bored. If you’re free, we could go somewhere…or hang out and do something at my place.”

“Umm, I don’t know what you’re thinking of doing, exactly. I have to go to work tomorrow. I shouldn’t be out too late. And I can’t stay the night.”

Stay the night? “Whoa. That is not what I meant at all. I…I shouldn’t have called.”

“Huh? Why not?”

“I just meant doing something this afternoon. I…uh…have plans with Jayce this evening.”

“Gabe? There’s something I have to tell you.”

“Oh? Okay. So tell me.”

“It’s not a conversation for over the phone.”

“Uh-oh. Are you dumping me?” He laughed. “Not that we’re really a couple, even.”

She must not have found his joke funny. Her voice became stern. “How about if we meet for coffee and discuss it this afternoon?”

“That sounds good. Starbucks? The one on Cambridge Str—Oh, sorry. I was thinking of the one close to you in the North End. You must be at my parents’ house in the South End, right? I can pick up a copy of the local entertainment paper on the way.”

“Actually, I’m at my friend’s house in Saugus.”

“Hi, Gabe,” a faint voice yelled in the background.

He chuckled. “Hi, whoever you are.”

The voice got louder, as if she’d grabbed the phone. “My name is Julie. Actually, I’m one of the girls who thought you were a stripper. Sorry about that.”

“Ah. No worries. It was kind of flattering—I guess. Can you put Misty back on the phone?”


He heard Misty frantically whispering to her friend to give her privacy. A moment later, Misty said, “Hi.”

“Maybe I can meet you out there—wherever you are.”

“Saugus. There are all kinds of places we can go, but why don’t you meet me here at my friend’s house and then we can decide where to go to talk.”

“Okay. Give me the address.”

Misty gave him the address and some simple directions.

“I just have to borrow a car. I’ll be there in forty-five minutes—maybe longer, if I have to rent one.”

“Good. I’ll see you in an hour or so. I would actually like some time to shower and change my clothes. I slept in them last night.”

“Should I be worried?”

There was a hesitation. Finally, Misty said, “No. Not for the reason you’re thinking. No walk of shame or anything.”

And before she could say any more, he said, “I’ll meet you there around eleven.”

She disconnected, leaving him to wonder what she was being so mysterious about. Whatever it was, he’d find out later. Right now, he had to call Dante and hope his little brother wasn’t using his beloved sports car.

* * *

Misty had just enough time to wash her underwear and blow-dry it. Then she showered, brushed her teeth and hair, put on mascara, and borrowed some clothes from Julie. She was glad they found something cute that fit. A pair of skinny jeans and a pretty magenta sweater. She was also glad she wasn’t back at the Fierro house waiting for Gabe.

She didn’t want to chat with her future child’s grandmother. Gabe needed to know first, and his mother seemed to have some kind of psychic power or something. She always knew what other people were feeling. And she had a way of getting them to spill their guts.

When the doorbell rang, she jogged downstairs to answer it, but Julie had gotten there first.

“Surprise, Misty. It’s Parker!”

She froze halfway down the stairs. “Parker?”

“Hey, Sis!”

“How are you here? And how did you know where I was?”

“I have a short leave between training and shipping out.”

“He called me to arrange a little surprise for you. I didn’t know if I’d have to kidnap you to get you here, but fortunately, you were easy to convince.” She winked.

Crap. Now she’d have to tell Parker and Gabe at the same time. There was no way she could keep this to herself until she saw each one alone. In a way, it was a good thing Parker was here and not half a world away. He might need to see for himself that she was really all right.

“Don’t I get a hug?” he asked.

“Of course!” She ran into the foyer and hugged her brother hard. “I missed you!”

“I missed you too. More than you’d think.”

“Oh yeah? You must have been really homesick.”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

“Holy shit!” Gabe exclaimed. “Is that Parker?”

Parker whirled around and met his best friend coming up the walk. They gave each other a man hug with many slaps on the back.

“Good to see you! Hey, Julie, I didn’t realize you knew Gabe.”

“I don’t. Well, not really. I thought he was a stripper, and then he ran off before proper introductions could be made.”

Parker’s brows rose.

“Jeez, Julie,” Misty interjected. “It’s not what it sounds like. I was having a party at my apartment for Julie and my friends from high school, and Gabe just showed up to check on me. I thought he was the pizza delivery guy and went into the other room to get my wallet and, well…the girls thought I had arranged something else—which I didn’t, by the way.”

Parker laughed hard. “So, I guess you’re still looking after my little sister, Gabe. Thanks.”

“What are you doing here?” Gabe asked. “Did you get emergency leave when you heard that Misty’s house blew up?”

Parker took a step back. He grabbed Misty’s arm. “Your house blew up? How? When? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was going to. It just happened, and there was a lot of other stuff going on.” She realized she’d inadvertently introduced subjects she didn’t want to get into just yet. “Hey, let’s go inside. Why are we all standing in the foyer with the door open? It’s February, for God’s sake.” She grabbed Parker’s hand and tugged him inside.

As soon as Gabe had closed the door, she quickly addressed Parker’s concerns. “It was a gas leak. Gabe saved both me and my landlady. He was in the hospital, knocked unconscious for a while.” There. Put the focus on Gabe. That should buy her a little time.

Parker let go of Misty and clamped his hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “I knew I could count on you, man. Thank God you were there.”

Gabe offered a weak smile. Maybe he was just being humble, or maybe he didn’t want Parker to know how close they had become. Either way, it was time for another distraction.

“Let’s get out of the chilly hallway.” Misty made a point of shivering.

Julie laughed. “No shit. If my father were here, he would have yelled, ‘Do you want to heat the whole damn neighborhood?’ ten minutes ago. Let’s go into the kitchen where it’s warm. I’ll make some coffee.”

They all tromped into the kitchen and found seats at the round glass table in the corner.

“Nice house, Julie,” Gabe said.

“I’m a squatter. Sort of. My folks are in Germany. My dad got transferred, and they’re looking at houses. Until they buy one, they won’t put this one on the market. I get to live here until the new owners evict me.”

Misty brightened. “Maybe you and I can get a place in the city when they sell this out from under you.”

Parker groaned. “That’s a recipe for disaster.”

“What do you mean?” Gabe asked.

Parker laughed. “When these two get together, you never know who’s going to call you. The towing company, the cops, or—”

Gabe held up his palm. “I don’t need to know the details.” He gave Misty the hairy eyeball.

“Hey, we’re not that bad.” Julie giggled as she filled the coffeepot with water. “At least we’re no longer underage.”

Parker smiled. “I guess it’s just harmless girl fun. Nothing to be concerned about. But what does concern me is where are you living now, Misty? Can you get to your job from here—or wherever?”

“The Fierros took me in. I just have to commute from the South End to the North End. It’s nothing the subway and a CharlieCard can’t handle.”

Parker glanced at Gabe. “You’re still at your place near the theater district and Chinatown, right?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Just making sure.”

Misty sensed her brother’s discomfort. Or maybe it was her own worry she was projecting. Parker obviously didn’t want them together. She and Gabe shared a quick glance and looked away.

Julie joined them at the table while the coffee was brewing. “Hmmm… Something is going on here.” She pointed to the other three in turn.

“Oh? Is there something I should know?” Parker asked.

Oh, crap. Julie was always too observant and never could shut the hell up. Misty had to get her brother and Gabe alone and tell them her news soon—before Julie blurted it out at the worst possible moment.

“Julie, can you please give us some time alone?”

Julie straightened and looked offended. “You don’t want me here? I would think you might need my support.”

“No! What I need is for you to disappear for a few minutes.” Misty felt bad as soon as she raised her voice to her friend, but it had to be done. Her well-meaning friend would probably add her two cents and just complicate things.

“Fine.” She sounded hurt as she rose and stomped out of the room. “When the coffee is ready, you can help yourselves.”

“I’m sorry,” Misty called after her.

“No, you’re not, but you might be when I’m not there to help you figure out what you’re going to say.” Julie’s voice trailed off, but it looked as if the guys caught the gist of it.

Misty muttered, “Jesus.”

“What’s she talking about?” Parker asked.

Misty leaned back and crossed her arms. “There’s something I have to tell you. Both of you. I didn’t want to do it here, like this, but it seems like I have no choice now.”

Parker narrowed his eyes. “Spit it out, Misty. What did you do?”

She straightened and glared at her brother. “What makes you think I did something?”

“Whoa. Relax, Parker,” Gabe said. “Misty hasn’t done anything. She’s had some bad news, and if you’ll just shut up, she’ll tell you what it is.”

Gabe was trying to help, probably thinking she had to tell him about the MS. Boy, was he in for a rude shock.

Misty took a deep breath. “Actually, there are two things I have to tell you, Parker. And one of those things you don’t know yet, Gabe. But you need to.”

Gabe sat up straighter. “What is it?”

Misty’s lower lip began to quiver. Oh no, Misty. Do not cry. Do. Not. Cry. She had to get out the words before she couldn’t talk past the lump in her throat.

“Parker, I have MS. Multiple sclerosis.”

“Damn. You said you were going to the doctor for some weird symptoms. Is that what they found? I don’t know much about it, but it’s pretty serious, right? Are they sure that’s what it is?”

Misty nodded. “Yeah. They did a bunch of tests. They ruled out everything else. The MRI showed a few lesions in certain places in my brain.”

“Why am I just finding out about this now? Did you know, Gabe?”

“Yeah. She didn’t want me to tell you, and it wasn’t my place to do that, anyway.”

Parker reached over and took Misty’s hand. “I’m so sorry, Sis. I should have been here for you. But at least Gabe was. Thanks, buddy.”

Oh boy. Wait until part two of the news… “There’s more.”

“Yeah, what was that other thing that I don’t know about yet?” Gabe asked.

Misty took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and said, “I’m pregnant.”

Parker jumped up so fast, his chair fell over. “What? How the hell? No. Never mind that. Who the hell is the father?”

Misty looked at Gabe. His mouth was hanging open, and he was staring at her, dumbstruck. Parker would probably figure it out at some point, but maybe she could buy Gabe some time.

“It’s none of your damn business, Parker, who the father is. This is my problem, and I’ll handle it.”

Gabe looked like he just swallowed a bug. “Shit.”

Parker glanced from Gabe to Misty and back. “Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Are you telling me my best friend knocked up my little sister?”

Gabe said nothing. He just folded his hands and stared at her.

Parker’s face reddened. He grabbed Gabe by the collar and yanked him out of his chair. “Did you?”

“Yeah. I guess so.”

Parker took a swing at him, and Gabe ducked, narrowly missing his fist. He wasn’t so lucky the next time. Parker aimed for his stomach and hit him hard enough that Gabe doubled over.

Misty jumped up. “Stop!”

“Hell no,” Parker yelled. “I’m just getting started.”

“He has a concussion. You could kill him!”

He kicked Gabe in the shoulder and sent him sprawling into the cabinets.

Gabe just sat there, staring at the floor.

Parker loomed over him. “Get up.”

“I’m not going to fight you.” Gabe rubbed his shoulder and stayed where he was.

“I said, get up!”

“Parker, stop it!” Misty demanded. “Leave him alone.”

Julie rounded the corner. “What happened? I heard a crash.”

Misty burst into tears. Julie took her by the shoulders and led her out of the room. “I knew you’d need me.”

“Get up. Let’s finish this,” Parker was saying.

“No!” Misty broke away from Julie. She stopped in the kitchen doorway and held on to the trim. She swayed and felt like she was going to faint.

Gabe jumped to his feet and got to her in time to lower her slowly to the floor. “Are you okay?”

Misty shook her head. “No.” Then she started crying openly.

“Jesus,” Parker muttered. “It’s not bad enough she has some kind of disease, but you had to go and get her pregnant too? You’re a monster.”

“Maybe you can wait until we get her lying down before you finish kicking the shit out of me.” Gabe lifted her and walked into the living room, where Julie stood watching. “Where can I put her?”

“Upstairs. In my bedroom.”

“We’re not done here,” Parker yelled.

* * *

“I’ll be down in a minute,” Gabe snapped. He carried Misty up the stairs, with Julie leading the way. As soon as she opened the bedroom door, he strode in and laid Misty on the bed. “Stay with her,” he said to Julie.

He didn’t wait for any acknowledgment. He stormed back down the stairs and into the kitchen. Parker was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. Gabe sat across from him. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”

“Don’t. Don’t say anything.” He took a deep breath and let it out in a whoosh. “I can’t believe it. I asked you to look out for her. I figured she’d probably attract guys who were just trying to get into her pants. I never thought that guy would be you.”

“I didn’t seduce her. She… It just happened.”

Parker jumped up and rushed toward him. “What were you about to say? She started it? She seduced you? Liar!” His fist connected with Gabe’s jaw and knocked him over. “You piece of shit. You’re not good enough for her.”

Gabe stayed down and rubbed his jaw. “You’re right.”

Parker paced back and forth, raking his fingers through his short hair. At last, facing away from him, he said, “Get out.”

Gabe didn’t hesitate to comply.

He stopped halfway down the walk and turned around. He had to know if Misty was okay. Jogging around to the backyard, he inspected the area. It was fenced in, high enough so neighbors couldn’t look right in. It seemed about as private as he was going to get, so he stripped off his clothes and shifted. His six-foot frame shrunk down to about the size of a hawk with long, colorful tail feathers.

Fortunately, there was a mud puddle nearby, and he was able to roll in it until his feathers were dull looking and disguised. He picked out the window that belonged to the room where Misty lay and flew to the nearest branch.

Misty was still lying down, and now Parker was sitting by her side. Julie was just stepping out and closing the door. They must’ve asked for privacy. Gabe doubted Julie would leave voluntarily. Misty’s friend seemed pretty protective.

“Misty, I lost my head. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

With Gabe’s paranormal hearing, he was able to hear the conversation, even through the closed window.

“Well, you did. I can’t believe you would hurt him like that. I love him, you jerk.”

Parker hung his head. “I don’t think I really hurt him. He got right up and managed to carry you upstairs with no problem.”

“And then you hit him again. I heard the crash. Where is he now?”

“Gone,” Parker said. “I threw him out.”

“You can apologize later. That was the first he’d heard it, and he probably needs some time to process the news. I know I did.”

“Didn’t you use protection?”

Misty glared at her brother. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes. Of course we did.”

Parker’s posture sagged. “I don’t really want the details, but was he… Is he… Never mind.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.”

Misty rolled toward the window. She seemed to be staring right at Gabe’s bird form and blinked a couple of times.

He flew onto the roof, where he could still listen but not be seen.

“I hate to ask you this, but have you thought about what you’re going to do now?” Parker asked.

“I’ve thought about it, but I haven’t decided anything. I really need to talk to Gabe before I make any plans.”

“I don’t want you marrying him.”

“I don’t think he wants to marry me, so you’re in luck.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means he doesn’t want to marry anybody.”

“He told you that?”

“Yeah. I wasn’t pregnant at the time, or I didn’t know I was, anyway. He’s always been honest with me about that. No wife. No kids. That’s how he wants it.”

“All right. Try not to get mad, but if you want help paying for a procedure, I can—”

“Don’t! I don’t want to discuss this with you. This is not your fault or your problem. I need to talk to Gabe. And only Gabe,” she said, strengthening her voice.

Gabe imagined Julie was probably listening with her ear against the door.

There was some rustling, and she spoke again, this time in an assertive tone, but without anger. “I know I’m in trouble. I know you’re worried about me. But don’t. Whatever happens, I’ll be fine. After I got over the shock, I realized I’d love to have Gabe’s baby. Even if I raise the child on my own… And don’t think I can’t. Mothers figure out how to take care of their kids in all kinds of difficult circumstances. I imagine I can too.”

Gabe was full of emotion. He wanted to fly through the window, shift, and take her in his arms. But that would only make things worse, since neither Misty nor Parker had any idea what he really was.

He could fly down to where his clothes were, change, and go knock on the door again. But he knew that was not a good idea, either. Not yet. He needed to give brother and sister some alone time to process. He could use some time to figure out the whole mess too. Especially why his best friend was so against her marrying him. Did Parker really think he’d be bad for her?

He flitted to the ground, shifted into his human form again, brushed the dirt off his backside, and dressed quickly.

He strode past the house to where he’d left the Zipcar he’d rented. Jumping in, he decided to visit his brother Jayce a little sooner than expected.