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Hot Sexy Desire by Nadia Lee (30)

Chapter Thirty


I study the layout of Kristen’s apartment again. I had it cleaned from top to bottom after the break-in and replaced everything that naked fucker touched, including her bed. Her bed and sheets were burnt, and I had all of them swapped out with a new set in the same size and colors.

Although… Maybe I should’ve bought something bigger. Her bed is sort of small. On the other hand, small would mean we’d have to sleep more wrapped tightly together…

Normally I’d do the security review on my own, but in a moment of idiotic hallucination, I decided to speak with Tolyan. He’s an expert at dealing with stalkers and freaks, as Elizabeth has had a few. Still gets them occasionally, despite her recently updated marital status.

Losers and their obsession with pretty women.

The problem is Tolyan didn’t just give me some advice over the phone. He showed up at Kristen’s apartment. I don’t want him here, but I can’t exactly tell him to go home. He doesn’t listen to anybody, and he can pick locks and doors just as well as I can.

The good thing is I put on work clothes before I came over, and so did Tolyan. It being Saturday, my preference would be a casual shirt and shorts, but there’s the matter of image. I don’t want anybody to drive by Kristen’s apartment and think she has guys just casually coming over or loitering around or some other bullshit. I want people to see us and know that she’s getting security experts and they better not fuck with her. So it’s a full-on suit, complete with earpiece, Secret Service sunglasses and a conspicuous holster.

Currently, Tolyan is looking at a pile of flowers, many of them red roses. I kept them, just in case, and took pictures of everything. He sorts through them, reads all the notes and letters and says, “Kristen’s a popular girl. Four different stalkers and freaks. Not bad. But…this man, who calls himself Amour…is very persistent. Sixteen bouquets and twenty-six letters in the last seven days alone.”

Tolyan sounds intrigued…almost excited, which is a helluva lot creepier than his usual cold, flat voice. I pity this “Amour” guy if he shows up. Whatever punishment I don’t mete out, Tolyan will…and he’s going to enjoy every second of it.

“I know. I’ve read them all, too.”

“He wants to marry Kristin and make beautiful babies with her. Does he know how much of a hassle children are? Nothing kills romance like a crying kid.”

“Probably not.” Although personally, I don’t think raising children with Kristen would be such a hardship. Hell, it’d be cute to have a daughter who looks just like her.

Wait a minute. What am I thinking? I’m not here to fantasize about having a daughter with Kristen. I’m here to see what I can do to improve the place’s security so she can move back in.

She wants to move back home, and I want to make that happen.

Eye on the ball.

“It’s your fault,” Tolyan says.

“What is?”

“You should’ve killed the man who broke in here, then made sure it got on the news—ideally the front page. If that failed, make it go viral on social media.” Tolyan squints a little. “You know how to do that, right?”

“Of course. And I did think about it.”

“It would’ve made things safer. Other idiots like him wouldn’t think of approaching Kristen. And she would’ve known how you felt. One stone, two birds.”

“She already knows I want to keep her safe.”

Tolyan looks at me like I’m beyond help. “I mean, if you’d killed the bastard, she would know you love her without you having to say it.”

“Whatever. I’m not some cat bringing a dead mouse home.”

“Too bad.” Tolyan’s pale blue eyes sweep over me. “Because instead you’re a pussy who pounces and misses.”

I grit my teeth, a growl welling in my throat. Tolyan always brings out the worst in me—my most immature, annoyed, rude and prone to violence side. “You get into a lot of bar fights, don’t you?”

“Used to. And I’ve never had a bone broken, and I still have all my teeth. Can’t say the same for the other men.”

They’re probably all dead. From broken bones and teeth.

“This is as safe as it’s going to get,” Tolyan says. “You’ve been very thorough.”

I stick a finger in my ear and wriggle it. I must’ve misheard.

He ignores me. “But it still isn’t one hundred percent. This apartment complex isn’t built to provide security. It’s built to be cheap.” His eyes narrow. “It’s better for her to stay at Dominic’s penthouse. He has plenty of room. Why are you doing this instead of explaining that fact to the little one?”

“Because it’s what she wants. She feels awkward about getting in the way of Dominic’s marital bliss.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” He throws a hand in the air. “Then make it simple. You move in with Kristen. Problem solved.”

That’s what Kristen said before we got interrupted by the flower delivery. But then she seemed almost relieved by the distraction…which makes me wonder how serious she was about the suggestion. Women almost never say what they mean. Their words have at least ten layers of subtext, and if you miss any of them, you’re screwed.

Tolyan says, “You know how to keep a girl safe from stalkers, right? Most of them aren’t carrying.”

“I have to talk with Dominic first.”

“I didn’t know there was a regulation that says you need to announce it to the girl’s brother first. Dominic never asked Lizochka’s brothers. If he had, the answer would’ve been a broken leg. And I would’ve been happy to hold him down for them.” He gives me a genuine smile. It’s creepy as hell. He needs to quit smiling so much.

“Dominic and I are best friends,” I say stiffly.

“So? A ‘best friend’ who gets in the way of what you want is an enemy.”

“Who said anything about getting in the way of what I want?”

“No one, but it’s obvious. You’re holding back on Kristen because of Dominic.”

I meet Tolyan’s unblinking gaze. Now it’s clearer. “You’ve never had a friend, have you?”

His eyes don’t waver. “I’ll get one when I find a use for one.”