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Howl And Growl: Wolf And Cat Shifter Paranormal Romance (Howl And Growl Series Book 1) by Cloe Cullen (5)

Chapter Five: Darius

Gavriel came to get Darius in the morning.

It was misty out in the Oldwood like it always was outside of Gray Creek. Darius hunted solo, stalking a pair of deer that wandered into his path. He didn't really need to hunt them since Gavriel always came back to their home with plenty of fresh kills of his own, but Darius had nothing else to do.

Most wolf shifters would go into Gray Creek to mingle and play games with others if they were bored, and while Darius considered it a few times, he realized no one there would truly give him the time of day. If anyone did, they'd probably just tell him to get lost or mock him.

A wave of loneliness swept over Darius as he watched the pair of deer from the shadows. They grazed, chewing on grass and berries, always staying close to each other. It was stupid of Darius, but he became jealous of the two deer; who did he have that would always be by his side?

Remus, he supposed, but Remus would be Alpha eventually, he didn't have the time to always be by Darius' side. Gavriel? Gavriel was around more than anyone, as a father should be, but Darius had always resented him for withholding stories about his mother. Maybe it was unfair of Darius, but he couldn't help how he felt. Nyssa? Remus' sister filled his mind once more. The girl clearly wanted to be by Darius' side, and she was beautiful...maybe Darius should give her a chance, despite his natural brotherly feelings for her.

Maybe a mate would keep Darius from dying of loneliness.

A howl cut the air, sending the two deer into a panic and sprinting away into the forest. Startled from his thoughts, Darius stood up on his four legs and watched the deer leave. His basic instinct to chase after the deer almost won out over his decision to stay, but before he could lope away, the breeze brought a familiar scent to his nostrils. Gavriel burst onto the scene moments later, panting and his giant, steel-gray wolf form pacing the clearing, his head snapping back and forth looking for Darius. Darius thought about staying still, letting Gavriel work to find him, but ultimately decided against it. From his spot on the thick tree branch, Darius leaped down to the ground, startling Gavriel. His father jumped back at the sudden movement and growled, but calmed down when Darius stepped into the light.

Gavriel glanced from Darius to the tree and back again, and Darius could guess what he was thinking. No wolves limbed trees. It wasn't in their nature, but Darius did. It just felt natural to him. Either way, Gavriel shook his fur out and barked at Darius to follow, turning and darting off the way he came.

Darius didn't answer, but he followed, like a quiet gray shadow.

When they arrived back at their wooden home, Gavriel shifted to his human form at the back of the house, quickly grabbing his clothes strewn about on the ground. Darius followed suit, changing back to his naked human form. Gavriel tossed him a deerskin tunic and pants. "Come on, the Alpha's son is here."

"Remus? Why?"

"To see you for some reason other than friendly chatting." Gavriel motioned for Darius to follow as he rounded the corner of their home. "They were antsy when I left them to come find you, but they wouldn't tell me why."

"They? Normally Remus comes alone…"

Gavriel's face became grave, and he stared holes in Darius' skull. "I'm guessing some sort of hunt, but by the way Remus and his lot are acting, it doesn't sound like you'll be killing rabbits today."

Darius spotted Remus as they found their way to the front of the house. His blonde head and blue eyes were unmistakable among the others, like a light in the mist. When Remus caught sight of Darius, he came over with a smile plastered to his face.

"Darius! I'm glad your father could find you. I didn't really want to leave without asking you to come along," Remus said.

Four shifters stood back, with crossed arms, all glaring at Darius and his father. Their aggression was palpable. Darius glanced from them to Remus. "Where are you planning on taking me, then? If it's just another hunt…"

"It is another hunt, but this time we aren’t looking for food."

Darius eyed him. "What then? Are we hunting a criminal? A thief?"

Remus' smile dampened. "Something similar. A few shifters are missing. A group of two or three, I'm not exactly sure of the number. But what we do know is that the group was hunting in the east, just this side of the border. They haven't been back for a few days now, so my father put me in charge of finding them."

Darius crossed his arms. "And you want me along to that really a good idea? I don't think your Alpha father would want me to take any of the credit for finding the shifters."

Gavriel placed a hand on Darius' shoulder and leaned into his lean. "Don't think about Ulrick. If he tries anything after learning Remus put you on the team, he'll have to go through me first."

Darius growled in annoyance. "I don't need you to protect me."

"No, you need my word," Remus said. "My father trusts me. He may hate your guts, for whatever reason I still can't place my finger on, but I certainly know how capable you are. You're the best tracker we have in the clan, and you're the best chance we have of finding those missing wolves. You help us, and I'm sure your reputation will improve among the clan."

Darius glanced once again at the other shifters standing further back. Their glares softened slightly, but none would look at Darius directly. He looked to Gavriel, and his father nodded. Darius sighed. "Fine, but I won't take credit if we find them."

"If you won't take it willingly, I'll force you to take it." Remus grinned like a fool, making Darius smile. "If anything, I'm doing this for Nyssa. The more shifters like you, the more chance she'll have of getting approval for her eventual marriage to you."

Darius rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's go."

Remus nodded to his four shifters, and they went on ahead. Remus went after them, and Darius made to follow, but his father clutched his arm.

"What do you want, Gavriel? If you haven't noticed, I kind of need to leave now."

Gavriel bore his gaze into Darius. "Just don't go past the border, whatever you do, okay?"

"What makes you think I will? Remus said-"

"I know what Remus said," Gavriel sighed. "Please, just stay away. Nothing good will come from crossing. If the missing wolves crossed the river, then it's better to let their corpses rot than to try and bring them back. Do you understand?"


Gavriel's grip tightened. "Do you understand?"

Darius grunted but nodded.

"Good. Now go do me proud."

Darius gave Gavriel a quizzical look before he took off to catch up to Remus. His home disappeared behind him as he ran to catch up.

Gavriel's tone rattled him. Every wolf shifter knows it's practically suicide to cross the border into cat territory, so then why did Gavriel feel the need to remind Darius? What did his tone mean?

Did it possibly have something to do with his mother?

Suddenly the urge to start this hunt pumped adrenaline into his veins, and Darius rushed to find Remus and the others just coming up on Gray Creek.

The other four shifters snarled in annoyance at the sight of Darius, but Remus ignored them. "What took you so long?" Remus asked when Darius fell in line. "I thought you might have changed your mind and abandoned us."

"Gavriel just warned me not to cross the border. Nothing important."

Remus raised a brow. "It's common knowledge not to cross."

"I know. That's what I told him."

"Oh well, doesn't matter. Come on, let's go."


The group had to cross Gray Creek to begin their hunt. Once on the other side, the group ripped off their clothes and stored them in rabbit hide satchels under a log near the Archway to Gray Creek, and shifted into their wolf forms.

Darius towered above the rest with his gray coat and massive hind legs, but Remus stood out due to his blonde hair. The other four growled low at Darius, but Remus barked for Darius and the rest to try and catch a scent, so they all put their noses to the ground and began to sniff pacing here and there. One of the other four wolves caught the scent first, yapping in delight, and racing off. They bounded after the wolf shifter.

For a few minutes, the group continued straight east, the pack of wolves moving quickly among the trees of the Oldwood and dipping into and out of thickets and brush. Any animals they came across scampered off in fear, and a few of the other wolves even drooled at the thought of catching a sweet snack. Remus yapped at them to keep focus. Eventually, the first wolf lost the trail, and circled a single large tree, whimpering when he couldn't find the scent again.

The pack began to search once again, and eventually, Darius found the trail, the scent of two wolves...and something else. He couldn't quite place the third scent. Remus came over and nudged Darius aside, sniffing and recoiling in as if he were sprayed by a skunk, and exchanged a look with Darius.

One of the other wolves informed the others with a bark that he also picked up the scent. The rest of the pack remained silent while Remus thought. Finally he decided and gave instructions with a few grunts and barks. Remus, Darius and one other would follow Darius' trail, while the other three went after the different scent.

The group splintered and left in their directions.

Darius led Remus and the other wolf further east, keeping with the trails for hours on end until finally, they came close to the border river that separated the Pack's lands and the Pride's lands.

The river was loud, gushing through the landscape, and the scents began to become muddled with the smell of cats. Remus and the other wolf became cautious, even growling low the closer they came, but Darius remained silent. They slowed to allow Darius to take his time following the trail, and Darius' nose took them right to the river.

All three panted as they stood, looking across the river, wary for whatever might be on the other side.

Darius shifted to his human form first, crouching naked next to the river, touching the ground and feeling the dirt and wood chips that littered the ground. A number of paw prints lead straight into the river.

Darius heard the other two shift into their human forms and waited for Remus to look over his shoulder.

"Without a doubt," Darius said. "The two we are looking for crossed the river." He pointed to the track marks. "Look at the distance between the prints. It's chaotic as if they were running from something."

Remus frowned. "They were being pursued? But who would hunt our people on our side of the river?"

The other shifter came up. "Maybe the Pride nabbed our people and dragged them across the river." He spat on the ground after speaking, as if merely mentioning the Pride would poison him.

"If that were true, there'd be larger marks across a wider area. All there are prints."

The other shifter snarled at Darius, but Remus continued Darius' thought. "Besides, why would the Pride cross the border? Why would they kidnap our people and just kill them outright?" Remus scratched his head. "But if it wasn't the Pride, then who would force our people to cross the border into cat territory?"

The idea hit both Darius and Remus at the same time and they glanced at each other, their eyes wide.

"Changelings…" Darius whispered as if the name was too heavy for his voice to carry.

"They're rumors, nothing more. This was the work of the Pride," the other shifter said.

Darius stood. "There is another scent, but we can't say for sure it was the Pride that attacked our people."

"Do we even know if they were attacked?" Remus interjected. "We haven't seen any signs of that. Just some chaotic pawprints."

"They were running from someone or something. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that they crossed to a place no sane wolf shifter would ever go. Whatever chased them, it must have been spooked them pretty badly."

Remus crossed his arms and frowned, grunting in annoyance. The other shifter kicked the ground in frustration. Darius stared at the pawprints leading into the water. Darius stared at the other bank, spying a few prints among the grass.

Nothing good will come from crossing. If the missing wolves crossed the river, then it's better to let their corpses rot than to try and bring them back.

Nothing good, huh?

Do you understand?

"I understand plenty…"

"What did you say?" Remus said, swiveling back to face Darius.

Darius stared back at his friend, the concern on Remus' face getting to Darius. Remus was an honest shifter, and Darius knew not finding the two shifters would eat at the Alpha's son. It was his responsibility after all.

"I'll go across and continue the search," Darius suddenly announced. "Remus, go back and help the others search for the other shifter."

Remus and the other shifter stared incredulously at Darius. "Excuse me?"

The other shifter grinned. "That's the best idea I've heard all day. That's right, go over there, get yourself killed. That'll do us all a favor."

Remus shot the other shifter a look and growled loudly, and immediately the other shifter backed away, hanging his head. Remus turned back to Darius. "No, it's a terrible idea. You can't go over, Dare, it's suicide. Wolves don't hunt alone."

"But I do," Darius countered. "I'm the most capable tracker here, and I'm not loud or mangy like the rest of you." Darius eyed the other shifter. "No disrespect. Besides…"

Maybe I'll find a hint about my mother on the other side…

"Besides what?" Remus glared at Darius. When Darius didn't answer, Remus continued. "You'll die. Alone."

"Then your father, our glorious Alpha, will be happy." Remus didn't look convinced at Darius’ comment. "Please, Remus, I'm the best choice for this. I'll find the other two, and either bring them back alive or come back and report their deaths. I won't be caught unless I want to be."

Remus stayed still as a statue while he thought it over. The other shifter slowly straightened up, unsure of whether to speak or not.

Eventually, Remus sighed and nodded. "Fine. I'll go back and inform my father of the status of this investigation. I'll let you go, but you need to promise me you'll come back in one piece. If not for me, then for your father and Nyssa. Do you understand me?"

"Loud and clear."

Remus grunted, took one last look at Darius, and then nodded at the other shifter. "Good luck, Darius."

They both shifted to their wolf forms, and Remus bounded away. Darius swore the other wolf grinned at him before he left. Finally, Darius was alone at the border, the rushing river drowning out any other sound. Darius stared across the bank once more, shifted to his wolf form, and carefully crossed the river. The water dampened his fur, but once on the other side, he shook every last drop free.

This time, Darius looked back across the river from whence he came. No longer did Darius the wolf shifter stand in Pack territory. He was standing in foreign land.

Just don't go past the border, whatever you do, okay? Please, just stay away.

Darius licked his lips and turned to face the eastern part of the Oldwood, staring at trees owned by the cat clan. He took a moment to take it all in, and then took his first step, sniffing to pick up the trail.




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