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HR- My Viking Wolf by Gwen Knight (4)


My eyes snapped open when something brushed against my chest. Blinded by sunlight, I had to blink a few times before my vision returned to normal, but when it did… Sweet Jesus. Nothing here belonged to me. The walls, the bed, the soft sheets pooled around my waist. Memories of last night came flooding back, and my heart practically flatlined. Images of Jerrik rushed forward, the feel of his breath against my skin, his hands against my body—the same hand now resting beneath the swell of my breast. I sucked in a sharp breath and glanced over at him, my gaze falling on the gorgeous bastard.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

I stared up at the ceiling and counted to one hundred and two in my head. One for every year of my stupid, stupid life. I’d slept with him. A complete stranger. The night before my wedding. That had to qualify as the dumbest move ever.

And to make things infinitely worse, I didn’t want to leave his bed. Every bone in my body longed to remain right here, tucked into his side. Forget Benjamin and the treaty and my father. Maybe Jerrik and I could run away together

Stupid! Just shut up, right the fuck now.

I had a duty. My pack depended on me. My father depended on me. Regardless of my desires, I needed to get out of bed right this second and vanish. Preferably before Jerrik woke.

Holding my breath, I slipped out from under the sheets and sat up, careful not to disturb him. I didn’t want to deal with saying goodbye. He and I had both known upfront that this was nothing more than a fling. And for all I knew, he didn’t want more. Maybe one-night stands were his thing. Maybe desperate and lonely women were his forte. Or, maybe I was a fool who had completely lost her mind.

That seemed legit.

Temporary insanity. I could swing it if anyone asked. Not that anyone would. As far as they knew, I’d ducked out before the end of the festivities. Before the end of my own bachelorette party. I swallowed a groan and dropped my head into my palms.

God. Lucy alone would badger me until I told her where I’d disappeared to. I needed an excuse, a lie. A headache? No, she’d seen me with Jerrik. Shit. This had just become all sorts of messy.

I stole a glance back at Jerrik. He looked so peaceful and handsome in the morning sunlight, one hand stretched toward my side of the bed. The sheets had slipped down to his hips, teasing me with a glimpse of his rock-hard stomach. For five hundred—or older—he sure didn’t look it. Not that many werewolves did. Physically, we stopped aging around thirty. Another upside to our supernatural genetics.

Fighting the temptation to curl up against him, I rose to my feet and started hunting down my clothes. In our rush to strip each other, he’d scattered my clothing all over the room. My bra hung haphazardly off a lamp, my underwear discarded in the middle of the floor. I grimaced at the thought of putting them back on, but thankfully, I knew fresh clothing awaited me at the church. Not to mention a very white dress I didn’t want to wear.

I threw on my clothes and dug my phone out of my back pocket. Eight missed calls from Lucy. I ignored those and glanced at the time. Ten o’clock. I choked back a gasp. Two hours late. Two fucking hours late! To my own wedding, which started in an hour. Lucy was going to kill me.

I bolted out of the bedroom and dashed toward the front door, the whole time silently praying he didn’t wake up. I reached for the doorknob and glanced back. No movement from Jerrik’s room. Just the sound of his steady breath as he slept. I felt bad running out on him like this, but two hours late…I needed to leave, now. And the idiot I was, I’d let him drive me here last night. Wherever here was.

My monumental fuck up kept getting bigger.

I snuck outside and closed the door behind me before dashing down the stairs. Once on the street, I pulled my phone out and activated my location and the map feature. At least something had worked in my favor today. Jerrik lived about fifteen blocks away from the church.

Thank God.

Calling a cab would take time. And I knew I could run that distance in no time flat. I slid my phone back into my pocket and allowed myself one final glance at Jerrik’s house. It didn’t matter that every inch of me protested leaving. I had somewhere else to be. Right now.

With a final goodbye, I turned and started jogging through the streets.

* * *

I made it to the church with fifty minutes to spare. It’d taken some ruthless maneuvering, like bowling over two old ladies who had then scolded me in their quivering voices, and outrunning a dog who’d decided I was more interesting than his rubber ball, but I’d made it.

The church loomed up in front of me, all stained glass windows and judgemental stone reliefs. Religion and I did not get along, but that didn’t stop me from wincing at the sight of the massive cross piercing the sky.

It wasn’t infidelity if I hadn’t spoken any vows yet, right? Not to mention, I’d barely met the groom. One brief exchange that hadn’t left a memorable impression on me. The way I saw it, we weren’t a couple until we stood before the priest and pledged ourselves to one another.

So…why did I feel so guilty? Doubtful anyone would care that I’d slept with someone else last night. For all I knew, Benjamin had done the same. A final farewell to our single lives.

All right. Time to get down to brass tacks. Virtue-wise, I stood in the clear. I’d broken no vows, and, most importantly, no laws…that I could remember. Therefore, the cross shouldn’t evoke any morality issues. Thankfully, the actual wedding would be held in the gardens in the back due to the number of guests. I wouldn’t have to tolerate the cross and religious motifs for long. Just while I dressed.

I smoothed my hands down my pants, and strode into the church. With every step, my heart beat a little bit faster and my palms broke into a clammy sweat. But I wouldn’t forsake my duty. I’d promised my father I would marry Benjamin and cement the newly devised treaty. And I kept my promises.

“Oh my God. Reagan!”

Lucy’s frantic voice echoed in my ears. I spun around and watched as she barrelled toward me in her maid-of-honor gown, a look of utter madness darkening her face.

“Where the fuck have you been? No! Never mind. I don’t want to know! I’ve been trying to call you. You’re so late. What happened to our plan to meet here at eight?”

At eight, I’d been asleep in Jerrik’s bed, but I had a feeling that comment wouldn’t endear me to her, despite her history of similar exploits.

“You know what, I don’t care. Just get your ass in the changing room, right now. For crying out loud, did you sleep at all last night? You look like complete shit.”

My best friend, ladies and gentleman. “I…slept. A bit.”

“Yeah, and now I have to deal with the aftermath. Just look at you!” She waved a hand in front of my face. “Saggy eyes. Pale skin. Freshly-fucked hair.”

I winced and lifted a hand to my head. Yup. A knotted mess. Awesome.

“Let’s not even mention what you smell like. Lucky for you, I brought products for every scenario.”

She shoved me through a magical door that led to a room full of a wide array of beauty products. Every warrior’s worst nightmare. But I refused to make this more difficult for her. Lucy had gleefully accepted the request to mold me into a princess before the wedding, and I’d silently sworn I would sit back and submit. But, oh, the horror. I’d suffered countless nightmares about this moment. Our styles didn’t mesh. Hell existed, and it consisted of lace, hairspray, and eye shadow.

“Sit,” she barked, a tapered fingernail pointing at the chair.

Here we go.

I planted my butt in the chair and faced the mirror. A stranger stared back at me. I’d never had a one-night stand before, and I couldn’t put my finger on which part I hated the most. That I’d loved every moment of it, or that it’d taken me this long to have one. Maybe I looked like shit, but inside, I felt alive. Jerrik had made me feel alive.

It had to be lingering hormones from the night before. Endorphins and whatnot. Nothing more. Quite unlikely that after one night, Jerrik himself made me feel this way. We’d only just met. And now, I’d never see him again.

“Sit still, would’ya?” Lucy hissed under her breath.

Right. Squirming wouldn’t help the process.

“What’s with you, anyway?” She tugged on the brush. I yelped, my hand flying to my tender scalp. “I can’t believe you just vanished in the middle of your own party. Then ignored all my calls. Showed up late to your own wedding. This isn’t like you! Last I saw, you were dancing with…” Her voice trailed off and her gaze snapped to mine in the mirror. “Oh, my God. You didn’t!”

I fed her my most innocent stare. “Didn’t, what?”

Her gaze roamed over my face, her brows narrowed. “No, you wouldn’t.”

I knew the direction her dirty little mind had taken, but I kept quiet. The last thing I needed were the gossip queens discussing my slight transgression. Lucy had my back, I knew that. But I also knew the moment she left this room, she’d tell someone. That someone would tell another someone. Before I knew it, bam, gossip. And while standing up at the altar saying I do, they’d be snickering into their palms saying I bet she did.

Thanks, but no thanks.

“Reagan!” she gasped. “Seriously? Tell me you didn’t.”

“Okay, I didn’t. Can we finish this? Some of us have somewhere to be in…” I flicked a glance at my phone. “Forty-five minutes and counting.”


“Later, Lucy, all right?” I snapped. “We have far more important things to worry about.”

Like my upcoming nuptials. Jesus. The thought sent a cold chill down my spine. But I refused to acknowledge my proverbial cold feet. Duty was duty. And this was mine.

Lucy returned to brushing my hair, her face stern as she tugged on my many knots. She clearly wanted to ask more questions, but we didn’t have time for them. The next twenty minutes passed in awkward silence as she twisted my hair into a curled half up-do. She pinned the upper sections back and secured them with a pair of stylish pins. Then she moved onto my makeup. She rounded the chair and peered at my face, her mouth a grim line.

“Geez, Lucy. I’m not that hideous.”

“Today, you are.”

Ouch. Some friend.

“Now, hold still,” she muttered.

She grabbed her makeup bag, dumped the contents, and attacked my face. By the time she’d finished, it felt as though she’d scrubbed my entire face raw. But when she stepped aside, I could see the effort had been worth it. My skin practically glowed, and her artistry had lent a mysterious edge to my dark eyes.

“Okay,” she murmured, an eyeshadow brush dangling from her lips. “I think you’re acceptable.”

“Gee, thanks.”

She shot me a half-grin, then turned. “But now comes the hard part.”

I followed her gaze to the dress bag hanging against the back of the door. Next to it on the floor sat a duffel bag I’d stuffed full with a couple different thongs, my garter belt, and an assortment of bras. I’d chosen a strapless dress with a sweetheart cut, which hadn’t left many choices for a bra. While we’d picked out a strapless one to match the gown, I hadn’t liked the fit, constantly hiking it back up. A few nights ago—after many glasses of wine—Lucy and I had busted out our creative minds and put together a solution. A combination of self-adhesive gel inserts along with sports strapping tape, just in case. Anything to keep the girls locked in place, at least for a few hours. On the upside, my B-cup chest didn’t require a whole lot of hold. At one point, I’d debated going without, but the material had chafed my nipples when I’d tried it on. So, sports tape and self-adhesive cups for the win.

I only hoped it worked. Today would be stressful enough without the added annoyance of fixing my boobs every few minutes.

“Ready?” she asked me.

I inhaled and nodded. Now or never.

Lucy strode to the bag and unzipped it, careful not to snag the material. “I have to say, it’s beautiful.”

I eyed the pearly white gown. I would have preferred a simple white dress in city hall, but my father had insisted on a massive celebration. If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it with style, he’d said. I’d lacked the courage to tell him no. This would be his one and only chance to walk his daughter down the aisle. Last I’d heard, my father had invited the entire pack, all seven thousand three hundred of us, plus an additional three thousand from the one European pack he’d kept as an ally. Thankfully, only four hundred and twenty-eight had accepted. Those who personally knew me and my father, or Benjamin and his. All about politics, my father had assured me. Invite them so they can’t complain.

Still, four hundred and twenty-eight people. I hoped the gardens in the back were large enough. My father had assured me they were.

“All right, let’s do this,” Lucy said. “Twenty-three minutes until show-time.”

I stripped off my clothes from last night and slid on the undergarments, complete with dagger strapped to my thigh. Old habits. After applying the self-adhesive cups, we opted for a few extra strips of tape as a precaution. Then Lucy removed the dress from the hanger and held it out to me. I stepped into it, wiggled it up over my slender hips, and held it to my chest. Lucy toed around me, careful of the train, and quickly fastened the numerous buttons in the back.

“There!” she announced. “Twelve minutes to spare.”

Twelve minutes. I closed my eyes and inhaled a long breath. Holy shit. In twelve minutes, my father would knock on the door and escort me out into the garden where four hundred and twenty-eight people waited. Not including the groom and his father.

“Lucy…” I whispered. “I…need… I need a moment.”

She shot me a worried glance. “You okay?”

I shook my head and staggered to the chair. I eased down onto it and leaned as far forward as the rigid corset would allow.

“You need some water,” she announced.

I nodded eagerly. Water sounded amazing. And air. My lungs definitely needed some air.

“Is the dress too tight?” she asked, studying the lines.

I shook my head. Uncomfortable, yes, but not too tight. “Just need a minute. Please.”

“I’ll go get some water. You’ll feel better.”

Doubtful. But I needed her gone so I could think. Needed a moment to pull myself together. My father, Benjamin, everyone was waiting on me. I imagined them all standing out in the gardens, chattering amongst themselves, shaking hands, congratulating my future husband


The room started to swim, and gray dots crept in on my vision. A panic attack. Yup, just what I needed right now. I couldn’t do this. Sweet Jesus, I couldn’t. I shook my head and launched to my feet. If I made a break for it now


I forced myself still and closed my eyes. Three deep breaths. In and out. You can do this. I nodded, listening to the sound of my own voice to center my thoughts.


My chest rose as I filled my lungs.


And deflated when I emptied them.

I repeated that process three more times until my heart and pulse had returned to normal. The little spots had vanished, but my body still felt weak, my knees trembling as they fought to hold me up.

“One step at a time,” I whispered to myself. “Don’t think about the end goal. Right now, just focus on the door.”

My dad would knock, and he’d take my arm. Baby steps.

Sure enough, a knock resounded through my room. My head snapped up, and there went my heart again. Beating an erratic tattoo. Lucy hadn’t even returned with my water yet. But it didn’t matter. The moment had come.

I can do this. I can. One step. Then another. Just open the door.

With one last steadying breath, I opened the door and froze.





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