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Hunter (Brawlers Book 4) by J.M. Dabney (5)

5 Alcohol Didn’t Solve Every Problem

Linus traced the lip of the rock glass and stared longingly at the reflection of neon in the amber liquor. Since his brother, Lucky, dragged him to Brawlers two years ago, Linus had earned a reserved stool at the bar. It wasn’t the oblivion of alcohol that drew him to the run-down biker bar in the middle of nowhere. It was the sexy and clumsy bartender who just happened to be there every night he was. He was too damn old for crushes, but he couldn’t resist being near Hunter.

Unfortunately, the other man never showed him one ounce of interest. That didn’t mean he didn’t come in just to spend a bit of time with Hunter. He wrapped his hand around the glass and lifted it to his mouth, let it hover there for a moment as he watched Hunter. He downed the double and set it down, slid it toward the rail with the tips of his fingers.

The feminine and always smiling Twitch stepped up, refilled the glass with another two fingers of bourbon.

“That’s your fourth, blanket boy, wanna talk,” Twitch asked, he set the bottle aside and placed his knobby, little elbows on the bar.

“I ain’t here for therapy.”

“Well, anyone else I wouldn’t care, but you’re sort of like family. So, spill.”

He involuntarily glanced over Twitch’s shoulder to Hunter.

“Oh, is that your problem? Got a thing for our resident baby bear.”

“Don’t start your bullshit, Twitch.”

“You know he’s dating someone, right? Dude’s sexy as fuck in uniform.”

“I’m gonna put you over my fucking knee.”

“You’re cute and all, but I don’t think Crave is really into threesomes, you never know though.”

“Like Crave would look at anyone else. It’s disgusting.”

“Just because you, Mr. Anti-Monogamy, can’t fuck man or woman for more than one night doesn’t mean others are nasty with their embracing of commitment.”

“I didn’t say I had an issue with commitment. I just find it odd and unnatural.”

“What’s unnatural about being in love and wanting to be with that person?”

“Are we forgetting Tank, Scary, and Elijah? They have a strong as fuck relationship.”

“So, is that something you want, a ménage marriage?”

“You’re not giving up on this are you,” he asked, then slammed back his drink and tapped the bar for another one.

“I hate when people do that, and you know it.”

Linus grinned at Twitch’s cute little purr.

“Fill it, and I’ll answer your question.”

Twitch couldn’t fill the glass fast enough. If anything, Crave’s boy was nosy.

“I don’t know what I want.”

“You do know, you just waited too damn long now he’s got a hot cop sniffing around.”

“Don’t remind me.”

He couldn’t deny Wren was one sexy fucker and Hunter was cute and sweet. Wren would be lucky to have Hunter.

He slammed back the double and raised a brow as he held out his glass. Twitch reluctantly filled it again.

“I’m not driving you home.”

“Don’t worry about me, Twitch, I can…”

“You even think about driving, and I’ll sic Scary on you.”

It was all Twitch said before he turned to take care of a couple a few stools down.

He felt the effects of the alcohol, his head began to float, and his limbs felt heavy. Without a doubt, the minute he stood up the world would tilt on its axis. There was no way he’d drive, he could call Lucky or Priest to come out and get him.

He glanced up to find Hunter watching him. Hunter’s thick brows were drawn together, and the man looked concerned. He’d studied Hunter so many times he could pick out the smallest flicker of emotion. Hunter’s history wasn’t a mystery to him. He knew the man did time for a youthful mistake. Young kid without many options and Hunter had a valuable skill set. One he’d used a few times over the years.

If it wasn’t for the fact Hunter was on probation for another few years, he’d offer the man a job, but until then they worked it out.

He scrubbed his hand over his mouth and then rested his jaw on his palm.

Twitch was right, he’d waited too long, and another man moved in on the man he’d started to consider his. He had tried to play it slow for a reason. Hunter was skittish, didn’t date, and spent most of his free time hunched over his laptop. The man was sweet as could be and completely out of his league.

He was an asshole. Didn’t know what not to say. If it was in his head, he said it without regret. His parents believed in radical honesty. They had only two rules growing up. One: Don’t lie. Two: Don’t have the cops come to the house.

Which was damn smart, no rules meant nothing really to rebel against. Except when he’d turned twenty-one he’d attended the Atlanta Police Academy. He’d never seen his mother Lily as disappointed as when she’d learned he was going to be a cop. It lasted three years before he’d butted heads with his Captain one too many times and he’d quit. He’d worked at a private security company as a bodyguard for a few years before he’d struck out on his own. Four years later he was doing well, even if his ragtag group butted heads worse than the Brawlers and Twirled Crews combined.

He sipped at his drink and decided it would be his last. He unlocked his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he reached Lucky’s, he was about to tap the screen.

“If you call Lucky away from his man at one a.m., he’ll kill you,” Hunter warned.

“I know he won’t be asleep.” He was proud that his words weren’t slurred. It was lucky for him he had a pretty high tolerance, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t drunk.

His gaze fell to Hunter’s mouth. He’d never seen a man with lips that pouted quite that much before. He’d kill to find out if they were as soft as they looked. Hunter always smelled like Linus’ favorite incense. He shook his head and went back to getting ready to call his brother.

“He might not be asleep, but he sure as hell is busy. Hang out and I’ll take you home.”

“I need my truck.”

“Gregory and Bull came in Bull’s truck tonight. I’ll have Bull follow me to your place and then I can ride home with Bull.”

“You sure?”

“Just hang out another hour until we close.”

“I can do that.”

“I didn’t give you a choice.”


“I have my moments,” Hunter muttered.

He watched the man slip from behind the bar and tracked Hunter until the man came up beside Bull. Bull was in his usual position at the door. Psycho was in the far corner. Psycho was tall enough to see the entire room. Scary and Tank were in a booth positioned on either side of Elijah.

All the years he’d been around the crews, and he still felt separate. Lily had taken a position of foster mother to the crew’s, just as Peaches had. Still two years after he’d started hanging around full-time, he didn’t exactly feel like he belonged.

Since he had a ride home…might as well enjoy it. He finished off another drink, then another until Twitch yelled last call.

His limbs were heavy, and he rested his chin in his hands to keep from face planting on the bar top. He closed his eyes and opened them to find the room spinning.

“Is the room moving or is it me,” he asked. He snorted at his slurred words.

“Come on, lightweight, let’s get you home.”

A thick arm curved around him and as he predicted the floor seemed to go out from under him.

“Whoa, shit, Linus, put your arm around me. Thirty minutes and you can be in bed.”

“You gonna join me, beautiful?” He wrapped his arms around the taller man.

“Twitch should’ve cut you off three doubles ago.”

He snorted as they weaved out of the bar. The cool night air blew across his heated face.

“Where are your keys?”

“Front pocket.”

“You going to get them for me?”

“Nope, it’s the only way I’ll ever get you in my pants.”

Hunter laughed. “You’ve had way too much to drink.”

Hunter reached into his pocket, and he nearly groaned as the man’s hand brushed against his dick. The touch was fleeting but more than enough to get his mind headed places it shouldn’t.

He bit his tongue to keep from saying anything else. He didn’t need to be reminded he was nothing more than a friend. Hunter had a man. One that was probably nicer and more charming than him. He sighed as he let Hunter help him into the passenger seat of his truck. Hunter and Bull exchanged a few words, then the door slammed, and he closed his eyes and let his head fall back.

He was tired, and it wasn’t just the alcohol. He pushed a heavy breath between his lips and relaxed.

“Linus, wake up,” Hunter’s voice in his ear. “Come on, you’re home.”

Hunter’s smooth cheek caressed his, and he turned his head, inhaled the musk of sweat. Part of his brain screamed for him to stop, but he didn’t listen as he leaned back. Hunter’s breath was warm against his mouth.

He raised his hands to push his fingers through the soft, thickness of Hunter’s hair. Felt the strands teased the hollows between his fingers.

“Linus, you’re—”

He didn’t want excuses. One kiss, that’s all he wanted. He pushed his lips to Hunter’s and gently sucked at the lush curves. Fuck, he’d never felt anything as soft. Hunter gasped, and he took advantage—he slipped his tongue inside. Licked along Hunter’s tongue, traced the edges of his teeth. He groaned at the taste. He fisted his hands in Hunter’s hair and deepened the kiss.

For what could’ve been only minutes, Hunter leaned into him. The warmth of Hunter’s big body seeped into his and then Hunter was gone.

“What…let’s get you inside.”

He opened his eyes to find Hunter avoiding his gaze.


“We need to get you in bed, okay?”

“Yeah, okay.”

He felt the moment Hunter pulled away from him, not physically, but emotionally. Their easy friendship ruined with one kiss. Drunk or not, he should’ve known better. He let Hunter take him inside his house.

“I like your place.”


He looked around the room. It was his sanctuary. No one ever came there, and he never brought anyone home. His ceilings were upholstered with Saris that his mom had brought home from India. A colorful quilt of patterns and textures. A dim light turned the mirrored Saris into twinkling stars.

“Where’s your room?”

He nodded toward the hall. The trip didn’t take too long. His place was a small cottage out in the middle of nowhere. Only trees to be seen in every direction.

“It’s at the end of the hall.”

His bedroom door stood open. He’d dreamed of having Hunter in his room, and in his bed for a long time. That wouldn’t happen now. He was lowered to his platform bed that rested in the middle of the room.

“I can take care of myself now.”

“Just let me…”

“No, I’m fine. Thanks for bringing me home.”

His heart was breaking, and he had never anticipated he would experience the pain of that in his life. He had kept himself separate and unemotional in his past hookups especially the ones over the last few years. Hunter was the only man he wanted, and he couldn’t have him, he loved a man who wouldn’t see him.

“At least let me help you take your shoes off.”

Hunter knelt on the floor and lifted his jeans to unzip his tactical boots. A cascade of dark curls hid Hunter’s face.

“You’re so beautiful.”


“I’m going to sleep.”

He fell back onto his mattress.

“You can go now.”

“Linus, please.”

“It’s fine. I just drank too much. Leave my keys on the table next to the door and lock up.”

“You sure…”

“I’ll be fine. Be careful going home.”



He was quickly left to his misery. He should get up and get some water, but he laid there with his eyes closed. He relived the kiss, pretended for a moment it hadn’t been a mistake. He was thirty-two-years-old. Alone. And he’d ruined the one real friendship he had. He rolled over and tugged the blanket over him. He drifted to sleep picturing that he wasn’t alone and Hunter had wanted him too.