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I Am Alive by Cameron Jace (31)


Suddenly, a Humvee steers in front of me, spattering mud all over my face. It has the word “Super-V” written on it, and it has a huge cage for hunting animals in the back.

The Super-V keeps circling in front of me, without stopping. If it stops, the wheels will be stuck in the thick mud, and it won’t be able to pick up speed again.

Leo sticks his head out of the window while circling the Humvee. “What the hell are you doing here?” he shouts.

“Miss me?” I ask, making sure his backpack is strapped tightly on my back. This is just like going to school, I tell myself. You’re unlikely to come back dead from school, right?

“We lied to the Summit and told them you were dead, to protect you,” Leo says. “Seriously.” His voice fades as he circles again. “What is wrong with you? You want to die?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I want to kill.”

“Please, God,” he screams, taking another round. “Help me to keep from shooting her for her stubbornness.” He struggles with the wheel for a moment, then gets hold of it again. The way he drives, he looks like he is riding a raging buffalo. I don’t know how he manages to control the Super-V, driving in such muddy earth. “Anyways. Now that you’re here, you have to jump in. I can’t stop. Mud is too thick,” he explains. “Come on. Shake your lazy butt. We have tigers chasing us.”

I step out of the door. The mud is so thick, it covers my ankles. At some spots, it covers up to my knees. The shallow parts of the mud are lighter in color. I try to stick to them, chasing the circling Super-V, hoping Leo won’t lose control and run me over with it.

As I am running next to the Super-V, I hear a roar in the distance behind me. I think my heart is going to stop before the tiger even gets me. How fast is it? How big is it? How could this even be happening, tigers chasing me?

Leo drives the Super-V closer to my side, but stops circling and drives straight, so we get away from the tiger as fast possible. He kicks the passenger side door open for me. I run as fast as I can, reaching out. He is leaning down across the passenger’s seat, reaching out for me as well. The tips of our fingers touch briefly, but I can’t get hold of him. He can’t get hold of me.

How come the tiger didn’t get me yet? It must be a thousand times faster than me.

“I can’t drive any slower,” Leo shouts. “Or we will be stuck in the mud.”

I keep running.

“I have sedated this tiger,” Leo screams against the wind, the sound of Super-V’s engine, and the roaring of the tiger. “That’s why it is slow.”

“You sedated it?” I wonder while running. “I’ll bet you kissed that tiger too!”

“Nah,” Leo says, gripping on the wheel. “It’s not my type. Hurry up. It won’t stay sedated forever. I think it can’t see well.”

“So your buzz-to-death syringe only sedated him?” I can’t believe we’re having this conversation while I am running away from a tiger.

“I couldn’t buzz it long enough to kill it. The mud will slow it down. It’s sliding like crazy.”

Reluctantly, I twist my neck back to look at the tiger. Leo is right. It’s slowed down by the mud, sliding left and right, and roaring like a drunken cat.

It is obvious I can’t keep up with the Super-V’s speed. The more I run, the more tired I get. There is a protruding ledge on the side of the Super-V. It looks like it is made for someone to stand on it, maybe to carry extra people, or a place for snipers to jump on. I gather my strength and jump. One foot is on the ledge; the other is fighting the wind whirling against it. My hands get a good grip on the bars of the cage in the back of the Super-V. All I need is to get my other leg back, take two steps forward, and jump into the passenger’s seat. The tiger is still roaring behind me. It’s impossible to twist my neck to look back at it again. I pull my other leg in, take two fast steps on it, and jump recklessly into the passenger’s seat.

I crumble in the seat with my head upside down.

“Hi,” I say, happy to see Leo, holding out my hand, so he can shake it. “666 Monster Street, please.” Since I woke up free of the iAm’s receptor, I feel so confident and funny. I feel unplugged of my fears. What’s that all about? “I’ll tip you well. Only if you’re nice to me, handsome.”

“Close the door, you little brat.” Leo doesn’t wait for me, and pulls the door in. I sit up straight.

Seeing the white tiger in the rear-view mirror, although smeared with mud, reminds me that I am lucky I am still alive.

“That’s not Carnivore, right?” I ask, noticing it has two eyes.

“No. That’s Manticore,” Leo says, bumping into the roof of the Super-V.

“Family?” I still feel funny, rocking in the passenger’s seat.

“You sure love to talk. I can’t drive and talk at the same time,” Leo mumbles.

“What’s with that? Boys not being able to drive and talk?”

“Because usually a tiger is chasing them, and if they stop, they will be eaten alive,” Leo shouts. “So stop talking. You shouldn’t be here anyway.”

“Yeah?” I say. “So you can have all the fun alone?”

He gives me that look again. He thinks I am irresponsible.

“We need to talk about your sedative chocolate, crazy boy ,” I fire back at him.

Leo dismissed whatever I just said, and reaches for the backseat, and comes up with a bow gun. “You know how to use this,” he says, and hands me a bag full of arrows.

“How do you know I can use these?” I ask. “The ones in the Wheel of Fortune were fixed. This one is different. It needs skill.”

“Just do as I say.” Leo avoids the question.

The problem isn’t that he is avoiding it. It’s that I suddenly know exactly how to use the bow gun and the arrow.

“So what’s the game exactly?” I ask.

“Simple,” says Leo. “We lure the tigers into the cages and lock them in, before they eat us.”

“So let’s do it.”

“Not before I find the others. Woodsy, Pepper and Bellona are in another Super-V. I need to find them. They were really struggling. Woodsy is a horrible driver.”

Leo speeds up as the relentless Manticore still chases us. The Zeppelins are lagging behind us in the sky. Zeppelins are slower. They can’t keep up with such speeds and circles.

“Hang on tight!” shouts Leo, and speeds up toward the edge of a cliff.

“Are you crazy?” I shout. “You’re going to get us killed.” I try to hang onto my seat. The Super-V is about to drive straight over the cliff.

Leo steers the wheel at the last second, and takes a sudden right. When I look back, I find out it is a steep cliff. The tiger takes the bait and falls off the cliff, after struggling briefly with the mud.

“That was impulsive,” I tell Leo, listening to Timmy saying something in the iAm. Leo and I couldn’t care less about Timmy right now. This is a straight do-or-die game. We don’t need Timmy.

“Let me worry about impulsive,” says Leo. “You worry about finding our friends.”

I am amazed Leo said “our friends.” That’s so unlike him, caring about them.

Leo drives freely for a while into the muddy desert. It occurs to me that this must be artificial mud, since there is no rain, and it’s a sunny day.

In the distance, I see a Super-V stuck in the mud. It’s upside down, like it has crashed into something. There is smoke coming out from the engine.

“That’s their Super-V,” says Leo, and speeds up more towards them.

“What?” I feel dizzy again. “Where are they? I can’t see them.” Leo grits his teeth, his hands on the steering wheel.

There is one tiger, roaming slowly around the Super-V. It stops somewhere, and starts biting on something.

Leo pulls me to him tight, so I won’t see. “Don’t look, Decca. Don’t look.”

“What!” I scream, trying to free myself from him.

Leo is circling around the Super-V, but as far away as possible, knowing the tiger is busy with its prey.

I free myself from under his arm and look. I am looking for my friends. This can’t be.




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