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I Hate Myself For Loving You (Scorned Lovers Book 2) by Simone Harlow (25)

Chapter Twenty-Four

DECLAN PRESSED the button on his iPad sending his final instructions to the hotel. The door to the cabin opened and Chanel walked over to him. Petite and blonde she used to be his type, but he was definitely in a brunette state of mind.

“Mr. Shaw the pilot said we’ll be landing in a half an hour.”

“Thank you.”

She smiled and went back to the cabin, and as she passed Glen she gave him a gentle poke in the shoulder. The bodyguard smiled and went back to his crossword puzzle.

Jane had nailed that coupling.

God the more he got to know her the more he liked her. The more he was able to let down his guard with her.

Last night she held him and he was comfortable not talking, or fucking and he’d never done that with a woman.

He got up and went to the bedroom on the plane. He let himself in and found Jane sleeping on the bed. He took a few moments and just watched. He enjoyed just looking at her. There were just moments when he was stunned by her beauty. The honey golden skin, the sable brown hair, green cat eyes, soft pink lips. The incomparable body. To think she was his best friend’s sister. The eyes. He should have noticed the eyes. Malcolm had the same ones. He wondered how Malcolm was doing? He sent a couple of texts, and Malcolm had shot him off a brief answer. He knew Malcolm needed to brood about this for a while. He wondered how Fox was doing? How were they feeling about the baby? Hell how was she feeling about the baby? She didn’t seem any closer to making a decision and he was… He wasn’t sure what he was. He wanted to go all alpha male on her, but she’d kick his ass. He hated being in this limbo.

“You are staring at me.”

“I like staring at you.”

She sat up. “You are a strange guy.”

“I’m inclined to agree.”

She raised her arms above her head and stretched. Her breasts pushed forward straining against the black t-shirt. “Are we home?”

For a split second he had a vision of a dark haired baby suckling her breast. He trembled. “We’re making a detour to Kansas City.”

She swung her legs over the bed. “Why?”

“I’m taking you out on a date.”

“You are fucking me. You don’t need to date me.”

“I want to take you out on a date. I owe you a fancy dinner with a classy dress, because we got waylaid by my emotional baggage.”

She ruffled her long dark hair. “I was cool with that.”

He wanted to impress her with what he could provide for her, but she seemed uninterested with things like that. “I know.”

“I had no idea Kansas City was a dating Mecca.”

“I don’t know about that, but I know this place with the best rib-eyes.”

“I didn’t bring a fancy date dress. I do have some skank wear.” She smirked.

“There will be a dress waiting for you.”

“You bought me a dress? How could you do that?”

He sat down on the bed next to her. “I know a lot about women’s clothes.”

“How to take them off.”

“It’s a handy skill. Trust me.” He smiled. Even though he could see she didn’t believe him.

“I need to call Mick.”

“Already done.”

“You’re just handling everything today.”

“I’m good like that.” He massaged her beautiful ass. “Plane’s landing in about twenty minutes. There will be a car to take you to the hotel and you have some alone time to get your glam on. I booked you a massage and spa treatment and a stylist will be there to help you get ready.”

“What are you and Chill going to do?”

He kissed her forehead. “Man things.”

She pushed him away. “Man things?”

He had no idea what he was going to do with the afternoon, but he’d figure out something. “You know, things men do.”

“Uh huh.”

He grinned and went back into the cabin of the plane.

DECLAN STOOD at the long teak bar of The Charles Hotel. He just answered a long winded text from his brother as to why he didn’t visit her since he was in L.A. Damnit why did he have to be in this alone. He had to let it go or else he would blow a gasket. He lifted the glass of single malt and took a sip. Damn this was some fine scotch. He loved this hotel. The band stayed here every time they played K.C.

“Declan?” Declan turned at the familiar voice.

Standing next to him was Bryan Charles aka BC Wub, one of the best hardcore rappers to come up in the nineties. He was a former client of Cherry’s. “Bryan, how are you?” He hugged the tall black man. He hadn’t seen him since Andy’s funeral.

“Good, is the band in town?”

“Just me. I stopped by for a steak.”

He seemed surprise Declan could do anything without an entourage. “By yourself?”

“Jane is gilding the lily.” He checked his watch she should be down any moment.

Bryan clutched his heart. “Scared me for a moment all is right with the world.”

“How’s Hannah and the kids?”

“Hannah’s good. Zeke just graduated college. Victoria is going to start an internship with Cherry this summer, Sam is playing football for Texas A&M, thinking about medical school and Sarah a senior in high school.

He remembered Bryan had some nice kids. “Damn you’re old.”

“Thrilled to be that way. There was a time I didn’t think I’d see my thirties.”

“You miss the spotlight?” Bryan took the money and ran and became a real estate mogul in his hometown. Not bad for a kid who, by his own admission had been heading for trouble. Until he figured out he had a talent for tight rhymes and beats.

He shook his head. “Hell no. I had my time. Now I’m just a fat happy business man who gets to reap the rewards of his success.”

Declan looked around the elegant bar full of people. “Business is good.”

“Almost as good as family. Hannah and I are looking forward to our empty nest. She wants to take a world cruise and let Zeke put that fancy business degree to use.”

Declan leaned against the bar. “Did you think you’d have a life beyond music?”

“I didn’t think I’d have a life beyond the streets, but then I fell into Cherry’s lap and she introduced me to Hannah and I started thinking about a future.”

“She is good at finding what a person needs.” Technically speaking she was responsible for getting him Jane.

“How are you doing? Andy’s death … He was a good man.”

“We’re working on a new album down in New Orleans. It’s slow going, but we’re doing it.”

He had this knowing glint in his dark eyes. “Cherry’s idea to send you south?”


“After I got shot, the woman got some crazy idea I needed to get out of my comfort zone. She sent me to Oslo. How is a brother supposed to find a beat in Norway?”

“Did you?”

“Hell yeah ‘Fear Me’ was my best album.”

That was his favorite album from BC. “She’s got the magic.”

“She does.” Bryan looked over his shoulder. “Remind me I’m a married man.”


He pointed to the bar entrance. “That is why.”

Declan turned and saw Jane standing in the entrance. He smiled. The black Dolce & Gabbana dress he’d picked for her fit her to perfection. The body con dress hugged her curves like a lovesick python. Damn he was good.

“She’s yours?”

Was it obvious? He didn’t care. If he could he’d put a big sign on her head that said mine he would. “That she is.”

Bryan sighed. “That’s why a man goes into the music business.”

“It’s one of the perks, but I think she’d like me if I was an electrician.”

“Marry her. Those women are rare.”

Jane walked over to them and a few feet before them she stopped gawked at Bryan and for second had a pure unadulterated fan girl moment. It was pretty funny to see, but she collected herself and came over. She stuck out her hand. “Hello.”

Bryan took her hand and lifted it took his lips. “Jane, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“You know my name.” she said, her voice was breathy. Declan forced himself not to laugh until he noticed Bryan didn’t let go of her hand.

“Declan said you were gilding the lily, but the lily didn’t need much work.”

“Thank you.” She said excitedly.

Bryan finally let go of her hand. “Since your Declan’s and I’ve known him since he was in braces, I’m not going to put the moves on you.”



“I’m his bodyguard.”

Well that just killed it for him.

“What kind of trouble do I need to be in to get you?”

“The kind that shoots at you.” Declan said a bit agitated.

“Been there done that.”

Fuck that was rude. Now he felt like crap. Bryan had almost died. “Shit I’m sorry man.”

“Don’t be. Changed my life.” He winked at Jane. “Dinner is on me. Take care of him Jane. He’s good people.”

“I will.”

Declan and Bryan hugged and Bryan whispered in his ear.

“Keep her.”

“I’m working on that.”

Declan watched Bryan walk away. “BC Wub? I’m trying to imagine you listen to ‘Deadbeat Baby Daddy’.” He touched his forehead. “Not happening.”

“With the exception of a potty mouth, I know I’m a tight ass. My older brother David snuck me out of house and took me to one of his concerts when I was sixteen. The night was incredible. David’s going die when I tell him who I met.”

He waved his hand around his head. “I’m still trying to picture you listening to rap.”

“Don’t be shocked, I’m a big eighties Madonna fan and I love The Who.”

Not having that either. “Nope.”

“What do you think I listen to?”

“’Battle Hymn of the Republic’. ‘Ballad of the Green Berets’.”

She slapped him on the arm. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Nope we are having conversation tonight. We’re dating.” He smiled and walked her over to their table. His hand slipped over the curve of her butt. “Let me take a moment to congratulate myself on the dress I picked.” He stepped back and fingered one of the bows on the straps. “I’m going to love taking it off of you tonight.”

“Good luck they had to sew me into it.”

“Are you wearing panties?”

“I am not.”

He felt himself get hard. How the hell was he supposed to make it through dinner with that thought in his head. Just then the waiter arrived and took their order. Declan waited for the man to leave before he continued the conversation. “I love your hair.” The wild sexy waves surrounded her face.

“It’s called beachy waves and it took the stylist, hair dresser and makeup artist, an hour to come up with the concept.”

“You’re worth every minute.”

“I do feel sexy. Thank you.”

“You are always sexy.” He meant every word.

“I work at a job where being sexy is not always required.”

“You do sexy well. It’s almost as hot a tomboy Jane.”

She snorted. “Do you believe your bullshit.”

There was his Jane. “If I’ve learned anything hanging with you is bullshit is a waste of time. I stick with the truth.”

“You know that was the nicest thing you’ve said to me.”

“I like being nice to you.”

“I like it when your nice to me.”

“I believe you like me Jane.”

“What’s not to like.”

“Well I am me.”

She laughed. “Why are we dating tonight?”

Before he could answer his cell phone pinged. He was expecting a text from Brody so he needed to answer. “Hopefully this is my brother who is going to get a major ass chewing, so we are tabling this for a second.” He looked at the number but didn’t recognize it. He got up and walked away from the table. “Hello?”

“Declan why can’t you love me?”

“Who is this?”

“The one you should love. Not that fake blonde bitch.”

“How did you get this number?”

“I love you Declan. Why did you leave me in New Orleans? Where are you?”

“Don’t call me again.” He hung up the phone and slipped it in his pocket. He wasn’t going to tell Jane about the call until later. He didn’t want to ruin the night. His stalker was in New Orleans so he was safe. Yeah he knew it would get him to some trouble, but hell no he wasn’t going to ruin date night. He was getting between those legs tonight and it was worth the risk.

When he got back to the table the appetizers had arrived. They ate in companionable silence mostly because Jane was starving and she got a little hangry if she didn’t eat regularly which was cool because he liked to watch her eat.

“Did you want a nightcap?”

“You’re not drinking are you?

“A nice glass of bovine wine with a piece of cheesecake.”

“Let’s skip the drink there is cheesecake to eat and sex to have.”

She smiled looking relieved. “Thank you for thinking of my stomach.”

“I was thinking of my dick. Because my boner from the other night hasn’t subsided.”

She poked out her bottom lip. “Are you mad I didn’t give you a happy ending?”

“Naw. I’ll make it up tonight.”

She sighed.

“Was that a good sigh or a bad one?”

“Sometimes my vagina needs some down time.”

“It had the night off.” He leaned forward. “Maybe I’ll just fuck that incredible ass tonight.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“Speechless? I like it.”

“What makes you think I do that?”

“Do you?”

“I have, but most men are a bit more subtle about asking.”

“I’m not asking.”

She shook her head. “Just because you’re the vagina whisperer, doesn’t mean you get to run the show.”

“The vagina whisperer?”

“Pretty much.”

He sat back and wanted to high five himself, but that would have been egotistical. “I’ve been called worse things.”

“Not by me.”

“Let’s get this done.”

“I haven’t eaten my cheesecake.”

Declan stood threw couple of hundreds on the table. He helped her out of her chair and then he grabbed the plate of cheesecake and headed to the private elevator to the penthouse.

JANE WATCHED Declan lick his upper lip and a shiver of desire ran through her.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

Was that her blushing? “You did.”

“It bears repeating.”

She held up her hands, feeling a heated flush creep up her cheeks. She couldn’t remember the last time a man made her blush. “Stop okay.”

He tilted his head. “Does it make you uncomfortable?”


Declan raised an eyebrow. “Are you lying to me? Because you don’t lie to me. You don’t tell me the entire truth or you avoid the subject or you turn the tables, but you don’t lie.”

She wasn’t sure how to feel about a man she was sleeping with who knew her so well. “Are you trying to get inside my head.”

“Just your panties. Oh that’s right you’re not wearing any.”

“What’s your game Declan?”

“I want you.”

“I get that.” She nodded, on a rational level she understood all of this, it had happened before with a principle, but she never returned any of the feelings.

“No you don’t. I’ve never wanted a woman like I want you.”

“You realize it’s just the situation, the stalker, the baby, this thing with Malcolm and Fox. Its thrown the whole thing into crazy land.”

“It might play a part, but its more.”

“In what way?”

“You like me.”

“I do.”

“I haven’t been with a woman who just liked me.”

She reached up a palmed his cheek. “Stupid girls.”

He grinned.

“But then again, you probably have something to do with that.”

He rolled his eyes. “And she ruins the moment.”

“Were we having a moment?”

“Not anymore.”

“My bad.”

He ran his hands up her arms. “And there is another thing. You don’t let my ego off the leash.”

“Then I’d have to kill you myself.”

“Why do you minimize what we are having.”

Because it was safer that way. For her and probably for him, but she couldn’t seem to verbalize that thought. “Because emotions are heightened by danger, add in the baby and the Stockholm syndrome.”

“Always so logical.”

“I rarely have situations where I can be illogical.”

“We are in a swanky hotel room hundreds of miles from my stalker, be illogical.”

She'd already taken a dive in that pool. “Trust me where you’re concerned I’ve been very illogical.”

“I bring that out in women.”

“I want you.”

“You make it sound so bad.”

“I broke every rule for you.”

“I know.” He slid his hands down her arms until they rested on her hips.

Jane began to unbutton his shirt, she forced herself to do it slowly calmly as if she was in control. She wasn’t but she liked to pretend. She got him out of his shirt, slowly sliding it over his arms until his chest was bare. She took a second to admire his supple tanned flesh and sculpted muscles. Broad shoulders flared down to a chiseled stomach. Declan Shaw was male beauty personified. She grabbed his belt and began to unfasten it before he stopped her. He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed her fist. Then he moved around her and pulled her back flush against his chest. He let his hands roam up her body until they cupped her breasts. A moan escaped her mouth as the heat of his hands engulfed her.

“Are you okay?”

“They’re just a little sensitive.”

He massaged her breasts and nuzzled her neck at the same time. “Because of the baby?” He gave her a gentle squeeze.

This was the weirdest foreplay ever. “What are you doing?”

“Checking to see if they are any bigger.”

“How can you tell?”

“I play with them every night.”

Jane laughed. Sex with Declan was fun. Not just scratch an itch fun. Just plain fun. She reached behind her back and began to unbuckle his belt.

“That’s a nifty trick,” he said when she was pulling down his zipper. “Where did you learn that?”

“Commando school. You never know when you’re going to need to untie yourself,” she said as she slipped her hands into his underwear.

He groaned. “My tax dollars at work. I approve, but you hold that thought for a second,” he said as he grabbed her wrists and dragged them to her side.

She loved that she could get him so excited so quickly and she let him have the control back. Because letting him take charge was okay with her. She rarely felt comfortable enough with a man to allow that, but with him she felt safe.

He pulled the zipper down on the back of the dress and slide the silky material over her skin, and worked the dress off her body. His lips trailed over her butt cheek and down her legs until the dress rested at her feet. Carefully he lifted one leg at a time and then tossed the dress across the room. He stood up and pulled her against him.

She could feel his hard cock against her back and she wriggled her butt against him. He growled near her ear. He roped an arm around her waist and used his other hand to nudge her legs apart. Then he slipped his fingers between her legs and toyed with her swollen pussy lips. Wetness eased down her. He moved his other hand up to her breast and he began to massage her. His fingers inside her and on her breast were gentle. Jane thrust her ass back and ground herself against his cock. Heat danced on her skin. She loved the way he touched her. He always knew when she needed tenderness or when she wanted it rough. Tonight she wanted tenderness.

He pinched her clit. Not hard, just enough to send a bolt of pleasure up her spine. He began to finger fuck her with long slow strokes. He nuzzled her neck and stroked her skin with his tongue. Her eyes fluttered closed and she let the sensation wash over her.

“Layla.” He whispered in her ear.

Her eyes opened and she tried to speak.

Declan laughed against her skin. “It’s perfect.”

She liked that he called her that. She was glad she told him. She moaned.

“No one gets to call you that but me.”

She just moaned.

“Say it.”

She could barely breathe much less talk.

He slowly rolled her nipple through his long talented fingers. “Say it.”

Jane gulped air. “No one but you.”


His voice was husky and low in her ear. Desire shimmered through her as he said her secret name over and over in her ear. She gripped the hand on her breast and forced him to move harder against her. Her other hand joined his in her pussy. She slipped a finger inside herself and began to stroke herself. She could feel both of their fingers moving inside of her and the sensation was incredible.

She felt the pressure building, but she wanted his cock inside her when she came. Just him dating her was foreplay enough. “Stop, Declan.”

His hand stopped and withdrew from between her legs. “Am I hurting you?”

She turned to face him. She loved the concern in his voice. In the stilettos she was eye to eye with him. “I want you inside me.”

He palmed her cheeks with both of his hands then ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “I was inside you.”

She leaned her forehead against his. “I want your cock inside of me.”

“Well you know I like to give you what you want.” He stepped back and took off his pants and shoes. He sat on the bed and scooted back until he was in the middle of the bed. She kicked off her shoes. She almost blushed at the hungry glint in his eyes. She wasn’t sure, but she never remembered a man studying her with that glint of desire and respect in his eyes before.

Jane got on the bed and moved to him. She straddled his lap holding herself just above his cock. She leaned over and kissed him and he placed his hands on her hips. The tips of her nipples touched his chest. The light dusting of his chest hair tickled her nipples. She held on to his shoulders as he guided her hips down until the tip of his penis touched the entrance of her pussy. She began to lower herself when he stopped her.

“I need to get a condom on.”

She laughed. “That horse is so out of the barn it’s not even funny.”

He began to laugh and touched his forehead to hers. “Well I guess it is.” He guided her hips down until he was buried inside her. Jane felt so full as her muscles gripped him, she could hardly breathe. Their faces were so close their breathes mingled. She couldn’t move afraid this moment would end. She didn’t want it to.

“Go slow,” he said as he massaged her hips.

She clenched her muscle around him.

His lips were on hers. “I changed my mind, I don’t want to go slow.”

“I do. Make it last all night.” Jane sighed. She didn’t move except to clench her muscles.

Declan gently bit her bottom lip. “Do that again.”

She did and his head fell back and she nuzzled his neck.

“So good,” he whispered. “So fucking good.”

Jane smiled. “You like that?”

Sweat was beading on his forehead. “I like everything you do to me.”

Jane slipped her arms around his neck. There was a little space in the back of her head that wondered how long this thing between them would last. She tried to not think about it, but eventually it would end. She would miss him. Miss this. That made her sad. If she kept the baby she would always have a proof of their affair. She would always be connected to him. She would …

Declan slipped his finger down the crack of her ass and slowly entered her ass. She relaxed and thrust herself forward on his dick feeling so full. Damn she loved this. She moved her hips on his dick and he started moving his finger inside her finding their perfect rhythm. The pressure built in her and she knew she was going to come soon. She stopped fighting her need to control their lovemaking and let the pleasure wash over. A powerful orgasm shook her.

After the trembling stopped she found herself clinging to him feeling complete as only she was with him.

“You know you didn’t eat your cheesecake.”

“You didn’t come.”

“Not yet.”

“Give me a second to get some oxygen to my brain and I will take care of that.”

He grabbed her around the waist and lifted them until he was on his knees. “I have something else in mind.” He laid her on the bed without breaking their contact. He was still inside her. He reached above her head and grabbed the plate of cheesecake and set it next to her head. He arranged her legs around his hips then braced his left hand by her head. Using his right hand he broke off a tip of cheesecake between his forefinger and thumb.

“Still hungry?” He stared at her with devilish blue eyes.

“For you.”

He held the morsel just above her lips. “Open wide.”

She was always good at following orders, almost as good as she was at issuing them.

He lowered his hand until his fingers touched her lips and he let the cheesecake fall into her mouth. Then he thrust his cock hard inside her.

The sweet creamy taste burst on her tongue and her pussy clenched around him. She grabbed the bedspread. Pleasure rippled through her entire body. Before she had time to recover he stuck his cheesecake finger into her mouth again and she sucked the cake off. He pumped into her with slow even strokes. The sweet of the cake and the salty of his skin combined to send her into overload. “So good.”

“The cheesecake?”

She took a shuddering breath. “You.”

He bent over and gave her a gentle kiss. “You say the sweetest things, Layla.”

He started to raise his head but she grabbed him and forced his head back down again until their lips almost touched. “Say it again.”

“Layla,” he chanted over and over again as he pumped inside her again and again.

She forced herself not to close her eyes so she could watch him watch her. She hadn’t been this connected to a man in so long she almost forgot what it felt like. With Declan it all came rushing back. And it scared her. She let go of his head and he raised up. He took another piece of cheesecake and was bringing it to her mouth, when it slipped through his fingers landing right on her nipple.

He laughed. “My turn.”

The cool sensation of the cake began to slip down her skin until his hot mouth closed on her nipple. Her back arched and he thrust hard inside her. She yelped.

Then he began to gift her breasts with his lips. Nipping, licking and sucking her flesh. Dazed Jane couldn’t move as the desire crashed over.

Declan raised his mouth way too soon.


“Don’t what?”


He grinned at her and took another bit of cheesecake and plopped it on her breast. “If you insist.” Then he lavished the same seductive treatment to her other breast. “You taste better than the cheesecake.”

So did he.

With that said he began to move inside her hard and demanding. Jane became lost in the sensation of him inside her. He seemed to pour everything he had into her and she loved every second of it. The sweat from their bodies mingled as their skin touched. Harsh groans and the smell of sex filled her nose. She loved this with him. She could get lost in his body, his scent, his everything. Their bodies moved together and Jane just surrendered to him as she always did until her body tightened and she exploded in orgasm.

Minutes later when she was able to catch her breath she felt him begin to move off of her and she wrapped her leg around him to keep him connected to him.

“I’m too heavy for you.”

“I can take you.”

“I know.”

“Stay with me.”

He kissed her. “I’ve never done that before.”


“Made love to a woman.”

She snorted. “You’re no virgin.”

“I’ve fucked a lot of women.”

“I’m sure you have.”

“I’ve never made love to a woman before.”


“Have you?”

“I have never made love to a woman either.”

His chest rumbled. “You’re so romantic.”

“I know.”

“I never laughed in bed with a woman either.”

“Do you really want to talk about your romantic past right now?”

“I never talk to my bed partners.”

“What makes me so different?”

“Because you’re you.”

“It’s a good thing I signed a non-disclosure agreement.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Because I can’t tell the world how lame your pillow talk is.”

“Possibly because I have no idea what I am doing.”

“No sweat it was pretty romantic.”


“No problem.”

He laughed and tightened his arms around her.

An hour later Jane was still awake. She listened to Declan even breathing as he slept. For about the millionth time she wondered what she got herself into. And even more importantly how she was going to get herself out of it. Or if she even wanted to.