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Immortal Ties (Hearts on Fire Book 4) by Jane Hinchey (17)


The run helped. Calm and in control, I bit back a sigh when I rounded the corner and saw Carter leaning against his truck out in front of my building, ankles crossed, arms over his chest, cap pulled low over his eyes. I tried to ignore the way my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

"Hey." Spotting me, he straightened up and stood on the sidewalk waiting for me to reach him.

"Hey." I was calmer now, not so angry, at myself and what I'd allowed to happen between us, and not at the circumstances around the ordered medical testing.

"What are you doing here?" I stopped a few feet away and did some cooling down stretches.

"You didn't turn up at medical. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine." I wanted to blurt out what I'd discovered, but suddenly I was unsure of myself with him. I felt a spark of my earlier anger returning. Not at Carter, but at myself. I'd allowed what had happened, to happen. Sex, I reminded myself, it was just sex. Yes, but it was sex with Carter, I argued silently. And it was good. More than good, it was beyond anything I'd ever experienced before. And that scared the shit out of me. And made me angry again. Because if sex with him had been awful, I could have pushed it out of my head, argued that we'd tried but, hey, it didn't work out, no chemistry. Instead, we had chemistry out the wazoo, and that, I hadn't counted on.

"Raven." He shook his head, grinning at me, a dimple flashing. Why did he have to be so damn gorgeous? "You want to talk out here or go inside?"

"I don't think we need to talk at all." That was a big fat lie, but then, I'm big on avoidance. If I could pretend nothing was wrong, that nothing had changed, excellent.

"Fine. Out here it is. Look, what happened today, in the parking lot? It was amazing. You were amazing. I know you're freaked out, pissed off, scared. All of those things. I also know you think you can ignore me and I'll just go away, but guess what? That's not going to happen because I'm not going away."

"Only because we work together." I pouted. He had me so pegged.

"Nope. What happened between us has got nothing to do with work. It's about you and me. You know me, Raven. And I know you."

"It was just sex." I refused to look at him, instead stretching my head to my toes, feeling the pull in my hamstrings. Anything to avoid him and this awful conversation.

"It was so much more than sex and that's what's got you running scared."

Christ, it was as if he was in my head. And that pissed me off even more. Straightening up, I headed inside. If I was fast enough I could get into the elevator and up to my apartment without him.

I wasn't quick enough. He slid into the elevator right behind me. Who was I kidding? I knew he would.

"I do have regrets, you know." He leaned against the elevator wall, watching me. I cast a sideways glance at him. "I regret our first time was up against a car. That it was fast and furious when what I really want, what I've thought about way too frequently to be healthy is a slow burn. To have you naked beneath me, to touch and explore every inch of you, to have you shatter in my arms over and over again."

I gulped. His words turned me on, the picture they painted in my mind an instant aphrodisiac. Now that he'd voiced them, I wanted that too. And just like that, I was on him. My mouth ground down on his, a mash of teeth and tongues, my hands all over him, tugging his shirt free from his pants and exploring the flesh beneath. Somewhere, a dim alarm was ringing in the back of my mind. This wasn't smart. I'd told myself I wouldn't do this again. But I wanted more, I couldn't help myself. Now that I'd had a taste of Alex Carter, I craved him. More of him. All of him. It sobered me and I wrenched myself out of his arms and plastered myself to the opposite side of the elevator. I was dragging in deep gasping breaths of air when the elevator dinged and deposited us outside my apartment.

He didn't say a word, just followed me out, stood so close behind me I could feel his heat while I unlocked my door with trembling fingers. Inside he pushed the door closed and waited.

I moved over to him, stood with our bodies almost touching, and gazed up at him. "What do you want from me?"

"Everything." He pulled me against him and his lips reclaimed mine. The kiss devoured us, equally. Carter began to strip off his clothes, keeping his mouth pressed against mine, his tongue exploring so avidly that I marveled at his ability to maintain the kiss and get naked at the same time. Then his hands were on me, tugging at my pants, and I lowered my hands to help him, as eager as he to feel his naked flesh against mine.

Panting, we pulled apart long enough to pull our shirts over our heads. Then his mouth was back, bruising in its intensity as he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, and he carried me upstairs, surprising me by flinging me to the bed.

I lay there, breathless from the suddenness of it, my pleasure building. Our first time had been fast and furious, but this time, judging by the fire burning in Carter's eyes, I knew he had something else in mind entirely. Following me down onto the bed he straddled me, then leaned down and dropped soft kisses across my cheek. Even though I turned my head to chase his mouth, wanting his kiss, he avoided it, chuckling when I growled my displeasure, then sighing when his mouth instead trailed down my neck and sucked, hard. His hand cupped my breast, pushing it up so his mouth could lick and suck, and I cried out at the pleasure scalding through my veins. He did the same with the other breast, going back and forth between them as my back arched and I threaded my fingers through his hair, holding him against me.

"You taste so damn delicious," he growled against my skin, "but I bet you taste even better somewhere else."

"Oh?" I gasped, barely able to breathe, let alone form coherent words. Sliding down my body, he settled himself between my thighs and looked up at me, his mouth close to the most intimate part of me.

"Shall we find out?" He grinned, and then his mouth found me and I couldn't answer if I'd wanted to. My body bowed, arching from the bed and I clawed at the bed sheets to ground myself. His hands slid beneath me, holding my hips so his mouth and tongue could weave their magic.

I was almost there, almost there, almost there, then between one caress of his tongue and the next, that building warmth between my thighs spilled out and over and through me in a warm rush that danced over my body and made me grind my hips against his face. He sucked harder, drawing the pleasure out, making it last, growing one orgasm into another, until I shrieked and screamed his name.

Only then did he stop and move back up my body, wedging himself between my legs, long and hard and eager as he pushed against my opening. I couldn't contain the cry that fell from my lips as he pushed his way inside me, the way I stretched to accommodate him, and I marveled at how perfectly he fit.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms around his shoulders, and I kissed him. I kissed him and tasted myself on his lips and felt him right down to my very soul.

He slid in and out of me and I began to feel that growing weight of pleasure again, but this time, deeper. I wasn't sure if I shouted or whispered, "Harder, harder."

He didn't need further encouragement, he began to work his hips faster, driving himself deeper and quicker, so that each thrust filled me up, took me higher until I was there again, screaming his name, my nails scoring his back.

He kept moving, harder and faster until he finally allowed himself a last deep thrust that spasmed him backward, his spine bowing as he thrust inside me one last time and we both cried out at the impact of it. I was floating on a cloud of pure bliss, every cell shattered and rebuilt so I was fundamentally changed, I was sure of it.

"Uh, babe?" He'd collapsed on top of me and I welcomed his weight, my legs had shifted to wrap loosely around the back of his thighs, holding him against me, unwilling to let go, not just yet.

"Mmmmm?" I still wasn't sure I could form coherent words, I was adrift in the afterglow, content and sated.

"You do know we're floating, right?" His mouth was against my ear and I shivered at the warmth of his breath. Then his words penetrated. Floating? My eyes sprang open and I saw the ceiling, literally two feet from my face.

"What?" I squeaked and we started to drop, rapidly.

"Don't drop us!" He tensed, and with him still inside me I felt it and it distracted me from our rapid descent until we were once more floating. I focused on lowering us gently to the bed.

"That was different." I chuckled, the mattress once again firm beneath my back. Carter rolled to my side, tucking me in close, my head on his shoulder.

"That happen often?" There was an edge to his voice and I could practically feel the jealousy rolling off him. He knew I'd had other lovers in the past but now was certainly not the time to be talking about them. Even I had more sense than that.

"Never." But it didn't hurt to reassure him that never had I ever levitated from my bed in the throes of passion before. His jealousy receded as quickly as it came, in its place, a sense of smugness, and I let myself laugh. Boys and their egos. Lying in the afterglow of yet another intense orgasm, I couldn't stop thinking about myself and Carter and our undeniable chemistry. And my feelings for him. As much as I'd been running from them for so long, I knew the time had come to stop running.

Propping myself up on one elbow, I looked down at him. "I don't let people in. It's not who I am, it's not who I raised myself to be." My pause was fraught with emotion. "But I let you in."

"It must be scary." He brushed my hair back over my shoulder and caressed my cheek.

"You have no idea how scared I am," I admitted, turning my face to kiss his palm, "but I'm also excited. I know you have this unwavering faith that this"—I indicated the two of us—"is the right thing, that we're meant to be. And maybe..."

"Maybe?" His voice was deep and low and a shiver ran up my spine, a delightful, full-of-anticipation-and-lust type shiver.

"Maybe you're right," I whispered, drowning in his eyes.

"I'll take it." Cupping his hand around my neck, he tugged me down, kissing me with an intensity that took my breath away. Again.

* * *

Banging on my front door woke me from the deep dreamless sleep I'd fallen into, wrapped in Carter's arms. Untangling myself, I slid out of bed, slipped on a pair of panties and tank, and silently made my way downstairs. The banging had stopped momentarily. I stood on tiptoes and peeked through the viewfinder to discover Nate Wilder standing at my door, raising his fist to begin banging again.

Flicking the locks, I flung the door open.

"What do you want and what did you bring me for breakfast?" I demanded. Hands on hips, I eyed the handsome vampire. In the back of my mind, I lamented the fact that, as hot as Nate was, when he'd kissed me we'd had zero chemistry. I didn't have the urge to rip his clothes off and ravish him. If I had, maybe I wouldn't be in the predicament I was with Carter right now.

"Didn't know it was a requirement." Nate brushed past me without waiting for an invitation, flopping down onto the sofa with an air of relaxed ease.

"What are you doing here? And how did you even get past the front entrance?" Damn it, this building was meant to be secure. I couldn't have every Tom, Dick, and Paranormal turning up on my doorstep whenever they pleased.

"Bit of persuasion took care of that." Nate winked and I guessed he'd compelled one of my neighbors to let him in.

"Turning up here isn't smart," I told him, standing by the door, hoping to God he'd see sense and leave. "The SIA has a warrant out for your arrest. I'm obliged to take you in."

"I'd like to see you try," Nate drawled, his voice thick with innuendo. "I mean, really, I'd like it. Especially in that outfit." He dragged his eyes over my legs and I remembered I was standing in my underwear. Of course, that was the precise moment Carter appeared at the top of the stairs.

"What the fuck?" he growled, pounding downstairs. He'd pulled his pants on, but his feet were bare and his shirt unbuttoned, revealing tantalizing glimpses of his chest.

Nate looked from me to Carter and back again, a brow arching and a sly grin creeping across his face.

"Well, well, well," he drawled. "The little anomaly and the wolf finally getting it on."

"None of your business, Nate." I snapped my attention back to him, tried to ignore Carter who'd crossed to me and was now standing in front of me as if to protect me from Nate. As if I needed protecting. I shoved him in the back. "Get out of the way."

"He could be dangerous," Carter protested, body rigid, alert for trouble.

"Two things." I blew out an exasperated breath. "One, does he look like here's here to hurt me?" I waved a hand at Nate's sprawled position on my sofa. "And second, I'm a trained SIA agent with kick-ass paranormal powers. I can take care of myself. I don't need you or anyone else protecting me."

"She's perfectly safe with me." The look Nate gave me could only be described as wicked. "I could"

"Shut your mouth." Carter cut him off, his growl low and deep. I felt it vibrate through the floor.

"I'm just saying…" Nate rose to his feet and I tensed. The testosterone in the room was so thick I could choke on it.

"You don't get to say anything. Not about her."

"Dude. I can rock her world, and she knows it."

"Oh yeah? Her world got rocked plenty last night, thanks. Three times in fact."

"Er, guys?" I broke in. This was getting ridiculous. And I was still standing here in my underwear while they stood chest to chest in a stupid male pissing contest.

"Just three? Oh, I'm so sorry, sweetheart," Nate said. Then Carter hit him. His fist connecting with Nate's jaw sounded painful. Nate shook his head, rubbed his chin, then took his own swing at Carter. In the blink of an eye, the two of them were brawling across my living room.

With a sigh, I turned my back on the two idiots and headed upstairs to get dressed. I wasn't interested in all this male power play bullshit, but when I heard my coffee table break, well, let's just say I reached my own breaking point. Stopping on the landing, I flung out my hands, freezing them both in place.

"Seriously, boys?" I shouted at them. "You two want to bash the living shit out of each other, don't do it here. This is my home. Morons."

I left them frozen, unable to move or speak, suspended with Carter's hand wrapped around Nate's neck. I wasn't concerned for the vampire. After all, he didn't actually need to breathe, so while being frozen with your windpipe crushed in someone's hand wasn't ideal, he wouldn't die. Carter, however, was probably going to be pissed with me, since Nate's booted foot had just connected with his crotch, and that had to hurt.

Maybe they'd both learn a lesson from this. Grabbing a pair of jeans, fresh underwear, and a T-shirt, I took a shower, dressed and finally returned to the living room twenty minutes later. With a wave of my hand, I released Nate and Carter. Both men staggered away from each other, Nate clasping his throat, Carter clasping his nuts.

"Finished?" I asked, eyeing them both. Nate nodded, whispered a strangled "sorry" through his damaged windpipe, while Carter looked at me with watery eyes, falling to his knees and trying to hide his pain.

"Coffee anyone?" I asked conversationally, wandering into the kitchen and flicking the coffee machine on. While it was warming up I opened the freezer and took out a popsicle, throwing it at Carter, who caught it with one hand. "For your..." I nodded at his crotch. "I don't have a cold pack or bag of peas, that'll have to do." I bit my lips to stop from laughing as I watched him gingerly place the popsicle on the front of his pants.

"I apologize." Nate's voice was back to normal, his superhuman healing powers at work. "I'll pay for the damage."

"Yes, you will," I agreed. The coffee table was toast, smashed to pieces, and there were two holes in my wall. Nate straightened the overturned furniture and returned the books that had fallen out of the bookcase. Carter crawled onto an armchair and remained there with the popsicle in his lap.

Fixing three cups of coffee, I handed one to Nate, one to Carter, and cradled my own between my hands. I took the armchair opposite Carter and pointed to the sofa. "Sit," I told Nate. He sat.

"Now, Nate," I began, "before we take a trip downtown"—I held up my hand to stop him when he would have protested—"why are you here?"

"You asked Ethan to go through the footage from the club, isolate the patrons who'd been there the same nights as the victims."

"I did. I take it he found something?" I shouldn't be surprised that Ethan had gone to Nate with his discovery first.

"As you'd expect there are several people who are regulars at the club, but there was one that stood out. To me."


Carter leaned forward, elbows on his knees, his expression intent.

"Vince Santiago." Pulling out his phone, Nate pulled up a photo. Vince Santiago was a big man, balding, mean looking. "I came across him years ago, right after he turned. We had a disagreement when I freed the women he was keeping as blood slaves. Vince is a career criminal. A thug. In and out of prison when he was human—he's violent, a murderer and rapist."

"Great. And now he's a vampire. Those traits will only be amplified."

"Correct. I don't know what he's doing in Redmeadows, but considering he frequented my club on the nights your victims were there, I'd say it's beyond coincidence."

"Who turned him?” I asked. “Are they here, giving him instructions?"

"Ha!" Nate snorted. "From what I know, he was turned when the drug and prostitution gang he was recruiting for kidnapped a vampire's blood donor. Said vampire turned up to reclaim his property and killed the entire gang, only Vince didn't die. He turned."

"But isn't he sired to the one who turned him?"

"Not if that vampire denies you. Then you're on your own."

"A rogue," I muttered.

"Your specialty, I believe."

"We need to bring him in," Carter said. He had pulled up Vince's record on his phone. "This guy is a piece of work. We don't want his sort in Redmeadows. He's got form, back when he was human with the drug, prostitution and human trafficking rings. Not a stretch to think he'd dabble in kidnapping humans and auctioning them off to the highest bidder."

I turned to Nate. "Do you think he has the smarts to orchestrate this? Or is he working for someone else?"

"Oh, I think he is more than capable of pulling this off." Nate sat back, seeming satisfied with what he'd told us. "And now I really should be going. Dawn isn't far off."

Locking the door behind him, I turned to look at Carter, who was sitting much more comfortably. I assumed his werewolf powers had healed him from Nate's blows.

"So, do we take this bit of news to the director? She'll be pissed we didn't bring Wilder in," Carter said.

"I don't want to tell her." I shook my head. "There's something I discovered yesterday that I haven't told you yet."


"Instead of going to medical, I went to see the Council."

"What?" He bolted up, crossing to me and grasping my shoulders. "That was ballsy. Why? To tear them a new one for making you go through the tests in the first place?"

"Pretty much. But here's the thing. I spoke with Councilor Kane and he tells me the Council didn't order anything. They don't care. They have zero interest in my species and as long as I'm doing my job and obeying the law, that's all they care about."

Carter was silent, digesting my words. "So you think, what? Someone in the SIA is behind it?"

"Either someone in the SIA or a councilor who's abusing their position and sending fraudulent orders to the SIA."

"But you think Director Ridgeway is involved?"

I nodded. "The couple of times I've spoken with her about it, something was a little off. Now that I know the Council did not order my classification as a priority—in fact, not at all—her behavior toward me? Suspicious."

"Okay. So we think she's involved. The next question is why? Why does she care what you are? What difference does it make?" I loved how he believed me straight away, that he was immediately on my side. My heart softened even more. Alex Carter was well and truly under my skin.

"That's the part that doesn't make any sense. I've no idea. But in the meantime, while I'm trying to figure it out, I want to give her a wide berth. Let's bring Vince Santiago in for questioning. She'll find out after the fact."




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