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In His Hands by Raven McAllan (5)


Chapter Five


Caness took a deep breath. Come on, I can do it. I want to. Now’s my chance. Courage and be a sub. Hell, he might not want me again. I might not want him again. It’s now or never.

“Do we need the generator, Sir?’ she asked softly. Her voice was a lot huskier than she meant it to be. She couldn’t do husky and sultry on purpose if she tried. She coughed nervously and tried to clear her throat. “I wondered if candles might just be all the accessories we need.” Was that too bratty and not sub like? Surely a sub is submissive, and gives herself to her Sir to let him take care of her and do as he wishes, not a doormat. If it’s a doormat he wants he should have gone to the hardware shop or Sham Shui Po market.

A match flared and the room became brighter. The contrast between the pools of light from the flickering candles Patrick had lit, and the dark recesses of the room where the brightness didn’t reach, was stark. And, Caness decided, exciting. Everyday articles and furniture took on new meaning and shapes twisted and changed. She could almost imagine the long sideboard as a spanking bench, and the ornate carved chair a St. Andrews Cross. As the light grew, the shadows danced and changed and the furniture retook its normal guise. Her pussy stayed wet and throbbing.

Patrick blew the match out, picked up a candle in an ornate silver candlestick, and walked over to where she waited, several steps up from the floor, with her arms folded over her boobs. No need to show him everything, not yet.

“Elucidate, pet.”

So it seemed she hadn’t done the wrong thing. That was a relief. Caness dipped her head and then looked him in the eyes.

God, that blue is mesmeric. He could hypnotize her into doing almost anything if she stared at those mesmeric orbs for long.

“Well, Sir, I want to play, I guess you do as well, or I wouldn’t be here dressed as I am.” She bowed her head once more, to show him deference. To try to put across the fact she wasn’t being bratty, just stating her case. “I’m ready, Sir.”

He got hold of her hand and the action took her arms away from her breasts.

This time there was no mistaking Patrick’s deep indrawn breath, or the pleasure reflected in his eyes. “Well, well what have we here? You like a little pain, pet? Let me oblige.” He bent his head and laved each nipple in turn, before he grazed the hard nubs with his teeth. Then he tugged on the silver chain that circled both her nipples and joined her breasts together.

The little pain was no such thing. It was short, sharp, and bloody hurt. Caness bit her lip, and he tugged harder. How on Earth she managed not to shoot her fist into his stomach, she wasn’t sure. She’d thought he’d be pleased to see her ready and with the nipple chain on, especially as he’d left it out before he’d read her limit sheets. It was a new direction for her, and one she’d thought long and hard about before she decided to try it. The idea intrigued her, but she’d only given it two because she honestly had no idea if it would work. In fact when she’d attached it and discovered it did circle her nipples and make them stand out so well, she’d wanted to touch herself. Make herself come before she showed him how she looked. One thing had stopped her. The words she’d read in so many books. The ones where the Dom would say, “Your climax belongs to me, pet.” The words that made her wet as she wondered just how you could hold back a climax. But never had she thought he could increase the pain it gave her. Oh god. What if pain isn’t my thing? She couldn’t help it. Her breathing sped up, and she moaned in panic and bit her lip again, harder than before.

“No lip biting, pet.” His voice filled her, sent signals to her brain that he was there for her, and to help her. “You want this. Come on now, breathe through it. Embrace the sting, it’s your friend. You want to feel it, let it fill you. Remember you can stop this whenever you want. But do you want to? Don’t you want to see what happens next? Learn how to fly and all from one little tug.” He increased the pressure oh so gently. “Else why put it on? Eh, pet.”

“I…” She shook her head, not knowing how to put her feelings into words.

“Color.” He snapped the word out and broke through her haze of pain.

“Col…” She opened her mouth to say red. Surely it had to be, it had to stop so she could say, “Okay, no more. It’s not my kink, let’s try something else.” Surely? 


Green? Where did that come from? Probably from the sweet hazy sense of something so indefinable it made her soar. She wanted more. How that had happened Caness had no idea, and at that point didn’t much care. She craved that sting, wanted it. Harder sharper, more intense.

“Green? Are you sure?” The sting increased as Patrick tugged on the chain. “Be sure, because if you say green I’m going to bring you to the edge and not let you fly. Not yet.”

“Yes, green.” Even in her aroused state she could hear the confirmation in her voice. “Please, Sir.”

Patrick laughed softly. “Oh, my pet is ready to go further, is she? Well, let’s see.” He let go of the chain and took a step back. He held her upright by one hand on her shoulder and very slowly looked her up and down.

Caness moaned her disappointment.

His eyes narrowed. “Did you say something?”

She gulped. “No, Sir.”

“Good, because I’m sure your lists said no gagging. From now on it’s silence unless you safe word, or I say otherwise. If something is bothering you, put your hand up in the air, or if that’s not possible say, ‘Please, Sir’.”


Patrick waited with bated breath to see what her response would be. In all honesty he wanted to shackle her, fuck her five ways to Friday, and then turn her over and do it all again, but that time in her ass.

Slowly, Lim, let her get used to it all.

“Nod if you agree, pet.”

His cock almost split his trousers when she grinned and nodded.

“Then, I think we’ll take it nice and slowly and try a little wax play. A little decoration on your breasts and tummy to start off with.”

Her eyes widened and he could see the heat that flared in them. Patrick chuckled. “But I do think you’d feel a lot comfier naked now. First though, I need to get out of this suit and put on something more fitting for a scene.” She nodded vigorously and he laughed. “And less likely to get spoiled when my pre-cum decides to get in on the act and make its presence known.”

Caness took a deep breath. The action swelled her breasts, which, with the chain swinging from them, was such a fucking turn on. Patrick had a hard job not to unzip his trousers, take his cock out, and fist himself hard and fast. Only immense control born of years of experience stopped him. He would wait. The pain in his dick would help him to concentrate on Caness, which was as it should be.

Her skin had the soft sheen of arousal coating it. Her lips were slightly parted, and her eyes had the haze of desire clouding them.

As she let her breath out in a long silent whoosh, Patrick gave in to temptation and stroked her collarbone, and placed his curved hand over her breasts. “These are mine, pet. And this.” He cupped her mound over the pelmet of her skirt. That would come off in a second, he hoped. “This is mine.” He ran his other hand over the globes of her ass and teased her dark hole over her skirt, letting the silky material caress the opening. “As is this. In fact, your body is mine unless you say otherwise. Oh, and in case you were wondering. Your climax? Very definitely mine. So I’ll have to ask you once more: are you happy to give yourself to me, body and soul, whilst we scene?”

Her eyes widened, and he flicked each nipple in turn. “This is one of those occasions where I’ve asked you a question, which you need to answer, pet. So color?”

She blinked. “Oh, er yes. Um, green.”

Patrick shook his head in mock annoyance. “Um green is a new one on me. Anywhere near green as in ‘good to go’ green?”

“Definitely, Sir. All green.”

He nodded and walked across to the patio doors and opened the curtains. He checked the long rope handholds were where he wanted them and grinned to himself. Torturing a subbie this way was so much fun.

It was totally dark outside, with no lights showing. “Then get out of those clothes and stand facing the outside, just in front of the window. You see these handholds?”

She nodded somewhat warily.

“Grab them. I’ll change the tension when I get back. There are markers on the window surround for your feet. I’d like you using them all for when I come back. Naked of course. When we play, unless I say otherwise, you’ll be naked.”

He watched as she processed what he’d asked her to do. Caness swallowed and put her hand in the air. He’d thought she’d do that. He let the silence stretch until she wriggled her toes into the carpet.

“Yes, pet?”

She cleared her throat. “Stand naked in front of the window? Where anyone could see?”

It’s black rain and we’ve no electricity,” Patrick pointed out. “Anyone who is stupid enough to be outside in this will be too concerned with their own safety and welfare to get their rocks off looking up at you spread-eagled in the window, as arousing and luscious as the view will be.”

She bit her lip, realized what she was doing, and stopped suddenly. “But it might come back on.”

“So it might,” he agreed. “Does that mean you’re safe-wording out?”

This time the silence lasted longer.


There was not a chance he was going to tell her it was one way glass and although she could see out, no one could see in.

That would spoil this delicious subbie-torture.

Besides, she either trusted him or she didn’t.

“You have until I come back down to decide.”