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In The Corsair's Bed: A SciFi Alien Romance (Corsairs Book 2) by Ruby Dixon (6)



Cat’s clearly terrified of the captain.

Kinda hilarious in theory, because if she knew the guy, she’d realize there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of. Kivian’s more likely to hold her down and adjust her hem than to hurt her.

But after a week of being around my Cat, I know that her fears are because she’s been treated badly in the past, and it makes me want to protect her. So when she goes pale and moves closer to me, I put a hand on her neck and give her a comforting squeeze of reassurance. “You’re safe,” I repeat to her again. At some point she’s going to start believing it.

“I’d feel safer if you’d let me

“Nope,” I say before she can finish. She keeps offering up sexual favors and I can’t take ’em. It makes my spirit wither a little each time she does, because I know that’s how she had to survive ever since she was taken from her planet. She’s a tough little thing, though. Doesn’t talk about it. Doesn’t cry over it. She just grits her teeth and does what needs to be done.

Someday maybe she’ll tell me what happened. I suspect it’ll make me sick, but if she needs to speak about it, I’m here for her. Really, I’m just here for her in whatever way she might need me.

Even if it’s just as a friend.

There’s no denying I’ve had dreams about her. No denying I’ve grabbed a bottle of lubricant from one of the med-bay drawers and stroked my cock to the thought of her touching me. Of her looking at me with need in her eyes instead of that strangely dead expression she gets when she offers to suck my cock. But I know it’ll never be. She’s had a bad past and I’m an ugly cuss. It ain’t a great combo, and I’m happy to be her friend and defender. She hasn’t had many of those in the past and I aim to pick up the slack.

“No need to worry,” I reassure her. “The captain isn’t going to mind.”

“But he doesn’t know I’m here,” Cat argues, worried. “You guys said you’re already one human over your four-man crew. What if

“One more human won’t matter. They don’t eat much.” I give her neck a squeeze. “Come on. You can say hi to the captain and his mate. I think you’ll like Fran.”

She doesn’t reply, so I gently steer her forward, keeping my hand clamped on her shoulder in case she tries to run away. Or more like she tries to attack the captain. That seems more likely.

“Honey, we’re home,” Fran calls from somewhere down one of the halls. “Where is everyone?”

I can hear Sentorr respond from the direction of the bridge. “Tarekh’s got a bit of a surprise for you.”

“Uh oh,” Kivian says, but there’s laughter in his voice. There usually is. That’s one thing that makes him such a good captain to work for—he takes everything as a joke and never lets things stress him out. I’ve got a very similar philosophy, so we get along well.

Poor Cat doesn’t realize that about the captain, though, and she’s stiff as I push her along. It’s obvious that she’s worried.

“It’ll be fine,” I murmur to her. “Trust me.”

“You promise?” she whispers.

“Promise,” I agree. After I say that, the tightness in her shoulders eases.

I guide her to the bridge—though after a week of being on the ship, she knows where it is by now. All the others are already gathered there, including Kivian and Fran. The dark-haired human is wearing a simple gray jumper that I’ve seen on szzt ship crews, but they’re the closest in size to humans and so she has a whole wardrobe of them. In contrast, her mate is dressed in the latest fashion from Homeworld, with slab-sleeves that consist of layer upon layer of fabric and ties, geometric patterns on the hem of his tunic, and plas-leather boots that go up to his knees. He looks ridiculous, but then again, he knows that. I’m not entirely sure if it’s an act with him or if he really likes the clothes, but he does his best to overdress for every occasion.

Everyone turns at the sight of us, and I keep my hand clasped on Cat’s shoulder so she doesn’t bolt. “Meet our newest crewmember,” I say, as if it’s no big deal.

Fran’s jaw drops. Her eyes go wide and I see for the first time the minute differences between the two of them. Fran’s skin is more of a golden color, her mane long and black, her eyes dark. Cat’s coloring is lighter, her hair a tan sort of shade that I’ve only seen on rare woods, and her eyes are gray-blue and pale. Of the two females, Fran has larger teats and a taller frame, whereas Cat is small and lean everywhere. It makes her look far more breakable—or maybe it’s just because I know Fran better and know how tough she is.

“Oh my god,” Fran says as she moves forward, her arms out. She envelops Cat in a hug, squeezing her tight. Or trying to. It’s clear from Cat’s stiff-armed response that she’s not used to the touching. Cat gives me a helpless look but endures the embrace as Fran rubs her back. “Another human! It’s been so long since I’ve seen another face like mine!”

“Not counting Chloe,” Kivian adds.

“Not counting Chloe,” Fran agrees, stepping backward. She gives Cat another little smile and then looks over at me. Her expression darkens and she steps between me and Cat. “You bought a fucking human? I’m going to murder you, Tarekh

Cat quickly slips out from behind Fran’s back and steps in front of me, her arms wide. She’s protecting me.

A funny ache starts in my chest.

“Don’t get mad at Tarekh,” Cat says, her voice twice as fierce as anything I’ve ever heard. “He bought me to save me. He took me here and patched up my wounds and he hasn’t so much as touched me. He says I can be crew if I earn my keep.”

Sentorr and Alyvos are both looking at me with narrowed eyes. Kivian’s just giving me a sly look that makes my horns get hot at the base. “Didn’t buy her for sex,” I say. “Thought that should be obvious.” I cross my arms over my chest and try to seem casual even though I’m secretly a little worried that the others won’t accept her. “She was hurt pretty bad. Couldn’t leave it be.”

The look in Fran’s eyes gets soft and she pats Cat’s shoulders. “I’m not going to hurt him. Stand down.” Cat doesn’t move, even when Fran smiles at her. “And of course you can be crew! I’d love to have another human on board.”

“As captain of this vessel, don’t I get a say?” Kivian asks, amused.

“No,” says Fran.

Kivian barks a laugh, throwing his head back. “Ah, my sweet mate, you are delightful. Of course she can be crew. More humans will make this place a lot prettier than looking at these ugly faces.” He gestures at the rest of us.

To my surprise, Cat scowls at Kivian. “Quit saying that. Tarekh’s not ugly.”

I’m torn between astonishment and wanting to squeeze the small human against my chest. Such an ardent defender. “I’m lucky to have someone so fierce on my side,” I tell her, pleased.

“Do we even get a vote?” Alyvos asks, looking decidedly less pleased than the captain and Fran at the thought of another human.

“Why?” Kivian leans against one of the control panels and crosses his boots at the ankle. “Fran, me and Tarekh are all voting against you.”

“Fran shouldn’t get a vote. She’s biased.” Aly scowls. “She

Kivian’s laughing mood is gone. “Watch yourself,” he says quietly.

Alyvos goes quiet. He shakes his head and then retreats back to the bridge. Fran exchanges a look with Kivian, but she tries to hug Cat again, anyhow.

“He’ll get used to it,” is all Kivian says. “Don’t concern yourselves. I know I’m not going to.”

It’s settled, just like I knew it would be. Cat’s gonna be the sixth crewmember in a four-person ship. Crowded, but not unheard of.

Sentorr rocks back on his heels, face implacable. “So what now? Do we stay and get modifications for the Fool? Open up part of the cargo bay for a chamber for the human or

“Cat can have my room.” I keep my voice mild even though I don’t like ‘the human’ comment tossed in there. I’ll have a word with Sentorr later. “I’ll keep sleeping in the med-bay.”

Fran makes an exclamation of surprise. “You’re sleeping there? I’m surprised you can find a table under all your mess in there.”

I shrug. It’s not the most comfortable place—some of that my own doing—but I like the thought of Cat nice, safe and snug in my bed. Don’t wanna change that.

“We’re not staying,” Kivian adds. “Bit of a problem with one of the locals. We should probably head out.” He pauses for a moment. “And change our name. And our call signal. And our records.”

Sentorr groans, because that work falls on him. “What did you do?”

Fran just shakes her head.

Kivian looks indignant. “He insulted my mate. What was I supposed to do?”

“Not ram the head of a kaskri bigwig into a wall?” Fran says sweetly. She puts a hand on Cat’s shoulders. “Come on. I have some clothes that should fit you. It’ll be more comfortable than that tunic you’re wearing. I’m assuming it’s Tarekh’s?”

Cat gives me a reluctant look as Fran tries to lead her away, and that funny feeling starts in my chest again. I’m not used to someone looking at me like I’m the only bright spot in their world, the only person they trust. Normally my ugly mug scares everyone away.

Tarekh’s not ugly, Cat told them defiantly.

I nod at her encouragingly and then she goes with Fran. Ah, kef. She’s going to be the death of me, I think, because I’m already wrapped around her small human fingers and she doesn’t even realize it.

“So what’s our new name if it’s not the Dancing Fool?” Sentorr asks, annoyance stamped through his demeanor.

“How about the Lovesick Fool?” Kivian smirks in my direction.

I make a rude gesture back at him.