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INFLAME: (a gargoyle shifter and witch romance) (Underground Encounters Book 8) by Lisa Carlisle (7)

Chapter Seven

AS THE HOURS PASSED with no sign of finding his daughter, Lucan’s wariness rose. The spot between his shoulder blades tightened, which he couldn’t shake despite how he stretched out his wings. It was getting dark. They’d stopped by the hotel a few times so Elise could check to see if Marguerite had returned, but didn’t find any indication.

When the sun began to set, he suggested refueling with a meal. They stopped to eat dinner at a restaurant on Derby Street near the Salem Witch Village and New England Pirate Museum. With a window view, they kept watch in case she walked by. Hopefully, she stopped to eat today, as well.

They’d ordered a couple of glasses of Chianti. He ordered a hearty meat lasagna and she chose the eggplant parmesan. As their server brought their dishes, the scent of the rich plates triggered his hunger. When he took a bite, the sultry flavor of rich tomato sauce and an abundance of spices almost made him moan.

“Although I don’t like her being out there, I’m hoping she found a safe spot and shifted to stone,” he said.

Elise furrowed her brow. “That’s a feasible scenario. But, I wish she’d finally put us out of this worrying and come back.”

He glanced at the darkening sky. The moon was nearly full. Tomorrow night it would be. They had to find her before then. The full moon affected many supes. It wasn’t just werewolves that lost control.

After Elise took a sip of wine, she stifled a yawn. “Excuse me. It’s been a long day.”

It sure had. “It’s getting late and you need to get some rest. After we eat, you should go back to the hotel. I’ll meet up with you tomorrow.”

She peered at him with an inquisitive look. “Where will you go?”

“I’ll find a spot out here where I can shift to stone.”

“Do you usually sleep outdoors?”

“I haven’t established a regular habit yet. In the few weeks since the curse broke, I’ve spent most nights outdoors. Flying until exhaustion weighed down my wings. Then, I’d find a spot to rest in stone.”

She lifted her glass of wine to her lips, but then lowered it. “You haven’t slept in a bed?”

He shrugged. “I don’t need to.”

“But, surely it’s more comfortable than sleeping in stone every night. I can’t imagine not having the comfort of soft bedding as the reward at the end of a long day.”

It did have a nice sound to it. Especially if she’d be warming the bed with him.

She raised the glass to her lips and took a sip this time. When she lowered the glass, her lips had an enticing sheen to them. Oh, so kissable.

“Now that you’re free, do you have plans?”

He shifted in his chair. The only ones he’d had so far were to fly and fuck as often as possible. But, she had a good point. Things had changed now that he was a father. How exactly that would affect him since his daughter didn’t want to see him was unknown.

“For now, I’m trying to experience all that I can to make up for the time I’ve lost. But, I’m also trying to be practical. I’ve picked up a few shifts helping out the bartenders at Vamps and I’m hoping to get a regular spot there. I love being able to move freely through a club that I’ve watched over for so long.”

“I can see that.” She eyed him with understanding.

“And, who knows—maybe one day I’ll open my own place. I’m thinking of a restaurant.”

“That’s magnificent.” Her eyes gleamed with admiration. “Around here?”

He shrugged. “I’m open to locations.”

“How did you end up moving overseas?”

“A French vampire knew of our situation. He mentioned his club and how he needed supes for protection. We welcomed the change of scenery.”

She sighed. “If my coven had known about the curse, we would have made her break it. We don’t practice black magic.”

“I didn’t know much about her or where she was from. I just assumed her kin were as dark and twisted as she was. I never expected one could be as kind and caring as you.”

She smiled with a look that leveled him.

He broke the gaze. “I love the freedom of soaring above, without waiting for the dreadful moment when the curse would drag me back into the stone.” Now he was babbling? “Danton, my older brother, was able to use more magic to keep Mattias and me free for longer periods, but it had its limits. The magic was draining, and it took him time to recover.”

“How was Danton able to break the spell?” He could feel her watching him, although he kept his gaze averted.

“He bonded with a female. They took an oath as mates. Magic such as that is strong enough to break even the most powerful of curses.” Shit, why did he mention mates?

“How did he meet her?”

He picked up the salt shaker and pretended to study the grains. “She’s a bartender at Vamps. He’d shifted when her ex pushed himself on her one night and that’s when they met in the flesh for the first time.”

“You never met someone who you wanted to bond with?”

He growled. “Nor do I plan to.” He pulled his gaze to meet hers.

She tilted her head, seeming to consider it. “Why not? At the very least, it would have broken the curse, right?”

“The oath is not something to take lightly. It’s only to be taken between lifelong mates.”

She nodded. “You’re right. If the magic involved is that powerful, it shouldn’t be manipulated with for less than noble intentions.” She glanced at her wine glass and ran her fingers along the stem. “I’m surprised you never found someone, though, like Danton did. I’ve been there—plenty of beautiful women.”

He stabbed a piece of lasagna and chewed it with slow deliberation. “Right. I didn’t say no one interested me. I’m not interested in anything long-term.”

“Oh.” She straightened and rolled her shoulders back.

“After my experience with your sister,” he added, “how could I ever trust a woman again?”

Her mouth dropped open and expression twisted with surprise. “Oh, Lucan, you can’t let her do that to you. She kept your body captive for years. You can’t let her continue to imprison you by preventing your happiness!”

She had a point there. But, thirteen years of built-up hatred could not be torn down as quickly as the spell had been broken. “The damage is done.”

They didn’t speak much more about it as they finished their meals. As they strolled back to her hotel, he glanced at her hand. An urge to take it swept over him.

What the hell was wrong with him? Why would he do that?

It had to be her scent. That alluring female musk wrapped around him and captured it under his spell. He wrestled with the urge the remainder of the way.

In front of the main doors, they stopped. He searched her eyes. They held so much warmth. And kindness. And all the innocence he’d thought shattered in the world years ago. Something about her was so captivating. For a brief, out-of-control moment, he leaned forward to kiss her.

What are you doing? She’s your daughter’s aunt!

He straightened and cleared his throat. “Good night, Elise. I’ll be back in the morning.” After he found some place private, where he could go take care of himself, and relieve some of the agonizing tension from wanting to kiss her. To fuck her. To mark her as his.

He turned to leave.

“Wait,” she said.

He faced her. “What is it?”

“I have a room,” she said.

He almost choked on his saliva.

“What I mean,” she said, “Is that you could come upstairs with me.”