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Irresistible Indigo (D'Vaire, Book 9) by Jessamyn Kingley (41)

Chapter 41

Idris woke up groggy and disoriented. A pervasive feeling of sadness washed over him, and fatigue radiated out from his very bones. He didn’t need to be told what happened. Immortalis had become a reality, and Idris wondered how he’d gone from casting to lying in his own bed. The mattress next to him depressed, and he lifted his lashes to find Mac sitting at his side.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

Idris pulled his arm out from under the covers and rubbed his eye. “Did you carry me in here?”

“Yesterday. You all passed out in the backyard.” Mac raised an indigo potion into the space between them. “But Renny says you guys did it.”

Rolling onto his back, Idris tried not to cry. “I know.”

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Mac asked. “I thought you’d be happy.”

“I was too late,” Idris whispered. He threw his arm over his face to hide his tears.

“Too late? What are you talking about? We’ve got our list of people to drink it, which we can do as soon as you put on some pants.”

Idris understood Mac was trying to lighten the mood, but he was too busy drowning in misery to appreciate it. “I failed. I wasn’t able to save your grandparents,” he choked out.

Mac moved around on the bed, then pulled Idris’s arm down to his side. Vulnerable and full of misery, Idris stared into a dark pair of dragon eyes filled with concern. Mac reached under the covers and tugged Idris into his arms. “It wasn’t your responsibility to save them, sweetheart.”

“If I’d finished Immortalis earlier, you’d still have them,” Idris said as he burrowed into Mac’s shirt.

His mate let out a sigh. “Idris, your potion’s incredible. It grants immortality, but the one thing it can’t do is reverse time. Even if you’d managed to finish it, neither one of my grandparents would’ve drunk it. Grandma was over a thousand years old when she met Grandpa. Fate extended her life to match his, but it didn’t stop the aging process. My whole life, I never saw her without pain. There was no way I would’ve sentenced them to an eternity like that. They had wonderful lives, sweetheart, and it hurts. It hurts so much, and I miss them, but it was their time to go. I wish you’d told me this was in your head. I don’t want you punishing yourself for this. There was nothing you could do. Okay? Look at me, Idris.”

Idris raised his head and Mac swiped a tear from his cheek. “I’m sorry,” Idris whispered.

“You have nothing to apologize for.”

“I just wanted you to have them forever.”

Mac’s smile was sad. “It wasn’t their fate.”

“It’s just so unfair that some people get to live forever, and others don’t.”

“That’s how it used to be. Then this irresistible wizard decided to change that and now, we’ve got a potion to give immortality to whomever we want.”

Idris sniffed and tried to get control over his emotions. He was too tired to sort between the sadness and the joy over his accomplishment. “Yeah.”

“Come on, you’re supposed to be excited,” Mac said as he jostled Idris’s body closer to him.

“Excited like yay or excited like I want your dick?” Idris asked.

“If you wanted to get freaky, you shouldn’t have passed out in the backyard and slept the night away. I’m a dragon. I burn a lot of calories, and I need some breakfast.”

“Did I scare you?”

“Who me? No way. I’m used to seeing my mate comatose after casting some wickedly powerful spell. Of course I was scared, and I was expected to take the word of an overexcited warlock familiar that you were all right.”


“Apparently Scheredin blasted Renny with too much magic.”

“Was I the only one who passed out?” Idris asked.

“Nope, all of you went down when you finished.”

“I bet Brogan was mad.”

“Alaric didn’t look so happy either.”

“I’ll have to apologize to them.”

“What’s with you and apologies today? You didn’t know you guys were going to pass out, and Renny made it clear you were all unhurt—just exhausted.”


“Scheredin thinks you’re a rock star.” Mac kissed him softly. “I agree with him.”

“If I’m a rock star, then so is everyone who helped me. I couldn’t have done it alone.”

“You guys are an awesome team, but you’re still not wearing pants. Let’s go. Time’s a-wasting.”

Idris yawned gustily. “Okay.”

Mac released him so he could get out of bed. “Just a suggestion but you might want to consider brushing your teeth too.”


*   *   *


As the room filled with people, Idris rubbed his finger over the potion he’d helped create the previous day. He hadn’t intended to wake up and sob all over his mate. Idris was glad Mac wasn’t mad at him for taking so long to finish Immortalis. He understood that Mac’s grandparents would’ve been reluctant to drink it, but there would always be a sliver of himself that wished he’d managed to save them. Perhaps he could’ve found a way to reverse the aging process after they were given eternal life. He had no idea if such a thing was even possible and decided to set the idea aside for the time being.

He was new to his job as High Arcanist, and he needed to split his energy between that and the gorgeous man at his side. Peering over at Mac as people found seats in the conference room, he noticed Roger was nearly dangling off his shoulder. Like Idris, the familiar was still exhausted after using so much magic.

“Everyone sit the fuck down. I’m tired, and you’re all talking at the top of your lungs,” Dra’Kaedan groused as he plopped down on Brogan’s lap.

“You’re cranky, Squirt,” Aleksander replied as he sat next to Brogan.

“That’s what happens when I’m tired.”

“I’d still like to know why you’re all so exhausted,” their king retorted. “It’s not every day we have to go outside and carry you all to your beds.”

Dra’Kaedan folded his arms over his chest. “Idris will explain as soon as Dre’Kariston gets back.”

“I’m back,” Dre’Kariston responded as he walked in. Behind him were King and Queen Beradraconis, their son Reverent Knight Drystan, and his mate, Reverent Knight Conley. Bringing up the rear was Drystan’s son, Trystan, and his other half, Blodwen. Idris insisted King Aeron and Queen Helen not be sworn to keep a secret from their closest relatives.

“I’m not sure there are enough chairs for everyone,” Alaric stated.

“We’ll stand,” Drystan replied. “No problem. I’m assuming this won’t take hours.”

“I don’t think so, but it depends on certain people in the room,” Chander responded.

“Cryptic as usual, Arch Lich,” Drystan drawled out.

“That’s his specialty,” Delaney retorted with a grin.

“Nice dragon, Vadimas,” Conley said. “I didn’t know you’d summoned your familiar. He’s as cute as Greggory and Roger.”

“You can’t steal him any more than you can the first two,” Drystan told his mate.

“Chand, you guys need to come up with a spell to give fallen knights little dragons,” Conley remarked.

Chander rolled his pewter eyes. “I’ll get right on that, Reverent Knight.”

“Appreciate it.”

“Fantastic. Now shut up so Idris can talk,” Dra’Kaedan griped.

“Idris, the floor is yours,” Aleksander stated.

“Okay, some of you are familiar with the topic of the research paper I wrote to get my doctorate but not everyone is, so I’m going to start at the beginning,” Idris said. “In Chand’s private library I found a scroll that spoke of a warlock spell called Immortalis. The word means exactly what you’re thinking—eternal life. The instructions were for a full coven of Warlocks, which we don’t have, but I was determined to find a way to make it work. When I approached the sorcerers in this room, they were just as resolute in helping me. There were two things we decided. One, that if we figured out how to do it, then it would have to remain a secret. It’s not an easy spell, and we can’t offer immortality to everyone. The other thing was that it would be used to ensure we never had to say good-bye to those we love.”

Idris glanced at Mac who gave him a broad smile. “It’s not easy to lose people, and so we worked hard to find a way to cast it. Yesterday, we completed our goal.” Lifting the potion high so everyone could see it, Idris spoke again. “This is Immortalis. I tested its strength this morning and found that it has a one hundred percent chance of giving the drinker a life without end. Aleksander, you were the first person we approved to drink it.”

Renny placed a glass of water in front of Idris. Uncapping the potion, Idris dropped a minuscule amount of his concoction into it. When the entire liquid was indigo, he scooted it toward his king. “This is for you.”

Aleksander blinked hard. Then he did it a second time. “I…uh, I don’t know what to say.”

“I’ll pour it down your fucking throat, Aleksander,” Brogan threatened.

“Hold on. Hold on. Are you saying my parents are here because you’ve figured out a way to make them live as long as Con, me, and our kids?” Drystan demanded.

“I can’t tell if he’s happy or mad,” Blodwen whispered to Drystan’s son.

“Me neither and I’ve known him my whole life,” Trystan replied.

Conley’s hands came down on Trystan’s shoulders and squeezed. “Happy, kids. He’s happy.”

“You might be a bigger dragon than me, but pure fury is going to let me hold your ass down and force you to drink it,” Brogan told Aleksander. His voice rose with each word.

“I’m drinking it,” Noirin announced. “Hurry up, Aleksander, or I’ll help Brogan hold you down.”

“He’s not just my king, he’s my cousin. I’ll be holding him down too,” Dravyn stated.

Aleksander lifted his hands and signaled everyone to stop. “Everyone, calm down.” His startled eyes met Idris’s. “I didn’t say I wasn’t going to drink it. I’m just trying to process this. Idris. All of you. I had no idea you were capable of something like this. I’m in complete and total awe. Not only of your accomplishment but that you’d choose me to live alongside you forever. Thank you. The words aren’t enough, but it’s all I have.” Aleksander lifted the glass high, made a toasting motion with it, then downed it all in one swallow.

“Burns,” he muttered.

“Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot to mention it’s going to burn a little on the way down.”

Aleksander’s expression was wary. “Anything else you failed to mention?”

“Not really. You probably have a warm feeling, but it’s going to go away any second now.”

“I feel like I’m going to piss myself.”

“It’s okay, Mr. Piss Pants. I can cast a cleansing spell if you do,” Dra’Kaedan snarked.

“I can’t believe I’m sitting in a fucking room watching someone drink a potion that just made them immortal,” Drystan yelled.

“Son, calm down and watch your mouth in front of your mother,” King Aeron retorted.

“Immortal, Dad. Idris and these crazy sorcerers are going to make you immortal,” Drystan replied.

Renny handed Idris another glass, and he repeated the process of adding his potion. Then he shoved it toward King Aeron and Queen Helen. “Only one of you needs to drink it,” Idris instructed. “Fate will extend the life of your mate, so you won’t be parted.”

“Helen won’t forgive me if I make her pee herself in a room full of people,” King Aeron commented, then knocked back the whole drink.

“Idris. All of you. This is a gift beyond words. Thank you. Now I finally have the eternity I need to whip Drystan into shape,” Queen Helen said.

“Aleksander, you weren’t kidding about the burn. And for the record, that tastes horrible,” King Aeron stated. “Thank you. There’s no way we can begin to repay you for this.”

“Repay us by living forever and being happy,” Idris replied. He readied another glass and handed it to Noirin.

After she drank it, Dra’Kaedan gleefully clapped his hands. “Oh, thank Fate. Now I will eat like an emperor forever.”

“Not unless my brother drinks it. He grows the goodness,” Noirin told him.

Idris was already on top of things and handed Dravyn a glass of indigo. The dragon smiled, then swallowed it all. He shook his head. “That feeling of pissing yourself is scary real,” he muttered.

“One final recipient,” Idris informed the assembled group. “Who wants to drink it? Larissa or Madeline?”

“I’ll take it,” Madeline said. She kissed Larissa quickly, then polished off her glass. Tugging her mate close, she offered her gratitude to Idris just as everyone else in the room had. He was glad they were happy, but he hadn’t done it for accolades, and it made him uncomfortable to be the recipient of all their appreciation.

“I’d like to remind everyone that at this point, the secret of Immortalis can’t go past this room,” Chander stated. “I know you’re all excited and what have you but seriously, this needs to stay between all of us.”

“I can’t say I’m thrilled about keeping secrets within D’Vaire, but I understand,” Noirin replied.

“I would’ve liked to tell the whole family, but Duff and Carter weren’t approved for Immortalis,” Idris revealed.

“They’re young and may not remain within the fancy bubble that protects us. I can understand your reluctance. Someday I hope you’ll allow this to be shared with all D’Vaires, but I know it’s impossible right now,” Aleksander commented.

“Speaking of the bubble, Del and Idris—wouldn’t it be good for you guys to strengthen your layer of it now that your magic is fully unlocked?” Brogan asked.

Dra’Kaedan patted his arm. “They will babe, but they need to recover from yesterday first.”

“Does anyone have any questions?” Idris asked. “About Immortalis or whatever?”

“I’d just like to reiterate how incredible you are, Idris, along with everyone else who took part in Immortalis. My mother’s right. There’s no price for a gift of this magnitude. I’m in awe of your accomplishment,” Drystan said.

“I’ll second that,” Aleksander remarked. “I did have one question.”

“I’m happy to answer it,” Idris promised.

“Is it too soon for me to have a beer? Your potion has one hell of an aftertaste.”

Idris chuckled. “You can have whatever you want.”

“Good, give me a hug. Then beers all around,” Aleksander replied as he got to his feet.

“Might as well fire up that grill,” King Aeron commented. Idris was embraced by so many people, he was afraid his ribs were going to crack. He was thrilled no one refused to accept the potion and was humbled by their happiness. After all his family did for him, he was finally able to give something back. It was energizing, and so was the deep kiss from Mac when he was done being hugged within an inch of his life.

“Let’s get a beer, rock star.”

“I still like sweetheart better.”

Mac chuckled and pulled him close. “High Arcanist Idris the Indigo has spoken.”

Rising onto his toes, Idris placed his lips next to Mac’s ear. “Since you’re open to requests right now, I’d also like to get you out of your pants.”

“You know, I do believe that could be arranged.”


“Nice try, Wizard. They’re making steaks on the grill.”

“Once again my love life is suffering for your dragon belly.”

Mac grabbed his hand and tugged him out of the room. “What if I promise to make it up to you later?”

“You better not be toying with me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.” 




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