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Jesse (The Boys of Brighton Book 4) by M. Tasia (5)

Chapter Five

Jesse had attempted to get answers every day they worked together, but Travis had yet to come clean about Bo Mason. Every time Jesse would bring him up, Travis would simply turn red and change the subject. Jesse wasn’t willing to push too hard, but he had a sneaky suspicion the two were more than a little attracted to each other, much more than mere friendship. But Travis now seemed afraid to be in the same room as the man even though Bo would visit the diner every day. After hiring him, Jesse had quickly realized Travis was a shy person, but this was taken to extremes when Bo showed up.

It had been a busy night and they were finally getting around to locking the doors. Sarah was cleaning the dining area, and while Shannon, another Sentinel, stood guard, he and Travis began restocking and cleaning the kitchen. Jesse grabbed the two bags of garbage and headed for the dumpster out back. The night was warm, a slight breeze was coming out of the north helping cool the evening down.

The town was quiet. He liked the peace, considering he’d spent most of the past ten years hiding in big cities so that his family couldn’t find him. The pace in Brighton appealed to every part of Jesse: it was slower, you knew your neighbors, and people helped each other. This was where he wanted to spend the rest of his life alongside Royce.

Jesse lifted the lid to the dumpster and threw the garbage in before locking the lid back down to keep the raccoons out. Jesse’s skin began to crawl up his back and neck, a sure sign that he wasn’t alone. He turned to find his cousin and two more men taking up positions around him.

“Hello, Jesse, I believe it’s time this came to an end, don’t you think? I have bigger plans that need to be attended to, and you need to disappear. Get him in the car!” Jerry ordered as his goons slowly moved in.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone, Jerry? I left, wasn’t that enough?” Jesse growled, squared his shoulders, and sized up the two men that flanked him. He was larger than each of them, but again it was three against one if his cousin decided to get his hands dirty.

Jerry’s smirk and vicious glare were enough of an answer, but the asshole decided one last jab was in order. “You don’t deserve to live and you certainly don’t deserve a windfall. I do, not you!”


Jesse had no time to figure out what he meant as the two other men closed in; one pulled out a knife, and the other brandished brass knuckles. The first blow landed with a thud to his lower back, pain and nausea sending Jesse to the ground. They rained punches down on him; it brought back memories of the pain and suffering of his childhood. He was curled in a ball in the corner of his bedroom while others attacked him over and over again like rabid dogs.

I’m not that defenseless child anymore!

Something inside Jesse’s mind snapped into place. He was a man and he would no longer allow anyone to abuse him. As he pushed himself to his feet, a metallic taste filled his mouth and he spat the blood out onto the ground. The men recoiled in astonishment but soon regrouped. Jesse caught the next fist before it had a chance to connect and twisted it, hearing a satisfying scream and snap of bone. Jesse was shocked at himself; in that moment he’d gained the physical and emotional strength to finally fight back. One down, two to go.

Just then, Travis appeared at the back door. His fists were clenched when he saw what was happening, he cursed and yelled into the diner for help and ran to Jesse’s aid. No, no, no, Travis was still gaining weight and strength; he couldn’t take on these men.

“No, Travis, get back inside!”

The one with the knife charged forward, blade aimed at Jesse’s stomach. He easily dodged the knife and took the man to the ground. A loud groan came from behind him and Jesse turned in time to see Jerry kicking Travis repeatedly as his friend lay curled up on the ground. Jesse clawed his second attacker off him and dived toward Jerry when Shannon came out of nowhere, an avenging angel. With a few quick kicks of her own followed by jabs to Jerry’s throat and chest, she had him on the ground moaning in pain.

Shannon turned to check on Travis and Jerry took the opportunity to crawl away into the dark. Jerry knew he’d lost, but no way was Jesse letting him go free after everything he’d done. Unfortunately, before Jesse had a chance to go after Jerry, the bastard with the knife decided to attack again. The ruthless man jumped in front of Jesse and began slicing the blade through the air; his eyes were bulging and he licked his lips as if he couldn’t wait to taste Jesse’s blood. Jesse dodged each blow up until he heard a loud moan from Travis and he lost his concentration, ending with him being cut along his right forearm, leaving a three-inch gash. Jesse yelled in pain and lost his last shreds of control. His friend had been hurt and these idiots were trying to kill him, not simply take him back.

The man lunged at him again. Jesse easily dodged the knife and brought his fist down on his attacker’s jaw. He went down like a rock. The second man was still rolling around on the ground holding his broken arm to his chest, cursing and crying. Red and blue lights filled the parking lot as police cars raced in along with Royce’s car and another truck he didn’t recognize. Sarah must have called in the cavalry.

Within moments, officers were handcuffing the two remaining assailants, even the one with a broken arm. They were asking for names and information as to where they would find the rest of their group. Jesse wildly scanned the area; he swore and clenched his fists when he realized Jerry was gone. He’d gotten away. Dammit.

“Jesse, are you okay?” Royce’s voice was a mixture of panic and anger.

“Oh God, your arm’s been cut. An ambulance is on the way. We’re going to get you looked at.” “Is Travis okay?” Jesse looked frantically for his friend, forgetting his own pain. “Jerry had him on the ground and was kicking him pretty hard. Travis should never have jumped in to take on Jerry like that. Shit, how bad is he hurt?” Questions poured out in a jumble. Jesse was still running on adrenaline and wasn’t feeling the full extent of the pain in his arm just yet. “He needs help.”

“He’s being taken care of.” Royce took one of the clean cloths Sarah was handing out because the ambulance hadn’t arrived yet and began to clean the blood from Jesse’s arm, examining his injury. “Travis ran in because that’s what friends do. He looks to be unconscious, but they’ll get him to the hospital. He’ll have the best care possible.”

Jesse looked over to see Officer Bo Mason, out of uniform and off duty, cradling Travis’s head while another officer was checking the downed man over for injuries. They moved closer and Royce grabbed another clean cloth and began wrapping Jesse’s arm to slow the bleeding. While Royce did that, Shannon came over and looked at Jesse’s injuries as well, cleaning blood off his face and checking the damage underneath. Jesse felt like he’d been through a meat grinder but he was more worried about Travis, who still hadn’t moved or regained consciousness.

Royce lifted Jesse’s shirt and gasped. “Oh sweetheart, you’re covered in red marks and bruises.”

“How badly are you hurt, Jesse?” Chief Graham asked as they joined the group that was still hovering around Travis’s still form.

“I’ll be fine, it’s Travis you need to worry about,” Jesse explained, unable to take his eyes off the unconscious man.

“The ambulance is on its way and you’re going to be looked at as well,” Chief Graham ordered.

“I’ll be fine,” Jesse repeated. There was absolutely no way he would take any medical attention away from Travis.

“You’re going to the hospital. At the very minimum you require stitches and we need to make sure you weren’t hurt worse than you think,” Royce stated with authority, and Jesse could do nothing but agree it was for the best.

“Yes, I’ll go to the hospital. Now someone explain to me why my cousin isn’t still in a jail cell?” Jesse asked, his frustration at the situation and his fear for Travis turning his voice into a growl.

“He was bailed out within twenty-four hours. We took him and his friends to the town limits and told them if they came back to Brighton they would be arrested on sight. They agreed that only Jerry would come back for his court date and they all left without incident. We haven’t seen them since. We’d thought they were gone, but obviously they’re laying low somewhere. We’ll hunt them all down,” Chief Graham assured. Jesse could almost see the fire burning in Chief Graham’s eyes. “This should have never happened.”

“I just can’t figure out why he won’t simply leave,” Royce stated, sounding just as frustrated as Jesse.

Jesse suddenly remembered what his cousin had said before they attacked. “Jerry said he needed me to disappear, he had other things that needed his attention and that I didn’t deserve a windfall. Whatever that means.”

An ambulance pulled into the parking lot and two of Royce’s colleagues jumped out. “Who’s in the most serious condition?” Danny, an EMT, asked before he noticed Travis lying on the ground surrounded by people.

“Travis. He was kicked in his abdomen multiple times and he’s been unconscious roughly four minutes,” Chief Graham said.

Jesse watched as the EMTs immediately went to work. Bo refused to leave Travis’s side until one of the paramedics needed the space. What worried Jesse was the death glare that Bo was giving Jerry’s men. He didn’t want Bo to get into trouble now that he knew Bo was such a good man, and head over heels for Travis as far as Jesse could tell. Though neither man had said a word, their emotions were easy for Jesse to see.

Jesse pressed his body closer to Royce’s, seeking the comfort only the man he loved could give. The adrenaline was beginning to wear off and the pain was beginning to flare throughout his body. Jesse knew he’d be covered in bruises from the punches and kicks that he’d suffered. It wouldn’t have been the first time, but they’d heal. He prayed Travis did the same.

“Is the pain more severe in one place over the others?” Royce asked.

Jesse did a mental check of his body. His ribs throbbed, his jaw ached, but it was the cut on his arm that held his attention. Jesse lifted his arm. “I think this is the worst of my injuries.”

“Okay, then we’ll drive you to the hospital while the ambulance takes Travis,” Royce said, leading Jesse to their car. Jesse looked back to see Travis being loaded into the ambulance and Bo running to his truck.

“Here we go, Jesse; we’ll be at the hospital in minutes,” Royce said as he helped Jesse into the passenger seat. The groan he let out when he bent over seemed to make Royce move faster.

“I’m sorry, Royce. This happened because of me,” Jesse mumbled as he kept his face turned toward the window. He’d brought this to Brighton. He’d brought the men who’d hurt Travis. This was his fault.

“None of this was caused by you, baby. Jerry and his people are responsible for their own actions.” Royce spoke firmly and logically. Jesse knew he was right, but his heart just wouldn’t accept that. To Jesse, pain and suffering seemed to follow him around since he was a child. Even at a very young age his parents never “spared the rod.”

His beloved grandpa was the only person who showed him any care and love. After he’d passed away and the rest of his family swarmed in, life became even more unbearable. As Jesse grew older, the slightest suspicion that he was gay meant the gloves came off. They no longer cared if they left bruises and welts, and there was no one left to protect him. Even after fleeing his home he was always on the move, never staying in one place long enough to be found. He’d let down his guard in Brighton and now the members of the town were paying the price.

“Jesse, Jesse honey, we’re here,” Royce said. He was watching him closely. “Are you sure you’re not dizzy? Did you get hit in the head at any time?”

Jesse had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed the car had even stopped outside the ER. The ambulance had already arrived and was offloading Travis’s gurney. Thank God Travis’s eyes were now open and he was talking to the paramedics and Bo, who was again by his side. Jesse thanked whoever was watching out for the little guy that he was awake and swore to have a talk with him about fighting someone twice his size once he had the all-clear.

“I’m okay, no dizziness,” answered Jesse as he rubbed his sore jaw, reflecting on what had just happened. Jerry and his men attacked him where they could have been seen by anybody. They weren’t hiding anymore and were prepared to attack him whenever the chance arose. His guilt was at an all-time high and he knew things were going to get worse.

“Let’s get you looked at, love. Everything will be fine, I promise.” Royce seemed so sure.

Jesse wanted to believe him, but he knew better. Jerry would never give up now, considering he’d just been humiliated. Jesse didn’t want to have to run again; he wanted to make a stand here but was that fair to Royce and the people of Brighton?


Royce knew something wasn’t right but Jesse refused to share what was on his mind. Jesse’s silence was frustrating. Royce could handle yelling or crying, but silence drove him nuts. He knew Jesse was feeling guilty for Travis being hurt, no matter how many times he was told he wasn’t responsible. Luckily, Travis didn’t have any major injuries, but he did have a minor concussion.

They spent that night wrapped in each other’s arms, both reeling from such an open and vicious attack. Royce was gently stroking Jesse’s hair as Jesse ran his fingers through Royce’s chest hair. The lovers were both quiet as they comforted one another, cocooned in the safety of their bed. Tomorrow would come but for this one moment they found peace together in the silence.

Still, days later, a fear like he’d never felt before after pulling into the parking lot to see Jesse fighting a man with a knife, still remained fresh in his memory. Royce had always been considered the calm one in chaotic situations, which had always helped, considering he was a paramedic. But when he saw Jesse covered in blood, he froze. The fear of having to bury the second man he’d ever loved felt like someone had reached around his throat and squeezed.

His husband, Daniel, and he had been high school sweethearts and after he’d died, Royce simply shut down for years. He never dreamed he’d have a chance to feel that type of all-encompassing love again until the day he’d met Jesse. Now he had the opportunity for a life filled with love and happiness that he refused to give up at any cost.

“So are you going to sit there and stare out the diner window like a lost puppy the entire time they’re gone?” Gabe asked before taking another gulp of his coffee. “They’re safe. Coop’s with them while they shop. You know I would never put Johnny or Jesse in danger.”

“I know, Gabe, but he’s been distant from me since the fight. Jesse blames himself for everything that’s happened no matter what I say. He thinks he brought all of this to Brighton and anything that happens is completely his fault alone,” Royce explained.

“None of this is his fault. Jerry and the men who are following him are solely accountable for all their own actions.” Gabe looked shocked to even hear Jesse was taking complete responsibility for everything that happened. “You mentioned the Sentinels are checking into Jesse’s family to try to uncover what’s going on.”

“Yeah, they’re trying to get as much information on his parents as they can to see if they can approach them for answers. I don’t hold out much hope that they will be any help. For all we know they’re the ones who sent Jerry here in the first place, but why?” Royce asked, still not taking his eyes off the street even though Jesse and Johnny had already gone inside the store.

“Royce…Royce, look at me,” Gabe ordered, his tone sharp. Royce grudgingly complied and Gabe continued. “Tell me what’s really going on.”

Royce buried his face in his hands before answering, “I can’t lose him. I can’t lose another man I love, Gabe. I believe Jesse’s thinking about leaving Brighton to take the danger away from the town.”

“What? He wouldn’t leave you.” Gabe’s voice had taken on a hard edge.

“He would if he thought I was in danger. I need him to stay here with me and make a stand, but I honestly don’t know if he will,” Royce explained.

“Have you talked to him about your fears?” Gabe asked.

“Every time I try to bring it up he changes the subject and the last time he left the room. What am I supposed to think?” Royce asked.

“You need to sit him down and talk. You’re assuming a lot here. You don’t know what he’s thinking for sure,” Gabe advised.

“He won’t talk to me. It’s as if by staying silent he’s still trying to protect me.”

“You never struck me as a man who gave up so easily or allowed anything to get in his way. I guess things have changed,” Gabe suggested.

“Nothing has changed. I don’t give up. Especially when it comes to Jesse. I’ll pin him down tonight and get some straight answers.” Royce knew that would be easier said than done but he had to try.

“Now that’s the man I know.” Gabe flashed him his usually carefree grin and went back to devouring his chicken potpie.

Royce would have to push Jesse into having this discussion. He was avoiding any mention of his cousin or the fight the other night and his family’s involvement. It was as if it never happened. It was a strange way to look at it but still true. He had to get Jesse to let him in one way or another.