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Keep Her Safe: An absolutely gripping suspense thriller by Richard Parker (47)


Holly negotiated her blue Mazda through the gap in the tall hedge and down the gravel track to the solitary bungalow on the plateau of grass below. Spring was trying to assert itself, and there were only a few patches of snow left. She’d already circled the location twice to make sure she wasn’t being followed. The vacation property belonged to a friend of Sascha’s and was just over sixty miles from Maggie’s burnt-out Whitsun home.

She parked up, got out and looked back the way she’d come. It was the third time she’d visited but she still dreaded the idea she’d led the police there.

She opened the passenger door and took Abigail out of the baby seat. Her daughter hated being picked up now and was eager to walk everywhere, but today she was fast asleep so Holly carefully carried her to the bungalow.

Maggie was at the front door before she got there, and Holly could see how exhausted she was.

‘Did she sleep all the way here?’ Maggie whispered and ushered them both inside.

‘Just dropped off.’

Penny was also sleeping in her crib by the picture window of the lounge, which overlooked the green valley below.

Maggie held out her arms for Abigail, and Holly passed her over.

‘How’s Penny’s cough?’

Maggie gently bounced Abigail. ‘Haven’t had to give her Zyrtec since we got here. Maybe you were right about an allergy to something in the house.’

Holly nodded and left a gap for Maggie to fill, but she didn’t. ‘OK if I help myself to a coffee?’ She headed to the kitchen.

Maggie followed. ‘Let me. I’ve just made a fresh pot.’

‘It’s fine. Abigail loves it when you hold her.’

As Holly poured herself a cup she regarded the TV warbling in the corner. It was the local morning news and, as usual, both of them waited for Maggie’s face to appear.

It had been nearly a month since Holly had found Abigail safe in her crib. Babysitter had wrongly assumed that Maggie would sacrifice herself, that the chain would be unbroken. But it hadn’t happened that way. After it was all over, Holly had warned Maggie she couldn’t delay telling the police the whole story and directing them to the icehouse. Maggie had asked her to wait one hour before she did and then drove away.

After they interviewed Holly, the police informed her that Maggie and Penny had vanished.

A few days later, Sascha had visited Holly. She’d been questioned by the police but insisted to them that she didn’t know where her sister and niece were, but she had lied. She revealed to Holly where Maggie had gone and how to find her.

Maggie turned off the TV. ‘I’m giving myself up tomorrow.’

Holly felt relief flood through her. ‘You know it’s for the best.’

Maggie didn’t meet her eye.

‘Just tell the truth.’ The truth was that Maggie had murdered a stranger to save her child. But Holly had come so close to doing that herself. If she’d been in Maggie’s shoes would she have done the same? ‘I’ll come in with you, give you support.’

‘There’s no need. You’ve told your side. It’s time I told mine.’ She made her way back to the lounge.

Holly set her cup down and joined her. She watched Maggie standing in the picture window, rocking Abigail and gazing down at Penny as if it might be the last time. ‘You should get the doctor to check you out before you do.’ It may have been a tiny shadow on her lung but it was cast long over what she’d done. Was the threat of Maggie’s own life being cut short what had made her mind up when she’d entered Janet Braun’s home?

‘Penny spoke yesterday. Sounded like “Mamma”.’

Holly guessed that was what Maggie had been waiting for. ‘You knew she would. She was just doing it in her own time.’

‘I can’t get her to say it again.’

‘She knows you’re her mother.’ Holly suspected Maggie had needed Penny’s verbal acknowledgement of that though. ‘And you’re a good mother. How could you have put yourself through what you did if you weren’t?’

Maggie patted Abigail.

Again, Holly wondered what Maggie had had in mind when she’d asked Babysitter to cut her ropes first. What if Haden hadn’t stepped in? Did Maggie have a plan? Or had she again been prepared to do whatever it took to enjoy these valuable moments with Penny? Holly hadn’t asked her and never would. ‘You want me to have her back?’ She held out her hands to take Abigail.

Maggie shook her head. ‘It’s fine.’

Holly dropped her arms.

‘I’ll go to the station this afternoon.’

Holly resisted the temptation to tell her again that she was doing the right thing. The police were looking for her, and Maggie was demanding too much of her and Sascha’s loyalty. ‘Please let me go with you.’

Maggie shook her head again. ‘I’ll be in touch.’ She stared into the crib at Penny’s imperturbable features. ‘If it’s not me that sees her first step can you make sure it’s you?’

‘I’ll be there for Penny. And you know Sascha will be.’ Holly knew what Maggie was thinking: how long did she have before her cancer stopped responding to treatment? And would she spend all of that time in police custody?

Holly went to stand beside her. ‘It doesn’t have to be this afternoon. Maybe leave it one more day.’

They both contemplated Penny’s happily oblivious expression.

If Keep Her Safe brought chills to your spine, you won’t be able to put down – a pulse-pounding thriller about a young woman caught in a serial killer’s twisted game.