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King's Baby: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Nicole Fox (53)




Pain shot through my wrists and ankles as the circles of duct tape bit into them. I wanted to cry, shout, rage, and scream, but I could do none of those things. For a few minutes, I had pounded on the interior of the trunk with my heel, hoping that the Devil’s Wing at the wheel would take pity and come let me out.


Of course he didn’t. The Devil’s Wings were cruel, horrible men.


Even as I thought that, I knew that wasn’t precisely fair. I was, of course, “Devil’s Wing property,” and Connor was simply ensuring that I stayed safe. The basement of the Minghellis’ estate was no place for a Devil’s Wing whore.


I still didn’t think he’d had to tie me up, though. If he had simply put me in the car and told me to wait, I would have waited. Right?


Come on, Farrah, I told myself. You know better than anyone that you would have been out of there as soon as he was out of sight.


I guessed that, in that regard, Connor was right.


There was also the strange fact that, as Connor bound me up, I had felt an undeniable rush of warmth between my legs. Some part of me—okay, a lot—of me, enjoyed it when he held me in his power.


Well, you’re in for a long life of enjoyment, I thought bitterly. He’s got you good.


But what about Honi? Obviously, I had failed to find the financial data she needed, and I knew, because I knew Honi, that she was still probably going on with that lie anyway. How could she be so stupid? All she had to do was tell the truth, and this would all be over for her. Was whoring really that bad, that she’d rather gamble her life with Tom Minghelli?


I remembered Leo’s sausage-like arms groping for me in the bunkroom, and I was forced to acknowledge that, yes, maybe Tom Minghelli was better than whoring. But not by much.


At that point, I heard the sedan’s engine spring to life. I tensed, wondering if something had gone wrong, if the driver was about to speed away without Connor. But instead of putting it into gear, he waited.


A few seconds later, there was the sound of the door being wrenched open.


“Take her!” someone cried. “Take her! Go! Go!”


There was a thump as something heavy was thrown into the back seat, a slam as the car door was shoved closed, and then the final roar of the engine being thrown in gear. The floor of the trunk began to shake, and I felt us tearing out of there.


But Connor! I thought. What about Connor? I wished desperately that I could see what was going on. Instead, I slowed my breaths, calmed my pounding heart, and listened.


“Hello, Farrah,” I heard the driver say. “Did they rough you up real bad? I see some bruises.”


A laugh followed, deep, knowing, and old—way too old for the woman emitting it. It was Honi. “No, not too bad,” she snapped. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”


That, at least, was probably true.


Obviously she was hurt, but not enough to be serious. As I realized that, I felt a strong thrill of joy surging through me. Honi was safe! But what about the rest of them?


As if she was reading my mind, I heard her ask, “Where are the other men going? The ones who found me?”


“They’ve got their own bikes. It makes for a faster getaway. Look, you can see them starting up now.”


Of course, I couldn’t see, but I felt the cold hand of fear that had been squeezing my heart slowly loosen its grip. Connor was safe! They were getting away!


Which still left me tied up with duct tape over my mouth, locked in a fucking car trunk.


Determinedly, I began squirming, hoping to loosen the tape around my body. I couldn’t see anything in the dark, but, thanks to the tightness of the duct tape, I had a pretty exact idea of how I was bound. I soon found that by flexing my jaw, I was able to work free the tape over my mouth. I didn’t cry out though. I didn’t want them noticing me and then doing it up again.


Instead, I continued to wriggle. At one point, I heard a strange crinkling inside the pocket of the coat Connor had thrown over me. I felt for it, pushing with my bound hands until it was up near my chin.


The envelope! I realized. Christ!


As quickly as I could, not knowing how long we had until we arrived back at the compound, I worked the envelope free and then stuffed it, as far as I was able, down into my bra. I wanted it out of sight by the time the trunk was opened. It was hard work, but eventually, by flexing my neck, lips, hands, and even my knees and hips, I was able to get it properly hidden.


Literally seconds after the final corner of the envelope was hidden, I felt the car stop and heard the doors open.


“Johnny!” I heard Honi cry, followed by the clatter of heels on pavement.


“Oh, Honi, thank God! Did they hurt you?” I heard Montengo bellow happily back. In a way, his concern touched me. He might enjoy her only for her body, but about that he certainly cared. I could just imagine the pair of them as Honi was swept up into Montengo’s arms. An idiot and a whore. How romantic.


My greeting, however, was far less sweet.


Connor clicked open the trunk, his eyes glowering down at me as I winced in the sudden light.


“Come on, Princess,” he growled. “You’re coming with me.”


And with that, he seized me by my shirt, hoisted me right out of the car, and carried me back into the Devil’s Wings’ compound. Whether he wanted to fuck me or kill me, I couldn’t be sure.