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Kiss My Asteroid: Galaxa Warriors (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 14) by Milly Taiden (4)


“Ms. Wilder, please. I only want to know if Alivia is safe. Her letter was too cryptic for me to believe. She’d never willingly up and leave her home, her job—her friends!” Riley Parks was near tears as she stood in front of Gerri’s desk. The woman was clearly troubled, but that’s not what drew Gerri’s attention. It was the undercurrent of anger coming off the woman standing beside Riley that occupied her notice.

While Riley was short and slightly curvy with dark springy curls and smooth mocha skin, the woman she introduced as Henley Rourke was the opposite. She was tall and fully fleshed, her sumptuous curves making her statuesque and regal from the top of her high, dark ponytail to the toes of her black knee-length boots. It was clear in the woman’s hazel eyes. She was a fighter looking for a reason to brawl.

Riley introduced Henley as a mutual friend of hers and Alivia. A private investigator, but Gerri’s sixth sense told her otherwise. The woman was an amateur sleuth at best and was only standing in her office because Riley was too intimidated to come alone. Riley’s concern for her friend was genuine. Henley was merely curious.

“Riley’s right, Ms. Wilder. If you know where Alivia Vela is, then you need to tell us or you’ll give me no alternative. I’m going to have to alert the police. I wish you would cooperate. It would go so much easier for you if you do.”

Riley Parks stopped her pacing and stood with her arms tightly crossed. “Liv’s been gone for ages with no word, and you were the last person to have contact with her.”

Gerri took off her reading glasses and put them on her keyboard before swiveling her chair to face both women head on. She laced her fingers together and leaned on her desk pad. “First off, you both need to calm down.” She slid her eyes from one girl to the other. “As for you, Ms. Rourke, calling the police is a ridiculous and unnecessary waste of time and you know it. Liv Vela is a grown woman, and she has made the decision to live how she chooses and where she chooses, regardless of whether or not you agree.”

She turned her scrutiny to Riley, narrowing her eyes as she took in the small woman. “To be honest, Riley, while I understand your concern, there was no need to bring in a private investigator. It’s insulting. Not that your friend would find anything of value to use against me. I am a matchmaker, my dear, and your friend Alivia was matched to one of my clients and is currently living happily off the grid, so getting her on the phone at a finger snap is a little difficult.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Wilder, but that’s just not good enough.” Henley Rourke leaned on the matchmaker’s desk, her fingertips pressed into the polished wood, but one pointed look from Gerri’s piercing blue eyes had her stepping back, clearing her throat.

Gerri switched from staring down the tall woman to looking at the other girl. “For what it’s worth, Riley, I agree.”

Riley blinked at the older woman. “Wait. You agree with us?”

Gerri inclined her head. “Yes. I can see how frustrating this is for you, and how hard it is for you to wrap your head around. I may not be able to reach Liv via conventional methods, but I can do one better.”

The two girls exchanged looks. “Better? How do you mean? Are you saying you know where Liv is?” Henley pressed.

Gerri lifted her hand matter-of-factly. “I’ve always known. That’s why all this posturing,” she spread her hands toward the two girls and their defensive stances, “is completely pointless.”

“If you’ve known all along, why didn’t you say so in the first place?” Henley shot back.

Her patience thin, Gerri stood and both women took a step back. “Alivia’s location isn’t easily explained. I think it is better I take you to see for yourself. That way you’ll understand.”

Riley paled. “She’s not part of some harem or married to the mob, is she?”

“Of course not.” The older woman snapped, but then softened at the pained look on Riley’s face. “Look, I’ve already offered to take you to see Alivia. If you’re serious, then meet me at this address.” Gerri slid a business card with the directions across the desk. “Transportation to Liv’s location is complicated, but I’ve made the arrangements in anticipation of this meeting. To satisfy everyone’s curiosity and suspicion, I suggest you both come. Pack light.”

Riley exchanged another look with Henley before glancing at Ms. Wilder’s waiting stare. “How do we know we can trust you?”

Gerri frowned. “Young woman, so far I’ve been very patient with you and your passive aggressive accusations. I’ve had to delay my work for another client in order to meet with you on such short notice. My hope was to allay your fears. I’ve offered to take you to Alivia at my own expense so you can see for yourself she’s happy and well, but I won’t stand here and let you smear my integrity. If you truly are concerned about your friend, and I believe you are, then stop this nonsense.” She pointed to the card. “Be at that address tomorrow night. Nine p.m. Sharp. The transport won’t wait.”

“Transport?” Henley questioned.

“Yes.” Gerri nodded, slipping her reading glasses onto her nose again before sitting in her chair.

“That’s an unusual way to refer to a mode of transportation.”

Gerri eyed them over the top rim of her glasses. “Well, you’ll have to show up tomorrow night to find out. I sincerely hope you do. This is a trip you won’t soon forget.”

* * *

“Ms. Wilder?” Steven opened the cab door and quickly took her bag from the front seat. “I just got your message. Just you tonight?”

She shook her head. “Nope. I’ve got a full house. Three plus me.”

He whistled low. “You’ve been a busy bee, then.”

Grinning, she patted the tall handsome man’s arm. “When am I not?” She gave him a nod and handed him a twenty-dollar bill to pay the driver.

“Do you want me to stow this while you wait for your guests?”

She nodded again and then glanced at her watch. Eight fifty-five p.m. “That would be terrific, Steven. Thanks. They should be getting her any minute. Time and space wait for no one,” she replied with a wink.

He laughed. “I suppose that’s true, but if it were to wait for anyone, it would be you.”

Gerri’s smile broadened at his genuine chuckle. “You’re such a charmer, Steve. One of these days, you are going to let me work my magic for you. Handsome and sweet as you are, you’d be a catch for anyone, and you know I’d make sure she was the right gal.”

Steven bobbed his head. “That’s for sure.” He glanced toward the road at the flicker of approaching headlights. “Do they have any clue where you’re taking them or what’s in store tonight?” He gestured with his head toward the metal gate of the power plant behind them.

“One does, but the other two,” she laughed, “not a chance.”

He winked. “Gotcha. Well, if that’s the case, then I’d better get a move on. See you on the flipside, Ms. Wilder. With four going, I’d better make sure the power grid is intact.”

Watching him walk with her bag toward the back of the nondescript power plant, she turned as one set of headlights pulled into the narrow parking lot, followed by another. The power plant that housed her transport was set between two abandoned warehouses. The perfect cover for her own covert X-files. She’d bet a trip to the moon, all three girls never expected this deserted place as their lift off point.

Both taxis pulled closer, driving right up to the power plant gates and then parked. The girls each got out and looked around, surprise on their faces. Riley and Henley from one cab and Ivy from the other. The two girls each had one roller bag and stood in awkward silence as the cabs pulled away. Ivy had two, and Gerri shook her head.

“I’m glad you all made it,” Gerri said, greeting them with a quick smile. “Since I’m your common denominator tonight, I’ll do the honors. Riley, Henley—this is Ivy Grimaldi. Ivy, this is Riley Parks and Henley Rourke. They are traveling with us to visit their friend Alivia. She lives not too far from Cassandra.”

“Wait,” Riley said, looking from one to the other. “I thought you said Alivia lived off the grid?”

“And?” Gerri questioned back.

“And? I can’t believe you just asked that.” Henley frowned. “If Ivy’s friend Cassandra lives close enough for us to travel together, then it can’t be as far off the mainstream as you led us to believe.”

Ivy laughed at that. “Oh, honey, it’s about as far off the grid from here as you can get. Just you wait and see.”

“Are we ready to roll, Ms. Wilder?” Steven asked, coming from the back of the power plant with a small hand truck for the rest of the luggage.

She looked from him to the girls and nodded. “I think so. Girls, give your bags to Steven so he can secure them and we can get going. Ivy, you have to leave one behind. You know why.”

Ivy opened her mouth to argue but one look from Gerri left her reshuffling items from one bag into the other as best she could. They all followed Steven as he led them around the far corner to the back end of the building. With a quick press of a button, a door opened from a characterless wall. Steven waited for the four women to file through before he wheeled their luggage in as well, pressing an inside button to close the door behind him.

“You take the main elevator, Ms. Wilder. I’ll meet you below as soon as I stow these.” He gestured to the bags.

She nodded, watching as he slipped through a side door before she turned to swipe a key card through an almost invisible slot. Another concealed door slid open and Gerri waited for the girls to step into the secret elevator before she did the same.

“Authorize,” a voice prompted and Gerri placed her hand on a smooth panel where the floor buttons would be. “Accepted.”

The elevator door slid shut, and in seconds, their car plunged at high speed, the lights flickering as they dropped.

“Oh my God, I’m going to be sick.” Henley leaned on the polished wall but then jerked back when the lighting changed to a soft, dim pink. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean

Gerri lifted her hand. “It’s okay, honey. Do you suffer badly from vertigo?”

She shook her head. “Not usually, no. Why do you ask?”

Ms. Wilder didn’t answer as the elevator slowed to a smooth stop. The doors slid open and Steven met them at the end of a long, narrow hallway. They followed him to a door marked with Gerri’s name and waited for her to press her hand to the smooth metal surface once again.

“Biometrics. Interesting,” Henley remarked.

“Trust me, love. That’s nothing,” Steven replied with a snort.

The young woman frowned at the handsome attendant and Gerri chuckled as the portal room door snicked open.

“I’ll say my goodbyes now, Ms. Wilder. Have a safe trip. I’ll catch you on the way back.” He waited for them to walk inside the sleek, James Bond style room before nodding once and closing the door behind them.

The sound of a bolt shooting its lock made Riley jump, and Gerri gave her a soft smile. “There’s nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Trust me. I’ve done this more times than I can count. The only thing required at this moment is an open mind.”

The older woman moved them into a circle with Ivy positioned between each of the girls. Riley exchanged a worried glance with Henley. “Open mind? How do you mean? For what?” she asked.

Gerri patted her arm, but didn’t answer. Instead, she reached into her jacket pocket for what looked like a polished chrome egg.

“Uhm, Ms. Wilder—” Riley began, her voice cracking slightly with alarm. “What are you doing?”

“Are you a sci-fi fan, Riley?” she asked.

“I like Dr. Who. Why?”

Gerri grinned. “Good. Think Tardis. Now everyone take a hand.”

“Wait,” Henley balked. “Why? What’s going to happen?”

Gerri’s smile broadened and she whispered words in a strange language into the silver egg. The oval shimmered, its polished surface glowing blue. She let it go and the gleaming egg hung suspended in the air between them, its sapphire radiance spreading like a shallow pool on the floor.

They each took a hand. Gerri eyed the group and winked. “In the immortal words of Betty Davis, fasten your seatbelts, ladies. It’s going to be a bumpy night.”

The pool glistened in a turquoise so beautiful, it rivaled any in the Caribbean. “It’s almost time, so when I say jump, we jump together.” Gerri nodded to Ivy, hoping she got the message. If the other two hesitated, it was up to them to pull the couple into the portal.

“No! I can’t swim!” Riley’s eyes were frantic and she tried to jerk her hand back. “You’re a crazy old bat! Henley! Get us out of here!”

Gerri’s eyes met her panicked gaze and she shook her head. “It’s not water, Riley. It’s a portal. A wormhole I’ve opened for the purpose of moving between dimensions. Between galaxies. It’s how we need to travel in order to meet Alivia and Cassandra. They are on a planet called Nova Aurora with their mates. I know this seems unthinkable, insane even, but I assure you, it is none of the above.”

“I don’t believe you.” Riley hesitated, but Henley reached across and squeezed her hand, surprising everyone.

“It’s going to be fine, Ri. What’s the worst that can happen? We land in a circle of blue light and the joke is on us, but if Ms. Wilder is telling the truth, think of the adventure! It’s the chance of a lifetime.”

Henley grinned and for the first time since they met, Gerri smiled back at her. “You know, for someone who has been a royal pain in my ass for the past twenty-four hours, that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.”

The shimmering glow stilled until the pool was crystal clear. On the other side was a gorgeous landscape of purple forests and a medieval looking structure in the distance. “Okay, ladies,” Gerri warned, “it’s now or never. JUMP!”

The four women held fast to each other and closed their eyes, jumping in unison. There was no splash and Riley sucked in a breath, shocked there truly was no water. A cool burst of air hit them and gravity took hold with a pulling sensation, like the draw from the open end of a vacuum hose, only massive.

“Hold tightly, girls. This is where it can get a little freaky.” The dull initial pull changed to a hard sucking motion. They were wrenched forward while at the same time swirling at high speed. Pressure built in Ivy’s chest and she coughed, trying to suck in a breath.

“There’s. No. Air.” The words choked out and she lifted a hand to her throat.

Gerri shook her head. “It’s your imagination, Ivy. There’s plenty of air. The portal is pressurized. You need to relax and take slow, even breaths.”

There was no sound. Only the intense pull and the incredible speed. The three girls gasped at how their hair floated around them as though underwater.

“I’m going to vomit,” Riley cringed, swallowing hard against the thick, airless feel.

“No, you’re not. It’s just the pressure. Hold on. We’re almost there,” Gerri replied.

The portal shimmied and slowed and the thick density faded. The blue glow returned to the pool of light, shrinking inch by inch until it disappeared completely into the chrome egg. Gerri closed her palm over the silver oval and put it inside her pocket.

“Well, that went better than I expected. When the last gal came through, she fainted. I had to have one of King Alyx’s men carry her to her room and it took three days for her to recover.” She smiled. “Anyway, welcome to Nova Aurora, ladies.”

The door slid open and each walked out, each peering around as if expecting an army of little green men.

“King Alyx?” Henley asked, helping Riley.

“Yes, he’s the ruler here.”

“Taking the king’s name in vain is a treasonable offense, matchmaker.”

All eyes turned at the sound of the deep, rumbling voice. The man was massive as he stood waiting for them in the anteroom just outside the portal exit.

“Alyx! I didn’t expect you’d greet us yourself.” Gerri’s reply was as surprised as the look on her face.

The man took three long strides and opened his large arms, engulfing the petite woman, lifting her off her feet. “Next to my wife, you’re my favorite earthling, so why wouldn’t I be here when you arrived?”

Ivy’s eyes went wide at the sight of the muscled shifter. Gerri mentioned alien shifter males were huge and sexy as sin, but damn! She licked her lips and spared a glance for the other girls. Dumbstruck, it was obvious they were just as taken with the substantial piece of eye candy. She laughed to herself. As if traveling to a total other galaxy wasn’t enough.

“Put me down, you oversized fur ball, or I’ll put you over my knee and I promise you won’t enjoy it!” Gerri’s tone wasn’t nearly as scolding as it was supposed to sound.

He laughed, setting her on her feet. “Bella tells you entirely too much.”

“True. Especially since your bedroom antics could rival a skin flick.” Gerri smoothed the front of her flowy blouse, but the mischief in her eyes was nothing less than affectionate. “How are she and the baby?”

“They’re both fine and looking forward to a visit from you.”

“Is everything as I asked or are juggling kingship and fatherhood too much for a big bad lion?” She cocked her head at the big shifter, smirking at the effect he had on the three stunned girls behind her.

“Warrior-sized nerve in such a bite-sized package. You are definitely one of a kind, Gerri Wilder.” With a wink, he turned his attention toward the girls. “Looks like you’ve got a packed house with you. I’m glad you sent word this time.”

She nodded. “I had to. I wasn’t sure how well the trip would be tolerated, considering how hard it was on Bella the first time she made the worm jump, but it went better than I expected.” Gerri turned, lifting a hand toward the three of them. “Alyx Treyvaal, King of Nova Aurora, I present Ivy Grimaldi. Her cousin Cassandra is mated to Talen Arctos of your Northern Bear Clan. These other ladies are Riley Parks and Henley Rourke. They are Alivia’s friends.” She turned, nodding to them. “Alivia is mated to Alyx’s Chief of Security, Karel Yaghar.”

“Wait, are you telling me Karel is from here? I thought he was just a regular shifter,” Riley asked, surprised.

Ivy cocked her head at her. “Riley, you assumed Gerri was taking you to see Alivia. When she opened the worm hole, didn’t that clue you in that your friend had gone all Galaxy Girl?”

“So you’ve met Karel, then,” Alyx noted.

Riley nodded, shooting Ivy a look. “Yes, after he and Liv started dating.”

“Karel was visiting Earth on business for me. It was a very successful trip for him, considering he met the love of his life. Earth has proven very fruitful in that department for us, all thanks to this petite firebomb.” The king gestured with his head to Gerri.

“Okay, big guy. Flattery will get you nowhere. These girls are not here to join in the Auroran version of The just want to see their family and friends.”

Alyx smirked. “Next, you’ll be telling me Brooklyn is for sale.”

Henley burst out laughing. “Dude, no. The saying goes, ‘If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell.’ It’s Brooklyn all right, but only because a con man in the early 1900s sold the rights to its bridge at least twice a week.”

Ivy snorted. “There’s no fix for that kind of gullible, human or otherwise.”

Riley exhaled, stealing a glance at the gorgeous shifter. “Gullible? And how would you explain our little trip through space?”

Ivy followed her line of sight and grinned. “I’d call it extra-terrestrially delicious.”